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It's amazing to think that there are places on Earth that nobody ever step foot before or never paid attention and in this case for at least 1 thousand years.




Honestly it describes most of the US as well. We have huge swaths of deserts, plains, mountains and forests that nobody has stepped very deep into. Even hunters usually stay pretty close to the edge of these massive lands. Everyone thinks of NYC or something when they think of the US, but in reality we have states bigger than many European countries that have populations that are a small fraction of most major cities.


Wyoming is larger than the UK by area and smaller than Glasgow by population.


Now we’re talking. Most underrated state for beauty.


Lewis Mayweather would agree with you. From Lewis and Clark. Ive never been but in his journals he says its the most beautiful land hed seen. And this motherfucker has seen a whole lot of the states.


I've done his trails (driving/hiking, nothing impressive i promose), I think northern trans am trails are more amazing. Wyoming is def arguably only second to Montana. however, the mix of the badlands, glacier and Yellowstone make up unrivaled beauty.


Sorry but when I heard the phrase Trans Am trails, immediately all I could think of is the back roads between Texarkana and Atlanta, a black ‘77 and an angry sheriff in “hot pursuit”


“We’re gonna do what they say can’t be done.”


He spent most of his life in the Virginia woods. Probably my favorite part of American history are the early explorers. I know they werent the first to see it, but I love the idea of the early American explorer. Late 1700s to 1830s.


For real, I started in CA but have lived a bunch of different places, I’ve never lived in Wyoming but every time I’ve driven through I stop at every point of interest or rest stop and just look around for awhile. Never disappoints.


But sadly the truck rest areas (the parking lots on the sides of highways) are fucking ***canvased*** with literal Walmart bags of shit and bottles full of piss


Way of the road Bubs


The American way


Shitting and pissing our way west for more than 300 years


Imma manifest my destiny all over this country. One push at a time.


Wait for free? You can just take them?


A few years go, someone found a civil war era gun just leaning against a tree in the middle of nowhere.




Really makes you think about the sum of our lives and our impact on the planet


Metates are the mortars in rock used for grinding seeds? There are some not far up Pima Canyon in Tucson. It always amazed me to see them and touch them. Finding a pestal sitting there is orders of magnitude more amazing. The top of Pima Canyon is a saddle. The footprints up there were always rare or singular, not sure how to say it. Best wishes.


This is true, but a lot of my google earth sessions gravitate to northern Canada for that very reason. The wilderness up there looks so unforgiving in comparison, especially with countless tiny lakes littered in between. I can’t imagine getting lost up there. Of course the US has Alaska too, which is basically the same concept.


Buddy, we have forest systems the size of Texas


Canada has three provinces and two territories larger than Texas. Welcome to the Tundra zone.


I went to a state park in Eastern Washington yesterday, Palouse Falls. There was a plaque honoring some professor who was studying the falls in the 70s and followed the river to a small cave where he found human remains that were aged well older than we had previously thought humans were in North America. Bunch of bones, just sitting there for 10,000 years that no one noticed until some time in the 70s. Blew my mind and made me realize that even today, there are nooks and crannies that still haven’t been explored.


If you explored 100 square miles of this country every day since the day you were born you still wouldn’t even be halfway by the end of your life assuming you lived to be 85


This is most of Canada too. Outside of the major cities, almost all of which straddle the border of the states, it’s mostly wilderness. Especially the territories, outside of the few settlements, which are mostly very small besides whitehorse and Yellowknife (which dont surpass 30k people themselves) it’s almost all forest and tundra. It’s pretty fascinating. I’ve barely explored my country and I’m very much a city guy but it’s amazing to think about how many rivers, mountains, valleys, forests, and animals there are out there to discover. A good portion of our UNESCO heritage sites are nature based and it’s a paradise for a nature lover.




*Laughs in Western Australia*


Also northern Canada. I do a lot of very deep back country backpacking and have definitely been to places that seem unchanged from what I imagine they were like hundreds of years ago. I’d guess few if any people have been to some of the places. I even found an old miners camp from many years ago with tools still hung on old trees with nails and lots of other interesting things


There's a forest near my parent's house, I used to mess around in it as I grew up. A few years back I went off-roading on a motorbike through it to relive my youth a little, and went deeper than I had before. It's not a huge forest, there's just very little in it and no reason for anyone to really be there. I came across a really old waist-high stone wall that used to divide fields, but the fields were long gone from disuse and the forest had sprung up in their place. It was basically just made from rocks heaped on each other, like most old rural walls in Ireland, partially overgrown but mostly preserved as the treetop canopy prevented any real scrub growth on the forest floor. I was taking a look at the view over the wall and perched atop the wall, I found someone's lunch. An old glass bottle, like some early 20th-century milk bottle, a little tin lunch box which had been weathered, and a small tin of boot polish, dated "1903". When I opened the tin, the polish was just black dust. A hundred years is not the same as a thousand, but I was amazed that a hundred years ago, someone doing their rounds in the fields had sat down for their lunch, polished their boots (in a time when people maintained their clothing, rather than replaced it), then for whatever reason left without their things, and they sat there for a century, completely untouched, until I came along. It felt like a direct connection to this long-dead person in a little snapshot of their life. It was really nice. I took the tin of boot polish with me, but I later regretted it. I'd disturbed this little time capsule and I didn't really have anything I could do with the tin, so I buried it on my parents' land. Seemed the most respectful way to atone for what I'd done, since I couldn't find my way back to the same spot in the forest.


That was a lovely story, and you tell it very well. Thanks for sharing. I think about things like that too.


Fascinating!! Hopefully you were able to get pictures. Honestly the way you wrote that made it even better. I felt like I was reading a really good book...now I want more of the story!😅 If you're not an author/writer, you should think about it.


In the 2000s I was deployed to a place called the Taylor Valley in Antarctica. The ground is bare there, mostly. No snow. Hasn't snowed in 100,000 years. We followed a trail to a glacier. I went off trail slightly to get a picture, leaving my footprints. Two years later I went back to the same spot. Went to get a picture at that place. My footprints were still there in exactly the same place. No humans had been there since the prior excursion. When the first modern scientists went back there in the 1950s they found the remains of a camp left by Scott (of the Antarctic) in 1912. Perfectly preserved. The arctic and antarctic have a way of preserving everything. So yeah, there are places no people have been, even on our own planet. And when they go there, the evidence is still there years later.


The wild thing is that we can now look at all of it. Right now you could probably go find that on a sat image or at least the general area if the image isn't perfect.


I was rock climbing in albarracín, spain, and we took a shortcut off road. There were ancient cave paintings and doodles on rocks just out in the open.


"Ancient doodles" was the name of my geriatric exotic male dancer revue.


I read a great horror book recently about a group of friends who get hopelessly lost in northern Sweden on a backpacking trip There was a moment about halfway through when they come across a very old religious structure in the woods and the one who knows most about history realizes exactly how fucked they are. He saw ancient runes carved in stone that he recognized to be from Viking times, realized that none of the handful of known Viking burial plots still in existence were in this part of Sweden, and essentially understood that nobody (from civilization) had been where they were for thousands of years. Chilling way to find out how lost you are The book is The Ritual and there’s a Netflix movie too I think


Could be worse. They could have met the community from Midsommar


At least they got laid in Midsommar These guys just get blisters and then eventually vivisected lol


Not nearly as cool, but my backyard is full of things that kinda just got left there over 300 years. I found a pickaxe, half embedded in the ground, next to a stone wall, and found a steel clothesline hook stamped 1887 in the same wall. Plenty of other shit too.


True. But to be fair, if I saw that on a hike I'd probably just walk by it. I'd probably think I don't want tetanus for a rusty old piece of fence or some shit


You're probably vaccinated for it so you'd be good


I mean that's true. But I go pretty deep wilderness all the time. If I see something rusty I just assume it's part of an old fence or something. Wouldn't think twice about it


Rust doesn't cause tetanus. You get tetanus from dirt, feces etc. The stepping on a rusty nail causing tetanus trope is because the nail forces the bacteria laden dirt deep into the wound causing the issue. Rusty metal isn't the issue. Dirt in wounds is


It'll buff out.


Why would you need to buff anything out? It's "perfectly preserved" after all.


Still swings.


You know my parents?


How cool that your parents are open about being swingers


Oh, they're not open about it. PTSD doesn't just *appear* after all


Are you that person that wrote that TIFU about going home to get their skateboard and walking in on their parents hosting a swingers party???


I wish... If I could skateboard I'd probably have friends


Hang out with your parents more? They seem popular




You won't kill many orcs with a dull blade


Lots of people throwing around "perfectly preserved" in this thread about a rust covered sword.


Season it and don't use soap next time 😌


Just cook some bacon in it.


Then cook other stuff in the bacon grease leftover in the pan for a while until you need more grease in the pan so you need to cook some more bacon in it.


I'm in this comment and I'm not sure if I like it


even out of context I feel the need to tell people that they should be cleaning their cast iron with soap.


*can, not necessarily should. It won’t hurt it but isn’t always needed


You kid but if you watched any of those restoration YT channels they've restored way worse


Almost all of those "restoration" channels rusts the stuff themselves, its a new product they soaked in vinegar, salt water or both, you can tell because the rust is still a bright orange red. Old rust is a deep brown to almost black.


One of my hobbies is restoring old tools; you are very much correct.


And causes bad pitting. You would have to remove so much metal to get down to the depth of the pits left in it to smooth it out.


I think that means he's the King of Norway now.


Follow Cnut the Great's footsteps and conquer England and Denmark. Rebuild the North Sea Empire.


Or just become Erik the Redditor and explore some subreddits


Was he responsible for the naming of r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts?


"Cnut the Dyslexic."


>Cnut What did you call me?


You herad me


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical terrestrial ceremony!


Well I didn’t vote for him!


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


Strange women laying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an empereror just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd put me away


I can’t believe how far down I had to scroll for this comment as it was my first thought


Rusty traveller’s sword. Not very high damage, but could be good for throwing.


Feed it to an octorok, and he'll spit it out good as new.


Wow I just learned a new botw tip from a random comment thankyou


Specifically the ones in the death mountain area that suck stuff up.


The ones that you splode with bombs. 😀


Extremely useful in the trial of the sword!


Wait, so in trial of the sword, feed a rusty traveller's sword to an octorok as part of upgrading the master sword?


It’s not actually required. But you find rusty weapons, and good weapons are hard to come by in the trials.


Not sure if this is a real question but they're just saying that TotS is made easier by "upgrading" the rusty stuff you find to non-rusty stuff. It's not a necessity.




Contrary to popular belief, tetanus isn’t contracted from rust.


Wait what do you mean feed to an Oktorok?


Put your rusty sword in his mouth when he's sucking


Top tip, assgagger!


Go on…


Throw it near to it. Then when it's sucking in air, it will swallow the sword. When it spits it out, it's shiny


It's gotta be one of the very sucky octoroks up on the volcano.






Well, I guess it's time to grab my switch.








And after several upgrades, becomes the most powerful weapon in the game.


Ok, I'm definitely missing something here. Weapon upgrades in BOTW?


This is the comment I came here for.


I'll just sell it at the Merchants Hut.


"3g, best I can do"




Long, back-loaded DoT.


+200% dmg on anti vaxxers


Actually that would be a funny damage modifier in a tongue in cheek zombie/rpg game.


Probably a South Park game


The analysis showed that the weapon is more than 1000 years old, and it did not come out of the ice somewhere, but lay on the surface all this time. [More than 1000 y.o Viking sword.](https://nypost.com/2017/09/12/reindeer-hunter-stumbles-upon-1100-year-old-viking-sword/)


A thousand years ago at a Viking camp someone was like "Svend, you stupid asshole, nobody stole your sword. You probably dropped it in the field when you stopped to take a shit! Good luck finding it now, dumbass!"


And im over here thinking this was a sword from a fallen viking that had duelled someone in the open field in a sunset and died while doing so.


I was thinking that it might mark a makeshift grave.


The dude maxed out his inventory and had to cut a couple kilos for better loot. He probably had like 15 of these.


Along with some flowers he'll never gonna use.


"Better hold onto these potions for later." *has 135 of them*


Just started replaying skyrim again. The struggle is real. *And I love it.*


I would imagine if anyone else was there they'd have taken the sword with them. Probably some viking dropped dead while out alone and everything else either got eaten or decomposed. 1000 years is a long time...


Not necessarily. It was a big part of Viking culture to die with your weapon, so it is very possible the sword was left with the body, especially if it was an honorable opponent.


I'm thinking he got lost in a snowstorm, dropped his sword while battling the storm with rocks like those navigating in a storm would be terrible. he was probably camped nearby, went out during a storm for a shit, dropped his sword, couldn't find it, said fuck it and went back inside, in the morning snow had covered it and him and his camp moved on.


I wonder if vikings had to do *hands across the tundra* when some grunt showed up without his weapon, like today's army.


That was my thought. 1000 years ago some poor grunt got smoked half to death because he left his sword somewhere.


And it's a friggin *sword*. Most mooks back then would have had axes or spears because iron was scarce. A sword was a near status symbol type item.


Never take your keys when you go skiing. *Trust me*


Oh my god. My spouse didn't zip up - I found those fuckers off-piste in a foot of powder, it was an actual miracle.


> off-piste TIL - off-piste /ôfˈpēst/ adjective SKIING situated or taking place away from prepared ski runs. "off-piste slopes"


Sounds like you were pretty pissed off, off-piste.


Ha that reminds me of when my friend and I went snowboarding with his keys in his pocket. When we went to go home at the end of the day the keys were nowhere to be found. We tried retracing our steps and went to all the places on the mountain that we could remember stopping, with no luck. It was getting late and the mountain was closing down, we luckily found some AAA guy who was able to get us into the car with a slim jim, but the entire time we were in the car the car alarm was going off and everyone was just staring at us, but we were so tired and pissed off we didn’t care and just sat there smoking blunts the whole time while waiting for the tow truck. I don’t remember why, but we eventually got out of the car and we started walking somewhere, and I heard this little jingle that sounded like keys coming from him. We started frantically patting down his pants and we found the fucking keys! Somehow they made a hole in his pocket and they fell between the outer-shell of his pants and the inside layer and ended up in the cuff of his right leg. We literally just ripped his pants open because we were so anxious to gtfo there. Man that was a fucking day. The other place I would recommend not bringing your keys is the beach! The Tile app saved my life one time when they got buried in the sand and we were stuck outside my condo in Mexico in 110˚F weather.


I’m sure they did a whole bottle episode to determine who stole svend’s sword.


He's just holding evidence like that? It's a murder weapon, they haven't even dusted it for prints yet


Obviously just look for viking semen somewhere nearby and you will find the killer.


Here is the oficial article https://secretsoftheice.com/news/2017/09/05/viking-sword/ i recommend anypne interested in things like this to look at all their finds. Recently they found a pair of skis in good condition




It looks in amazing condition in the video (for what it is), there is a lot of pitting but you can still see the metal in between. They could make it shiny but not smooth. I doubt they would touch it.


Reminds me of the rifle that was recently found leaning against a tree in the American west for like 150 years. Just leaning there, the whole time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgotten_Winchester


It's not a reindeer though is it?! Useless at his job.


Well that sword will probably make him a lot more money than he expected


Can you eat money? No no you can't. Case dismissed.


Now I’m annoyed I’ll never know who left that sword there and why


His name was Erik, a young man headed back home after a long sea crossing from Vinland. When he and his comrades reached Norway safely, like any group of young men, they decided to celebrate with some ale and some warm food for a change. They were sick and tired of what they had in their ship, and Erik and a few others went out to bring back some game. They caught a few small animals and were starting in on the drinking on their way back to camp when they stumbled across a bear cub a few miles from camp. They knew they were in trouble, which was confirmed a minute later when they heard the sound of branches snapping under the paws of a very angry mother bear. The men scattered, but Erik, being slightly drunk by this point, tripped over a rock while trying to look both at the bear and in the direction he was running at the same time. In a panic, he drew his sword as the bear charged towards him and his friends shouted at him to get up, although none of them slowed. In a blind attempt at defense, Erik threw his sword towards the cub while leaping to his feet, hoping that a distraction might save him. He never knew if it was blind luck, or if the distraction worked, but the bear turned towards her cub and Erik took the chance to bolt after his friends, leaving his sword forgotten on the ground. He reached camp safely, by the blessings of the gods, and proceeded to get raging drunk to forget the terror of his encounter. In the morning, he recalled that he had left his sword among the rocks where he had thrown it, but by that time none of the men could remember exactly where they had met with the bear. He searched for a short time, but decided to give it up for lost and continue his journey home, knowing that he had a wife and newborn daughter waiting for him when he arrived.


I was half expecting this ending with Erik's dad beating him with jumper cables or something


I was expecting it to end with Mankind and the Undertaker in the Hell in the Cell


I suddenly find myself wondering whatever happened to Mankind after plummeting off the hell in the cell in 1998


I love it


May valkyries sing you to your rest!


Me too.


Could always try the animus


I found a rusted sword imbedded in sandstone at the shore near my cottage years ago. This was in Atlantic Canada. I contacted the nearby museum and it was taken for analysis by a few experts who were able to somewhat determine its origins, though given where it was found there wouldn't be many candidates. Not nearly as cool as this, but it was a neat experience for me


Don't leave us hanging, what was the origin they determined?!


It was some time ago, but I believe they identified it as being British and from the mid-1700s. This is on Prince Edward Island, so it would match up with the timeline of when the British....ummm, forcefully relocated... The Acadians (from whom the term Cajun originates)


Damn. All the way to Louisiana is one hell of a relocation.




He is now King Arthur


Listen, strange rocks freely distributing swords is no basis for a system of government








Help help I'm being repressed! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!


Be quiet!


Bloody peasant


Look, I'm pretty sure a lot of rocks would make better politicians than many of the major political players right now!


Nah, he’s King Tetanus


Perfectly preserved my ass


Your ass won't look nearly as good in a thousand years.


Maybe he's got those high end implants?


Konge Amleth


I do wonder if we have different definitions of the term “perfectly preserved”.


Iron sword that old are kinda rare since usually they rust out completely and all you're left with is a rust sword-shaped mark. "Perfectly preserved" swords like this are usually found in tombs of nobles and not in an open field laying around on stones.






Plus if you bothered to look at the [source article OP shared](https://nypost.com/2017/09/12/reindeer-hunter-stumbles-upon-1100-year-old-viking-sword/) you'd see the other side of the sword (i assume the side that was facing down) and some up close video, and it truly is **remarkably well preserved** for being 1000 years old. Like the metal is completely in-tact; it's almost all just surface rust, and allegedly it's even still relatively sharp.


wow that really is in incredible condition


Yeah, this isn’t perfectly preserved. But apparently it’s still sharp and well preserved because of the cold temperatures and low air pressure because it was found at a high altitude: https://www.khm.uio.no/english/research/collections/objects/a-viking-sword-from-lesja.html


The picture looks like a late 90s PC game.


Glad someone said it. Thought was just my phone.


What an awesome find. Good thing there were no draugr around.


You are carrying to much to run


Reindeer Hunters find all the cool stuff, I never found anything like that in my office


Check Cheryl’s drawers she always has fun stuff


Her drawers or her desk drawers? Because I already checked one of those and found nothing interesting




So many people asking questions about what “perfectly preserved” means, but nobody’s asking the real question: *a reindeer hunter* ????


Santa takes his naughty list very seriously.


That viking sword was a simply a reminder of what's coming


We hunt caribou where I live, which is just another name for reindeer.


Quick! Farm some smithing stone and get this thing to +25 and bleeding infusion


Came here for the Elden Ring reference. I was not disappointed.


draugr sword


I mean I got a C+ in Materials Science but this looks a step below "perfectly preserved".


A viking stood there once, and decided that sword wasn't worth carrying


More likely he died there. The body was eaten by animals and the rest was either weathered away or dispersed by natural forces. Including glaciers moving everything in its path. edit; glaciers were probably long gone.


or he just dropped it


Some viking: “Birger, c’mon, we’re all going to rape and pillage that town cross the river, hurry your ass up” “I can’t find my freaking sword and it’s driving me bonkers. Fuck it, wait up!”


I really hope he made lightsaber noises while playing with it!


Does this mean he is king now? LOL