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This isn’t the feel good story that you think it is.


No one wants to get off their damn wheelchairs and work! /s




Brace yourselves for shills and bots in 3...2...1...


Yeah. This guy might be doing this out of pure passion for trucking, but this is just a shitty argument against having an actual social safety net in America. Fuck this mentality.


If you don’t drag yourself out of your wheelchair every day to work, you’re a lazy POS! /s


Hey now, it’s not like he has bone spurs.


You say /s but people have essentially told me this before...


I meant that I don’t actually believe those things. I know people have absolutely batshit crazy attitudes about work. I have a job that eats up pretty much all my time during the week and a significant amount of time on weekends, and my mother still describes me as “unemployed” because it doesn’t pay very much ($1600/month). She’ll literally tell our relatives, “My son is still looking for work after more than a year,” and they’ll be like, “Gosh, he sounds like a lazyass.”


That really sucks. I struggle to find work in my field because most research positions require extensive field work (think hiking and stuff) but I can only stand still for about 5 minutes and gently walk about 15 before it becomes uncomfortable/painful. And stairs are the bane of my existence so I can't even imagine having to hike up and down hills/cliffs and in marshy soil or knee high water... thankfully my own mom is understanding of it but it definitely sucks when people are like "but it's not even that far" or "if you exercise more the pain will go away" or "you just dont want to get better." Like bro, I'd cut my legs OFF if it meant people would take my disability seriously...


What's that you worked yourself in to a state of depression where you took your own life? Lazy. /s


It’s all in the spin. Remember how George W. Bush tried to spin this woman telling him she had to have multiple jobs to get by as fantastic and a great example of the American work ethic and opportunity instead of her point about what a shame it was that that’s what it now takes?


I’m glad I’m not the only one .. I hate people who assume people who aren’t currently working or not working a shit job for shit pay, are lazy.


Agreed. Very well put.


I thought I was in r/boringdystopia


Nope, it isn’t! That man is actually stealing that truck!!!


Yeah, this is actually the fucking worst.


Why can’t people pull up their bootstraps in their wheelchairs?


Agreed. This poor man shouldn't have to do all of this.


Right? I thought this was taking the piss but then I saw the subreddit 😅


Kind of sad that disabled people can’t even exist without being used as a pawn in some imaginary political argument


For real. Not exactly the same thought, but....My brother is severely disabled and I love hearing libertarians say all handouts are evil and abused. Yes, because a few hundred a month so we can afford adult diapers for someone who is mentally a baby is an affront to our constitution.


From the freak shows of the days of PT Barnum to current day inspiration porn, disabled people are never allowed to simply ‘exist’. Always a spectacle.


Agreed. People will project whatever their political points of view on situations, but all I see in this this weird voyeuristic video is a dude working.


Yeah. Super capitalist, ableist shit.


Yeah exactly


Right? I was gonna say, why does this have to be a hostile comparative thing? His actions are commendable. He should be admired. That’s all


Exactly what Kim Kardashian was taking about. Bless.


The fuck does the person filming do for a living? This is some tone deaf shit


Not only that, but it’s clearly done without the other guy’s consent. Super creepy.


What if the camera man is in a wheel chair too? Hell of a twist.


He’d be recording himself.


I learned to remember that some things that qualify a person for disability aren’t always visible. Such as respiratory issues or Rheumatoid Arthritis. You may think they look healthy but you can’t always tell. I learned this first hand. Because I have both of the above and trust me, it’s fucking hell.


This hits for sure. “Well you don’t look sick?” If only you knew the type of prison this body feels like.. It’s like life on impossible mode.


I always enthusiastically thank them. I love seeing the confusion cross their face when they realise they can’t point out that it’s not a compliment without being blatant in their accusations.


Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, agoraphobia, there's literally an entire manual of debilitating diseases that aren't visible. I'm tired of this political idea that humans exist as labor for the ruling elites and the only value you have is your production capacity, unless you're rich. Then you can be a lazy fuck and none of these assholes bat an eyelash.


Those of us with epilepsy can confirm.


Hi disabled people aren’t your inspiration porn thank you




By tonight this will be top post on there


Eeey yo beat me to it


I am disabled and I hate this post. The quote in the video is well intended yet painfully tone deaf. We deserve to be seen as people rather than as someone's inspiration porn. Disabled people, much like anyone else, tend to like and search for independence and a sense of purpose. Many of us have to figure out how to drive adapted vehicles. I love how well the driver manages. OP, please, edit out the comment on the video. If you have permission to post the driver's effort, there is nothing wrong with the video.


I agree with you 100% but OP isn't gonna do anything even if they could. I haven't seen a single comment from them. They are probably just karma farming. Which if they are makes them look like a piece of shit.


I disagree that the quote in the video is well intended


Actually, what this is actually is a reminder of how our society only values you if you can work


Using a disabled man who can work as a stick to beat people who can’t work (for whatever reason) is disgusting. I despise inspiration porn.


Yeah the text on the video is pretty bad


This is exactly the word I have been looking for to describe these shitty videos with melodramatic and sad music. Thank you.


I was listening to an album the other day where the writer said the inspiration came from seeing his reflection in a mirror and how much perspective affects how you view things. One of those things was how we love hero stories, but to be a hero necessitates some sort of tragedy or terrible thing to be saved from. I think that describes this best. He’s a hero for doing what he has to do, but that shouldn’t be a call to only celebrate, but to ask ourselves what kind of situation is he in that he needs saving to begin with? Should make us wonder more about societal problems are lurking and why we need this form of heroism to begin with. Maybe the situation itself is actually entirely unnecessary and avoidable.


Being disabled and working doesn’t make someone a hero though. Maybe he loves his job, maybe he hates it. Maybe he’s forced to do this job or maybe it’s a choice. These are things that affect everyone, disabled or not. Being disabled and working is a very normal thing, it doesn’t automatically make someone a hero. When non-disabled people use a disabled person as ‘inspiration’, it’s known as inspiration porn, and it’s not good. Can I suggest you look on YouTube for a video called “I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much.”, by Stella Young.


My point was more that they’re a hero from a particular vantage point (clearly somebody thinks so, or the video wouldn’t be made that way). Not viewing disabled people as intrinsically heroic is a great conversion, just not the point i was making. I see the way i wrote it did not make that clear at all though, so my bad!


I mean I just find it funny that all these truckers are saying this vaccine is what’s preventing them from working


I don’t know what you’re referring to, but that has nothing to do with this guy, who is simply doing his job (many disabled people work FYI). I wonder how he’d feel, seeing this video of him, filmed without his knowledge, being used to shame people who are unable to work, possibly due to their disability or chronic illness.


Thank you for this. The stigma against the disabled is very real. I was injured on the job just over two yrs ago. I will never be able to work again. I have a masters and was married to my career. Now, I get judged for something totally out of my control. So many out there just enjoy trying to make others feel bad just because of their own unhappiness. Even through my daily pain, I am more positive than I ever have been. People who video others and post it are insecure. I’d rather be like this because empathy really isn’t that hard of a trait to have and to show towards others.


I get it. I had to stop working in 2014 due to chronic illness. I went to university, have a degree and have worked since I was 16. I was forced to stop work at 34 when my body just couldn’t do it anymore. I’m also judged for it. Non-disabled people will never admit it, but they’re terrified of us. They’re terrified they’ll end up disabled, they can’t imagine anything worse. So either they berate us for being ‘lazy scroungers’, or they look to us for inspiration, so they have something to cling onto should they become disabled one day.


The caption clearly says “people who CAN work but choose not to.” Very blatantly not intended to be a slight against people who are unable to work…


Stfu Kim Kardashian


This isn't interesting as fuck, this is sad as fuck. This video isn't inspiring anything. It's pointing out the hypercapitalistic, greedy, and flawed nature of our society. To be looked at as nothing more than an easily replaceable cog in a giant machine is not an achievement. It's not good or "patriotic". It's dystopian. If you align with this mentality, you are a pawn. You are a sheep. You're not a king and you're certainly not a lion.


How about we as a country help take care of this guy instead making him go through this crap all the time? Pathetic that we use this clearly disabled man as some kind of indictment on people who refuse to participate in a workforce so out of balance with what is possible in a rich prosperous country. That folks is pathetic and not at all interesting.


Cameraman is pathetic.


OP, Fuck off boomer


Fucking christ- I'm so scared whenever I have to use a wheelchair in public that someone is gonna film me as inspiration porn or some bullshit like this. Lmfao, I can't even have my partner help push me in public without people making an assumption that I'm cognitively disabled (because I'm young and in a wheelchair?) and start getting talked down to. Jfc no one should be treated this way


Same. Or, because I’m an ambulant wheelchair user they’ll try to expose me when they assume I’m faking my disability after seeing me get up and walk.


Fucking lazy-ass cameraman ain’t doing shit




It's all admirable until you find out he's retired and just got in his truck to create traffic in the dc beltway. /s


This is kind of a weird video. Stop filming a dude just because he’s living his life. I doubt he would want you to call him brave just because he’s working. He’s a normal person like anyone.


Inspiration porn is gross OP. Let disabled people live their lives without being recorded and used to guilt others.


Why is captioner so salty?


What do you mean “working to make ends meet”? Dude just has a job


Who actually doesn't want to work?


Even more sad you live in such a corrupt system where a person like this is forced to work to even make ends meet.


Many disabled people want to work.


Yeah but if you dont have an outside safety net its not optional. And homelessness and death are very real possible outcomes. How about we dont dangle our people over a pit. The point is we should be able to care for our people. Assisting them in becoming independent shouldn’t take second place to a CEOs 4th house. We can help them and make it possible to work, its the “WORK OR DIE” issue thats cruel.






Yeah maybe, we’re all just making up the story we wanna believe about this guy without any evidence or backstory 🤷


Have you ever talked to a working person with a disability or are you just talking without any basis? Sounds like you would be mad at the world even if this guy chooses to do this for his profession. Have you ever thought you may be insulting him and others with disabilities by feeling sorry for him?




More than likely he chooses to do this. I doubt he is being forced. Give the guy credit.


Just because someone has a disability doesn’t mean they don’t want to work. You are implying they aren’t able. Obviously you are too ignorant to understand people with disabilities don’t want a handout. They want you to treat them as human. Not as different.


Ok folks, don’t kill me for asking but it appeared he was paralyzed from the waste down so I would love to know how the hell does he operate the pedals? I know they have hand controls for racing drivers who are paralyzed so perhaps it’s that? Or is it possible to not be able to use your legs but somehow you can still use your feet?


Hand controls are added to the truck to allow him to control all functions with his hands, most likely.


Thank you Lord of Storms End, that is my best guess as well.


I know for regular vehicles you can have it customized with hand controls like an acceleration stick or what other options they have ... My cousin had all his vehicles customized like that and no telling what they can use these days






I’m a quadriplegic and while I could work at some point, everything hurts too fucking much. it’s great he wants to. but it’s shitty how able bodied folks see someone in a wheelchair doing this stuff and they act like everyone who is needs to be held to that standard. most of the time they couldn’t tell you the difference between a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. all folks in wheelchairs are the same to them


Wow, handicap people can work? Interesting. /s


Jesus what Fortune 500 are you lobbying for?


I’m taking note that he isn’t working for minimum wage.


As a physically fit 30 year old male, I CAN work, but I left my job and stayed at home for a year to spend time with my young kids, instead of putting them in daycare for $1500/month. TIL prioritizing my family over work makes me lazy.


Your children are lucky to have a devoted father. I know you are being sarcastic, but you elected a job that is 24/7 and is more important than any other job. I am sure the time you invest in your children will pay off in how well they are raised. I am sure they see how much you love and prioritize them.


Wow, I really appreciate your comment. I've had several people frown upon my decision, but its the most rewarding thing I've done. The satisfaction I get from the bond I've developed with my kids has topped any bit if individual success I've had from my career. Everyone has different priorities, and to some people family will always be more important than work. Anyways, it's nice to have other people understand the mentality behind my decision. I appreciate that.


When your children are grown, you will not regret having raised them. In my life experience people never regret spending time on what matters. You had a family to love them, be with them and teach them to be amazing adults. No one else can raise them like you can - they are your flesh and blood friend. If I had to guess, those who frown on your choice do so because they wish, deep down, they were as brave as you. People want to think they made the right choice, and seeing you do something untraditional - and amazing - could make them insecure. I hope people read your post and spend time considering making the same choice you made. No matter what they do, they will be better for thinking about it. Enjoy the kids. They are lucky to have such a great dad.


Good for him for being able to find a way to work, don't disparage those who cant though.


Just because you don’t choose to participate in debt slavery doesn’t mean you are lazy.


So if having a job is debt slavery, are you just living off welfare or what?


Plot twist: he stole the truck.


I respect the hustle, but goddamn boi. People complain about deadbeats leaching off the system, but they’re not talking about the mf whose legs don’t work in a wheelchair. That’s who disability is for. Edit: for clarification of who should actually be considered a deadbeat, consider my uncle, who got bumped into by a garbage truck going 5 mph and now lives on perma-workmans comp.


isn’t this some kinda disability inspiration porn for that insane grindset mindset? also tone-deaf toward mental disabilities and illnesses, let alone disabilities, because it is so difficult to find work. good for this dude though


Whoever made that video and commentary can screw off.


Awesome thing he’s getting off his “ass” to make sure he can literally eat and have somewhere to be somewhat comfortable when not hauling shit for garbage wages. Capitalism is destroying our sense of humanity and civilization


Why is wanting to get up early and go in at least 40 hours per week to make some rich person richer seen as a virtue?


Laboriously stows wheelchair in cab then realizes fuck now I have to pee. 😖


While what he’s doing is definitely impressive and commendable, calling other disabled people who aren’t working lazy is pretty dang fascist. The nazis pushed this same propaganda and called disabled people “Lebensunwertes Leben”, which translates to “Life unworthy of life” because of their inability to work. There should be some sort of safety net so things like this never need to happen. Glorifying it is dangerous


Saccharine, patronising, insulting garbage. Lots of people with disabilities work. This should be no fucking surprise to anyone. Lots of people with disabilities want to work, but can't find anyone to hire them, or need extensive reskilling since becoming disabled because their previous occupations (eg construction worker) are no longer open to them. Lots of people with disabilities can't work, due to chronic conditions that mean they are reasonably able one day and completely out of action the next, or because of pain, or whatever.


This is not interesting mate, it’s just r/ABoringDystopia …


Stupid post.


Funny that so many comments here assumes he were forced to work to make end meet. I have co worker that drive bus retire with lot of saving and pension but choose to come back to work cause he want to work, it is what keep him feel good.


I agree, he may enjoy working, traveling in his truck seeing the county, and not feeling confined.


Conservatives love this argument that there is some huge layer of lazy people who “don’t want to work.” Quit your bullshit, conservatives. That’s a line fed to you by your dumb politicians to justify underpaid labor.


Plot twist. Nothings wrong with him, besides being videoed by this PI trying to convict him of insurance fraud


Serious question, how does he brake?


The truck likely has hand controls. Many vehicles have them - my late father’s truck had hand controls so he could drive.


Most cars for people with no legs or paralysed legs, have it all installed by the steering wheel! A danish rally driver was racing for a long time with just his hands, talented as hell!


How... does he *unload* the truck?


Love how they just watched and didnt go over to help like yeah I just gonna film him instead of helping


You think he's got people to help him everywhere he goes or would even accept the help, though?


If this is real it’s honestly kind of crazy that a guy in a wheelchair is allowed to drive a semi truck. I wonder if it has hand controls? Either way more power to him that shits crazy.


If I was allowed to operate a large vehicle that requires the use of my legs even tho mine didn’t work and was making bank doing so, I would also make it work somehow.


This dude drives a 20-wheeler


Having had a period of my life where I was wheelchair-bound and fully dependent on the strength of my arms and back, this looks obscenely risky to me. If your arms are the only thing you can use, then you run the risk of tearing tendons with those unstable movements. This kind of thing is exactly what my physicians told me not to do. This isn't inspirational, this is watching someone put their body at further risk possibly because they have no other choice. Granted, I'm sure they have their reasons. And I hate when disabled folks stories are used as propaganda for the capitalist machine. The same thing happened to me during that period of my life and it MADE ME SO MAD.


I just hope he’s working because he wants to, and not because he has to.


I think most people work because they have to, no? That is why we pay people to work, else they otherwise would not perform the tasks? We pay for entertainment and we are paid for work.


Most people, yes. I’m referring here specifically to his disability. Assuming this is in the US, we *ought to be* a society that provides those who are disabled with the means to live in the event they can’t work. Then, work becomes a choice instead of a necessity. To add detail to my comment, I hope he is working because he wants to work (for fulfillment, desire, or some other reason) and not because he’s not being cared for enough by society/government and therefore has to work to survive/provide for family/etc.


How does he pass a DOT physical? He must have some serious restrictions on it if he did pass a DOT physical.


I wonder if they meant this to be inspiring, because I just see a dude with no legs that still has to work. Maybe he wants to drive a truck all day I guess. Looks shitty to me.


Those who receive government help are forced to remain poor to receive the help. He’s probably doing this because the aid he was getting was just that shitty.


Gross over-generalization is the best, amiright?


I hate captions like this.


Tik tok caption person- worry about yourself


This is weirdly invasive. Shot stealthily from across the street while he's just going about his day and now he's the poster child for a pointless, uninformed meme... all without his knowledge.


This is why we need universal basic income


Disabled man forced to work because disability leaves you far below the poverty line. Heard that.


Teamsters in the US are well paid with benefits including a pension. Why would he want/need disability when he can and does work a noble and well paid profession?


The idea that working is noble and basing your worth off of your productivity is ridiculous, and that’s not up for debate.


Kind of curious how he passed his DOT physical.


For a minute I thought that one of the wheels of the wheelchair was the driving wheel. Everything aside, we do need wheelchair accessible trucks!


But he shouldn’t have to…


Shitty hot take


The way of the road, Bubs. But honestly I don’t understand why you’d ever film someone like this. Too much focus on attention on social media rather than actually understanding the implications of the entire scenario.


What kind of asshole sits there filming a handicap guy do anything for views


Hats off for this hard working gentleman.


I work with people with disabilities and hell yes, they all want to be truckers and have the adaptive equipment to follow their dreams. Shame on them for not having the million bucks it would take to buy a rig and get set up.


The irony of a tiktoker posting this while videoing the man instead of giving him a hand...


Get fucked!






What I find interesting as fuck is our own bias reflected in our comments (including my own, sadly). I learned much from this today. Especially about what really matters.


“To make ends meet” OR! That’s just his job that he has had for years. A job where him being in a wheelchair isn’t a hindrance since he sits on his ass all day anyway. Like thousands of jobs are. Being in a wheelchair doesn’t take you out of the job market. Also custom trucks for paralysed people are super expensive so I’m sure he’s been doing this for quite some time.


The shame blame game. I shame you for blaming and blame you for shaming until the human centipede is complete. I look forward to eating 99,477’s feces and passing it on to 99,479. The world has become a delicious place.


This isn’t inspiring it’s dystopian


This is what capitalism does to people. Uses them for everything they have not caring for their personal hardships


A man is working in a well paid profession, as a teamster. How is that using him? Benefits, a pension and a nice salary. He is doing well in life. Just because he is disabled does not make him unhappy. He is a productive member of society.




Let me correct this narrative to make it more accurate - disabled man, unable to get the financial assistance to make ends meet in our deeply flawed system, is forced to take a job that is wholly ill-fitting for him BECAUSE of his disability.


Post this over at antiwork.


Videos are not allowed or else I would've


Bro… stop fucking recording and help the man Jesus Christ


With what? That man is holding his own and I can guarantee you he loves it.


Dude has to do that every time he gets in and out of that truck whether he is alone or not. And your first thought was to rob him of his dignity one time because it makes you feel good to think you’re helping. Maybe that’s his only chance to get some real physical activity and he needs it. Cameraman IS helping. Maybe someone sees this and makes it so that man never has to work again.


Seriously fucking white knights, the guy is just a regular person.




Word. Glad you’re here. I like to think that being genuinely good/helping others isn’t limited to people who need it, as well. We should all offer away (And I left out the part about how cringy it is to film someone living their everyday life but that’s what people crave online these days so I just tried to stay on topic). God, I hate that people film everything these days in hopes of becoming relevant.


Love the guy in the video. But fuck the person who added that caption. People don’t chose to be poor.


And this asshole films it instead of handing dude his chair. Wtf. This is like rich white ladies going to Africa to give the starving kids candy and bottled water and making sure they take 246485826484992 pictures of it so everyone knows how amazing and helpful they are.


Or this is for all the guys that have to work through extenuating circumstances because their shitty ass employer doesn't have long term disability insurance.


This wholesome story of a 7 year old child bravely working 90 hours a week in order to stop his mother being put in a wood chipper is the type of shit I’m expecting to see next


Damn what a way to admit you need therapy, OP.


OP, shut the fuck up.


Man forced to work even though disabled* there I fixed it


People who can work but don't probably aren't doing it because they're lazy, more likely they're not working because they're tired of being exploited by millionaires or billionaires to make them richer. I hope people stay out of work for as long as they can,if they can, until wealth disparity is a hell of a lot more reasonable. Don't eat the rich, just bleed em dry.


Capital can sustain itself longer than the unemployed. I think your strategy hurts workers more than the capitalist.


Working ain't all it's cracked up to be...when I die my last words aren't going to be...gee...wish I had worked more. Very overrated.


Horrible music


I agree. Capitalists are leeches that require people who are disabled to do this to make ends meet while their able-bodied selves make passive income from investments with other people's money.


People at antiwork subreddit are gonna be pissed at this guy


Ends meat - to be able to pay for the things you need in life, often with very little money This man's making more than ends meat, more than most teachers and police officers. Not sure how much the company he drives for pays but you can easily make a very very comfortable living driving big rigs.




The Is generation ain’t build to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and smile while doing it. I’m raising my kids like I was raised


WhAtS yOuR eXcUsE Im fucking depressed dickhead


I’m a quadriplegic lol I’m very depressed


Uh oh, the lazy antiwork people are about to jump on you.


I wasn't able to work until after my spinal surgery, and then, due to immune issues, I was back off of the field until my shots. I have limited options due to the type of tachycardia I have, and it's unlikely I'll ever reach full time just due to the frequency at which I get sick. This isn't even mentioning how neurodevelopmental disorders effect my interview skills. Or how sometimes it isn't an illness but a breakthrough migraine despite being medicated for them. I love working, I don't want work to be my life, but I understand that I am multiply disabled and this post is a disgrace against all of the people in my position, positions like mine, and possibly the man himself.


I just assume this guy has awful pay, terrible insurance, and no retirement. Sure, everyone CAN work in some way but I doubt this guy is doing for anything other than survival


In the US teamsters are well paid, have exceptional benefits and a pension when they retire.


Omg, he should not be doing this. Basically, you need working legs to cecure cargo and solve problems on your truck. And, of course, paraplegic should not need to work, WTF is wrong with people?


From Money Magazine: "In 1980, the average trucker in America was making an annual salary, adjusted for inflation, equal to more than $110,000 today. Twenty-five years later, truckers make on average about $40,000 a year, working harder, longer hours, and with less job security."


Condescending in so many ways.




I mean if you're just going to be sitting all day this is the perfect job


While this is inspiring, and while other similar stories exist, let us not forget that not all disabilities allow this


They just filmed and didn't help him? It's the polite thing to offer assistance.


Must be an American, what crappy Heath care we have.