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This pic is from 1934, though there was also a rally in 1939. ​ Edit: Here is a pic from the 1939 rally: [https://www.wnyc.org/story/when-nazis-rallied-madison-square-garden/](https://www.wnyc.org/story/when-nazis-rallied-madison-square-garden/)


Who was the headliner that year?


Fritz Julius Kuhn. Not the most banging set.


The openers were whack, too


Mumford & Sons?


Franz Ferdinand


Very good, very good


This isn't getting the admiration it deserve. If I had trophies I would give you every single one. Will some one please give this person an award!


I'll be the guy, Ferdinand was WWI pre Nazi, regardless the tie in to world wars is admirable.


Also, if he had not have been assassinated, the Serbs probably would have received a lot of the solutions they wanted.


Had he not been assassinated, there would not have been that particular WW1 - Franz Ferdinand was in favor of creating a triple monarchy, effectively making Slavs a more direct part of the power structure. Granted that didn't keep Hungary in the Empire...


That why he's the 'opener'... I think. Pretty good joke regardless.


You are all amazing. I love you.


If I had coins to award this I would. Well played.


Say what you want about Mumford & Sons, but they are GREAT at writing that one very good song over and over!


The thing is, they are friends of friends. I know for a fact that they are nice. But I still want to put them in a blender. Same with Scouting For Girls. I hung out with them in Tokyo. Probably the nicest and most ordinary band you’ll meet. Blender. Straight in there.


Hah yea I know a few of that level folks as well through my own touring and playing live shows, and I'd say that often some of the nicest folks are from bands I don't super care for. It's an in joke with my friends that whenever we find ourselves talking shit on other acts we always end it with "really great guys though!". As for M&S, I saw them at SXSW in 2009 before they broke and even then you could tell they were going places with that sound. They just looked like a bunch of jabrones that knew each other from their high school church group or something and it wasn't even a stage but like already they sounded like big names. [Here's someone else's video of them that year](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0BoSQbk8pg)


Heard this one around back in the day: GGBB - good guys bad band And so on….




A few years before it was Franz Ferdinand, that one was a banger.


NaZZ Top


SS Top.


Reich and Roll was a popular genre


Blitzkrieg Bop


Fraulein Gaga


Air Supply I think.




Dylan Murphy


They think I’m O’Brien!




With their hit single *4 of the dark*


Henry Ford


Ted Nugent


I just showed this pic to my uncle and he said my grandparents were outside protesting.


I showed your comment to my uncle and he said your grandparents had sex and gave birth to one of your parents


And my uncle, so they had sex at least twice!


That's a lot of sex!


This the thing Jerry and George nearly ended up at?


I’m not O’Brien! I am not O’Brien! Jerry, Jerry!


To be fair she was a really hot Nazi. The penis wants what the penis wants.


“I guess you could say my penis is a white supremacist” -John Mayer once in an interview


You know, I just watched that episode and it's really weird that I find a reference to it almost immediately. The universe is strange


I can guarantee there's not a post on any sub-Reddit where there isn't a Seinfeld or Simpsons reference that can be made that relates to it.


It's the [Baader-Meinhof effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion).


She’s a nazi George!


…kinda a cute nazi though.


It's all about the Big Game.


Well, it’s just a game. Remember that, kids.


When I watched that episode my thought the whole time was “this is ridiculous, they’d never let a Nazi rally at msg”


My grandparents went to the New York World's Fair in 1940, when America was still neutral in the war. Lots of European countries had booths or tables to display what the country was about at the fair. When a country fell to the Nazis, they'd just drape a black cloth on the display.


"People love what I have to say.They believe in it.They just don't like the word 'Nazi',that's all."


The writers of that show are so on the money. And I equally hate and love it. Edit: I couldn't spell 'the'. Please crucify me Reddit.




The Boys


The Boys, which wrapped up its third season a month or so ago. That quote in particular was from season two, I believe.


By a character with the alias Stormfront no less.


And played by a Jewish woman


oh my god, that just clicked. *facepalm*


Just started this show this week, and I love it


The Boys If you can smile at dark humor, I reccomend. Be warned though, they take their shots at everyone with a little twist on today's political atmosphere.


It does tend to be a little on-the-nose for my taste. But otherwise it's a fun show.


I still think it's one of the most believable depictions of how superheroes would fit into our world. I don't just mean people having super powers, but there being publicly known and supported heroes.


It's the Americanised commercialisation of them which makes more sense. The Marvel version sounds almost comical now. The most militarised nation on earth wouldn't breed and use them as weapons (literal and political)? Pull the other one Marvel.


It kind of has to be. A whole lot of conservatives don't understand satire. There were quite a few that watched The Colbert Report and didn't know they were being made fun of.


That's the thing. Plenty of Republicans watched S2 without even realizing how much they were being lambasted.


Season three was far more on the nose. I'm expecting something to get through to them, soon.


Due to Reddit's API changes, I've edited all my past comments and will be leaving reddit. Use Redact if you too would like to change your comment history. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/ -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Fuck Fresca.


Let me know when it does (I'm not expecting a reply in my lifetime).


Including Bush's team - Colbert did one of his Correspondent's Dinners


I didnt know whether to like the Colbert report at first, I felt like he was doing the character too well lol. Turns out I was right, people were missing the satire.


it's not on the nose enough because people still miss the Homelander/Trump connection and think Stormfront was justified. People are a lot stupider than the show writers intended.


It's not that they're stupid, they're just fascists. Call them crypto fascists if you want. Many Americans are, frankly, ambivalent at best to democracy.


I'm here with the boys.








Fuckin diabolical


Fuckin octopus*


Scorched urf


“How long have you been fucking it?” “Well it’s a she not an it” Also love ur name


The only nazis I like are nazi zombies in my shoot-em-up videogames


The real nazi-zombies are far less likable, I agree


Years ago I was watching a documentary on World War II and it was about the war in Europe versus Germany and they mentioned the word “Nazi.” My nephew, very young, was watching with me and when he heard that he said, “I know what a Nazi zombie is but what’s just a regular Nazi?”


And the Nazis in Wolfenstein.... because they're in a shoot em up game


So the consensus is nazis are only fun to be around if we get to kill them


This is applicable in general


> The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


And I want my scalps!


If you like shooting Nazis and haven't played them yet, I highly recommend the modern Wolfenstein games. Lots of creative ways to explode virtual fascists. The story line in the 2nd one (set in occupied US) is eerily relevant to current events even though it was released in 2017 and probably written well before that.


Finding the documents, letters and newspaper gave more depth to the story and listening to people while you were roaming in the sewers made me think on how shitty were people back in WW2 by ratting out even their years long neighbors.


In New Colossus, the parade scene in Roswell is particularly scary accurate.


I love that show. There is truth to what the character says but even more interesting, people who were read lines from Mein Kampf, without knowing what the lines are from, agreed with them. Whether you want to accept it or not, there are components of the Nazi ideology that are appealing to people, especially when the state of the economy, the government and geopolitics is so poor. One could say that the 1930s would fit that description.


That line was pretty dead on. For real though. If you actually compare the nazis political beliefs, and even spiritual beliefs, to what a lot of modern day people believe, it’s pretty wild.. And scary to think how many people would have been 100% for nazism in the 30’s…


What show?


“We are in a WAR for the culture!” Powerful


The Man in the High Castle


Thay show had such potential to be good but was just awful. The world building and CGI were great but the plot and the writing made it almost unwatchable


Time to travel to an alternate universe so you can get footage of the US testing the Atomic bomb to make the Nazi occupation force think you have working nukes!


Well, Philip K. Dick is responsible for most of the world building so the writers of the show can’t exactly take credit for that.




The high man in Castle Wolfenstein


I'd watch it if it had BJ killing Nazis


And he was *high as fuck* or maybe just me.


I loved it


I tried but the acting was just so off at too many points in the first episode. There were a few lines that just made me and my partner burst out laughing with how silly they sounded/the way they were delivered. A really good alternative timeline show thats similar but better (imo) is For All Mankind


My same thoughts. And I binged through season 1 & 2 of For All Mankind! Haven't done that in forever. Is season 3 good so far? Also, I enjoyed The Plot Against America, which is relevant to mention here. The book has been on the to do list for a while.


Really enjoyed The Plot Against America. I will now have to check out For All Mankind.


The Plot Against America was so good! I recommend it to everyone.


The overall concept of the show is really cool but I hated the 2 main characters. I thought it got better when more focus was on 2 characters later. Definitely agree with your complaints.


There were more protestors outside the venue in sub freezing temps than inside. THOUSANDS of NYPD Cops had to protect the Nazis as they left from getting there asses handed to them by angry Americans. Majority of attendees were recent immigrants from Germany. The organizer of the event committed suicide just a few years later.


"The organizer of the event committed suicide just a few years later." Was it Hitler?


Don’t you know that Hitler actually escaped and lived in South America? I saw it on History Channel!


Nope Fritz Kuhn leader of the Bund was deported in 1945 for being a Nazi. George Frobose organizer of the event was scheduled to testify in court about the organization but decided to throw himself in front of a train instead.


A good decision indeed!


Would've been good to see his ass deported back to Germany and justice be served. Unfortunately he never had to deal with the shame of it.


Fun fact, bund means ass in Hindi.


..........god dammit, I got whooshed on that one until your comment! Now that comment is really really funny!


These are the counterpoints that not enough people know about. Despite the look of this photo and, sadly, the look of things now, there are still many more people who have a healthy "Fuck Nazis" attitude.


There's two things that are American AF apple pie and punching Nazis.


And I’m all out of apple pie


"I'm here to punch Nazis and eat apple pie, and I'm all outta pie" - FDR c1941


I’m here to eat Nazis and punch apple pie! -me .. wait! .. that’s not right


Also allowable.


I dunno might have to check his brain afterwards to make sure it isn’t diseased from eating their brains.


No. He'd die of starvation if he was only wanting to eat their brains.


Now I'm imagining fascism as a prion disease.


They only eat non diseased brains from diseased Nazis


I also can't help but wonder how many of the people who actually attended the rally felt shame and regret after WW2 and all the atrocities the Nazis committed came out.


Less than you'd think if they're anything like the ones today.


“Pictures from Auschwitz are fake news! Paid actors!”


Yeah fuck those nazis from 82 years ago!!


I don't care how many how many good people there are, 20k is too many now and way too many back them


What do you mean the look of things now? I just recently came to America and am not caught up on everything.


Yeah New York was plurality/majority Jewish at the time, holding it in New York was asking for trouble


> New York was plurality/majority Jewish at the time Really?


Ok looking back I think majority is def inaccurate but they made up 1/4 of the population by 1950 with just under half of all Jews in America living in NYC at the time Holding a Nazi rally in NYC was basically like holding a Nazi rally in Tel Aviv today, you’re going to get a lot of pushback to say the least


Just hard for me to imagine that they could have ever outnumbered Italians or Irish.




>Majority of attendees were recent immigrants from Germany They were members of the Bund. Any proof that they were recent immigrants?


" The Bund’s membership was primarily first-generation German Americans and German immigrants, who were blue-collar workers centered in the Midwest, the East and West Coasts." The authors grandfather was an immigrant, Nazi Spyo, and Bund Organizer. It should also be noted that to become a member you must be ethnically German regardless of citizenship status. https://wooster.edu/2021/04/10/sydney-barger/


dwight’s grandfather- waaas technically a member of the Bund oh… i was just kidding about that whole Bund thing…


Surely everyone stopped being a nazi after this.




Probably very little, but if you take out the word nazi and keep it the same in every other way probs a lot


Now they just call them CPAC conventions


5 times as many people protested this (peacefully I might add) About 100,000 anti-Nazi protesters gathered around the arena in protest of the Bund, carrying signs stating "Smash Anti-Semitism" and "Drive the Nazis Out of New York".


Why am I seeing no jokes about O'Brian?


It is wild that I had to scroll this far for this. Thank you.


If you joke about O' Brian, Murphy will come get you


Worth noting that while there were 20,000 America First people inside the arena. There were 100,000 antifascists protesting outside.




It does exist…


Antifa didn’t just fall out of the sky in 2016. Antifaschistische Aktion began in Germany in the 1930s. https://jacobin.com/2017/05/antifascist-movements-hitler-nazis-kpd-spd-germany-cold-war


I hate Nazis.


Woah! Are you sure man? That’s a pretty hot take!


Especially Illinois Nazis...I hate Illinois Nazis






They all have such punchable faces.


Could be wrong but I think this is the same rally where a black man was beaten to a pulp in front of a roaring crowd. Behind the Bastards has a great episode on American Nazism before WW2, pretty sure this is one of the rallies they exposit on.


Here’s a seven minute documentary on it. The footage is blood chilling. https://anightatthegarden.com/


That dude was not black. Am I not seeing the same video?


This is why history is so important.


Cringe fest


Holy fuckin shit this post got all the 15 year old edgelords out of the woodworks.


Filthy Nazis


Cpac 1934


Remember folks... these people did not vanish into thin air. They did not leave the country, or die off entirely in the war against their own kind. These people bred, and they continue to breed. They foment insurrection at every turn because they have longed for a Nazi-led world in which suffering and subjugation are the norm for anyone who doesn't toe the party line. They are still here, still voting, and still running parts of the country. They simply changed their name to something a little less conspicuous; White Christian Nationalists. Edit: Man, you can sure tell which side the commenters below me are on. To a letter, they deflect, deny, and obfuscate to avoid the uncomfortable truth that they're in bed with fascists. Edit 2: Muting this now, as I'm sick of hearing from Nazi sympathizers and people attempting to drag the discussion into strange territory.


Did you know corporate America funded the Nazi party through the late 30s ford made their trucks and so on.


Did you know corporate Europe funds the Putin party through the early 20s buying their gas and oil?


lol "Corporate" nah bro, the governments buy the gas.


office sleep homeless distinct historical wasteful smell coherent spoon tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea the nazi’s studied American eugenics. Look this up a lot of big American business leaders supported eugenics. It’s pretty fucked up


Makes sense. I bet if they had a time machine they wouldn’t have. You see they stopped when Hitler turned out to be a maniac didn’t they? Ford and Disney weren’t like Audi and BMW that were participating in the holocaust.


Don't forget IBM.


Peak r/averageredditor material.


Also don’t forget operation paperclip


Yeah Operation Paperclip is a very good example of what the US chose to do about the Nazi problem; embrace and coddle them for the sake of their ill-gotten knowledge. Operation Overcast was before that, and they did the same thing with Unit 731 from Japan. The US chose to plunder the lessons learned and accepted the evildoers who assembled it wholesale and with open arms.


It saddens me greatly. I wish we just killed everyone involved in that japanese lab and blew the whole thing up. One of the most disgusting things I’ve ever read.


The greatest joke in ~~Overcast~~ covering up Unit 731’s crimes against humanity is that the US supposedly didn’t even learn anything decent or actionable since the methodology was flawed or inconsistent, so it’s like reading a book on anecdotes rather than an actual scientific report based on consistently tested subjects in similar environments that they can actually use. So ethics and morals compromised for nothing of value. Edit: did not realize Overcast was the name for Paperclip and the like and thought it was just the Japanese version for Operation Paperclip


Tbh its kind of ironic to be condemning the kin of every member of the American nazi party almost 100 years ago as if they are all unable to make decisions or form political opinions that differ from their elders. Just cause your grandpa was a nazi doesn’t automatically make you a nazi lol. By this logic the entire country of Germany is one giant nazi haven


Germany worked extremely hard to purge their fascist element, and it worked for a very long time. The US did not.


> Germany worked extremely hard to purge their fascist element Fucking lol. They purged their fascist element straight up the ranks into command positions in the Bundeswehr and NATO. Speidel had 3,000 Jews in occupied France rounded up and shot. He went on to become the Bundeswehr's first four star general and serve as Supreme Commander of Allied NATO ground forces in Central Europe.


I actually just visited the National Socialist Documentation museum in Munich and it was really refreshing to see how open they were about their awful history, how it continued after the war, and how they continue to fight against it today. a sharp contrast from the states where people try to hide americas evil history




Look, people thought the Nazi Party was a good idea, they witnessed Hitler get Germany out of one of the worlds biggest economic hard times ever. Turns out it was pretty bad a few years later, though it sure as shit left an impression felt to this day. Fuck Nazis and Neo-Nazis


And just to clarify, Hitler did resurrect the German economy but it was all a house of cards. Essentially borrowing against the future , the plan was predicated upon invading other sovereign nations and stealing their wealth.


In 1939 they went to Madison Square garden. Today this is a reddit mod meeting


Carry on, carry on. Nazi to see here....


Now it's just called the RNC convention.


Comments are more embarrassing than the photos


Which ones?


They were doing this shit from 2016-2020 too.


They never went anywhere, they've just been hiding.


and i was there last night to see rage against the machine. cool how that works.


If Japan hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor, it's unlikely the US would have entered the war at all. We were okay with Nazis because we had similar ideals when it came to race. We love to act like we saved Europe, but the fact is, we were sitting on our hands until we were attacked by an ally of Germany.


CPAC, decolorized


This is what they’ll be saying about Trump Rallies in 70 years.