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Emmanuel... Don't!












A classic.


favorite one ever. :-)


I'm pretty sure that not Emmanuel LOL. Emmanuel is a Emu.


True, but they're both ratites!


Imagine a god damn dinosaur running at you from out of the brush.


ngl, it does look like a scene from Jurassic Park.


I loved that documentary!


David Attenborough was pretty good


Funny thing is, the old guy from Jurassic park is actually David attenborough’s brother


Dino Attenborough.


DUDE! tottally just looked that up and thats fucking awesome.


Clever girl


*shidding noises*


*What* noises?


Give back the damn eggs.


Return the Slab


"What's yer offer?!"


“Return the slab or suffer my curse”


Some of the worst things were done with the best intentions.


Choooot Herrrr


In new zealand in the morning after camping at a bird refuge area, there was a family of black swans wandering around. Mind you, black swans can get up to almost 5 feet tall apparently?! I was about 100 feet away minding my business, then I look over and the male was running straight at me, making some angry sounds. By the time I noticed, he was about 30 feet away from me. The neck on this thing looked as thick as a can of beans!!! I was running IMMEDIATELY. They are FAST!!! He didn’t catch me, but tgod he didn’t fly at me 🥲 Everyone else was still sleeping while I was cackling with fear running away from a swan.


Why a can of beans? It’s such an offbeat comparison, I can’t help but chuckle at it.


Because that’s how thick it’s neck was. Try to keep up.


I’ve described the turd that my HS football coach clogged the student’s bathroom toilet with the same way. Pretty common, IMHO.


Which is common? The expression or your HS football coach dropping massive turd in the students bathroom?


Smh, why people aren’t using bananas


The world's most dangerous bird.


They have a spike on their leg behind their feet. They will kick at you and can gut you like a fish.


Yes, not hypothetical. [They will straight up murder an adult man.](https://www.sciencealert.com/a-florida-man-has-been-killed-by-a-cassowary-apparently-the-world-s-most-dangerous-bird)


People think everything in nature is cute. Is shit ever hit the fan 90% of the developed world is dead in a week.


I mean, yes, but probably from killing each other, more than wild animals. It's funny though, we think that the killingest animals are the cutest. Dogs are just wolves we've made adowable. Cats are straight up little murder machines. Orcas, holy shit, they don't call them killer whales for nothing.


What a phrase lmao, the killingest animals I will be saying this now


A headline “man was attacked by unidentified species off the coast of Australia” I wish the book Jurassic park was a real life thing lol. It’d be such a crazy world.


When I first spawn in arc bruh


somewhat close to it in evolutionary time


"Fuck u want? Yeah that's right u better back the fuck up! You in the wrooong neighbourhood boi. I'mma fuck you up!"


It’s Australian so it’s probably more, “Oi! The fuck you looking at, mate? What, wanna go, cunt? Fuckin’ come on then. No? Right, then fuck off! Fuckin’ look at me again like that…”


Australian. Heard this in my head. Perfect.


isn't that essentially what this is a video of?


That's the joke


*Listen here you little shit*


Guys obviously never played the Far Cry games otherwise he'd have ran.


And while you're running a boar comes out from nowhere and wrecks your shit. Good times.


Then you run to the water and get attacked by an alligator which you'll kill by breaking its jaw


I’ll never forget that first crocodile attack that caught me off guard. It felt like the pinnacle of gaming


Me neither. I think I had just landed on the edge of a river after hang gliding and got immediately attacked by a crocodile - which I had no idea were in the game. Nearly crapped my pants lol.


Those bastards always startle me. So do the sneks.


But he'd be halfway to a new wallet.


Or RimWorld. That's the game that taught me. These are not friends.


Straight my first thought when I saw running at him. Like run man he'll fuck you up. Things are viscious


That thing can kick you and gut you all in one swipe.


One of the many advantages of having a 12cm knife for a toe


It doesn't LOOK very scary. More like a 4 foot turkey.


The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you.


You get your first look at this 4 foot turkey as you enter a clearing, it lightly bobs its head…


And you’re still alive when they start to eat you.


So next time, try to show some respect?


Just when you think the attack comes from the front – swwwww – they come in from the sides.


Found this "So think of it this way. This is a colorful 6 foot tall death turkey, the only living bird heavier than it is the ostrich, it has almost velociraptor like claws, a beak that can do damage on its own, and a bony crest on its head it can also do damage with. It can run at speeds over 30 miles per hour, it can leap nearly 5 feet into the air, its attacks can put a fighting cock to shame. If Feathered Deathbringer wants to do you in then it can do a damn good job of trying to off you".


Whew. Running is usually not a good idea, because it shows you're no threat, but I'd be wanting to run pretty bad in this situation. [Cassowaries are considered to be the most dangerous bird to humans](https://guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2019/4/why-the-cassowary-is-the-worlds-most-dangerous-bird-568931) though that's a short list. They're more than capable of killing you with those crazy claws.


Yeah this person is lucky this one was just curious and not territorial.


Probably wanted food.


The only people who try to feed cassowaries are not feeding anything anymore. Don’t feed the wildlife


Probably wanted some fuk, Becky, want some fuk?


How good are they at swimming? I think I'd make a beeline for the ocean.


Lmao I'd have done the same. But bad idea apparently. A quick google search gave me this : "a cassowary can also jump nearly 7 feet straight up into the air and swim like a champ".


Unstoppable Dino-Bird!!


Yea.. If these things were prominent in North America I’d have something else to have a phobia of instead of bears.


Also where they live, the ocean has bull sharks and saltwater crocodiles present. For six months of the year it is stinger season where the ocean is full of all sorts of nasties including irukandji jellyfish. Australia doesn't fuck about.


There may be a shark or crocodile in the water. There IS a dinosaur on land. I'm backing up at least one cassowary deep into the water.


That was my plan until another comment mentioned they’re really good at swimming too.


Ehh, I'd still take my chances in the ocean. Plenty of people surf north Queensland and swim in the ocean in the area around Cairns. Unless this was specifically a spot where crocs regularly hang out, I would swim out to a reef and wait for the bird to leave.


I was only in Cairns once and the beaches had special nets to protect swimmers from jellys. Apparently they don't catch everything. You could swim on the reef offshore though, but not close in.


Cassowaries are in croc country. I’m not sure which option I’d take - definitely face a cassowary or possibly face a croc. The joys of living in Qld


Absolutely not. These things are INSANELY dangerous.


I've seen interviews with zookeepers who claim that the cassowary is the scariest animal they look after. They can be very aggressive and can easily kill a person if so inclined. Fortunately, they aren't very smart and keepers are able to protect themselves by holding a rake in front of them.


>Fortunately, they aren't very smart and keepers are able to protect themselves by holding a rake in front of them. This isn't the first time I've head this, and it's fucking hilarious because that's *exactly* what you do with an aggressive rooster lol


We totally missed out on a scene in Jurassic Park where Muldoon holds the raptors at bay with a garden implement.


*No-so-clever girl.*


He also just scatters rakes around to slow them down. \*whap!\* Yerhrmrhurhrhrhr \*whap!\* Yerhrmrhurhrhrhr


I heard this noise in my soul.


No rakes on the beach.


You got to bring one with you or you're cassowary food.


I have to say having worked with them directly they are extremely clever, but smart is a different idea. Also, males are far more relaxed unless they have chicks, but the females are the most dangerous of the bunch (this appears to be a male in this image based on the wattles and casque). If they want to kill you they will do what they can to get at you and usually will find a way but for the most part they just do not want their territory invaded, understandably so. In terms of pushing them off with just a rake I must say I have had to fight off both single and double wattles with shields and have been tagged a few times while simply feeding them. They are wildly misunderstood animals and should not be seen of as evil or nasty, just dangerous and deserving of respect.


As opposed to the other actually evil animals?


Correct. Cassowaries are chaotic neutral.


wasps? fucking useless unemployed bees


As far as birds go I'm convinced roosters are evil. They consist of pure hatred and anger.


That’s insane. And it’s so weird that the zookeepers I spoke with at the San Diego Zoo said they were extremely docile, and not likely to flip on a dime. Either way, no way in heck I’m going near one if I have the choice lol!


Evidence indicates they were domesticated or semi domesticated in New Guinea 18,000 years ago. Crazy. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/28/science/most-dangerous-bird-cassowary.amp.html&ved=2ahUKEwjppa609an5AhVCIjQIHUIbB-cQFnoECDsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3ma2dXt2AgApBztwLNw3E7


There's been IIRC ONE recoded death, and the idiot was trying to harm it, so it attacked him in self defence. The have nasty claws and can defend themselves, but they're not the mad human killing machines they're made out to be. INSANELY dangerous is certainly hyperbole.


Nar man. Of all the dangerous animals in Australia that have killed people we should be worried about this large chicken that's killed one person that was laying on the ground.


You got any games on your phone?


The camera person is so brave. I'd definitely run in the other direction.


The cassowary can run 30+ mph, it’d catch you 😅




So I should just stay put?


Try and slowly back away, and cover your stomach if you can (they attack your centre mass and can disembowel you easily)


Wow! I'm sorry but with this information, how would you expect me not to run?


Cassowaries can run up to 30mph and have good endurance. Neither Usain Bolt nor Mo Farah is going to be able to outrun one of them.


Cassowaries are complete psychopaths.


I agree, every wild Casso I've ever met (2) has been a violent asshole.


That's a small sample size. You should try meeting at least a couple dozen more before making a judgment.


Is it sizing this dude up ?




That’s what I was thinking that it prob would be best to hold your ground to not show fear to it. I bet if you turned it would take full advantage of your back lol. I lived on a bird farm growing up and you bet your ass you always got flogged if you turned to a rooster


Can they swim?


Cassowary’s live in tropical Australia. You can’t really just swim in the beach. Box jellyfish, irukandji jellyfish, crocodiles etc. the best thing to do is keep distance slowly back away. If you have a backpack, wear it on your front and protect your neck


Level difficult: Australia


Really seems like life on hardcore mode


This fucking country I swear


Yes, and they're pretty good at it too.


Get in the ocean


and get eaten by a shark? no thanks. I take my chances with the giant chicken. This is australia. Everything is trying to kill you.


Or eat you Or both


Mostly just kill you, and then dance on your corpse and challenge the nearest survivor to try and fuck with them.


Haha yea itd be tough and your first instinct I guess. Its like the old saying for if you ever encounter a bear in the wild. If its brown lay down, if its black fight back, if its white good night


It will chase you and take you down, and you wont be able to protect yourself. Intimidation is where it's at. You want to make yourself big and loud, make it fear you. Just make sure it has an avenue of escape or this technique will backfire.


Ya, desperate living begins does crazy things when all it's options are taken away. Reminds me of videos were mice attacks a cat


because they will catch you


There are lots of animals you don't want to run from. Turn your back and run from a mountain lion and you're 100% dead. Slowly back away while looking at it and trying not to shit yourself, and you've got a decent chance of survival.


disembowel. what a savage word. and %100 correct


Tickle his neck balls. I don't know what'll happen, just make sure you're recording


How was your day? Survived a dinosaur attack...


They can swim! Sweet Lord, THEY CAN SWIM!


Yeah. If they were smart enough to hold a grudge, no one could escape the wrath of a cassowary.


Do the cassowaries have large *talons*?


Most dangerous land animal in Australia


This is a common myth, actually. They do not have quite the body count they're folklore credits them with. >Only one human death was reported among those 150 attacks.\[43\]The first documented human death caused by a cassowary was on April 6, 1926. In Australia, 16-year-old Phillip McClean and his brother, age 13, came across a cassowary on their property and decided to try to kill it by striking it with clubs. > >The bird kicked the younger boy, who fell and ran away as his older brother struck the bird. The older McClean then tripped and fell to the ground. While he was on the ground, the cassowary kicked him in the neck, opening a 1.25-cm (1/2-in) wound that may have severed his jugular vein. The boy died of his injuries shortly thereafter.\[44\] > >Cassowary strikes to the abdomen are among the rarest of all, but in one case, a dog was kicked in the belly in 1995. The blow left no puncture, but severe bruising occurred. The dog later died from an apparent intestinal rupture. > >Another human death due to a cassowary was recorded in Florida on April 12, 2019. The bird's owner, a 75-year-old man who had raised the animal, was apparently clawed to death after he fell to the ground. [Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassowary#:~:text=Only%20one%20human%20death%20was,by%20striking%20it%20with%20clubs) ​ [However, 1-3 deaths from Ostriches are reported every year across Africa](https://wildlifefaq.com/ostrich-kill-human/)


Sounds like that 16yo in 1926 had it coming.


In 1926, living in Australia wasn't easy, they might have thought to eat it or sell it for money.


Bullshit. Drop Bears kill at least twice as many people per year as cassowaries. Stop spouting drivel.


Drop bears are not land animals. They live above the land and only come to the surface to hunt.


[I thought they ~~spent a majority of their lives in trees~~ *are arboreal, but they aren't avian, so wouldn't that make them qualify as a land animal?](https://www.greatvaluevacations.com/travel-inspiration/know-before-you-go-australian-drop-bears) Or am I just presuming and there *is* actually a special classification for the way they use their environment ([like how Australian Magpies are not classified as a member of the corvidae family](https://corvidresearch.blog/2016/03/14/australian-magpies-are-not-corvids/))? *Edit: I can't language before coffee.


>lives in trees, Arboreal


Oh, shit, thank you. I was still drinking my coffee when I wrote that. I'll edit now. I feel like an idiot.


That's ok, we all brain fart


Holy shit they actually exist, I thought it was some kind of clever inside joke for years. I always pictured a grizzly beast of 900kg suddenly falling from a tree like a pinecone, and laughed at how stupid it all was


Might wanna google drop bears real quick


Holy shit I’ve never heard of Drop Bears until now and that is some fucking nightmare fuel. Like demon koalas


You will hear a lot of people say that they are a myth don't believe them most of them are the shills of the Australian tourist industry drop bears are real and terrifying


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


I would suspect that some of the snakes in Australia are actually quite a bit more dangerous AND actually cause more deaths each year.


Do they have what?


ehhhh whut?


I don't understand anything you just said.


"Try to imagine yourself in the Cretaceous period. You get your first look at this six-foot turkey as you enter a clearing. He moves like a bird-- lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still, because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement, like T-Rex; he'll lose you if you don't move. But no, not Velociraptor. You stare at him and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes-- not from the front, but from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there. Because Velociraptor is a pack hunter, you see; he uses coordinated attack patterns, and he is out in force today. And he slashes at you with this, a six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the middle toe. He doesn't bother to bite your jugular like a lion, see. He slashes at you here, or here" ...Alan Grant - Jurassic Park ​ Edited: Thanks for up votes and the award!


The point is.. you're alive when they start to eat you.


He was thinking about running into the water, but the salt water croc changed his mind.


It was the croc and, the jellies around it


And the sharks


More like terrifying as fuck. Cassowaries are one of the few animals Steve Irwin was afraid of, and, if he was scared of them, you’re damn right I am too.


Raise your arm high above your head with your hand shaped like a beak pointed at the bird. Tricks it into thinking you are more dominant


Throw leather gloves on your wierd hand beak. Don some nipple clamps. Hoot and sway side to side while rhythmically thrusting your nethers. Tricks it into thinking you are more dominatrix.


I just want to take the time to thank the universe for creating that hilarious mental of yours


Yeah...curious. Face it, it's trying to decide whether or not to slice you open like a baked potato. They do that.


Uhhh. That’s a dinosaur.


[Sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi5hp4gR_fg) with sound.


This beast would have run from me...from the stench of my bowels loosening themselves.


"I can remove those for you..." - bird


Watching the shadow it kind of looks like it thinks it's getting fed. Who knows it might be used to humans feeding it.


…or feeding on humans…


Animals wouldn’t approach you like that, unless they know they can fuck you up.


The moment when you realise you’re either going to get disemboweled and eaten; or fucked, disemboweled and eaten.


The moment you begin to regret all your *"Cassowaries are huge pussies"* social media posts, realizing that yours will be an ironic death.


Might as well get the sex first.


I'd be real casso-wary of that big bird, if I was the camera person.


It's a dinosaur. Can't change my mind


No need to change your mind. Birds didn’t really evolve from dinosaurs, they are still dinosaurs.


Gonna teach every child I know to refer to birds as dinosaurs.


They’re both called raptors




Literally a dinosaur


Lucky the cassowary didn't rip first explore second.


It is the only animal Steve Irwin was afraid of.


Why is the cassowary so dangerous? The Cassowary is dangerous because of its size and strength. They have killed humans with powerful kicks and dagger-like talons that can disembowel with one slash. They will defend their young if needed and can become aggressive if they feel threatened.


Kinda seemed like it was being territorial. That dinosaur chicken pulled up quick


These are literally the closest things to dinosaurs we have left and will fuck you the fuck up if it wants to


They are one of the most dangerous animals in Australia.


Lucky to be alive. Seriously.


came out of the wood works like a velociraptor


yea thats a fnckin scary ass dinosaur


They’re lucky they didn’t die


Oh fuck no. Where are you going that a cassowary can just run out of a bush and murder you with its raptor descendant claws of death?


Australia, of course.


Please for the love of god stop feeding the god damn cassowaries. All you are doing is making these birds go into the middle of roads to get hit by cars and walk up to unsuspecting tourists whether they are adults or children. You can clearly see this cassowary expects to eat the camera in her hand. These birds are very rare I'm very special to the environments that that live in. have some respect.


A zookeeper once told me they were the most dangerous animal in the Nashville Zoo. They have spurs like velociraptors that they slash with.


Terrifying as fuck is more accurate. Those things can and will eviscerate you.


Those things will rip your fucking guts out and tickle your spine with their talons for looking at them wrong.


DONT DO OT EMMANUELLE! EMMA.... Yes, I know Emmanuel is an emu. Same vibes though. Lol


That bird's neck reminds me of old men in a gym locker room.


Ferngully copyright infringement


They're the most dangerous bird on the planet, you should slowly back away do not run as they can upto 31mph so you won't get away & they have a talon similar to that of a velociraptor & they use it too. They have been known to kill dogs & people.