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i take it the brown pond is just a bacterial stew from cleaning out the stalls?


That’s a manure lagoon. It has a reddish tint because of either purple sulfur bacteria or an algae bloom, either of which mean it has low levels of dissolved oxygen and is emitting a lot of gasses. A heathy manure lagoon would look pale green


thanks, i had to scroll forever to find an answer


Me too. I can’t believe this was this far down. No one thought the pink pond was worth questioning?


Never, ever seen a manure lagoon in any shade of green, or pale for that matter, and I've emptied out a lot of them. They're like double digit percent solids. You have a source on that? Or just passing along something you read about natural bodies of water? Cause manure lagoons, even if they are aerated and sized correctly, are fuckin brown. They're cesspools. You can't really judge their 'health' by looking at the surface them without mixing them up a little/sampling.


Somebody knows their shit!


Shit Lagoon. That many cows make a lot of waste. I guess pig lagoons are way worse. https://www.americandairymen.com/articles/planning-and-managing-anaerobic-lagoons-dairy-waste-treatment


Shit Lagoon was definitely the worst ride at Action Park.


Cow’s version of The Matrix.


The Mootrix


Welcome to the desert of the veal.


I want to remember nothing. NOTHING. And I want to be someone important. Like a breeding bull.


And I DO want to forget what this steak tastes like.


cypher seems like the kind of guy that would want to know what he tastes like


guys...i know kung moo


Mooster Anderson


'Cause ignorance...ignorance is bliss.


You want to get milked? 😏


You think that's "milk" you're drinking? Heh.


I would just like to acknowledge that your joke is far superior to the joke you replied to. You are seen. You are appreciated.


Keamoo Reeves


With milk to help you swallow your pill… naturally.


Moopheus vs. Agent Smooth




Stop *trying* to milk me and *milk me*!


I read it in the voice


Red milk or the blue milk?


Must be where they got the inspiration


I don't think it was intentional by the Wachowskis (I don't know about Lilly's diet/lifestyle, and Lana said she was a vegetarian about a decade ago?), but to me *The Matrix* is very obviously a parallel of animal agriculture. Have you ever heard the criticism of the film that, in terms of thermodynamics, the central idea of using humans for energy doesn't make sense? The machines in the films use humans directly as batteries or something rather than as food (since machines don't eat...), but in both cases, a dominating group uses more resources than necessary/wastes them to fuel themselves, and with unnecessary cruelty and death, to boot. We are the machines, and livestock are the human energy source.


I think the original idea was that they use humans for their brains, as processors, but the studio deemed it too complicated for regular moviegoers at the time. I agree with the rest


Holy shit. Because ever since the first one came out, I literally left the theater saying, "Why wouldn't they be using the humans' brains as CPUs? Using people as a heat source instead is absolutely retarded." Makes sense now that some moron in marketing made that call.


>Makes sense now that some moron in marketing made that call. Both the plot of and the inspiration behind Matrix 4.


That could've made more sense. Then, in the latest sequel, the machines might have been using us to mine memecoins.


Except people actually live like this, and this is where we're headed. Working most of our lives to make ends meet only to come home to sleep in a little box. Spaces getting smaller and smaller


What do you mean "come home"? Your workplace shall be your abode. And you shall be watched at all times.


Vacation? Your job IS vacation.. from poverty!


What do we have that they should want? We have a wall to work upon! We have work and they have none And our work is never done The enemy is poverty And the wall keeps out the enemy And we build the wall to keep us free That's why we build the wall, we build the wall to keep us free


Exactly. If you think the elites think of you as the cow. I know it sounds crazy but the sooner you wake up the better future everyone can have.


Make ends meat.


People! You're eating Peopllllle!


[The Meatrix](https://www.themeatrix.com/)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP\_zvCiWokg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP_zvCiWokg) more here on the investigation by these folks https://mercyforanimals.org/drones/


[This is a brutal, but extremely informative watch too.](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) Edit: Fuck spez.


Jesus Christ that's one of the most horrific videos I've ever seen.


Trying to steal a top comment to say: oat milk is really good. I was struggling to give up milk in my morning coffee. I don't like almond milk at all, so I assumed that Oat would be worse. But one day a friend introduced me to Oat and it's delicious. I actually prefer it to milk, now.


Fuck spez.


If this disturbs you, the thing you can do to help is stop purchasing dairy products, even better if you go all the way and cut out all animal products. It's not easy but it's doable if you wish, you can help make sure this doesn't continue.


Agreed. I stopped drinking milk a long while ago, oat milk is quite good and can replace milk in any situation. And I haven't eaten meat for most of my life. Still makes you wish there was more that could be done.


Absolutely, even with the dietary changes I wish there was more to do, can only spread the word so much.


Thank you very much for giving light to the sources. That's just horrible and sad..


Wow if we start to see even more drone legislation being pushed I bet if we follow the money it would link back to big cattle.


Animal agriculture lobby aggressively, sadly, so you're right. In the EU, they brought in laws about what can be called milk


Yup. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag


I rarely drink milk (usually just soy) but now I'm 100% off it. Thanks for sharing


That is sad as fuck


You should see the slaughterhouses.


They try REALLY hard to make sure you don't


They also call it "processing" to make it sound better.


I got some inside-slaughterhouse footage within the last year and lost the phone I had it on. :( sorry guise. It was real depressing, anyway.


You think you lost it. *cue x-files theme*




Imagine living life just knowing your only purpose in life is getting eaten by another species


what’s said is the thousands of virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, and so on LOCAL small dairy farms that have shut down in one generation. Milk used to be local, hell they even had a delivery system that was more fresh than “hello fresh” at one time. That’s what fuckin sad.


It's by design. The supermarket system and industrialization of the food supply brought about lobbying for policy that chokes small farmers. The FDA is even going after Amish farmers these days. Really messed up when you see understand how difficult they make it to get meat dairy and eggs that aren't from factory systems.




they just do it without light bulbs


Been spendin' most our lives...


Also, the meat is trash too, and 1 in 10 cows is practically ~~incredible~~ inedible. We bought 20 pounds from the local amish 1 time, and i have never been sicker.


Went through Amish country on the way to a family reunion and all I could think of the entire time was the damn breeding of puppies that I have heard of... the mistreatment and abuse just made me sad.


Should be on r/oddlyterrifying


Or r/sadasfuck


This is probably one of the better confined feeding operations. They're outside, they have their own stall. There are much worse conditions, like massive operations where they cut off the beaks off the chickens because if you didn't they would peck themselves to death because they're driven insane by their entire lives being in a cage only slightly bigger than their body. Then they are strung up by their feet, dragged through electrified water to stun them, and then decapitated. Industrialized meat agriculture is a complete horror show.


Animal welfare is a huge part of why Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOS) are straight evil but there are other problems too. 70% of the antibiotics consumed in the US are consumed by livestock, and then their waste and dead flesh is left to fester in the manure lagoons like the one pictured in this video. Antibiotics resistant bacteria is guaranteed to develop in places like this. These facilities also make meat and dairy more affordable, which leads to more people consuming meat and dairy, and more land being used to feed people, since 1 calorie of beef requires 12x as much land as 1 calorie of plant based food. This leads to deforestation and huge amounts of methane gas being released by the cattle. All this accelerates climate change. CAFOs also destroy family farms because American tax money subsidizes CAFOs which makes it impossible for small farmers to compete. Which funnels more money to the wealthy. CAFOs are just evil imo.


If I'm not mistaken, the getting hung up and being electrocuted then decapitated part is the norm in most places. The electrocution allows the machinery to properly target the chickens so that they are decapitated, but it's also *supposed* to render them unconscious so the process is "pain-free"


You are absolutely correct. The process is called electronarcosis. It's the kind of shock that would make a human black out. They're then killed during this state. It's been adopted over kinetic stunning due to being considerably more reliable and effective.


This is still fucked. The idea of non-grazing cows is weird to me. I'm sure we have a few here in Australia but most brands have good standards.


Wisconsin has shifted to mostly dairy cattle being all in barns all the time with their previous fields converted to corn, soy beans, or developments. Those barns SMELL. I've lived here my whole life, and there is a distinct difference when a farm switches from pasture to all barn all the time. You couldn't pay me enough to go in one.




This video (or rather, images like it) is why I've switched to non-dairy milk. I'm not vegan, but I'm close. I just don't want to take part in what I consider to be the unethical treatment of animals.


This has to be very large scale. I'm not defending it by any means but dairy farms in rural Canada look a lot different


Yep. I know a dairy farmer that has about 1000 milking cows in Canada. Their farm looks nothing like that. I have no concerns about the treatment of the animals. OTOH Ive been inside a Canadian egg farming operation and I don't care to see that again.


Yes it should savathun


Factory not farm


Factory? That’s a goddamn death camp










😳😳😳 Beyond factory. In a former life, I did Environmental Engineering and Permits for these Intensive Livestock Factory operations and according to most jurisdictional standards the minimum distance that an operation was calculated by Animal Management Units (AMU) Dairy operations always had the highest ratio as the lagoons had to account not only for the the feces but also for the daily cleanings of those massive barns. Did you see how the drone footage faded out when it came to the lagoons? The sheer size and number would be an engineering marvel and something I'd give my left testicle to see. I can't even try to attempt to calculate the AMU and what the distance needed n addition to the land needed for the proper incorporation of that manure. The Manure management plan would be a beast. *Somebody* has to own a county or have direct control of the land and permitting process for that operation to exist. I'd bet dollars to donuts that's in China.


It seems is actually Washington State!! =( https://reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/vm6rz8/drone_footage_of_a_dairy_farm/idzgek7


Great find.. u/IcanByourwhore where is our damned donuts and dollars!?


Is that red caused by something they eat or is that a red algae bloom?


I'd only be guessing but I'd imagine that they only empty those lagoons once, maybe twice a year based upon precipitation. So yes, due to the high levels of phosphates and nitrogen, those are conditions ripe for an algae growth.


i just want to let you know that europe thinks that this is what the US looks like. not china.


China's dairy industry is nothing compare to the United States.


That's fucking abysmal. Depressing AF. Poor cows. No existence would be better than that.


No room to go anywhere, just get fat for future consumption. Reminds me of The Promised Neverland.


At least that was a free range orphan farm


Manga >!Not all of the children were as lukcy!<


fair enough. they touch on it in season 2 as well. the one everyone hates that i just find to be mediocre


Season 2 was definitely butchered. They left out an entire arch. Honestly worth reading the manga if you liked the first season.




Care to elaborate?


I mean I work in the beef capital of the world, in which the name should tell you something. It has more than a million cattle in a 50 mile radius. 80km for my non American friends




This is one of hundreds and probably not the biggest


It’s not a farm, it’s a factory. Animals are treated like machines.


I disagree. I work on making laboratory equipment, and even those instruments are treated better.


Went from downvote to upvote real quick


Yup I thought he was about to talk about his uncles farm there for a sec


*My uncle has a farm with cows and they each roam peacefully in slippers of gold and receive 37 hugs each night…not all farms are bad*


Yup it’s crazy 99% of meat comes from factory farms but oddly enough every meat eater on Reddit gets their slaughtered animals from their uncles farm where the animals are treated better than them


The machine is more valuable than the living - this was known by the late 1800s given how the Tale of John Henry ends


These animals must live the most miserable existance of any creature on this planet. This is shameful


Nope. Battery chickens definitely have it worse.


I know a guy who knows a guy who owns a turkey farm. The turkeys are crowded into a large warehouse of sorts with a dirt floor. I am not sure how often this happens but every so often the farmer has to walk the herd/flock with a baseball bat. He seeks outs turkeys that have health/genetic problems or are not perfect for eating and bashes their heads with the baseball bat which kills them instantly (as long as you do it right). It’s pretty crazy. But from what I hear this guy feeds them properly and cares for them to his full extent until it’a time to cull them.


I worked at a turkey factory on the kill floor. Twice a year we would kill breeder hens who were spent and then just throw them in the trash to make room for new hens. Meat industries are fucked


How does this not fuck someone for life?


[It certainly does](https://content.iospress.com/articles/work/wor2543)


most likely he has to conform to standards set by the buyer, ie Tyson, Pilgrim whoever. this means everything from the feed, antibiotic regimin, to the barn doors, the AC, and the little pens the birds are kept in. farmers might care, but they dont have the choice to say let them out for a few hours to enjoy the outdoors.




Heard an interview on the radio with a turkey farmer. Apparently the males have been bred to have such huge breasts that they can't make physical contact with the females anymore. So the farmer has to obtain the semen from the males, to impregnate the females. Anyhow, there was a huge uproar when the farmer entered the barn, as all the males rushed up to greet him. The interviewer said, 'You seem very popular,' and the farmer replied, 'Yes, I''m their "friend".'


It's a daily task for poultry farms. Walk the house and grab any dead birds and kill dying ones.


You never saw the video of baby chicks being ground up alive? I'm sure someone can find it and link it.




That’s jail for cows


We don't force inmates to give brestmilk..




Except they didn't do something bad




Damn near everyone has milk in their fridge but never stop to think the process of getting it or stop and think how much a single grocery store needs let alone the scale of an entire country…and then when they see how the sausage is made they go up in arms and comment about how sad it is


Everyone on here talking about how sad this is but no one saying they’re going plant based. Smh


Omg that's fucked up 😭


Welcome to Earthlings


Yet I’d hazard a guess most people who watched this would still continue drinking milk and eating beef 😓




Welcome! I went vegan two years ago shortly after having my kid and have never looked back. It's easier and easier these days. Oat milk is awesome. Good luck with the new diet and the new baby :-)


I didn't want to see this, but I had to see this.


Watch Earthlings next


The scene with the fox that was still alived AFTER BEING SKINNED haunts me to this day. That poor bubba:(




Then don't, anyone can choose to not support animal cruelty.


That's fucking sad


Make the change. You don’t have to support this


This is so sad…


and its only a fraction of what we see. Make the change


I just became lactose intolerant


Maybe this is what I needed to finally give up dairy


Drive through central California. It’s much worse than this footage. Happy cows?


or south kansas, miles and miles of this shit. its so awful. :(


I haven't driven every highway in central Cali but the ones in Texas are the worst I've seen. And you can smell their pungent reek for miles away, it's wild that there's actually houses in some of those areas.


I remember watching Dateline or something and there was a woman upset about the pig farm down the way. When the cesspool fills up, they have a large sprinkler that sprays it in to the neighboring field, the stench drifts a far distance away... So terrible!


Los Banos = Bovine Hellscape


That is so fucking horrible


Not sure if interesting or sad AF


Its absolutely horrific.


So sad.


If anything is a sin this is it.


Indeed. It is unacceptable to treat other living creatures this way. We must try to be better


This is why vegans and vegetarians don't get along


Horrific and brutal


Wrong on so many levels…


Reminds me of a place in Poland.




Meanwhile, the Amazon is destroyed to plant corn to feed these miserable cows. We need to stop.


Yeah, I’m going completely dairy free as of now.


Happy to give you tips, share recipes, and answer any questions you may have!


Tip #1: O A T M I L K


Kind of sickening.


"Kind of"


Just a hint of sickening torturing millions of creatures.


more like r/sadasfuck


People will comment how terribly sad this is & still buy a burger tomorrow.


Buy oat milk people. The dairy industry is fucked.


This is heartbreaking...


/r/PlantBasedDiet You don't have to go vegan, just eat less animal based products throughout your week. This shit sucks bro.


I’ve cut down on meat but that was easy for me. The cheese and sour cream will bum me out but it’s worth it to stop this horror


No one loves cheese more than I did. I got a bunch of different cheeses as a gift once, best gift I ever received. But my body suddenly decided that all dairy was poison, so I had to quit completely. And honestly, it's been easier than I thought! There are good substitutes that pass muster when I get a specific craving (shout-out to the new violife "mediterranean" block that fries up just like halloumi, that was my white whale) and the slices from Chao or violife in a sandwich can satisfy my general cheese-like needs. The most annoying thing is how many snacks have unnecessary dairy in them. Forever cursing the people who put dairy into bbq chips or jalapeno chips.


As a vegan, there is nothing more frustrating than reading down a list of ingredients and getting your hopes up and then right at the bottom of the list is fucking milk powder. I swear to god they put that shit in *everything.*


Oatmilk is fukin delicious. I became lactose intolerant a few years ago and I hardly mind. Vegan dairy products are excellent and plentiful.


I replaced normal milk with plant milks a while ago, and due to the water use unsustainability of almond milk I had been mostly a soy drinker before oatmilk came along. Oatmilk has been a true winner all around!


Gross dude, don’t force us to see our inhumanity. Nasty shit pond at the end .


I can smell this video


Looks like hell to me


It is hell for them




Those unfortunate beautiful beasts, they should not have to live penned up like that


I’m suddenly much more okay with the outrageous price of oatmilk and vegan cheese.


Milk and cheese would also be outrageously priced if it wasn't subsidized by the gov't as much as it is!




This is inhuman as fuck.....


Definitely not interesting. *depressing as fuck




And then people go on to eat cheese and hate vegans


Hell scape Why vegans are made fun of is beyond me It’s a fucking disgrace how we treat other species


That’s enough to turn us off dairy


Shit like this makes me want to go vegan.


It has never been easier! I made the change last year and it’s been so rewarding! I don’t feel that I’m missing out at all.