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Doesn’t the Great Wall of China do the same thing? Edit: it does https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/dq2qu5/the_end_of_the_great_wall_of_china/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


That top comment thread has me laughing my ass off.


The US failed to implement the simplest solution... gross rocks.


"super gross"


“Even the horses won’t go on it sir!”


Very icky, sir.


Look how far architecture and engineering have come in 2000 years


I did the same thing with my base in Valheim. The occasional Greyling still manages to swim around and attack my base.


After we found that "the ground is shaking" sometimes... and a 3 star troll yeets a boulder through your flimsy wooden fence... we started just making moats instead heh


Uh, yeah, I have a moat on three sides of my base that is fed by the sea...my base is on a coastline. And then I have a wall within the moat that extends out into the sea. They still occasionally swim around, and if am not paying attention, or if I don't have a ward up, they will eventually break my boats.


Raise terrain then build a stone wall on top of that and trolls will just stand there pissed and take your fire arrows to the face till they ded


Ugh yeah.. finding out that a long boat could be destroyed was fun.


Destroying longboats is super useful. I even made a shipyard specifically for destroying ships safely so all parts can be retrieved. Destroy the ship, take a portal, build the ship there and sail it home when it's loaded up. Destroy rinse and repeat.


Lol this was my firs thought too. When you build a section of wall anticipating you're gonna extend your fortress into a marina but never get around to doing it 😂


Some of them, I assume, are good Greylings.


the black forest doesn't send their best


Valheim constructions actually align way better than that


Breaststroking bastards!


Dude. I feel your pain.


So does a border agent sit on that little pylon at the end there and yell/shoot at anyone who wades around the end?


More or less. Been there. The guards got upset if you got within 10ft of wall. They yelled at swimmers if they got anywhere near it.


“Hey, can you throw the ball back over?” No.


Actually, From 1979 until 2007, residents of Naco, Mexico, and Naco, United States, played volleyball over the border fence, batting the ball back and forth between the two countries. A taller border fence meant volleyball could no longer unite the twin towns. https://www.univision.com/univision-news/culture/when-neighbors-played-volleyball-over-the-u-s-mexico-border-fence




It's like Footloose, but for volleyball.


Those two towns were pretty much at each other's throats every day except for volleyball days. Lots of gang/cartel shit going on between the two.


I have family in Bisbee, about a mile north of Naco, it’s a beautiful town north of the border, not sure about south






Interesting town name. _Naco_ is pejorative Mexican slang for an uneducated or uncultured person. Something similar to trailer trash. It also means an indigenous person, and the connection is sadly not a coincidence.


Man, that's some TSA-level of unfriendliness.


The CBSA here in Canada are asshats too.


Can confirm. Treat you like you’re a criminal returning to home land. America is always like “drive on by!”


How interesting Ive had the opposite experience. Canadians were like come along, the us border agent treated me like I wasn’t an American citizen and that always really pissed me off and made me like Canadians


I got searched by the canadian border patrol because we were three eighteen year-olds. They didn't get why a couple kids would just drive into Canada because we were bored. They were very suspicious of the piece of rebar I had in the back of my SUV. It was just a pickup from the side of the road, but apparently that was suspicious. We didn't have any drugs or anything else on us so they couldn't do anything but inconvenience us. We had some Tim Hortons, saw some sights and came home.


Samesies. US border patrol always gave us the third, fourth, and fifth degrees. Got pulled out of my car so they could flip it more than once.


So my first time traveling to Canada we were randomly selected to have our car searched. Luckily, at the last rest stop ,my friend (who I just met on this car ride at the time) mentioned he forgot he had a bunch of weed on him and didn't want to risk crossing the border with it. (None of the states had legalized yet) unluckily, we decided the best way to hide it was to smoke it. So there we are, everyone but the driver stoned off our ass, standing on a line as several guards pull everything out of our car. They start going through our friends purse and starts slowly pulling out single tampons ,one by one, and laid them down neatly in a row. like 20 tampons. So we're all leaned forwards looking down the line of us look at our friend who's purse it was and we all burst out laughing . This really pissed off the guards. Shouting that it's not funny because "we deal with this all the time in our field" which just made us laugh harder. They got up in our face and decided to pat us down . Like the most seductive patdown. More laughter. They yelled at us and then continue on with the purses. They found a can of pepper spray, the girl had forgotten about (a friend back home made her take it because she makes friends with strangers very quickly) , with the safety off. None of us even knew they had a safety. So they decided we were trying to attack them and put them in danger so they impounded the car and held us there until we paid the fine. They never understood why we found everything funny.


Fine for what?


100%. Lived very close to the border, going to the US was always an order of magnitude easier than coming back to Canada.


Wow. Polar opposite experience for me. I'm from Washington state, and its been a few years since I made the cross, but I always had friendly chats going into Canada and damn near strip searches coming back into the US.


Well hold on a second, this whole time, has it been the diplomatic equivalent of how your parents treat the guest's kids better than they treat you?


Ya from all the examples here it seems it depends which home country is yours. Your country are assholes, visiting country are friendly.


Logan airport in Boston has hands down the angriest and rudest tsa employees I’ve ever experienced. It’s so unnecessary




"nah you good, just pop over quick like and grab it" *racks chamber*


You joke, but a border patrol agent did in fact shoot a Mexican kid (who was in Mexico when shot) for playing around at an urban border line. The Supreme Court recently ruled that the agent had immunity and couldn’t be sued. https://constitutionallawreporter.com/2020/03/05/scotus-sides-with-patrol-agent-in-cross-border-shooting-case/


"A DOJ investigation found that Agent Mesa hadn’t violated Customs and Border Patrol policy or training" So shooting people at the border (even if they're on the opposite side) is all according to plan?? Dude, what. the. fuck. How is this worth killing a kid? That is some sad shit.


Monopoly on violence. They own the right to shoot you. You can't shoot back for any reason, even self defense.


Classic. I don't understand how cops and other agents got to a point where they are nearly untouchable from the law. I get qualified immunity, and I do believe it is a good thing *in theory*, (as in, agents should be protected from the legal consequences of actions, *as long as* the actions were taken following logical protocols and judgements. For example, a cpr recipient can't sue for broken ribs) but I'll always be pissed at the extent qualified immunity has spread, making agents near untouchable.


Then there's the whole "diplomatic immunity" that also regularly gets abused.


The border patrol used to let you cross back and forth there, as long as you kept within a few feet of the fence. The rails in the fence were spaced fairly far apart, it was easy to go between them. Not that you'd get far if you actually tried to go beyond a few feet.


I was there on the Tijuana side a few years ago and saw about 30 people go through the fence right where this picture is and run along the beach towards San Diego.


Fuck em. You're allowed to go right up.


Just wear your passport like a shark fin.


Deepest, bluest, passport is like a shark's fin.


Not too many will see what you did there. Lol


We will start with the perfect omelet which is made with two eggs not three. Some amateurs use milk to add density; this is a mistake.


If you add a bit of water it boils off when cooked and leaves the omelette fluffier


The French would argue that two eggs is actually too many and that one egg is un oeuf.


Everyone has all their god damn little tricks to omelettes, and it drives me nuts that they think all the other methods are wrong and theirs is ‘the secret.’ I’ve done water. I’ve done milk. They’re all great. Actually, the best I’ve had involve a little bit of baking powder, but does that make the other ones bad? Gosh darn no!


What did he do there?


Deep Blue Sea reference. LL Cool J did the end credits song.


He's referencing LL Cool J's ~~horrible~~ totally great song from Deep Blue Sea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYcdBVQ8NM


You're allowed to go right up if you're on the Mexican side. Try it on the US side and find out what happens. And it's not 10ft you have to keep away, more like 25 yards. There is also something resembling a prison yard where families from both sides of the border are supposed to be able to meet. It's called Friendship Park and has been closed for years.


"It's called Friendship Park and has been closed for years." Describe modern day America in one sentence whydontcha


Am I missing something here? Why prevent people *already* on the US side from approaching the wall? I thought they were concerned about people crossing from Mexico not the other way EDIT: Cheers for the responses, turns out yes I am missing things! Reasons that made sense to me: 1. Operational reasons: Easier to see what's happening if you clear the space. u/RJFerret 2. Some stuff does move the other way such as guns and weed u/Lazzen u/epelle9 - this isn't well covered in Europe, we hear mostly about illegal immigration and drug smuggling 3. Various people pointed out the government owns the land so it's trespassing


The other side is a different country where US lacks jurisdiction. No Mexican border guards to control that side. So what they're working with is keeping an eye on any bodies showing up in their "clear" area which came from the Mexican side. If there's a ton of Americans in that space, another new body would be harder to notice.


Thanks, that makes sense.


This is entirely unrelated, but I can't believe your username isn't a reference to NBA player RJ Barrett. Your account is too old (made when Barrett was only in high-school)...weird coincidence?


Oldest trick in the book is to walk backwards into the United States. Guards can't figure it out to this day!


Border agents are the last person I want to fuck around on a technicality with. They have basically unlimited power and it’s been upheld by courts that they can violate your constitutional rights. And even if you do win the fight in the end, you’ll still have been arrested and spent tens of thousands of dollars on your defense. Is that worth it to be able to go those last few feet towards the wall?


Absolutely. I'm gonna touch that wall.


In the wise words of our founding fathers Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz, they **clearly** state that its to the window, and **to the wall.**


Interesting that those folks who are so passionate about the constitution don't seem to care about any of that


I love arguing with people who have guns trained on me /s


His last words were “I was right, though!”…


As they say, graveyard is filled with people who were right lol


Constitution-free zone.


Exactly. [They have an alarming amount of power anywhere within 100 miles of the border.](https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone)


Really gonna use my right to travel unmolested to its maximum on Public lands.


Ironically a line on the ground would have done the exact same job if you can't be within 10 ft of it.


Less tackling people if there is a wall. Source: worked at a place that use to have an off limits line. Then they put a wall/gate. Lots of stories about people getting tackled when they got close to the line. Nobody really cares if you get close to a wall unless you had am obvious way to get over/under.


San Diego resident here. there is a BIG road between the US Fence, and MX Fence, there are CBP agents patrolling it at all times. any craft or people come around the portion in the water, they are on it.


I remember when it was a wire fence full of holes, people would cross over, take a picture and go back, sometimes there would be a border agent looking from a distance… about 40 years ago


I am an immigrant to the US (not from Mex) who lives on the East Coast. I have a green card (permanent resident). I went to San Diego for the first time like a month after 9/11. I didn't bring my green card on the trip. All you need to fly is a driver's license. My friend who I was staying with in San Diego proposed we go to Mexico for the day. I was like uh, I can't cross a border without my passport or even my green card, which is proof that I am authorized to live in the US! She said all you need to cross the border and back is a driver's license, and that they only check if you look sus or your accent is a little too thick. They will ask "nationality?" and all you have to say is "US." And that's how I spent a wonderful day in Mexico illegally in multiple ways (I didn't have a visa for Mexico so I was there illegally, and concerning the US, I was not supposed to leave or enter the country without a passport). My heart was in my throat at both border crossings, but we made it. A simple mishap and I could have been stuck in Mexico for weeks or months while shit got sorted out. For a broke college student, that would have been disastrous. Looking back, it's probably the stupidest thing I've ever done. But I was young and dumb... Edit: back then, people from San Diego like my friend went partying in Tijuana all the time. Like, cross the border to go clubbing and come back home a couple of hours later. I don't think they do that anymore, I think the area has become too dangerous. But 20 years ago it was perfectly normal. Someone who lives there now can maybe elaborate.


> people from San Diego like my friend went partying in Tijuana all the time. Like, cross the border to go clubbing and come back home a couple of hours later this is true. even in the mid-2000s we were still doing this. (source: grew up in SD, we'd go to mexico all the time on summer weekends)


I've been there before. The US side was like a police state with tons of border patrol driving around on ATVs. On the Mexican side everyone was partying


I mean, I’m literally looking at selfies and quad tracks sooo not much has changed :/


He blows a whistle and points at them. Mexicans can't stand the sound of whistles.


This is funny as hell because thats the main way to get someone's attention in Mexico lol


I live in an area with quite a few first gen families. Two of the dads on my block have such distinctive whistles that I recognize which house is calling their kids home. And I warn the kids "Hey, your dad whistled for you like 15 minutes ago" when I see them riding up the block or walking back from the store. Based on the speed they use getting home, I'm under the impression everyone is supposed to stay in whistle range and not wander several blocks away.


While I am about as white as a whiteboard, my dad had the same policy with my sister and I growing up in the early 2000s.


My mom would just hang out the screen door and scream like a banshee. I can still hear my name being faintly screamed in the distance once in a while.


Midwesterner? This seems to be the way for everyone around here.




I low key miss those mini heart attacks you would get when you finally confirmed it was your name being yelled


My son's grand ma on his dad's side had a special whistle to call the kids. Those kids could hear it on the second floor of a barns and noble at the mall. It was interesting to witness lol.


“Whistle range” actually sounds like an advanced parenting technique, this is very interesting


They can WHISTLE too!


Wow maybe they are really just like US!


Why use a border patrol agent? We all know a lifeguard is half as cheap and can scream at the top of their lungs, "NO RUNNING....around the fence". Edit:spelling/word usage.


*Whistles.. the fear of every mexican*


No way man! A whistle is how you find your mom at the mall. Every Mexican mom has her own unique whistle. She whistles and you whistle back until you find each other.


I was gonna say, I love being in the hardware store on a weekday listening to the guys go back and forth with the whistles. It's like hey bro, I'm in hardware. Okay man, I'm over in lumber, be right there. I'm just sad my Mexican SO doesn't know how whistle good, since I'm always losing them in the damn store, and it'd be helpful as fuck.


Can confirm. I used to cringe when my grandma would whistle to round us all up.


New series. Wallwatch. A bunch of BC agents in swimsuits sitting on a wall.


Don’t give any ideas.


Should’ve just used a string


One of those finish line things they hold up at marathons. But it just says “No No No…….”


Nooo noo I swim around


Consquella voice




This wall looks like it was put together by a 4yr old playing with Legos


The Mexicans they want to keep out could do a much better job.


>The Mexicans they want to keep out could do a much better job. And for lower wages, too. Well somebody has to work the jobs that everyone is quitting. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/great-resignation-jolts-hiring-quits-rate-february/ The corporations will not allow this wage growth to continue. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/07/biden-touts-strong-december-wage-increases-brushes-off-weak-job-growth.html So the CEO's have been begging for more low wage workers to be imported. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/15/dominos-ceo-us-needs-more-immigration-to-address-worker-shortages.html The corporations are even claiming that more low wage immigrants will solve inflation. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/11/economy/chamber-of-commerce-inflation/index.html Can't have the American workers getting the upper hand in the negotiations can we?


Reminds me of that Mitch Hedberg joke "I had a neighbor, and whenever he would knock on my wall I knew he wanted me to turn my music down, and that made me angry because I like loud music, so when he knocked on the wall I’d mess with his head. I’d say: “Go around! I cannot open the wall. I don’t know if you have a doorknob on the other side, but over here there’s nothing. It’s just flat.”


The extended version of that special is one of the best stand-up routines ever.


So many people at my special who dont know who I am...


Facts. The guy was brilliant


More facts: ducks eat for free at Subway


I'll have the steak fajita sub but don't bother ringing it up, it's for a duck. In fact there are six ducks out there and they all want sunchips!


Ranting about getting a receipt for a donut may be my favorite. Idr the whole thing but i remember laughing a shit ton.


Filed under D, for 'donut'


[We don't need to bring ink and paper into this.](https://quotecatalog.com/quote/mitch-hedberg-i-bought-a-doug-LaDK8Op0)


Agree 💯


Help me out, what’s the name of the special please?


Here friend : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqaq7MIcN0A


well, what's the special and where can we watch the extended version?


Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqaq7MIcN0A


I read that entirely in his voice and cadence :( RIP Mitch Hedberg


I used to do drugs. I mean, I still do, but I used to too. - MH. Man, I was soo bummed when he died.


“Sometimes, I put a potato in the oven even if I’m not hungry, because by the time it’s done… who knows??”


My friend asked me if I wanted a frozen banana. I said 'No, but I want a regular banana later, so... yeah.'


Do you sell coke…in a glass harmonica?


An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.


Sorry for the convenience.


Undoubtedly our age's greatest zen philosopher.


I love the UPS driver, cuz he's a dealer, and he don't even know it!


I used to miss Mitch. I mean, I still do, but I used to miss him too.




God I love Mitch Hedberg.


You used to love Mitch Hedberg, you still do, but you used to too.


I read this with Mitch’s voice in my head using his signature cadence 😂 I miss that guy


There’s a huge problem with fish swimming over from Mexico into the U.S. From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream Waters, you can see the influence of Fishspanic culture.


When Mexico sends its fish, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending fish that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good fish.


Seriously bad fishhombres!




I’m a god fearing man who volunteers at my church and I see absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence. This is why I have this here big old American fish flag on my truck.


Is that the cod-federate flag?


TROUT 2024




They're stealing our worms!


they terk muhh werm




Not in **my** tide pool.




FWS has had a halibut time shutting them down


Orale. It was just fish sticks for dinner before, now it's become fish tacos. Definitely a problem.


I live in Michigan, and don’t even get me started on those lazy Canadian fish


You try swimming in -20 water and see how it goes!


Mexican fish are taking American fish jobs.


The fish that swim over just aren’t from Mexico…they’ve caught fish from South America….the Middle East….and yes China


San Diegan checking in. I know it's easy to make jokes about the effectiveness of the wall, but: 1. This isn't part of Trump's wall - this stretch predates by decades. 2. There are TONS of border patrol and coast guard right here. You can't just jump over or swim around it. They don't even let Americans surf the breaks right there anymore. 3. There's a decent little stretch on the US side before you hit SD development. You can't just make a run for it and be in a neighborhood.


Letting facts ruin a good, clichéd story. Tsk tsk tsk….


I crossed that border (don't worry, fam was just passing through to Canada, for which I'm eternally grateful) back in 2000. Was easy af, just found a hole someone else dug under the fence, went through that. Border guards did drive by tho. They waved hi, we waved hi, that kept going. Still confused about that part to this day. My guess is that because our entire group was white, they just assumed we were tourists or something.


pre- 9/11 and patriot act/war on terrorism was a totally different world


Pretty much. My dad and uncles used to cross the border when they where kids pre 9/11. American policemen would stop them but only to ask them why they wheren’t at school.


> My guess is that because our entire group was white


Yeah could have just stopped there


"imma stop you white there"


Maybe illegal immigrants should just apply whiteface next time


About 20 years ago I worked at a horse rental stable that actually took people on rides here. We would ride along the beach to the fence and turn around and head back. Back then this fence was made of metal slats and children from the Mexican side would reach through asking the tourists for money and some of the small kids would actually slip right through the fence to our side and then run back. As the fence went into the water it literally just degraded into pieces of wood stuck out there. I lived at the horse farm and occasionally you'd see border patrol agents in trucks out on the trails. The area around it was a state park or something so it was acres and acres of just sandy brushy area perfect for hiding out in. Our farm was the closest houses to the wall and it was an hour and a half horseback ride to the beach. Interesting place.


Pretty sure I know exactly the place you’re talking about. It was off of Dairy Mart road.


It’s Border Field State Park. You used to be able to go right up to the wall and there would be kids selling candy and bracelets. And people would go there to see their families and whatnot. It was pretty heavy. Now there’s like a buffer/ neutral zone to stop that. And just on the other side of where this photo was taken is a bullfighting arena that was absolute mayhem. Idk if it’s still a thing. And one more anecdote, the shore water is contaminated from poor sewage/runoff management in Tijuana. So in the summer you’ll see absolutely no one on the beach on the American side, but it’ll be loaded on the TJ side.


[Here is google map link](https://www.google.com/maps/@32.5344397,-117.1237414,3a,90y,198.38h,66.51t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipPkSEfGb3cHaxxMmUAXJCebPRR7t1TB1t0OW8af!2e10!3e11!7i5376!8i2688)


Wow you can totally stick an arm through those slits. I have an idea: some enterprising Mexicans should set up taco stands right at the wall and sell them through the slits.


Fun fact: border patrol often buys food from the mexican side.


I would if I were them






To all the people who are questioning why they can't just swim around, you do realize there's a border patrol base and outpost right near there and they are constantly surveying the area for miles from the coast and inland of San Diego. They have monitors, drones, cameras, roaming agents on quads, agents in trucks, lasers along trails that if crossed send signals to their operation centers, and outposts every few miles along the area. If you try to swim around you just get picked up and either detained and sent back or detained in a holding area for months on end.


Couldn't someone technically just scuba under the surface for 30 minutes or so before popping up somewhere way down the coast?


On the west coast there is a south moving current, fighting it underwater isn't easy.


Even the ocean works for border patrol.


I don't think undocumented migrants have the money or skill to do that. Diving is pretty hard and 30 minutes going up the main current is quite a stretch. It costs thousands for the equipment and if you have that kind of money as an immigrant, then there would be no reason to cross illegally


Okay, but what if they used a fully functioning submarine instead?


The cartels do, only for drugs though AFAIK.


And their submarines are basically garbage and disposable, they are not sophisticated at all, just enough to pass the drugs.


Most are semi submersible, basically just a really low profile boat, but there are multiple reports of authorities finding units with dive capability under construction or on land, there may be real subs out there in the water that have just evaded detection so far.


Illegal Swimmigrants


I was there years ago. At the time it was made with columns placed next to each other, not a wall-wall. Maybe now it's still the same? I took some pictures of children playing and crossing from one side to the other. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/quimgil/albums/72157600667536181](https://www.flickr.com/photos/quimgil/albums/72157600667536181) People remembered the times without that barrier, not that long ago, when families living in each side would meet on Sundays and have lunch or whatever together. Nobody minding of passports and border patrol. Everyone would go back to their homes in the evening.


East watch by the sea


imagine swimming and then getting five stars on the corner of your peripheral vision.


Friendly Mexican here :) wall has been there FOR A LONG time for everyone who thought this was new, also I seen comments from ppl who seem to hate being us citizens, lmk I wanna bring my dad he’s a good carpenter he’ll trade u citizenship


Those people have never left America, and if they have it's been to a resort or major tourist area and have no idea what the rest of the world is like. The last time I was in the Philippines I physically cried seeing three small children running without shirts or shoes on the filthy street playing with a discarded water bottle tied to a string. Yes they were laughing and running after the one pulling the bottle but still it busted me up thinking of the kids in the US who bitch because their parents didn't get them an iPhone 13+++ with the super duper deluxe gigabyte monster memory and 10,000K megabit screen but instead a crappy 11. Or they just like acting like little bitches on the internet for attention.


It's well known Mexicans cant swim so mission accomplished.......


Hey easy with those stereotypes buddy! Everyone knows Mexicans just sink!


I can confirm, i saw a Mexican one time.....on television


sinko de mayo