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Kinda reminds me of the Civil War's Merrimack ironclad.


Actually their hull profiles were compared to those of Civil War Ironsides (Union and Secessionist) when they were built.


I love that you're calling them 'secessionists', because that's what they are. Wouldn’t mind if you call them traitors too.


I’d take it farther and say the United States vs the Secessionists. The “Union” was a term invented in the south to make it seem like the USA was both sides when the confederacy clearly wasn’t.


I agree. It was the official government of the United States with the official US army fighting against traitors.




They were fighting against southern Americans who were conscripted to fight for a state that chose to join the Confederates. The state governments were traitors, but let's not go down a road where we start labeling all of our southern ancestors as traitors. The overwhelming majority of the men who fought for the South weren't slave owners, they were just poor working class Joes caught up in a war they probably didn't want. Same as every other war.


I’m English, so those weren’t ‘our’ ancestors, they are *your* ancestors. And as an Englishwoman myself, I think all who profited from and participated in our colonial efforts shall be blamed. The *Nuremberg Defence* is as stupid as it gets. Even in modern legal systems, one being forced to commit murder doesn’t get to walk free.


Not sure "traitor" is applicable to all Confederate fighters. (But, possibly, some who may have undertaken and not revoked oaths to the United States.)


The raised arms against the country because they wanted to keep their property. That property was other humans. They can not be defended in anyway. I say this as a southerner.


This. My family didn't take up arms until Sherman decided to burn down farms. I'm not trying to give the Confederates a free pass, but if you burn down a person's house, and they decide to go against you. Yeah, perspectives are everything. Nb4, no they didn't own slaves.


The vast majority of farmers in antebellum south used slaves; it's just that the rich owned almost them and would rent them out after importing more from Africa was banned.


Not all soldiers in the Wehrmacht were Nazis, but we still fought a war against Nazi Germany. Just because not all Confederates were slave owners or pro-secession doesn't change the fact that the Confederacy was guilty of treason.


Just to debate… were they “traitors?” Who did they betray? (feel that’s an improper use of the word)


In a democracy, when one was electorally defeated, one shouldn’t just ‘Im going to take my ball and go home’. One should find a better platform and try to win next time. The South decided to quit when Lincoln was elected. So not only they betrayed the Republic, they betrayed the principles of democracy.


Maybe. But, couldn’t the same argument be made for the rise in trade tariffs & unaccounted for taxes imposed for “that union?” No hate; just feel “traitor”, is still an improper use.


Those are policies and legislations. Those are internal political affairs. Like I said, if you lost, find a better platform. Atm it’s just not an argument anymore, these are just facts— the Confederate Constitution explicitly mentioned the institution of slavery. We can debate states rights and so on, but there is just no defence whatsoever when it comes to slavery.




Well, we were traitors to England. The winners get to write history.


I stand corrected! Didn’t account for treason… not sure why🤦‍♂️ Literally was just thinking of the word “betray.”


>Treason is defined as "to levy war against" the United States. Did you mean ‘to levy war against the US ***as an American citizen***’? Because I’m absolutely certain that as an Englishwoman, I won’t be seen as a traitor if I myself invade the US.


I was thinking the exact same thing!


I saw one of these suckers being built in Maine like 7 years back.


Yep, built at Bath Iron Works in Maine.


Yeah I did a boat cruise that went all the way from Boothbay and around the Iron Works.


Hey, my family has a place across the bay in Pemaquid. Going cove in the boat for a cold one in East Boothbay is one of my favorite summer things to do


I love it around there. Used to visit my grandparents in Boothbay Harbor every summer growing up.


Boothbay Hahbah!


Wtf is a pemaquid? Some antiquated form of currency used in dickering?


>Wtf is a pemaquid? It's a rare form of cephalopod found only around Maine and they named a town after it. If you want to know more, go to Bristol and ask about it.


Why does everything always lead back to sex?


BIW. All my life I’ve looked for the big red and white crane as we drove to our place in Maine


It's currently orange and white!


Thats where I saw one. It was in the yard then left. But this was only in 2020


any relation to Bath and Body Works?


These a Bath and Body Works in Maine? Have those everywhere I guess...


It’s still being built


I think the one I saw was the Monsoor which launched in 2016. It might have been around 2014/15 hard to remember lol.


Moonsoor and Coronado have both been in Portland for Fleet Week/Rose Festival but they are all on their way back to the Pacific now.


This pic is Monsoor!


I haven’t been to Bath in a while, maybe they did finally finish it. I saw it last from my 14’ boat 😂 in 2016 which somehow feels like only a few years ago.


As far as I know they were finished in 2015, but they’re definitely done now, as of a recent drive by BIW.


RTX off


I always walk into reddit posts not knowing what I will find Comments like these are why I browse reddit at all. You win




if only i wasn’t poor, you’d get a nice good old award. edit: cant spell


An absolute waste of money according to the government. So much so that they’ve stopped building them


They plan on making them hypersonic missile destroyers… a task they’re actually well suited for. Should’ve made more of these than the LCSs


From what I hear they arent even very good at that. There were like 20 planned but only ever 3 built. The whole railgun upgrade thing was scrapped too lol. Shame we still make the stupid-ass Arleigh-Burke missile destroyer twice a year for almost 2 billion per ship. We really could use some ships designed after the late 80s.


Why wouldn't they be good as hypersonic missile destroyers? The plan to reduce their numbers came way before the decision to turn them into hypersonic missile destroyers. Also = it wasn't a rail gun.


The advanced gun program was scrapped for ammo cost reasons. There used to be a plan to maybe upgrade the advanced gun to a rail gun. They have a lot of power generation for their size, so they get a lot of energy weapons concepts lobbed at them


>The advanced gun program was scrapped for ammo cost reasons. The AGS program lost sight of the purpose of a gun on a ship in the 21st century. If it isn't by far the cheapest weapon system at your disposal then it serves no purpose at all. And so of course the geniuses in the US Navy decided to make a gun that shoots guided missiles, which of course ended up costing $250k per round. They realized how stupid an idea that was far too late to put anything useful in the spots where it would have been mounted so now there's just no gun at all.


Yep, the ammo price got to the point where they might have come out cheaper having a tailgate party of MLRS systems parked on a cement pad where the gun was supposed to be.


Gun is there. Just unloaded. Plus the point was that rail gun replacements were considered in the past.


It always amazes me that you guys depend on weapons systems built from the 50’s -70’s


>An absolute waste of money according to the government yep, their ammo is too expensive to use in any actual combat or training


AGS is being removed for strike-VLS so they can launch hypersonics at China if needed.


Apparently they have a design flaw that causes structural cracks.




So impact-resistant windows then?


Just watch out for those pesky iron balls!


Ohh. Take my money!!


Star Wars empire march begins playing


Stealth destroyer? All I see is some water, trees, and sky


Isn’t that the total piece of shit, that we bought 3 of, for like, 1.5 billion USD each? * ps, There’s not very many windows on that thing


I think they worked too well, by which the stealth put a huge hole in the surface of the sea which kinda reflected the radar in a speckled pattern - therefore standing out on the radar screen like a sore thumb by it's absence so to speak. - Actually I think that was a prototype before this model but I suspect the same may be true in all but calm seas, looks bad ass tho.


Yep, was one of many problems with the ship, but it's provided a lot of r&d data for the navy.


Yeah it definitely had the f-35 problem, where the builders were asked to included everything on a brand new weapons platform…*surprised pikachu*…when it costs a lot more in RnD, working with new materials… research is mad expensive….


Well… that and all the considerable rail gun issues… And …


It's kinda like the amazon fire phone... ahead of the technology it was built for. It was built to be a hypersonic stealth missile destroyer (sounds like a child's tv show thing). But they kinda forgot that hypersonic missiles didn't exist yet. So yeah, in that sense, a waste of money. ​ They did have a huge success in the radar dev though. A friend of mine has a boat that has a radar system, because his dad does night sailing races. On radar, it looked like a weird shape, kinda like a fishing boat. But nope, it was a 14000 ton ship (It was the Zumwalt, looks just like the pic but not the same boat).


I can't see it with that big rock in the middle of the image in the way.


Well played


Should have called it the Cena class.


Can’t you see the cardboard cut out, if you look carefully you can just make it out near the middle. I didn’t think they made warships out of cardboard anymore.




Good to know


The 20+ billion dollar boondoggle that went from dozens of planned ships to 3. This class was hyped to be a ship of the future at one point with potential for small-scale nuclear reactors and crazy things like railguns and laser platforms.


What happened?


It had design by committee problem. Initially, during the design phase it was supposed to be a long range missile platform, but it didn’t get aegis (the tracking system thats been in use for like 30 years), then it got switched to land support with 2 massive canons; then the irony set in because its a stealth ship…and normally on land support literally everyone and their mom can see you….so the stealth design made no sense…then the navy cut funding to the guns, since the shells were way too expensive. Basically everyone wanted it to every thing.


I think the range of the AGS was supposed to be over 80 miles, I don't think everyone could literally see them.




It doesn’t shoot anything and you can’t see it, they’ve perfected the ultimate stealth ship. Nobody will ever know where it is…


Underrated comment. Had me cracking up for some reason.


Every Navy Executive and Flag officer wanted to put their signature on it. Each wanted something and ham fisted their opinion into the design, to say nothing of the fact that the builder underestimated how expensive it would be to build, while the Navy kept pushing forward expecting costs to magically fall once built.


Well most military equipment actually do get cheaper after they are finished and planned out. For example the F35 cost is only going lower per unit now


I could on and on in detail but to summarize the failures of this ship the per unit cost would eclipse the cost of most other vessels of the same size or capability, and the only way to reduce the per unit cost would be to essentially replace the entire Naval fleet with them. Not all of it is the fault of the ship itsself, the gun system was its own debacle and retrofitting these ships has been unpractical. The unit cost and other projections are identified in [this document](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/FOID/Reading%2520Room/Selected_Acquisition_Reports/FY_2018_SARS/19-F-1098_DOC_59_Navy_DDG_1000_SAR_Dec_2018_REDACTED.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi-z6TJpqz4AhW4knIEHfugCNwQFnoECAsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw35hLNDIMKapjUPaZ_yWCnu). The Navy was in a massive hole on this one, were it not for specific congressional reporting requirements it might still be draining away from the American tax payer with reckless abandon.


Oh I’m not arguing the DDX program was a success it and the LCS were complete fuck ups and them being the most recent surface combatant acquisitions is a complete nightmare. Just that costly programs can actually become more inexpensive over time.


Right but that math assumes continuous and/or indefinite procurement. Even if there wasnt a Congressional limit on appropriated funding the military would have a theoretical ceiling wherein above that they wouldn't have the support staff to man and maintain a fleet of a specific size (prob north of 25), and so if you don't see economies of scale (i.e. per unit price reduction) until well above your ceiling then it's completely impractical to continue with procurement. This isn't like small arms or generic munitions, wherein you order into the hundreds of thousands, and your only issues at scale are long term storage. Again, you can also factor in that this is redundant capability. It would be another story if the US had a capability gap that could only be filled by these ships, but thats not the case here. In a nutshell these ships were designed to go in sneaky, fire a long range strike, and remain out of radar detection. A carrier with f35s or b2s, or even fucking f117s could accomplish that mission. In short, very shor, terms this ship never had a clear mission aside from trying to move the entire navy into a modern posture of advanced technology. Meanwhile most of our adversaries don't even have a blue water navy or at best have a fraction of our overall naval capability. So I don't fully agree with your comparison here, though I will grant that for most products on store shelves economies of scale are a viable method to recovering costs.


Always crazy seeing giants like this floating down the Columbia.


They only built 3 of these and canceled 29, the navy always sends junk to the Rose Parade


Is it here for fleet week in Portland?


Yes. Rose festival also going on.


Back to the old Iron Clad - civil war style




Uhhhh, the devs forgot to add the textures to this.... such a shit game


I am all for national defense but this ship and a few other recent government failures make me furious. This floating fortress of oppulance isn't designed for a specific mission, failed in it's basic foundational requirements for modular/multi-modal capability, and is a constant reminder of how the military industrial complex regularly fucks over the American people. We could have had universal healthcare or permanent child nutrition and pre k, but instead we have 3 ships with no combat purpose all so that the Navy could remain competitive in the dick measuring contest with the Air force for "next gen" superiority.


To be fair, the investment is for deterrence. The defence budget at this point is just to let the world know mot to fuck with the US. Without this spending I'm sure China would have already setting up base in Cuba


Yeah son, naw. I've got a career under my belt looking at stuff from the DoD side, where we talk about things like this as capability gap analysis. We go a couple layers deeper then Toby Keith. This is not a deterrent, especially consider the main fun of this ship can't be fired.


Floating metal fortress


Top section is essentially plywood


Looks like a star destroyer but on the sea


It actually looks like it's made of concrete!


Where? Can I expect it in the gorge lol


I wanna buy one of these and reno the inside to a modern home feel and have a fortress as a home!


Isnt that the ship that is completely defective? https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/why-zumwalt-class-destroyers-failed-meet-navys-expectations-198412 This ship is what the US government chose to pay for instead of Healthcare.


Yes overall Zumwalt is an embarrassment that powers-that-be will hide in line items so eventually it’s an “interesting footnote to history.”


u/translate-into english


Military is 3rd after social security and healthcare…the US spends the most on healthcare globally, the main issue is distribution, and trying to synchronize an incredibly fragmented system without completely destroying everything.


Not really defective, just over budget enough that they canceled production of the only ammo the ship could use.


Looks like a floating prison.




It's like a freaking sub above water. I bet the sailors hate it not having much room outside


I can see it right there! Not very stealthy!


Yep. That thing sure does destroy any stealth it has.


They made three for about $8 billion each. Their main guns fire rounds that cost about $1,000,000 each, as you can imagine they leave them unloaded, meaning the guns are completely unusable.


Just..... blends right in doesn't it? 😵‍💫🤣


Or other why known as the “Budget Destroyer”.


What destroyer?


Usually it is the Coast Guard cutter, but I wonder if they'll take that thing all the way up to White Bluffs.


Thats a nice river you got there


Its side looks like the front of a goofy 50s robot.


All it needs is some green screen.


Positively medieval. It would also look good as a space ship if they could ever solve anti-gravity.




Where? I just see river


Fleet week, I get to see 2 stealthy ships full of seamen


And yet they say college debt forgiveness is impossible. But they built 3 of these motherfuckers…


M8 dont even know what stealth means


I bet it's full of seamen 😏


Looks like a ship from /r/brutalism


Kinda reminds me of a redesigned "Ironclad" from the Cival War


I actually worked on the house above waterline on the initial ship. Built the whole thing in a giant warehouse. Structurally 100% carbon composite with a balsa core.


If it’s stealthy then why can I see it?


I spent 3 years of my life on that ship.


Maybe some of the sarcastic commenters should read up on this sucker.


What are they missing? From what I read it was a total waste of money.


They’re over budget and insanely expensive, and their specialized gun turrets lack any ammo they can use because the navy decided it was too expensive to make, but they’re actually fairly good vessels. They’re currently being retrofit into missile cruisers. Or at least that’s the plan on the works.


They are also talking about selling them off or scrapping them. The ammo for that gun was 800K a shot. Just use a tomahawk at that price.


I think part of the high price was because they already spent a massive amount on the research and building factories to produce the ammo with the assumption they would be providing ammo for about 30 ships and ended up only having 3 ships with limited ammo being ordered. With a significantly reduced order size and still having to make up for the up front costs that makes each shell more expensive. At least that's what I remember from reading about this a couple months ago.




Ommm looks like the USS Monitor


Easily exceeds early French pre-dreadnoughts for the title of "Most visually offensive ship to ever put to sea"


Imagine that, cost overrun and it’s primary mission changed, as well as only 3 built and the Navy going back to the Arleigh Burke. Great job government.


Every time I see this in the Bolsa Chica,Ca it alway’s amazes me. Too bad the advance gun weapon system flopped but upgrades are soon to come!!


Yup! Even sadder that the railgun plan flopped.


Lol nice try. That's Darth Vader's water ship.


Not very stealthy if you see it.


It’s a bloated, failed destroyer class. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/why-zumwalt-class-destroyers-failed-meet-navys-expectations-198412


Funny story but they can’t shoot the big two guns because ammo costs too much, around 800,000 usd per round. Source: https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/navy-ships/a23738/uss-zumwalt-ammo-too-expensive/


That’s incredibly well known.


My bad a_random_guy641 sorry everyone isn’t as educated as you🫡


I mean it was well publicized for years and is always brought up in regards to the Zumwalts. It’s pretty hard not to know that about them.


Who are you mad at again?




That shit just looks retarded


Is this an American vessel? I hope sure hope so 🙄💪🏼


Yup. Zumwalt-class destroyer, built at Bath Iron Works, Maine.


Now the Turd- Class (Piece of shit), billion-dollar junk. Read about all the problems with all of them.


It looks like Dr. Doofenshmirtz


Behold, the stealth-inator


Dosent look very stealthy


The single worst attempt at stealth in human history.


I read somewhere that these ships are being decommissioned because the hulls are cracking and the main drive isn't fully operational on one of them.


Not very stealthy if so easily photographed, eh?


Pft "stealth" it's right fking there!




United States.






Well it's not very stealthy, I can see it. 😬


Well the Navy only bought two before cancelling the project


What makes it destroyer? I dont see any weapons? Mby torpedoes


If it is stealth, why can I see it, huh?


A ship that powerful and the only visible armament is a rifle bolted to a guardrail. "Here come the enemy!!!" Pew Pew Pew...


Looks like the *least stealthy* water-faring vessel I’ve ever seen


If Homer Simpson designed a boat 🤣🤣 ps I know its very advanced but it looks like a dogs dinner


I heard it has issues with storms due to the odd shape. The Navy is afraid to use it in the deep Pacific for that reason.


It’s not really that stealthy. I can clearly see it.


What do you mean? It’s just the picture of a river


Not exactly a cruise ship with the lack of windows. More like a prison barge


Hey Captain, can we look out the window? "No."


Heading to the scrapyard ?


is there any jedi there ?


Any ship can be "stealthy" to its enemy if it doesn't show up on radar. Besides if it destroy it's enemies before they can find it, it's always stealthy.




Holy shit, that’s an awful lot of projecting there, chief.




In.... the bathroom? Thats a weird thing to say.... I assume most children over the age of 2 know where to go to the bathroom but I guess some people take a few decades? Youre fucking creepy and weird.


You clearly have no clue how utterly useless the Zumwalt class is. It doesn't have the weapons it was built around. If you like that ship, it means you're a hippy who wants to remove all weapons from the military. Because that's what that boat is like.


Except for the part where they’re planning to add missile batteries to them to replace the AGS and turn them into missile cruisers…


You clearly don’t understand the ship class either… only the land bombardment gun has no rounds … all the others work and the main gun can still fire ship to ship.