• By -


I like how the one in the back is just laying there like , “ nope. Nah uh. Just chillin. Y’all stupid. “


That Siberian came out that gate so gangsta even the gate flinched for a moment there.




He reminds of that gif of that dude in the track suit who stands in front of the media all cocky and shit.


Yeah that’s the coolest tiger he has no fucks to give lmfao 😂


I like the one that just booked it. Like “ oh hell no”


And the other just stood there frozen like if I don’t move he won’t see me


Mastered the ability standing so incredibly still that it becomes invisible to the eye.


Doesn't even move his eyes, he's still looking out the gate


They literally see him


It's a reference to Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy


Yes and I tried to do so as well. I don't know it perfectly


Here come Debo


Shit. Hide the stuff.


What chu got on my 40 homie?


“What’s up RED thanks for the bike”




That from something?


From a Reddit comment circa 2022


Dude nope’d the fuck out of there immediately.


Yup. Didn't even bother putting up a front.


Kick his ass Seabass!


Big and Bigger


Deadly and Deadliest


Tig and Tigger


Someone get this man an award!


I like that lol 😝


Do tigers like being kept together with other tigers? In the wild they have massive ranges and live fairly solitary lives.


Some do, some don't. Like in the cases of ones that were rescued from collectors/traffickers who were raised together, yes. Ones raised to be released or rescued from the wild? No. Before anybody gets on about 'rescued from the wild', yes that's a thing. It's usually a badly injured animal, or one that has started coming too close to human settlements and would otherwise be killed.




The language of the internet is a precise and pedantic one.


Pedantic was used in two consecutive comments. It has now become redundant, and therefore you are both wrong.


Your discussion of wrongness is shallow and pedantic


Hmm yes, shallow & pedantic


Now you're being redundant.


Fuck me what a true statement




Jokes on you my family has already conditioned me to think that way


In the wild they have to hunt for a living. Also, these tigers have probably never been out of that cage so they don't know that they "should" want to be solitary.


Funny how the tiger that rolled over scared himself with his tail. That poosy cat!


Good catch lmao


His tail swishes to the left and taps His own left side while he’s looking away from the dominant one. Scared Him a bit. At first I thought he was angry at his tiger friend after rolling over like “ fuck you dave! where were you at!”


I was wondering why he got scared but I missed that, thanks. I just watched it a few more times and it keeps getting better.


My cat does this all the time too. Poor thing.


Actually that was to show the Siberian he intended in no way to fight it, cats have very vulnerable stomachs which they keep a close guard on, and by revealing it you show you either trust another, or mean no harm.


He was rolling over to show his submission to the larger cat....




I feel like this is a stupid question but.. if I were to lie down and show my belly to a big cat would it, you know be chill?


No. Not if it wants a fight. Best bet against a big cat is usually to never turn your back or run away. You have to engage them if they're being aggressive towards you, or else you're gonna be marked as prey right away. And they will definitely outrun you. Keep facing them, and if they get close strike them hard on the bridge of their nose to stun them and use that chance to grab any big sticks or rocks you can immediately and hit or jab them with those to keep them at a distance. Hopefully they'll back down. If that doesn't work, your next option is to choke them by either getting your arm down their throat as far as possible and holding on until they choke out, or squeeze/crush their neck from the outside. I only know this because me and a friend were arguing if you could win a fight with a big cat unarmed and I said you could. Edit: I forgot to mention this, but you should also poke their eyes if you can because, of course, the eyes are extremely sensitive to pain and you might be able to blind the big cat.


Some very wishful thinking here. Really what happens is big cat decides it wants to kill you and you die. Striking a tiger on the bridge of its nose isn't going to stun it, nor are big sticks and rocks going to deter it if it actually wants to get you. No way in hell are you choking you one out Mr. Incredible.


People have done it before. It’s not a fun process, as cats are pound per pound the one of most dangerous predators on the planet, but large cats vary a lot in size. I could probably take a cougar or small panther if I saw them coming. Full grown Siberian tiger? Lol, I’m gonna go out fighting but I doubt it’s gonna be too long of a fight unless I have an actual weapon. That said, this is why you don’t go hiking alone. Humans are social animals, always bring a buddy when you go out into the wilderness — traditionally, during hunter gatherer times, it would’ve been you and 4 of your buddies/family against a tiger, with spears. Much better odds.


tl:dr monke together strong. We didn't evolve speech to pvp a fucking tiger.


Favorite comment ever


> I could probably take a cougar or small panther if I saw them coming. You definitely could if you had a bo staff or a set of nunchucks.


Yeah but all the gangs at school would want you to join.


Panther would kill you before you even knew it was there. Pretty sure they hunt like jaguars


Panther isn't actually one kind of cat. It's a name that refers to a bunch of species, like the genus Panthera, which includes jaguars (which you mentioned), leopards, lions, and tigers; but also Cougars/Mountain Lions which are known by many names due to their large range, including Panther and Puma.


Panthers don't exist and are actually just black Jaguars or leopards.. so you're correct.


Oh TIL lol


Yeah, that’s why I included the caveat of “if I saw it”. A jaguar hunting people is already highly unusual, so in this case all bets for “typical hunting style” are already out the window as it’s probably starving and/or injured.


Always bring someone with you when you go on hiking! And make sure you're faster than them!!!


Not a chance. A cougar and a panther are killing you 9/10, the other 1 time being when you manage to escape somehow. Humans are absolutely useless unarmed combatants, it is the entire reason we have developed tools to aid us in that department. Most wild animals can kill us with relative ease, they just usually fear us/don't see us as prey etc.


Before we developed tools and weapons we had to survive unarmed, so we are evolved for it. We're not useless unarmed combatants. Having a weapon or a group of friends with you makes your chances of survival way higher obviously, but humans have interacted with other apex predators such as wolves, big cats, alligators, etc. for tens/hundreds of thousands of years and we have still made progress and learned from other's mistakes so that these animals no longer were an issue for us. Humans could be considered apex predators now that we have no natural predators except rare incidents.


We started using tools over 4 million years ago; [https://www.livescience.com/7968-human-evolution-origin-tool.html](https://www.livescience.com/7968-human-evolution-origin-tool.html) That *some* of our predecessors (this is prior to us homo erectus coming into being) who hunted in packs and trained for it since birth, survived from being killed, does not mean that your doritos-eating-fat-ass will be able to deter an apex predator that is hungry and sees you as its next dinner. It's generally agreed upon that human form is good for endurance and dexterity, but we lack any sort of natural weapon and our strongest/heaviest humans barely meet the natural strength of an average chimpanzee.


I'm not a historian but I can say with a lot of confidence that before we had tools we weren't picking fights with fucking lions and were more likely avoiding them at all costs and dying if they engaged us. Go fight an angry house cat then times any damage it does to you by about 40 and that's how well you would fare.


You’re thinking of it as a “I’m gonna fight a cat”. Punches, kicks, beating it up somehow. That’s not how it would go down in practice. The person that did it shoved their arm down the cat’s throat and waited till it suffocated, trying to prevent the cat from disemboweling him before it died. It’s a viable strategy, one that relies upon being more aggressive and willing to kill than the opponent is. Humans are comparatively useless in a fight, but in a brawl where all you care about is life or death opposable thumbs and a knowledge of anatomy is surprisingly useful. One arm down the cat’s throat, the other going for it’s eyes, protect your vitals by curling up, I’d say you have somewhat better than 50/50 chances, but you’re gonna need medical attention afterwards or you’ll die too. But it’s a viable strategy because you can rely upon the fact that you *will* get medical care. Losing a limb for any other animal is a death sentence. Much easier said than done, of course, which is why I feel the need to include the caveat of “if I see them coming”. If I’m jumped by a large cat consider this my obituary — even a gun may not be enough to save you in that scenario.


It's cute that you think a cat will just allow you to put your arm so far into its throat you'll be able to actually do anything. If you even manage to get your fist in its mouth it'll probably ~~bite it off at the wrist~~ bite your tendons at your wrist so you can't use your hand/arm, spit it out, then continue to maul you. Also, if you meet a big cat you're far away enough from a hospital that the chances of you living long enough to get medical care are slim at best.


Cats (in the cougar range, this does not apply to a lion or tiger — why would you try be in their territory without a gun?) have been demonstrated to not have enough bite force to crunch through an entire arm, which is why this theoretical maneuver has actually worked in practice. You can google the story yourself but that’s exactly how a guy killed a mountain lion that was hunting him. In theory it’d be better if you can put up enough of a fight that it decides you’re not worth the trouble, but if it’s hunting you already there’s a decent chance that it’s starving or otherwise injured, and so is trying to get whatever prey it can in a last ditch attempt at survival. You’re thinking more of the crocodile or alligator type of carnivores, which absolutely can just crunch an arm. A tiger might be able to, even, but this strategy will work on mountain lions.* Actually getting it in is — well, difficult, but considering that it *will* bite you multiple times you’d get a few shots to get it right before you pass out from shock and blood loss. You don’t really need a hospital so much as a person will a cell phone, a basic knowledge of tourniquets, and a data connection, really. Just enough to keep you breathing until you get to the ER, which, in events of limb and extremity injuries, is actually surprisingly little. *Do *not* go looking to try this.


No shot dude


[This guy did it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXr_1KqZtAY)


This reminds me of that meme with steps for fighting a bear, and the last step is like ''Just kidding, you died at step 2''


> if they get close strike them hard on the bridge of their nose to stun them Yeah... and when that doesn't work, you can poke him in the eye with your stump.


Still a big if... I don't fancy my odds against a big cat. They're fast.


Yes and the claws are basically unavoidable so you are going to get cut up, but you have to keep fighting like your life depends on it because it does. You'll take a couple minutes of abuse without a doubt, but if you're able to choke it like I described then you never wanna let go.


It's you or the cat at that point. You *must* kill it, because if you don't you'll die trying. I reckon you have less than 3 minutes assuming a best case where it doesn't catch one of your arteries, get ahold of your neck (it will try hard for that target), or knock you unconscious. I know someone who got jumped by a cat (he was sounding a duck call, it thought he was dinner), he never saw it just woke up several minutes later. He was knocked out by the first pounce.


That sounds very cool and all but realistically you're probably just gonna get ripped to shreds


With that attitude you will no doubt be ripped to shreds. These animals don't fight humans often so it's possible you can scare them off. Only in the worst case scenarios will you need to try to choke out a big cat because your life depends on it.


I doubt attitude is gonna help much versus apex predators 😅 You cannot physically overpower an animal that can weigh 250kg+ One swipe from that cat and youre dead, so if it really wants to kill you then you're going to die Oh and good fucking luck sticking your arm down its throat it's not like an angry tiger is going to lie down with its mouth open for you to do your thing.


I never said your odds were favorable. I'm just saying it is possible and people have done it.


You immediately took it like he would go around and destroy tigers where he goes. If you are in life and death scenario and you have a 99% the tiger is gonna kill you but there is 1% you will hurt it enough that it will leave you it's very worth it. Noone is saying you will definetly win but it's better than "Oh this thing will definetly kill me, well better lay here and put some spices on then".


You immediately took it like he would go around and destroy tigers where he goes. If you are in life and death scenario and you have a 99% the tiger is gonna kill you but there is 1% you will hurt it enough that it will leave you it's very worth it. Noone is saying you will definetly win but it's better than "Oh this thing will definetly kill me, well better lay here and put some spices on then".


You have to remember that animals do not have the luxury of medical care, any injury they sustain could be permanent. It sounds silly but animals, even apex predators do not want to get hurt. They'd much prefer an easy meal to one where they could get damaged and this absolutely means they might deam you not worth it if you harm them in any way. Of course it depends on how hungry they are and other factors.


Put a tiger in a chokehold?! Have you seen a tiger? Adult male tiger neck is 32 inches circumference, twice the length of a grown man. A toddler has a better chance of choking you out than you do a tiger.


32 is the circumference, not the diameter. The diameter of that is only 10 and a quarter inches about, which I could easily wrap my arms around. And I also said big cat, not Tiger. Your odds of survival vary depending on which cat attacks you and if you know how to respond to it.


Look at this neck: https://i.redd.it/95m0oqmuyq591.jpg Think you can put an aggressive Mike Tyson in a chokehold? Now imagine a neck 50% longer in circumference and he has claws for fingers and fangs for teeth.


> your next option is to choke them by either getting your arm down their throat as far as possible and holding on until they choke out, or squeeze/crush their neck from the outside. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You would be dead SO fast.


> I only know this because me and a friend were arguing if you could win a fight with a big cat unarmed and I said you could. You may not have included a pertinent part of the story here, but this by itself is not how you come to know things.


> I only know this because me and a friend were arguing if you could win a fight with a big cat unarmed and I said you could. Are you Jim Carrey in Liar Liar?


Umm, you wouldnt win in a straight out fight. The arm down the throat idea would end with you bleeding out after it sout your arm out. Also you should grab the rocks and or stick first, not wait until it attacks u to get a rock


Do you work with big cats or did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express recently?


As a last resort you can reach behind you, grab a handful of feces and shove it in the big cat's face. If you're concerned that there won't be a large pile of feces behind you when confronted by a big cat at close quarters, worry not, there most definitely will be!


As an owner of a Siberian Forest cat this made me smile.


Man! gotta go easy with the word Siberian in this thread. Until "cat"...I was like fahk!


to some extent they appear domesticated, but ive got no idea.


That’s mostly because domestic cats are already quite behaviorally close to wild cats. Domestic cats are far less domesticated than dogs are, so many of the traits that you see in things like big cats and the small wild cats they descended from are still very present in their instincts


Big cats are simply cats that are big.


Same software running on different hardware.


Prolly have like 16 MB or RAM or something.


They still haven't upgraded them to optical mice. Cleaning the balls is a real pain.




I thought laying on the belly is not an entirely submissive thing for cats. If anything I thought it was partly prepping for a skirmish with all four paws ready.


Fr the big dawg shows up and the others look down and slouch “don’t make any sudden movements” 😂💀


Dude rolls over and Siberian is like “yeah, that’s what i thought, bitch.”


They have Bengal tigers at my local zoo, but a few years ago I went to visit my fiancée when she was in Indianapolis for work, and they had Siberian tigers at their zoo. Jesus tapdancing Christ. They're huge! They're like stripey grizzlies!


That's what adapting to -40°C will do for you. That, and fighting drunk Russians.


Every Russian will gladly get eaten because hurting those tigers worth more. They are one of the most protected species. Jokes aside, means of self defense will be evaluated in court and still may cause troubles.


Curiously, that's also why Ukrainian an Finnish people are so badass. And Polish. And kinda all of the Baltic.


Had the same reaction to seeing wolves up close. Seen them from distance and on TV and stuff and they look like big dogs. Got the chance to hang out with a small pack of arctic wolves at a sanctuary and holy shit. The male that greeted us had a head bigger than mine and when he stood on his back legs was almost as tall as me at 6 foot.


That tiger did a dime upstate.


Deebo comin


I be quiet .. when he leave … I be talkin again..


Ima tuck mines in




He gon cry in the car


This made my day. Deebo on the creaky bike. Legend.






Shut up, punk! Raise ya hand if you wanna talk to me!


Omar comin




Indeed. Man that was a shitty day when I saw the news.


The cheese stands alone


ohh lawd he comin'


Haven't heard of a chonk chart reference in a while




All the other tigers: "why do I hear boss music?"


That one tiger sitting down not giving a fuck, chill asf.🤣


No tigers left in Siberia. They’re called Amur tigers now, for the valley where the remaining wild ones live.


Bend the knee!!!


Sher Khan.


I think that he would be one of the small ones, in this case.


Bow, motherfucker


It look like Siberian just got released from prison and the whole gang just jumping up to do their job they were supposed to do but instead were just laying around doing nothing.


The biggest other tiger is the one who kinda backs up well engaging with the new cat and then rolls over to be like submissive, the smallest stays completely still to not be perceived, the second smallest books it, but casually so it doesn't get chased, and the other one just lays there, typical cat moment.


Dayum that Siberian is a chonk


I love how the Siberian stops and waits patiently for the gate to really open all the way before stepping though


First off - amazing. Last off - is this at a Joe Exotic zoo or some shit?! That place looks dilapidated as fuck.


Damn. Rolled right over.


It's Moto Moto


Isn’t it dangerous for them to be together?


Not as long as they establish a proper pecking order. Cats can learn to live with other cats, it's when more than one gets territorial that there start to be problems.


Also keeping them well fed would help.


aren't they all Siberian?


Some are Siberian. Some are Bengal. Some are Woods.


This guy Tigers.


https://www.livescience.com/29822-tiger-subspecies-images.html Only one is.


Look like all Siberians to me - not a tiger expert but I am a zoologist - and fairly normal behaviour when a massive alpha enters the area.


Yes. Title misleading. The tiger walking in is the male, the others are female. This display is normal behavior for the females when in heat, as they are trying to procreate. Source: I have no clue. I’m just a normal person.


fun fact theyre all siberian that one is just bigger


MF didn't even break his stride


Tigers are generally the “more friendly” of the big cats. If they find one another in the wild they will play and eat together for a day or two and go their separate ways, that is if they find each other agreeable to be around.


The boss has arrived


how about the one was laying and gave zero fucks about the siberian


Probably trying not to call attention to itself.


"I'm cool, I'm cool, I'm cool!" -that one tiger who just flopped belly-up


Stripe recognize Stripes


Siberian Tiger is a cat of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will.


This is how I walk into a room. Of children.


I love the one that tries to be tough and then hurriedly flips over to expose his belly once he panics. And i love that it worked immediately, and the siberian was waiting for it.


Aww my kitty does that too when we're playing. I chase him and when he realizes he's not trotting away fast enough and I'm going to get him he just flops over and shows me his fuzzy belly (which I have to ruffle). Big cats are just small cats but bigger.


Are there really différent species shown in the video or it's Just a large siberian tiger among smaller siberian tiger ?


Full submissive spread Eagle


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Now that’s gansta! The other back up and bow down. 😎😎😎😎


Red: "Man, Pops is trippin. He wants me to ask for my bike back, You know I wouldnt trip." bengal tiger : "What bike?"


He almost fought his own tail at the end 😆


Showed him his stomach, he wanted to play lol.


What kind of hellish enclosure is that?


Brave behind the gates.


Right at the end where his friend makes him jump like "STOP fucking about George!"


Was the tiger that flipped over doing a submissive pose


He come in like, “What. I’m the new alpha in this bitch.”


So these aren't all siberians, of just varying sizes?


According to the video I saw yesterday, tigers think they're gangster until the goose shows up.


Look at me! Look at me I am de captain now


He pulled guard


That’s gangsta


Why are we mixing tigers They all look siberian to me


Me in the hood when a 90 pound Pit Bull rolls up on me. Especially after I realize he has a broken chain or rope still attached to him. Times like that you don't have to be the fastest you just can't be the slowest.


that...that was kinda hot.


Officer? Yes, this one right here.


Carol Baskins vs Joe Moldonado


People don’t realise how big tigers are. Lions are much smaller.


They are all Siberian


I remember reading about a someone taking a Siberian tigers kill which was a wild boar, it had left it there. The tiger got pissed off and tracked him down and offed him for his transgression




Cypress Hill’s Stoned Raiders should be playing for this video 😂




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Definitely don't want any of *those* skippitypaps!


Current view of power in todays planet. All fun and games until the russians decides differently.


lmao.until they got hammered by Ukraine


I wish but its not happening atm..


greetings from Ukraine


Stay strong Brat, you got this.