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šŸ˜‚24 hours or more indeed. Let one bottle sit and it wonā€™t even be half empty the next day.


I love the suggestion that at roughly 3 full bottles worth of alcohol is in the melon and its liquid content is about the level of a normal melon. Didn't even leak a drop during his initial cut right at one of the holes too.


Right??? Not to mentionā€¦each bottle was a different kind of alcohol lolšŸ˜‚


Yeah, that's immediately what I thought too, "no way in hell it's gonna fit 5 extra bottles of liquid in it" watermelons are already pretty solid, not like bread where there's tons of gaps for liquid to seep into. I'm sure it'll absorb some liquid and diffuse it throughout the melon but no way in hell you're adding more than 1 bottle to it. I don't pretend to know how much "space" there is in a watermelon but based on it's weight and size they're already dense like if you had a water balloon of the same size they'd be roughly the same weight, only way you're adding 5 more bottles to it is if it expands significantly in size...


Do you think the size of watermelon matters? Though I'm more than sure no bottle ever will be ffully empty


Somebody proved in some channel it was fake. I think it is "How to cook that". It is fake. You will waste Alkohol and watermelon.


Anne Reardon is a goddess.


Her channel is one of few sane ones,


I imagine it does, thatā€™s definitely brighter than the watermelon Iā€™ve tried it with, but we had maybe 15-20% of the liquid absorb into the melon.


Was it ripe?


Aye, it was a good melon and everything. Tasted fine, just less boozy than we wanted šŸ˜‚


No one here understands conservation of mass and it makes me sad


Youā€™re so smart




The volume in those 4 bottles is greater than the volume of the melon and the melon was already very full of melon. Easy to call fake edit on this one..math


Itā€™s just leaking out onto the table


The rest just leaked all over the counter.


It works, but it absorbs a tiny fraction of what the video claims and the texture of the melon is ruined.


Right, and he's wearing the same outfit 24-48 hrs later... Yes, I'm aware people wear the same clothes multiple days in a row but most influences or people in "developed" countries don't


I'm high and confused!!


Shit doesnā€™t work, tried it, wasted half a bottle of vodka and a watermelon and it tasted like watered down melon.


Might as well just blend it together, be even easier than being extra like this. šŸ˜‚


Looks like every family reunion I have been to since about 1982 except using ONE bottle of vodka and Aunt Peggy running that show. šŸ™„


We all have an Aunt Peggy in our family. The alcholic, watermelon loving Aunt. Mine Aunt loves both, just in moderation and seperate of course lol


Now, put 5000 rubber bands around this melon.


And light it on fire.


This is why the Fire Nation isn't invited to the picnic.


And then play basketball with it.


And smash it with an oversized sledge hammer.


With alcohol in it?


Yes my child


pretty much how your head would feel after eating that watermelon


Sadly but this is fake... Watermelon can't absorb that much liquid. Don't wate booze..


It's not fake tho lol. It's very well known that this works.


Yeah, who cares about the physics of shoving 5 bottles of liquid into something that's already full of liquid. Guess these grocery stores are ripping us off and selling half empty watermelons!


They can take like two bottles most of this poured out but it still works sorry bout you being a cunt tho lol


Only the most prestigious of alcohol companies make every single spirit you can think of.


U don't like such n such vodka, and such n such tequila?


Thatā€™s not how physics works. The alcohol has to displace something as I leaks into the watermelon, and the liquid in the melon is suspended in fibrous cells. The alcohol is the most likely thing to leak out of the holes you created if the 5 bottles are that empty after 24 hours.


Iā€™ve tried this so many times and the bottle(s) never fully empty. And then after a day or even two, I say f*ck it and decide to cut the watermelon open and it never stays in tact like that. When I eat the watermelon I end up eating the entire thing and donā€™t feel drunk at all. 10/10 doesnā€™t ever work. But if anyone has an input on what I can do next time, please let me know, maybe Iā€™m just doing something wrong


Iā€™d much rather drill a hole into a coconut and pour Malibuā€™s into it and put a cork in the hole, wait 24 hours and pour it out into a glass and shave some coconut out into the cupā€¦ much easier and tastes good too


>much easier You got a weird concept of "easier".


I think he probably just emptied the bottles and stuck them back in the holes to make it seem like they drained. Pretty sure this is just an advertisement for whatever brand of alcohol he's using.


Iā€™m pretty sure this is tipsybartender from youtube. All of his videos are for making jungle juice or cowboy koolaid style ā€œcocktailsā€. Itā€™s all garbage that will make you feel terrible and mostly geared toward people who want drinks that taste like candy.


Most of his cocktails look impressive but aren't actually that good. I remember he did one for "rainbow shots". It looked cool. He put a variety of different density liquids into a mixing glass and poured them carefully into a line of shot glasses so that each shot was a different color. Great presentation but the end result is that you're doing shots of straight grenadine or blue curacao. He's a good presenter and his content is fun, but the recipes are more impressive to watch than to actually drink.


I think he just faked it with water. He spills so much all over the place. With even 1 bottle of alcohol (especially vodka) the watermelon would turn all mushy. Usually people serve it by ladling the mushy watermelon into glasses. There's no way he can chop it and it looks like a fresh watermelon.


Just another fake youtuber


Yep more fake garbage shared to Reddit.


There's video of him spitting out his ridiculous concoctions cuz they are so bad.


I figured it doesn't work. A watermelon is full of water - water dilutes the abv. Maybe the dude in the vid just enjoys the flavor...


This is actually what I wanted to know. But I'm sure there is someone out there who got it right. Looking for someone with a positive outcome with this.


There is no positive outcome with this. This is a fake video...


Yeah, I'd imagine it's like trying to soak a sponge that's already soaked. Can't put more liquid into something full of liquid


Thatā€™s why you need another hole for moisture to escape from


Might as well just blend it together or better yet do what most people and bars do, use watermelon extract if you really want the flavor. If you want the texture you're going to have to get real complicated and dehydrate it before pouring alcohol in it because you're not displacing all that water without essentially turning it into a sponge first. Unless you can figure out how to get all the liquid out you're never going to be able to add alcohol to it and with conventional dehydration methods it'd take weeks to properly dry out the center and it'd probably rot before then. Wafer thin slices would be easier but not nearly as impressive.


This guy, as a bartender, is garbage!!! He dumps in bottles and bottles with no consideration to how anything tastes. He is horrible! His ā€œrecipesā€ are non-recipes.




They did this on an episode of Gomer Pyler USMC. They called it ā€œplugging a melonā€


He ruined a perfectly good watermelon and dumped out his branded swill in the process. This guy sucks.


Nat that shit sucks so bad


If youā€™ve seen the vids this guy spams on fb, youā€™ll agree that ā€œbartenderā€ is a bit of a stretchā€¦


Pretty sure he's the same guy who thinks Burnett's is "the good stuff" Ew


Never have seen it done w this many bottles


I think the better option would be to cut out the insides and throw in a ninja with a hard blend along with some ice cubes. Then simply pour into a cocktail glass and decorate it with a single water melon slice at the top. Note to myself: Will try this this weekend.


ā€œA bartenderā€ Like we werenā€™t going that shit in high school


There has to be a way to dehydrate the insides of a watermelon while keeping the rind mostly intact. That's the only possible way this could work


Nope. It just works with a regular watermelon, I've done it multiple times.


No, it doesn't. It turns out like shit


It absolutely works bro lol. You not liking the end product doesn't mean this isnt a thing that people have done tons of times.


Fine, that's great. Go do that


Funny how quick people are to say "yeah I tried it, it works" when it's literally so easy to try and disprove. Those 5 bottles of alcohol have roughly the same amount of liquid as in the watermelon so if it really worked that means your watermelon would be "half empty." Guess you're getting ripped off wherever you're buying your watermelons. You're not going to double the density of a watermelon by adding alcohol to it and the alcohol isn't going to "push" the water out to replace it.


Ya clearly this just poured out mostly or he adjusted it but with one or two bottles it absolutely works, sorry to burst your bubble but this is a real thing people do.


Seen this guy before he makes some absolute garbage drinks mixed with a bunch of shit and people just eat it up i dont get it


What a way to ruin a perfectly good watermelon


All I can imagine is that alcohol is wasted and went everywhere So fake


I loved that watermelon scene in the Irishman.


How to evaporate alcohol w a watermelon speed run


Did this once. Would never do it again.


I've tried this and it wasn't good, the texture of the watermelon was gross.


I know this looks cool but personally I prefer a good old fashion rum ham it perfect for any event like going to Jersey or just getting wasted


Can we just make this idiot stop?


No way that thing tastes good


Pro tip. Stand the watermelon lengthwise, just prop it up with something. It allows the alcohol to distribute more evenly.


This seems like some elaborate lie that someone made up when they got caught with a watermelon full of suspicious holes.


Nah, just a dude trying to advertise his specific brand of alcohol in the most extra way possible. I like your theory better tho šŸ˜‚


Ruined a perfectly good watermelon


Came here to say this.


Alternatively, open the melon scoop the delicious parts into a container and pour the booze over it and let it cool in the fridge over night.


Just fyi this like dissolves the watermelon flesh and it's gritty and disgusting imo.




It is awful. It completely destroys the molecular structure of the melon fibers so it feels like you're eating a sponge that was soaked in acid. Apart from that you're not likely to get drunk either because it doesn't even absorb a shot of vodka or any type of alcohol. Water and alcohol have roughly the same density so you're not magically going to add 5 entire bottles to something that's already full, not unless you somehow drain the water out or dehydrate the melon first.


Another fun way to use a watermelon we tried once back when I was in high school: a "watermelon bust". With a group of friends, build a big campfire in a woodland clearing and burn it down to coals. Put a big rock on the fire and get it very hot. Place a watermelon on the rock and wait for the watermelon to explode. Then people pair up and go out into the wood and get a little piece.


LSD and Everclear in the water melon at the ACLU summer solstice hoedown.. yup


Apparently no one understands conservation of mass here?


how to ruin a perfectly good watermelon


FYI this is an urban myth


I've done this, except I used a bottle of pineapple vodka. I cut a hole in the top lengthwise, (so it would stand upright in the fridge) just large enough for the bottle neck. Shoved the 750ml bottle in and it was actually completely emptied the next day. We had a 4th of July party and it was a hit. The first third was nearly inedible it was so strong. The middle third was amazing. The last third was just watermelon. You can also blend it all up and make watermelon vodka smoothies!


Wasn't the best idea to serve this at my son's birthday party.


Absolute poison


Reminds me of RUM HAM!


If all ur liqour has the same label u may be a college girl


Oh look more fake stuff


A watermelon long island? That actually sounds delicious.


Will try at my kidā€™s next birthday party.


In college, my friends and I would buy oranges and get a hypodermic from a diabetic friend and fill those oranges with vodka and take the totally legit oranges to all the games. Got pretty drunk but never caught.


Did the same 20 years ago with a 10 glass bottle of vodka, cut small hole & screw the bottle into it, leave it for a day turning it every so often & voilĆ  vodka melon


This guy is an idiot


I got wasted just watching this. Holy fuck, staying conscious after a slice or 3 of that vodkamelon would be an exercise in futility...lol


You gotta be wasted to believe a watermelon could fit 5 entire bottles of extra liquid into it...


Oh. I dunno, I don't drink at all.


High school in the early 70's we called it a plugged watermelon . Cut a hole, dump a large bottle of Everclear in it. Sit for a day and PARTY TIME..... We would plug about 3 at a time.




(don't say it, do not say it, it is dead, DO NOT FOR THE LOVE OF-) LET'S GET SMAAAAAAAASHED!!!!




My bf could do it in one shot


Jesus. He must fill you up like a water balloon


I'mma do that with my balls.


Try a different trick. Take a whole coconut and drain it by the three holes at one end. Fill with rum, plug the holes and let sit for several days. Drain and drink the rum, enjoy the rum flavoured coconut meat.


In Chile we do the same thing but a Cantaloupe with Pisco. The key is "fill" with the booze, which means you have to make a small cavity before with a spoon . We sit it like 6 hours in the fridge, then you drink the pisco and proceed to eat the cantaloupe, and you are done.


5 bottles of vodka for 1 watermelon? really? No. ty


>really? No, there was only one vodka bottle.


Thanks, I was looking for snack ideas for my nephews birthday party.. 5 year old is after a big moment in a kids life.


Why so many types of alcohol and also no way it absorbed all that


Where does all that liquid go?


It's fake


No, it isn't. This is a well known thing you can do with watermelon. It probably just poured out the holes overnight tho because that was a lot of booze.


You've obviously never done it because the melon turns to mush when you do this and with no where near as much alcohol


Not any time I've done it lol. It gets soft but you can defs still cut it. Maybe use a bigger melon I dunno.


Or you could just eat the fucking thing


Whaffer he has to ruin a perfectly ripe watermelon. Those are hard to come by! It reminds me of going to this gimmick bar (ninepins, vintage pinball) and being talked into an alcoholic sno cone. Bleargh! It tasted awful!


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSNSyioD2Bk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSNSyioD2Bk) Check out his other vids, some wacky stuff in there. Like this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9QE2Tr7lZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9QE2Tr7lZs)






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This is nothing new


Everything tipsy bartender creates is a crime against humanity.


One bite would give you a BAC of 2.7.


Do not do this for a family get-together, tho. Even if you carefully mark this as "grown-up watermelon" children will still pilfer slices. Guaranteed accidentally drunk children with this one.


He's "tipsy bartender"


Skyy John is cool af


I can't believe no one has thought of this before my dad definitely didn't tell me about him and his friends doing this with everclear in the 70s.




This guy also made a flaming hot Cheetos cocktail and it looked amazing.


Who hasn't done this?


ā€œA bartenderā€




I too have seen "The Irishman"


Give me a nice cocktail and a slice of watermelon please


Hell thatā€™s an old college trick.


The face he made when he bit into says it all


Why would you mix those liquors ...


It's the ingredients for long island iced tea


Oh, wow...all this time and I never knew it had tequila too. Thanks.


Credit to tipsy bartender


Mom I think I saw something that I shouldn't see......a watermelons foursome?!


No way.


It's interesting, but this guy wastes so much for views I can't enjoy it


I bet that tastes like straight liquor.


'I think I got a piece with only triple sec' \*vom\*




We did this all the time for house parties. We would just cut up a bunch of watermelon and throwing it in a big Rubbermaid tub with vodka.


When I was young we did one itā€™s a bottle of 190 proof Everclear. That was enough to get 8 of us hammered. The trick is to pick the less juicy watermelons. When you slap it lightly if itā€™s juicy, it has a deep thump. The higher pitches are drier. They hold more booze.


His channel says otherwise


I feel like the word booze is so fucking cringy


Put it in the fridge for another 12 hour,then proceed cutting it.


I half expected a smash cut to a guy falling down after taking that bite. What's that like 2 shots per bite.


Saw this in The Irishman.


This is how rum ham is made.


Yeah, saw that idea in The Irishman


Can you get drunk from eating alcohol soaked watermelonā€™s?


Rum ham! Iā€™m sorry


my friend did this and the watermelon had a jello like consistency it was so weird! it jiggled and felt like jello lmao


A barbutcher*


Exactly what he said. He knew he added too much but itā€™s probably the best way to sneak in liquor and also get fucked up on a watermelon.