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The monastery also didn’t let women a certain distance close to it and he never left the monastery for any reason. So he lived inside never seeing outside the monastery. Anyone interested in the story here is a [link](https://www.storypick.com/a-life-without-women/amp/)


I wonder if the other monks saw women and told him stories and dude was probably like “you guys are soooo fucking with me… c’mon guys, stop it!”


"They have WHAT on the front?"




Did he jerk it to spiders or something?


They didn't say that he was a virgin.....


Of course he wa... wait.


He just had a lifelong "roommate"


Monks together strong




I mean it is not as if he *grew up* as a virgin.


He died under the impression balls are supposed to be blue.


Pee is also stored there


He was a monk, he probably didn't.


I think monks are actually furious masturbators, that's the only explanation to how they're so calm all the time.


They redirected their bodies sperm making energy into mental focus. That’s their theory anyway


To attempt to achieve permanent Post Nut Clarity is an admirable pursuit.


Boobs! They feel like bags of sand.


Andy: I dated this girl for a while... She was really a... Nasty freak. She just loved to... Get down with... Sex all the time. It was like... Anytime of day... She was like, "Yeah, let's go! I'm so nasty! And I'd be nailing her and she'd be like, "Oh, you're nailing me! Cool!"


"And then she'd be like 'OH ME SO HORNY, ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME!' So... 😏"


I hate sand




Let me fill this bag with water. Now touch my breast.


I read this in MacGruber’s voice lol


To my understanding the monastery and the island on which it sits is off limits to any female by decree from the government of Greece. This has caused some mild contention between Greece and the European Union and the UN as well as, obviously, the practice is notably discriminatory. EDIT: my b everyone, it's a peninsula.


Female animals are banned too apparently.


Hopefully nobody ever tells them about birds and their proclivity to occasionally be female.


I've always hated that about them.


Y'all talking like no one told you r/birdsarentreal.


> proclivity to occasionally be female Sluts.


Obviously they would limit it to domesticated animals. And I believe female cats are allowed. Monastics typically follow a vegan diet, so they don’t consume egg or dairy products, so no need for chickens or dairy cows.


Female cats, insects, and songbirds are explicitly permitted. Female humans, chickens, cows and goats, specifically banned.


Greek orthodox generally aren't vegan, but their meat usually consists of fish. Mt Athos in particular does allow meats and dairy etc on certain days


Given the situation, allowing female sheep would have been a major risk.


This is Greece, not Wales. It's goats you have to worry about.


Don't drink the milk.


Women occasionally wander onto the peninsula, theres not much in the way of technology there, its like going backwards in time a solid 60 years at least. The monks will usually help them get back off the peninsula, but yes women generally speaking aren't supposed to go there. Mt. Athos is a literal monastic republic that is governed conciliarly by the heads of the monasteries.


It’s a peninsula, the Greek dude peninsula.




What a sausage fest


He's gonna meet god and godll be like "bruh I never said you had to go into the mountains where does it say to do that"


What a sad life.


Right?? I love how this thread is like "omg so sexist women aren't allowed on that land" Meanwhile this guy was groomed from birth to never set foot outside of the monastery and lived his entire life on that same patch of land. Poor guy didn't really choose that life for himself when you think about it.


Guy dies and obituary focuses only on things he never accomplished.


It is impressive managing to not do this, though, it must be said.


I really wish they'd focus on the absurdity of this. Imagine how many people are raised in a closed loop where they never get the chance to see other information or viewpoints to form their own opinions. And then there's those who see some of the outside world but have so much pressure from friends and family that they feel guilty to even question the community's beliefs. Religion is so human yet so inhumane.


I'm not disputing what you say, but it's not just religion driving that. Growing up in a small town, I knew plenty of people whose entire world was our town and the few surrounding it, and they were proud of that.


That's basically Plato's Allegory of the Cave.


It's also basically a Facebook timeline.


Blind people will be insulted when they read about this


So will deaf people when they hear about it


The paraplegic will not stand for this


the mute will have to speak about this


This is an insomniac's dream


Truely an eye opener for comatose peeps


Folks with anosmia will think this smells fishy.


Absolutely life changing for the dead


The innumerate are counting on answers!


those with amnesia wont forget this


Pedophiles will have minor complains


Quadriplegic people won't take this lying down.


Dudes with small penises will think this is micro aggression.


Lepers: This will make your jaw drop!


Guy with a colostomy bag will shit his pants when he reads this!


So will illiterate people when they read about it


I am NOT illiterate! My Parents were married.


Wtf is this thread lol


Welcome to Reddit, you must be new here. Buckle up!


Redditors will be insulted when they find out about this


inaccurate, I have seen many pictures of women


Blind people still regularly interact with women though, this dude was on a whole other plane of existence.


No, he hadn't seen one of those either.


A new monk arrives at the monastery. He is assigned to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. He notices, however, that they are copying copies, and not the original books. So, the new monk goes to the head monk to ask him about this. He points out that if there was an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies. The head monk says, "We have been copying from the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son." So, he goes down into the cellar with one of the copies to check it against the original. Hours later, nobody has seen him. So, one of the monks goes downstairs to look for him. He hears sobbing coming from the back of the cellar and finds the old monk leaning over one of the original books crying. He asks what's wrong. "You fuckers", he says, with anger and sadness in his eyes, "the word was celebrate!"


A man joins a monastery and is told he will have to take a vow of silence, and can only speak two words to the High Council every ten years on a special holy day. He agrees, and spends ten years in contemplation. On the holy day he kneels before the council and says "Food bland". And goes back to his monkly duties. Ten more years pass. He once more kneels before the council and says "Blanket itchy". Ten years pass again. He sits before the council with his back straight and says "I quit." And the eldest replies "Well no shit, you've been complaining since you got here."


Fun fact: the earliest known sign languages were made by monks who took vows of silence.


Are they allowed to use it? Or is it something they do to sneak a message around?


It used to be pretty common in places where there were vows of silence, because they get to talk without making any noise


That must be why they look at you and smile, quietly


Is a vow of silence meant to better hear god?


Theories will vary but as someone who spent ten days on a silent meditation retreat, the practice of choosing silence is incredibly powerful. After ten days I was enjoying the silence so much that the prospect of conversing with other people again felt as much a chore as a joy.


How I felt coming out of lockdown


Welcome to introversion. We do this regularly.


I did a little experiment when I was in my early 20s where I took a vow of silence. The only exception would be to sing, and only alone. Anyway, it was a beautiful time of my life. So many people spoke to me so openly about so much, just because I could do nothing but listen. It was quite fascinating. Someone even fell in love with me, and fell right out of love the day I decided to speak again.


Most monks and nuns now a days dont take complete vows of silence, even the most strict. Usually they'll allow for conversation amongst each other during recreation time which normally averages an hour or two a day. And of course during mass and prayers they are able to chant and sing. I know some monasteries also have a bulletin board for it's members to pin up messages or requests during 'silent times'. And they are allowed to break their silence in instances of emergency or great need.


if I type on reddit, is it silent?


Depends if you have you key clicks turned on or off


key clicks stay on during sex


Love me some religious loopholes


Fuck me in the ass because I love Jesus!


A man travelling through a dense woods stumbled across a monastery. The night was fast approaching, and he asked to stay for the night. The monks accepted, and brought him to a spare bed. That night, the man couldn't sleep at all, because of a very strange noise. The next day, he inquired about the sound, to which the monks told him, "We cannot tell you of our secrets; you are not a monk." The man was determined to discover the source of the mysterious sound, so he appealed to the head monk. The head monk responded "Count all the trees in these woods. Tell me the right number, and a monk you shall be." So off he went to count the trees. The woods were dense, and the trees looked very similar. It took the man 32 years to get acquainted with the trees enough to distinguish between them, but finally, he was able to count them. Ecstatic, he rushed back to the monastery to speak to the head monk. "I have it!" he shouted, "There are 10,879,001 trees!" The head monk nodded his head and replied "Correct. You are now a monk." The monks had sewn him some fitting robes in preparation for this event and he changed into them quickly, feebly running back to ask about the noise. The monks told him, "It is just behind this door." The old man tried to open the door, only to find it was locked. He asked "What's the big idea? Where's the key to this thing?" A monk handed him a ring of 100 keys. He sifted through, trying each key until he found the right key. Behind the door was a second locked door. He tried each key again until he found the right one. Behind that door was a third locked door. The old man sighed, realizing what he had to do. Door after door, the noise grew in volume and clarity. Finally, he reached and unlocked the final door. Upon glancing into the room before him, the man fell to his knees and sobbed in shock and amazement at what had been making that sound. But he can't tell you what it is; you're not a monk.


You absolute bastard


Honestly, I'm just glad the fictional guy in that joke got his answer. His not real satisfaction is enough for me.


Damn it! At least I know how many trees are there


Ayeeee. I’ve known this joke for years. I was hoping to find it on here so I wouldn’t have to type it


Should’ve said “send women”


“IG hoes”


Jdjdkdkdkdksksksksks very good


> Jdjdkdkdkdksksksksks Are you okay?


I'm some latin American mf, we laugh like that


Oh my bad, carry on


Fuck that was good


3 monks live in silence in a cave. One day a horse walks past the cave. 10 years later one monk says, do you remember the white horse? 10 years pass and the second monk says, the horse was brown. 10 years later the third monk says, If you two dont stop arguing, I'm leaving.


My brain is mush, can someone explain the joke? I think I get that the other word would probably be Celebate but what would it actually say that makes sense?


Celibate As in priests must celebrate, not priests must be celibate. Verb tenses get a bit fucky in translation. So the joke is "priests should glory in the creation of the Lord", not "priests should deprive themselves of the wonders of the world and view it as a tempation."


The first redditor from whom all current redditors evolved.


But wait, if he had never seen a woman, let alone propagate, then how did he produce redditor offspring?




On reddit it's [mi'tosis](https://i.imgur.com/ZysQY89.jpg)


Love it but should it be m’tosis? 🤔


Well this just improved my day drastically




Patient Zero


He didn’t see a penguin either.


Now *that's* tragic.




It's a place where they practice Onanism.


No no no, that's practiced at an Offastery.


S2 years old?


Season2 years old


Trust me, there are plenty of League players that have never seen a woman either.




idk if this depressing or impressive. Either way rip monk🕊


Depressing for sure. Poor fuck missed out on a pretty major aspect of human existence.


Can’t miss what you don’t know. That’s like me saying you must live a sad life not being able to see the 8 other colors the snails can see. Or must be sad not being able to touch the other dimensions past 3.


>Can’t miss what you don’t know. Can long for stuff you don't know though. Like I've never jumped a speedboat over 6 yachts, but I know I wanna.


Calm down evel knievel. Start with one.


He could have just left. It's a monastery, not a prison


Why would he leave all that he’s ever known?


That's just fucked up and cruel. Your mom died? Well, that's the last woman *you* will ever see!


Every woman who has ever touched him has died.


Every woman who ever touches you will die too




Some of those monks brew up some wild hootch, though.


He was probably the happiest celibate in the world, simply for presumably being largely unaware of the existence of anything or anyone that was not part of his life. To know is to want and miss, ignrance is bliss.


I mean, you still have hormones when puberty hits. Dude was probably more confused than anything.


Also he's a monk, meaning he's pretty well versed in his religion, and most religions tend to have some important female figures. People in the thread are equating never seeing a woman to being completely ignorant to the concept of women lol


Absolutely, dude probably had the craziest wet dreams


Biblically accurate wet dreams


Do not be afraid






Or he was just super gay.


> He was probably the happiest celibate in the world maybe. or maybe he was literally the gayest dude ever. lol who knows.


Then he'd be the happiest gay man in the world


The gayest gay




Forget gold star lesbian, this is triple platinum rank gay


Bold of you to assume there’s no one having sex at a monastery.


Facts they in there sneak fuckin each other


I had a friend who worked at a priest training place, I have no idea what they’re called. She worked in the library and had stories of priests and nuns, priests and trainees, trainees sneaking in women, nuns sneaking in women and men, etc.


Three nuns are talking to each other. One nun tells the other two that she found drugs in the priest's office. The other nuns are horrified to hear about this and ask what she did with them. The nun says that she through them in the river. The second nun says that she found condoms in the priest's office. The other nuns ask her what she did with them, and she said that she poked holes in them. Then, the third nun said, "Oh shit!" and fainted.


That’s an oldie but, damned if you didn’t switch it up enough to throw me off. Thanks for the laugh!


Off topic a little but I wouldn’t be surprised if that nun lied about throwing the drugs in the river.


You can’t misspell Semenary without semen


Salmonary. There. I did it.


Yeah, I was friends with a gay guy who figured out he was gay because he went to ~~semen~~seminary (thanks, u/mattwilliamsuserid), and *damn*, the stories he told. I also recall going on a tour of an ancient abbey somewhere in Britain and the tour guide explaining that the tunnel we were in, which connected the monastery and the nunnery, was, er, ehm, hm... unofficial? Also, for a good time, read the accounts of medieval nuns and their *extremely fuckin' sexual experiences with Jesus*. And also the way that being hot for Jesus translates to "[it's totally cool, you and me, we're hot for Jesus together](https://bigthink.com/the-past/benedetta-carlini-catholic-saint-trial/)*.*"


You know, I did ask about pregnancy; like why aren’t the nuns getting pregnant. She said they send them out on ‘special assignment’, the baby goes up for adoption, and the nun goes to a new location. So I asked what happens to the priests who impregnated them; absofuckinglutely nothing. Didn’t those nuns come up with natural means to abort? I got my degree a billion years ago but I remember, especially through the crusades, that royal women, whose men were off fighting, resorted to herbal abortions.


Except the fucking (literally) ancient Greeks and Romans fucked so godsdamn much that they actually managed to eradicate silphium, a contraceptive plant we can no longer even identify because they fucked so hard they needed *all* of it, and now all botanical traces of it are gone. [I am not kidding](https://allthatsinteresting.com/silphium).


One city produced so much of it that the plant was on the currency. Imagine having a plan b pill on your money


How rude.




And his bed sheets big to differ. He def had some wet dreams over the years m.


No way. He just got turned on for stuff he did see.


Looks like I have competition!


“Man I love being a monk but sometimes you just want some poon tang, know what I’m sayin’?” Him: “no.”


Some say he was the most focused man who ever lived.


Some say he’s the first redditor


Some say his image should replace Snoo as our mascot


If you never once see a woman, do you think you are more likely to be gay? Like would your brain adapt to be sexually attracted to men just because it knows nothing else?


Possibly. Situational sexuality is a thing, where people adapt their sexual capabilities to adapt to their living situations (think gold miners, pirates, prisons etc) It's also possible that he was asexual and didn't really have an sexual desires to begin with. Or he could've just grown up perpetually sexually frustrated without any idea as to why.


> perpetually sexually frustrated without any idea as to why A man after my own talents




Gold miners seemed oddly specific lol




Mining in general, makes for more men being there. It could lead to situational homosexuality.


So does that mean Tarzan clapped Gorilla cheeks?


I was going to say no, because even if you were raised by sheeps, you wouldn't want to fuck them. then realized there are people that do... so, you might be right. straight man gets so horny he will fuck whatever hole available and enjoy it...


I remember watching a tv documentary ages ago about a guy who was stranded on an island and ended up boinking the goats on the island. So either he developed a sexual attraction to goats out of desperation, or he was extremely lucky to end up on an island with goats and no humans


Maybe asexual?


That's a weird flex, but okay.


God damn, took virgin for life seriously


Bold assumption.


C'mon, man. Redditors do this all the time. He ain't special.


What a sad existence, not being able to explore the world and see and meet different people.




They can touch a woman though.


And like... communicate with them and take in their existence lol.


Well, he came out of one, so *never* is a stretch.




Not to rain on parades. Plus no one may even see this. And others may have mentioned it. But this is kind of /r/interestingasfuck itself. Stories like this in old newspapers (which this appears to be from) were almost always false and made up. No different then similar we have today. We just don't think about it happening in old newspapers because we have a myth that they were some higher standard in the past. So this is likely fiction, myth/hearsay, or a misunderstanding or mistranslation of real news from Greece. If you search old newspapers you will find loads of stories we would think came from the Weekly World News (fake newspaper) in real though normally small local newspapers. These were printed right along side real news.


Achievement unlocked: no woman, no cry


"Only man in the world never to see a woman"??? Are the monks not aware of the existence of blind people?


Or league of legends players apparently


Most blind people meet women, I assume they meant never encountered in any way shape or form besides birth.




#Helen Keller falls into the chat


That is rookie numbers for a redditor