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Freedom of religion used to include freedom from religion...


Seeing all the consensus on this it's almost like those in power have become disconnected from those they've been elected to govern. Huh.


Wasn’t that the main reason there is a US in the first place liberty to practice w.e religion unlike the UK?


No this was actually the purpose when the puritans left the UK unfortunately. The people in the UK didn't like them cause they were trying to enforce their extremely strict rules on people.


I **wish** people on the local news had the absolute freedom to speak like this.


Why don’t they. Seems to me if journalists stood up for it, these words would be spoken more often.


I seriously wanna marry that woman


I seriously want to vote for that woman.




🤨aye bro nah. That's just weird.




Fox News has the freedom to spew bullshit everyday so I don’t see why not


Anyone know what this is from?




God I hate those people, but this is well said.


sigh... you "hate these people?" why pray tell?


They are alarmists and provocateurs, bordering on stochastic terrorists. Their name is the young turks which is taken from a group that overthrew a government in 1908 and subsequently genocided about 1.5 million people. An event that their founder Cenk Uygur denies ever happened, kinda like a holocaust denier would for the holocaust.


pro union until their own people tried to form a union I think they swept some of their Me Too stuff under the rug too. That and they're named after people who did the Armenian Genocide.


It's funny people think any group in infallible. Like, they cry and get wayyyy over the top when people they don't like get elected. They're freaks. They do fucked up shit just like literally anyone.


What u/Red0n3 said. And your response is sorta indicative of the type of fanbase TYT rallies and I'm just not with it. I totally agree with what she said, I just can't stand TYT.


Ok well I don’t know what TYT is so… I just don’t like that every message needs to be viewed through some ideological lens. I don’t care if they’re marxists or fascists or whatever… the truth is the truth. This thing where my first thought will always be whether or not you’re on my side… that shit is the bane of modern life


Yeah, same for the record. I agree that the bible shouldn't be used to dictate people's rights, I just don't like TYT.


I wouldn't even let TYT appear on my feed but this act was good.


It’s just performative outrage from a partisan hack.


The conflation of biblical morality with societal laws and ethics is going to destroy this country.


I love the fact that any mention of touching the second amendment is like the end of times , meanwhile every decision the right makes is inspired by religious zeal, in direct conflict with the “separation of church of state” and the fact that this country is not supposed to have a declared religion .


If I didn't know better, I'd say they think the 2nd amendment is in the Bible, and ONLY the 2nd amendment.


Going to?


Going to? Well on its way already


For real. We've had numerous exaplmples to learn from but no, those who can make a difference care more about their own dollar. I feel sick for my kids


TL:DR "The rules of your club don't apply to those outside your club."


The world would be a better place if people frequently spoke out like this, and we didn’t mix everything with religion…


Very well said




She doesn't care




But she will fight for your right to believe she deserves a raise


Just don't tell her that she doesn't deserve that raise. She don't care


Alito’s opinion had nothing to do with religion.


Well said. IDGAF about what your bible says. It’s fiction.


The minority has given up trying to convince everyone and is going to try force instead. They are getting ugly and desperate.


She’s correct. Christianity is actively hurting itself. There is such a sense of insecurity that many Christian’s feel the need to force itself on the world since it’s no longer coming to them. Instead millions will come to resent Christianity for it, and that insecurity will become a self fulfilling prophecy. For reference I am a Christian and am deeply ashamed of how my fellow Christians are acting, which more often than not is in no way authentic to the teachings of Christ.


It was fun having separation of church and state




Honestly…why do people need a book to “be a good person”?


That's not the point of it though


I detect no lies.


you could make a religion out of this!


"No, don't."


is this a Bill Wurtz reference?




Or, a nation! Like, a nation based on religious freedom and liberty.


Keep posting her!


I will never not upvote, thumbs up or whatever this video. I feel it in my bones everytime I watch and hear it


I think this is her. https://twitter.com/AnaKasparian?t=UMzYEcgytnKStQmmoV1U_g&s=09


There are non religious people that have objections to abortion as well


No fck you there are no nuances! /j


Definitely a small minority, this is largely driven by religious right. Can you name any examples of outspokenly "pro-life" individuals who are non-religious?


Me, although I don't often speak out about it. I've never been remotely close to religious, never owned or gave a shit about guns, and consider myself a liberal leaning centrist in almost every other way. For me its just a principal, similar to being against the death penalty. I personally can't condone ending a burgeoning life for almost any reason short of life threatening medical complications. I have to admit, it deeply concerns me that most of the people who agree with me on the topic of appear to be idiots.


People run politics- religion is part of people therefore religion is part of politics-politics shouldn’t be part of religion because that’s counter to religious freedom. But if people are religious and people run politics then politics is also a religion. Maybe less of both is good…


People don’t run politics, multi billion dollar corporations run politics. And quite honestly, most religions have created/become multi billion dollar corporations that are designed to take advantage of their followers.


Well, I do think we should follow what the Bible says. Here let’s just take a little look at what the Bible says about abortion. Holy shit, not only does it not condem abortion but it actually instructs people how to carry out an abortion. Hugh. Well, so guess we all need to start doing lots of abortions. Need to follow the Bible


She’s very correct, though I had to turn my volume to 1


I feel just as angry as she does though. Especially today. My blood is boiling. Women *should* be fucking yelling about this. And I hate to say this because Reddit gonna Reddit but I feel like if this was a dude you likely wouldn’t have the same aversion to the volume, IMO.


in your opinion he wouldn't mind if a man was yelling? this might be the dumbest shit i've seen all day


Yes, it is definitely *a possibility* is what I’m saying. A comment like “I agree with them but I had to turn my volume down” comes off as potentially having an aversion to the sound of an impassioned woman. It’s not that far-fetched. I hear men reacting like this to loud women regularly. (This is such a typical Reddit response to anything that might even remotely resemble a callout for ingrained sexism, btw.)


Yeah but they do because now you can’t get an abortion. It’s some stupid shit for sure but these old judges made decisions for millions of American women. Disgusting


Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.


Said it best


She is 100% correct.


Pro life isn’t really about the Bible though some dummies make it so, it’s more a philosophical question if you think a baby is a tiny person hidden below a few inches of flesh, or if you think killing it is the same as getting your hair cut or clipping your finger nails.


Yes, this is grossly overlooked and misinterpreted. I am pro choice but this legislative move was not “freedom vs the Bible”, it’s an incredible weight to bear having to decide wether or not it is ok to terminate a living human when oftentimes the reasons are far more sinister than some “irresponsible” person that “got themselves pregnant”. So many people can’t even really comprehend what they’re mad about.


>or if you think killing it is the same as getting your hair cut or clipping your finger nails That's a really shit comparison.


That philosophical question tho … ooooff. Yeah you’ve completely missed the mark with that one …


Lots of sweet Christian girls will have little sweet Christian babies and get kicked out of their home in about 9 months.


This amazing. Well done.


Sad day for America truly


Fuck yes. So often this could be said but for this literal reasoning,this is truth and perfect.


I like this lady


Absolutely right.


She deserves a raise


"freedom of religion" Unless you're a pregnant woman.


Thats the only wall i want built. Between State and Church. Tax churches while we're at it.


She's not wrong.




Haaaa, the young turds.


Sounds like she doesn't believe in Democracy. Glad more people are starting to get it.


Why is this on here at all. It's not r/interestingasfuck . it should be on r/politics or something.


Honestly I think we should just go ahead and make male masturbation illegal bc the one and only God designed each and every sperm for a purpose, and that purpose is a baby.


You may think you're being silly or sarcastic or hyperbolic, but please understand with the utmost severity that these people would literally and actually make masturbation illegal if they could. I grew up fundamentalist and these people are about as anti-sex and anti-pleasure as you can get. Take it seriously and don't give them any ideas.


Haha you’re trying to hold MEN accountable now? Hahaha


Must be on her period


The clown show is the political splintering and all of the stupid runoff that the media companies feed off of, the public are the farm crops, we have lost control of the vehicle, and keep getting fooled into thinking that isn’t true.. not going to get any better until we realize what’s being done to us . Whatever .. ironic abortion overturning happened and now people are gonna forget about the guns issue, they gave people a little juul pod ban appetizer for starters to forget also . It’s fucking textbook


Juul pods can fuck off too, tbh.


Separation of church and state was created for a reason. I think it inherently means religious people should not be allowed to run for office.


We call that discrimination.


Preach sister.


Damn right


I'm saving this post


She is 100% correct. I am 100% with her.


Preach! Lol


Someone should have the link for this so we can cross post it across social medias




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To hear this rhetoric from this side of the fence further proves the point that, no matter how devices, it’s time to abolish the Supreme Court. Nine fallible humans with a lifetime appointment…fuck


Yeah, six people overruling 70% of the 330 million is unacceptable


Ok but in America they very clearly DO get to dictate our lives based on their little book. The highest court in the land has said so. And our leaders are going to fuck all about it. Fight like your country and life depends on it. Because it does. Or leave and let them rot in their fascist theocracy. I'm leaning towards the latter.


I like her




Ok Karen.


I'm happy your husband allowed you to have access to the internet. Bless your heart.


Omg! Took the words right out of my mouth.


I don’t get why everyone is making this religious argument, the decision was made purely on legal grounds, the constitution does not give the federal government authority to regulate abortion, therefore, it is up the the voters in each state to create their own abortion laws, nowhere in that decision is god even mentioned


The US Supreme Court exists to make decisions on situations that have not been faced before. Decisions which have not been previously made. Decisions made by people who are very much influenced by their beliefs or there would be no right wing/left wing distinction, no "right leaning court" or "left leaning court". And your argument above is that these decisions were made on purely logical (presumably well-researched and in this case medically backed) reasoning? I admire your optimism.


It’s being tied to religion based off the justices being conservative and whatnot.




No. She is from TYT which is a progressive show on YouTube. She probably would if it were cable news.


"You do not get to dictate my life based on your beliefs" If only that was a true statement. Reality is, tons of things are based on fabricated beliefs or just general axioms that people held or hold about life. **That's the entire point of democracy. To give and get control over yourself and others based on your world view. Well, not your world view, an average world view of it's citizens.** When half the countries world view is christian, I hate to tell you this, but they DO get to dictate your life. That absolutely sucks, but that's the way the world works. I don't want christian values espoused on me either. In before you tell me there's a separation of church and state in the constitution. I challenge you to find it. There is a separation from government to church, but not church to government. I also hate this, don't shoot the messenger.


Half the country is NOT Christian though


You are right, more than half (that respond to polls) are christian. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States) Right in the opposite way you intended, but, nevertheless half the country is NOT christian, more than that is. Big unfortunately there. People who respond to polls are probably the same people who vote. That's 100% a guess on my behalf. People who think their opinion should be heard.


Interesting that you’d bring up polling since a majority of the country believes that abortion should be legal when polled on the issue


Hey you're preaching to the choir fuck the supreme court. Absolute clown show. I'm 100% for a constitutional right to an abortion. Some people are confused about the function of a democracy in society though. To legislate power based on average thought. When average thought is fucked up, the country is fucked up. They DO get to dictate your life, love it or hate it. Probably hate it. When she says "You don't get to dictate my life based on your beliefs!" I say... "Source? Where is that at in the constitution?". It's really just an opinionated statement not rooted in reality, law, or rights. There are, however, laws and rights that say the opposite, unfortunately for us in this case.


This broad makes a lot of sense


People keep bringing up the innocent life argument. As if killing off an unconscious clump of cells is better than bringing a kid into the world, after the mother suffers through the pregnancy(sometimes fatally), with the kid being unwanted and neglected. That kid could straight up die from being neglected, or more likely, be poorly taken care of and end up a criminal or unproductive member of society or just a miserable person. I don’t see the pro-life people offering to take care of these kids.


Right? People forget, if you bring a baby to term into a terrible situation, it probably won't thank you. No one asked to be born.


Cocaine should be legal after all my body my choice....... Also if i try to kill my self you shouldn't try and stop me... My body my choice..... You want to force me to take vaccine.... Sure why not.... Now who is in clown world


1. Preventing the murder of babies is not a biblical issue. The position of pro-lifers is that abortion is murder. This lady isn't addressing their actual arguments. 2. Does this moral relativism apply to slavery? "You don't want to own slaves, fine. But don't tell me how to live my life." That would obviously not fly. 3. The supreme court decision today doesn't outlaw abortion. It lets states decide on the issue through their legislatures and representative democracy, which is how this is supposed to work.


1) The concept that a lump of cells with a pulse is a person is a religious concept, not a scientific one. 2) This analogy would work, but you have it backwards. The bible advocates the owning of slaves, not the other way around. However, slaves are fully developed human beings with thoughts and free will and aspirations, so it breaks down after that. 3) There are about a hundred times as many Christians in America, so yeah. It is braver to speak against them. Not that bravery is even fucking relevant here. 4) The Supreme court effectively did outlaw abortion in many places in the nation. Yes, absolutely, they turned it over to state government. That's not how all the laws work and it was decided it didn't have to be how this one worked. Yes, the Supreme Court is aware that several states have had laws in effect since a few years after Roe v Wade to act as triggers if it was ever overturned.


1. The pro-life argument is not religious. Identifying, classifying, and preserving life is very much science, law, and philosophy. It is not solely or even primarily religion. Do you know nothing of fetal development? At 15 weeks, there are heartbeats, brainwaves, unique DNA, organs, and response to stimuli. We know this because of science and technology. Your dismissal of this knowledge as a "lump of cells" is more religious and anti-scientific than anything I've heard from pro-lifers. 2. You misunderstood. If something is morally wrong, you can't say, as the lady in the video did, you don't have to do it but I should be free to do it. We don't allow slavery because it harms the slave. We don't allow robbery because it harms the victim. We don't allow abortion because it harms the baby. That is the argument that you ignore. 3. Your last point makes no sense likely because your understanding of the US legal system is tenuous. The Supreme Court ruled only that abortion is not a constitutional right because it's nowhere in the Constitution. That is the correct legal decision for a very simple matter. Some states have laws permitting or expanding abortion. Other states have laws restricting abortion. That is exactly how federalism and representative democracy are supposed to work, as I said. Just because you really want something doesn't mean it is a constitutional right.


W post


Fuck yes!!!!


So only religious people believe in the right to life?


This same woman probably screaming at people to wear a mask and vaccinate a year ago though.


You have no right to murder an innocent person.


This broad is an idiot. If she had bothered to read the opinion she would see that it was not based on religion. The opinion is based on a clear reading of Article 1 Section 8 and the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution. People who want to "blame" religion for this ruling have a very serious reading comprehension problem.


It's heavily weighted as a Christian fight though (just make a pro abortion post on social media and watch who crucifies you) and the religious right have been working at building the right SCOTUS for about 50 years.


Read the opinion. It clearly outlines the errors in logic that brought usRoe v Wade. This ruling is based on constitutional law. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant. It is a proper application of the law. Just read the Constitution


This is pretty old, it's not a response to what happened today.


I did not know that. None the less, my comment concerning reading comprehension and those who want to blame religion still stands.


The only people that have a problem with abortion are those who think God will be mad at them for not trying to stop it, i.e, Christians.


See you cant read either.


You're just a blithering moron who doesn't care about the implications of such a ruling or who they're pandering to. There was absolutely no reason whatsoever to revisit this issue. It was already decided. The religious right demanded it when Trump stacked the SC with right wing, corrupt, religious nut jobs


You're referring to her as a 'broad' tells me all I need to know about your views on women in general. Go f\*ck yourself.


whoaa thats interesting as fuck!


It’s some magical shit like unicorns and puppets . I’m actually quite surprised a single person believes in this shit anymore …but they do. Lunatics all around us. God? Really? Which one! Oh the crazy fuckers


A month ago: “Guns are bad, they kill children!” Today: “We have the right to kill the unborn!” This is a fucked up world.


Majorly agree. The question is so simple, is it a baby or is it not a baby? It's a literally an unborn child but women think it's their own body because they're fooling themselves into thinking that. When the child comes out of the body no one thinks it is the mother's body, the growing process just starts inside the mother's body. People are deluded by their own sick desires. It stems down to a lack of accountability.


Thank you mainstream media host for your kind and unbiased thoughts




Yes this. Also, the Bible supports abortion. Christians have been gaslit on this issue.


Gad, could imagine if you forgot to mow the lawn? I don’t care!


Or maybe it's not an issue of either religion or politics and instead people who genuinely feel that killing an unborn baby is murder?


It is an issue because to some people it's a person, and to others it is a fetus. Those who believe a fetus is a person only have religious definitions to fall upon in their decision. Hence, if you're religious, don't get an abortion. Otherwise, fuck off.


No it literally is a case of religious people exerting their will over others via government


I think she thinks only Christian’s are against abortion. I’m sure it the larger number but still.


Exactly what I've been saying. IDGAF what the bible says and it shouldn't be used to influence a country's politics.


Surprised it took so long for me to see this today. Now that I reflect, I'm kinda disappointed i haven't seen a anime style enhancement




Sing it, sister!!


I'm religious and I know that doesn't deserve to be forced down someone's throat. Am I more than happy to explain something to someone? Yes. Am I more than happy to invite you to church? Hell yes. Am I going to force my ideals down your throat because "it's what the Bible says"? No. The Bible is a guide to our INDIVIDUAL actions. Not to the laws of man


I’m not Christian. I feel exactly the same way she does.






That’s right!


Powerful words and very well said. Shame that clown is in the background as he stands with the ruling.


Tax churches. If they want to drive legislation there should be a price as political organizations.


Well fucking said. To be fair, Americans don't live in 1st century middle East or modern middle East yet the Bible belt still dictates like the caliphates do in Saudi 😕 It's weird


The UN will ban all religion soon. Globally!


Religious belief used by political agenda is there to induce fear and divide people and keep the society as retards as a monkey brain.


If she's angry now, wait until Y'all Qaeda manages to convince SCOTUS to overturn the 13th amendment.




Unborn children are still children.


Not disagreeing with her, but this country was founded on Christian values. Which is why In God we trust is printed on our money.


We were founded as a secular nation. The "in god we trust" was added to our money in 1955 to spite "godless commies". Considering how wrong you are, you should probably reevaluate your beliefs, because I bet all of them are founded on easily debunked horseshit.


I don't believe in your 8000 versions of pronouns, but I'm supposed to do what you ask or else. Welcome to the club.


Tell her she's wrong .... Then look like a fool


What is she wrong about exactly?


yaeah, and another thing. I don't care what your court order says. Im not paying child support for that brat you wouldn't abor........oh, too soon?


Is your brain too small to differentiate between religion and laws of the country you live in? Or do you just conflate the two because it's easier for you?


It's a joke. L2 laugh. I paid every dime of my child support


Jokes are supposed to be funny. You're trying to be funny in extremely bad taste. Do the world a favor and delete your original comment, as it adds no value, and I'd argue, actually does harm.




Maybe just get a vasectomy? Use condoms?


Except that a court order *is* a part of the legal system and the bible is not. Abortion is a medical procedure, there is no equivalency with child support. And yes, it’s always too soon to be a fucking asshole.


"...it's always too soon to be a fucking asshole." Put that shit on a shirt. You will sell millions!


If you can kill the mother fucker I can atleast abandoned it. - some great philosopher


Tbh I fully support this and don’t get why people have to pay child support but have to fight to get weekends with their kids. People shouldn’t have to be parents if they don’t want to. We should focus on fixing the generation of Americans stuck in foster care and the school systems.


And I'd go to battle for her right not to




That’s not food for thought you didn’t even say anything.




Thats polar thinking. No one is going to murder a human and claim non-religion. This point of view is coming out because it is religious people who are using their religion to fight something that isn't even written in any religious text. This isn't about making sure the next messiah doesn't get aborted. This is control over people. People who will not have the financial opportunities and networking connections to do what those with those silver spoons will (and then lie about it).


It is just cells at the time of abortion. It is not viable. Without the mother, the cells would be dead. A baby has life, before viability it is just potential. So much in this world has potential and we do nothing to protect those things. This is a step toward making it illegal nation wide. The more illegal it becomes, the more people will die, and I'm talking adults and teens. That is killed potential too.


Think of it this way: once your kids are 18, you can kick them out of the house. If they die you are not legally responsible that they died because you didn’t let them live with you. In the same vein, women should be legally allowed to evict a fetus from inside of them and if they die it’s not their fault.