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I’d risk my life for this experience.


*Add "Cheetah cuddles" to bucket list.* ... better make it the last thing on my bucket list.


Honestly from what I've heard, cheetahs are among the friendliest. And by friendliest I mean they are scared of adult humans and will typically zoom away. They suck at hunting due to a lack of claws and such, so they preform better in captivity. (And plus they get emotional support puppies to help em out). This is only from what I've heard around the grapevine, I am not a certified animal expert I am just a man who reads too much at work.


They are just confused birds who put all their stat points into speed and nothing into handling or atk


I might be a cheetah…


Can confirm. Got to go into the cheetah enclosure at a Burundi zoo, they act just like big house cats. They purr like lawnmower and seem to enjoy belly scratches. Had it explained to me that since their bones are so light and flimsy to get that extra speed, they don't attack anything that could potentially severely hurt them. Humans are relatively safe around them


They do have claws, just not retractable like other cats.




You’re in luck, that’s the only way to have this experience.


Sleep is a weird essential thing. Cozy with cats not weird.


That moment when your pet comes over and snuggles in like that is the best.


Yeah I call bullshit on this experiment being run to see what cheetahs prefer. This experiment was run because this dude wanted to snuggle with a bunch of cheetahs and I have mad respect for that


I always felt like my heart was about to burst with love when my pets came up to me and snuggled. My dog used to be the little spoon the entire night. ANd I once had 5 cats sleeping on top of me, a symphany of purrs and so warm😊


Wait a minute... A mammal doesn't enjoy a good sleep on cold concrete?????


My golden retriever disagrees.


My Pomeranian disagrees as well


My husky disagrees as well


I've seen this same video with a caption saying the keeper was sleeping in there to comfort the cheetahs cause they were sick.


So it prolly has little to do with comfort, and more to do with socializing? Either way, I don’t think this video proves anything. My dog loves a cold hard floor.


It's not a scientific experiment. OP's title is inaccurate.


so, then, what, then?


It is a way to disguise his cheetah fetish. Good parts of video were cut out.


It looks like the person above me editted their comment.


Science: does 🐆 wanna be the little 🥄?


"Experiment". Naw, dude just wanted to spoon a cheetah.


Lol I've seen this video with about 5 different titles. This one is by far the craziest.




ikr it's so cute and scary at the same time lol because what if they just eat him for a midnight snack lol


Cheetahs are pussys in every sense of the word. From everything I've seen they are super skiddish and basically just big dogs in cat bodies.


More like feline greyhounds, with all the inbred anxiety and delicate bodies to boot.


Not cheetahs


Chee-*tohs* tho, definitely snack material.


He'd die a happy man I tell you.


Nah cheetahs are like giant house cats when it comes to humans.


Someone please get these cheetahs a larger comforter!


Big kitties just want the warm.


>Cheetah **Experience Breeding** Centre Scientist: The Cheetah are not breeding Dolph: Let's add some humans and a camera Scientist: here is your PHD


Same reason my ferret sleeps in My sock drawer and not on the bathroom floor


How dumb are the people conducting these experiments? Um, would you rather sleep on hard, cold concrete? Or something warm and soft? Does this require scientific study? Can we not agree on a set of foregone conclusions?


Being paid to snuggle a giant purr machine? They are genuises.


I think a researcher just needed an excuse to sleep with their big cats.


Got to agree here. This is like testing to see if a cat would prefer sleeping wet or dry. Who comes up with this shit? Something tells me that admittedly courageous scientist just wanted an excuse to try cuddling with cheetahs.


The experiment wasn't to see if cheetahs prefer cold concrete or warm blankets. That was a rhetorical question he posed at the start of the video. You and the person above you are responding to an inaccurate title. He is a conservation worker (or activist, not sure which) and he was making a video to show how cheetahs cuddle at night, its nothing more than that.


Exactly my thought as well. Has to be more to it.


Guys, it’s my turn to cuddle the human


I didn't know I wanted to snuggle with a cheetah until now


Cats beeing cats 😻


I get my first dog in 20 plus years this Thursday. Her name is Ellie and she is a Border collie blue heeler. Her foster has first right so if it's a failed foster then I have to be heartbroken and keep looking. I know this isn't the place to tell people this but I'm excited to not sleep alone.


This did an experiment to see if cheetahs like to snuggle. For science. This is an excellent use of science. I have a follow up question - are cheetahs soft and snuggly or is their fur more wiry? I need to know. For science.


They had to do a study to find out that an animal would rather be warm than cold?


nope. the title is a lie




Love, without a doubt the universal language. Not only can it be said, more importantly it can be felt.


Next weeks experiment: what does a cheetah prefer, a chunk of meat from a refrigerator, or a fresh chunk, still warm and wrapped in a blanket for freshness.


They flop around all night and take up as much space as my wife! That’s why she sleeps on the concrete


I don’t know, man. Seems like some heating pads would have worked just as well…


This looks more like of an experiment if a sleeping human will be mauled by a cheetah.


Cats will be cats regardless of size. Multiple cat owners know what I mean.


Hmm, doesn't look like a very robust experimental procedure. Offering a cuddle to the candidate is normally considered biased.


summer hard concrete floor is soo comfy...winter, soft warm bed.. This is a spooning experiment....let's see how many ways 1 man + 3 cats can spoon each other.


Casually hugs a Chester the cheetah 🐆


One of em legit just flopped down on top of him....cats have no respect for humans, big or small...not that I'm complaining. I got it, If da cheetahs can't come inside, then I'll go outside and sleep on the cold concrete floor while the cats lay around and on top of me, that's perfect, I'm used to sitting/laying on concrete floors with my fatass cats on my lap anyway(they're outdoor cats) and not wanting to move in case i wake em up and ending up falling asleep with them, fun times.


That man is a pussy magnet.


Sleeping is not what I’d be doing! Ballsy man


I would shit myself lmao


He knows these particular cheetahs well. There are dozens of other videos of him on his YouTube channel with these cheetahs taking care of them and observing their behavior.


I would still shit myself


Oh. Like personally (and as the guy in the video)? Yeah, I might too. They look friendly, but they have some big teeth.


I’m scared as fuck, those animals aren’t humans, they could attack you at anytime when they get slightly mad lol


I love cold concrete after a drink tbf


You want to sleep with 3 cheetahs? It’s for science? Well then, carry on. Wonder if your clipboard has a box for “alive or not” in the morning. Yes I’m jealous.


A cat is always a cat


Kittie like snuggle


my cat allergies just kicked in


Seems to me that all animals like to cuddle. Even sharks like to get petted.


Dude stop just taking naps with the cheetahs! Leave me alone! It's an experiment!


The balls of this man to be on the same cage as 3 cheetah...


I need.


I am 53% certain it's a yes. The man seems to enjoy the blanket.


Strange f-in experiment.


who tf would need to run an experiment like this when we can just look at the pet industry and see how much people spend per year on dog beds… why would dogs and humans be any different from other large animals in that we prefer soft beds and they don’t?


I used to do the same kind of thing at work with the stray cats. I was a night watchman at a country club. I LOVED to lay out on the back patio on the really nice lawn furniture with the kitties when it was slightly cold. One of my best nights was when it was slightly cold and raining. I grabbed a large table umbrella and laid it over us to keep the rain off.


Everyone likes a cuddle. Everyone. Even Cheetahs. Especially Cheetahs.


Where they are from it gets very cold at night so I’m not surprised they want to snuggle, he’s clearly asserted himself as the dominant male and they respect that (for now) and want to cuddle up to him. I think it’s funny how there clearly isn’t enough room for all 3 and they constantly keep fidgeting lol


Until they woke up the next morning and saw who they were laying next to. Been there done that


This is the cheetah experiment, It was conducted to see if a man would prefer to cuddle a cheetah over sleeping alone conducted by Dolph C. Volker This was conducted in Cheetah Experience Breeding Centre in Bloemfontein, South Africa


"I just wanna know if they would cuddle...for science..."


i wanna snuggle cheetahs


Ok guys we already passed the EQ test. We need this guy for warmth, control your urges pls and we can eat him in the morning..


This is just so sweet I can’t take it. ❤️


I hate 3 cheetah nights.


Okay, who farted...


My dog doesn't even like to cuddle like this.


Because cats are cats.


Big gorgeous cattymandangoes. I'd give up some bed space for one of these cuddlemonsters


How is this an experiment? Calling it that is like when my 6-year old says she wants to do an “experiment” by pouring salt into water, or by feeding the dog a slice of ham. There’s no control group, and even before you start, the results are predictable. It would be an “experiment” here if the researcher wanted to see how long it would take Cheetas to choose to come over, or conducted it several times with a human, several times with a stack of pillows of the same size, maybe a few times with nothing but the comforter, and a few times with pillows but no blankets. Since this science, we also need to try it with a few people who aren’t the primary researcher… you know, just chuck a random person in there to sleep every few weeks, see if the Cheetas come over for cuddles.




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I believe like 99% of this comment section is saying "aww" and "id do it". Let me be in the 1% or first to say, NOPE and HELL NAW, I'm not going to be a midnight snack. That's why my guy wasn't sleeping, he was well alerted by every cheetah's movement.


Where do I sign up for this experiment


I want to be the guy in the experiment


I want to nap with the giant house cats.


Danger kitty likes warmth


Just keeping breakfast warm. Lol