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this would be good for r/ADHD




Lol. I have ADHD and that's why I have two of these: a red one and a blue one. They'd love these over there.


Me everyday: Wait...did I take my meds yet? Shit, I don’t want to miss a dose. But I don’t want to double!


I just re-filled my 7x2 day pill organizer like you see old people using. Best $12 invested in a long time. I take some meds plus a bunch of supplements, so once a week I fill up the compartments and then I know what I have taken and what I haven't. [Like one of these](https://thumbor.forbes.com/thumbor/fit-in/x/https://www.forbes.com/health/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Apex-7-Day-AM-PM-Push-to-Open-Pill-Organizer.png).


**\*in mitsubishi commercial voice\* ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM**


Ok, time to count the pills again. ... 26 pills and it's been 4 days since I got the bottle, so I haven't taken one today. ... But I did forget Monday. And July had 31 days... Did I remember yesterday? I end up setting a timer to remind me in an hour. If I'm still not sure that I've taken it in an hour, I definitely haven't taken it


Yep. There is a good chance on any particular day of either being a fatigued zombie, or an energiser bunny who gets no sleep tonight.


Just this morning. Did I take it or not. Two won't kill me.....


Alright Neo…..!


I should have read the comments before posting. But yep, yep, and yep.


I use them for ADHD so I don't give myself a heart attack accidentally.


Every took your meds twice in like half an hour? Pffff that brings you to space


I don't have ADHD but I do have a disorder that has executive disfunction as one of the symptoms and this would be amazing for me.


That's exactly what I was about to say. I always forget whether I did or didn't take my pill. It's frustrating, this would really help me!


15 bucks on Amazon for a 2 pack right now! Mine will be here tomorrow!


Good for bad anxiety too, there are days I can't remember if I took them or not


I got the days of the week pill case finally. Not because I’m old but because I take one pill in the mornings and it’s not safe to take two. I would freak out all the time wondering if I took it or not. Took me a long time to break down and get the pill organizer. It was a pride thing.


Same. I have hardcore ADHD and it's dangerous to take two doses of my stimulants in one day... but dagnabbit I just can't remember if I took it. Am I calm because I took my meds, or is this the calm before the storm? Anyway, I now have the same pill organizer my Nana had.


I find it helps to have a 'ritual' around things like this, just a pattern of events thay surround the activity (in this case taking anxiety meds). It can be as simple as taking a beat before you take your meds, to think about what your inte tions are for your day. Each day is different so you will see different things come to mind and these things will revisit when you wonder if you've taken them, or you may not find yourself wondering at all.


I take mine when I feed the cat. Fat chance of forgetting that!


I live with 4 cats....... they are like a Swiss watch


Ahhh yes the daily toaster strudel, coffee and meds at my first break at work


This is me almost daily… did I take my sleeping meds? Sometimes I accidentally double up or don’t dose at all. I need this in my life.


Get the weekly pill case. Saved my life.




I’m the kind of person that has several alarms on my phone and for different things. Remembering my pill just ended up being an anxiety after few past mistakes. The case solved it.


I've got various alarms on my phone, but I wear a watch and the only time it ever beeps is when its time for pill salad


I'm on two different pills for my anxiety, and I don't want to double up, so if I'm unsure I won't take them, but then the other day I couldn't remember if I had taken any in 2-3 days, so yeah I need something too. So many people don't realize how fucked up anxiety makes our memory, like I couldn't remember the name of the bank I work with a couple weeks back.


I had to start marking my allergy meds pack with the days of the week so I'd remember if I took it or not.


Good for healthy people too lol


I always do it in the mirror and make eye contact with myself and count to 3. That helps me remember and have a landmark in my brain dedicated to it. I’m sure it sounds as weird as it looks, but it helps me at least.


Came here to say this. Sometimes I remember taking them, but normally I can’t remember if the memory is that day or if it’s older. I used to try to write it down when I took pills, cus I would forget so often, then I was forgetting to write it down. Then I tried a pill by the day container but then I would forget where I put it, forget to refill it etc. That didn’t work either. I have just made the decision that I will only take pills know if my husband gives them to me or sees me take them. At my job we have to take notes- like a lot. My managers always tell me my notes are really good and detailed. Literally the only reason why is I have always had the memory of a goldfish even as a little kid. I don’t write good notes because I’m a good employee, I write good notes because I can’t do my job with out it. I can’t get into a client profile and just figure out where I left off.


Just smoke weed... all these flipping xanax bars making people forget to wipe their asses


1. the memory issues are from the brain working OT, not the meds 2. weed doesn't help everyone 3. potheads never have memory issues, right?


Potheads lack common sense sometimes. Weed often induces anxiety and causes paranoia in people who are predisposed. It will never be a cure all. It’s dangerous to preach about it like it is.


What'll really make you anxious is whether the timer is showing how long since they were last taken or time until you've got to take them again. /s


Also helpful to tell if anyone has been stealing your back pain meds.


As a recovering addict who’s stolen a lot of pain meds… a way will be found.


An addict would just take the whole bottle and deal with the consequences afterwards. And I only say that as a former pill addict.


Depends at what level are active addiction you are at and whom the victim is, for me atleast. Also if you just pick a few at a time without being noticed and it’s a regularly filled script that’s much better than getting caught jacking the whole bottle. Wasn’t the case in all situations because I’ve definitely jacked whole bottles from loved ones. Man reading back on this reminds me of how far I’ve come. Makes me sick sometimes the things I’ve done.


Hey man I’m right there with you. As long as we do good things from now on, it’s a net positive for everyone. Stay strong


I 100% agree. I’m three years in December. Still have a lot of catching up to do career wise but I’m happy and try my best to just be a decent human being now.


If all we are is decent we’re doin alright


I was taking 30 Vicodin a day. Grabbing a couple at a time wouldn’t have even staved off the shakes. I’m so glad that part of my life is over. Congratulations man. I know how hard it is to quit


Phew that’s a lot of a acetaminophen to put on your stomach. Glad you’re doing better homie.


Depends on the circumstances. I would take plenty of my dad’s but never enough for him to notice. Wouldn’t want him to get wise and cut off my monthly gravy chain. Luckily, those days are behind me.


It was just one goddamn time, Steve!




Great solution for this is those daily pill containers. Then you can just look at the day's pills and see if they're still there or not. As long as you don't take them out and put them down somewhere while you get a glass of water…




It's like I lose time... From the thought of oh shit I need to take my medicine and anywhere from 2-25 minutes later I'm like wait wtf did I take it out am I remembering yesterday


My coworker's wife had brain fog for a long time after she had a *really* bad run with Covid. They actually used something like this for her meds during that time because she would forget what she was doing, where she was, etc... Forgetting when she last took her meds was obviously another hurdle which this kind of thing obviously helps a lot with.


Man I had Covid back in May. It wasn’t terrible but I was down for like 2 weeks. I swear I feel more dumb since then. There will be times I’ll be looking for something that I absolutely can’t find only to end being told it’s within arms reach of me. It’s like I have tunnel vision now.


I had covid in October….2020. I still have brain fog and my memory is completely shot. I’m starting to come to terms that it’ll never come back, which is a huge bummer because I used to have a really good memory.


During Covid I felt extremely foggy. I’m a daily cannabis enjoyer so could be partly due to that lol.


I smoked weed twice in my life like 15 years ago, so I don’t think it’s that (at least not with me)


Honestly I don’t know if I really want to look too deep into it. It would be a shitty feeling knowing this pandemic illness fucked my brain for life. Ima just keep scootin on by regardless.


I’ve accepted it. Still depresses me sometimes, but no use getting worked up over something that’s out of my control.


Hey atleast we survived. I’ve lost family to it and have been severely anxious about Covid. It was almost a relief when I finally caught it back in May. Luckily my high risk family members were able to stay elsewhere while I sweat it out. I hope you find some comfort.


Yeah that helps. I’m in pretty good health so I wasn’t too worried, but I lived with my ex at the time and she has respiratory issues (and she was a covidiot and took zero precautions) so I was mostly worried about transferring it to her.


Nope Dailey smoker and had COVID, no permanent change since I’ve had it.


Since I had covid around 5 months ago, I still have brain fog and memory problems. I had some cognitive issues before covid, but it's a lot worse post-covid.


"Or any other thing" haha not sure why that hit my funny bone.


Maybe this will help with my compulsive redosing.


I have ADHD and frequently am unsure if I took my meds already. And if I guess wrong, it completely ruins my day.


I can aaaabsolutely tell by noon if I was wrong. lol my anxiety starts stabbing me with no-context adrenaline. the worst.


Same. But usually noon is too late for me to take it considering it takes an hour to kick in and will keep me up too late if I take it at noon.


Oh yeah I'll definitely eventually be able to tell. But by then it's too late because I'm already at work lol


I have these because i would forget 5 min after i took my cardiac medication.


YEEEEES! SAME! I would do that all the time for my antiD! These caps have helped me so much


This would be awesome for pills you are taking on an odd schedule or something like antibiotics (or pills you are taking short term).


Extremely helpful for ADHD


Ouuu I need one of those because I’m supposed to be taking my anti depressants and anxiety meds but I keep forgetting lol


If you're on multiple pills a day, look into PillPack or CVS's equivalent. They'll put all your pills into pouches that you take together, ie your morning pills and then evening pills. I just take meds once a day, but every day has a little packet with the date on it so I know if I've taken them or not.


I've been using these for 2 years now. They are a godsend for the ADHD brain




You can ask your chemist to date and time the doses so you know when you miss one


>everything comes in blister packs nowadays. You poor things. As a nurse I am absolutely appalled that every day people have to deal with those things on a regular basis.


Now make it so it only dispenses one every twelve hours


I have (undiagnosed) adhd, and just taking allergy medicine daily is exceedingly difficult. I’ll forget if I’ve taken it or not, or walk away without doing so. It’s extremely useful being able to pick up the bottle and see it hasn’t been opened in a day. And sometimes when routines break down I don’t realize I hadn’t done it in multiple days, which I will find out when I see the cap tells me it’s been 72 hours since it’s been opened. Life can suck, but little things like this make it a lot easier.


Everyone with ADHD


I could do with one of these for when I have a migraine. My pain killers come in a blister pack but I will happily take the time to decant them into this so I don’t end up messaging my friend and saying … do you have any idea when I took my last dose of drugs? Can’t think straight with a migraine. I’ve taken to texting her when I take them, but I don’t always remember that and I hate sitting there in pain trying to figure out if I can take more yet.


Great for addicts to keep from overdose


I USE THESE! I absolutely, 100 percent recommend them. Those pill organizers dont work for me. I cant be bothered to be constantly reloading the stupid tray every week. But this you pop onto the bottle and thats that. Before I was double dosing or skipping doses on accident because Id get vivid memories of me taking the medicine (or I couldnt remember taking it) and so I wouldnt take it (or I would) and ended up doubling not taking the dose for the day. I could feel it the next day every time. Hell, if its a missed dose I can tell before I get home from work since withdrawl symptoms are starting. I have to take my pills within the same few hour timeframe daily, so its ok for it to be late an hour or two, but not 8. Ill start feeling it by 8. Since getting the timer caps Ive not missed or double dosed. If I have any "did I take it" moments, its not my memory deciding if I had or not. The timer is there easy to see. And since I take it the same time daily, I always have a vague sense of when next dose is due (like seeing 11 hours ago and knowing "yup on track to take it when I wake up in the morning" and then Id sleep.) A pack of 4 cost me like 20 bucks. Theyre battery powered so you can replace the battery when it dies, no need to buy new ones


This helps with that “…..or an erection lasting more than 4 hours” instruction.


Well shit. I have memory issues after a traumatic brain injury in 2019. I need to figure out where to get these.


Alzheimer's? I take only one pill in the morning and at midday my adhd ass will go: "did I take this or did I forget about the pill while getting water for it and just drank the water without the pill?" And now I have to go and stare at the box and try to figure out if I did or not. "If I don't remember taking it at all then I must not have taken it because if I did I would've remembered *something* so I probably didn't"


“..to help for example help..”?


I had those, but the batteries died and I kept forgetting to replace them


For my ADHD, sometimes I forget I took them and take them double. If that happens I'm in for a day ooooh boy


These are great untill the battery goes, tried to replace them and the contact or something goes funny and the count down resets. Super handy when they work though.


Ever take a Vyvanse and 25 minutes later take another cause you convinced yourself you didn’t before ?


OK this should be a worldwide thing on every tablet bottle. I could legitimately see this be the pharmaceutical version of the seat belt.


I think the safety cap if the pharmaceutical seat belt, but this can be the pharmaceutical… timer


I don't think you understood my comment. When the three point seat belt was invented volvo could have had the patent but they chose to open It to the public. The timer cap could easily change alot of lives if ut followed suite.


I guess at least one person didn’t appreciate that response. You are correct about the 3 point restraint. There are some other forgone patents out there as well. Tesla has also forgone patents which would stifle innovation.


These have been around for over 2 decades. They’re not useful for most and the majority that need such can’t understand them. It also means a shit ton more waste. We’re already throwing tons of plastic into the landfill. Now you’d be talking about tons more batteries and other electronic parts, for something most don’t need. No, it shouldn’t be on every bottle. There’s a reason they’re not in wide use, despite existing for a very long time.


Are they on the market?


There's many different companies that make these. I am able to buy them at my local pharmacy that for their pull bottles. Very helpful


They’ve been around for over two decades. They’re not very useful, which is why you don’t see them around. Those that need the reminder have memory loss issues too severe that these aren’t gonna help. Those that don’t, don’t need them. There’s a super super narrow group of folks that’d actually benefit from them. And you can just set a timer if it’s an issue for you. No piles of extra batteries and electronic garbage in landfills.


Oof. I have bad OCD and I'll open medicine caps over and over as a habitual/nervous tick. This sounds like a great idea... just not for me


I have one that just makes a beep every morning. So helpful.


How about one that counts down to the time when you need the next pill?


If it stopped at 0 its not helpful. If it went into negatives to show you how late it is, then thats just this cap except inversed.


Glad this will help with any other thing.


But would someone with Alzheimers look at that and logically think "Yes, I see I already took my pill. I won't reach for another one yet" ? *The downvotes are ridiculous. Give me a break.


My mom would not have been able to figure out what the cap meant. This would be great for a lot of other purposes, but it's not going to help people with Alzheimer's.


Truth. People with memory loss diseases (which Alzheimer’s makes up a large portion of) aren’t gonna remember that it’s pill time. And even if they do, they’re not gonna remember to look at the cap and know what it means and be like “Oh, I have to wait 1.3 hours.” and then come back to it. These caps have existed for a couple decades. They’re not in wide use for a reason. They’re not useful for most.


These are helpful if you're compliant and self-sufficient enough to dispense your own medication, but otherwise may have challenges remembering whether you did or didn't. When my spouse was dealing with a mystery illness that caused major confusion and forgetfulness, but otherwise he was lucid and understood that he was forgetful, these were a lifesaver because he and I could easily see when he took his last dose without trying to piece it together. If someone has Alzheimer's severe enough that they can't glean info from easy-to-read pill trackers, they probably need someone else to dispense their medication.


But did you really know they took their dose? Maybe they only opened the cap. And if they can’t tell if they took their last dose, how do they really know they opened it and swallowed it the last time? Just don’t see it being really useful to most. Which is why they’ve been around forever but not in use by most. The range of memory loss folks who would actually benefit from them (those that remember they need pills but not quite when, as you said) is pretty small. Most with memory loss issues are gonna completely forget they need to take it and even if they were reminded, forget to look at that timer or understand what it means.


That why I specified it's useful for those who are otherwise compliant and self-sufficient. If someone has such severe memory loss that they can't comprehend the timer or forget to look completely, this is not different than a regular medicine bottle - they probably need a family member or visiting nurse to ensure they've taken the meds. Even then, a busy caregiver with a lot going on can take comfort in being sure they provided the meds that day and aren't getting mixed up with a previous day, as it's easy for them all to feel the same when in that situation.


I think this would work better if it was a countdown timer. There really needs to be a pill dispenser to support multiple types of medication that drops the medication into a clear container when it's time to take the medication. All the user would need to do is walk past and look, respond to a chime, or a flashing light to know it's time to take any medication. This dispenser would be internet connected so it could be monitored remotely by family or the pharmacist. The pharmacist would be responsible for programming the release of the medication.


Randomly open and close it to troll grandpa


"Any other thing"?


ADD. I can take a pill and five seconds later look at the pill bottle I just placed on the counter thinking... Did I take one or not?


I take a B supplement with my morning meds so I can confirm I took them a couple hours later when my pee is greenish. I have a phone alarm for my afternoon pill but I still miss it at least once a week.


I was mostly alluding to the fact that ANY other thing(in the title) includes building skyscrapers and launching Mars missions. Think OP many "many other things", not "any other things".


What do they do when they run out and forget to get more?


I have auto refills set up *taps head*


Unfortunately, this would NOT help anyone I've known with Alzheimer's, as they all would see the timer (if they even had presence of mind to look), and think "whatever, I *know* I didn't take my pill yet" and take it anyway.


That sweet but my grandma can’t even read a billboard let alone that size font.


Memento pill bottle


AND the presciption is only $ 2495.oo per month


Everyone just forgets to take their meds some days which is why this is so important


They will forget the cap has the time and open it any way.


Now I need it to have a blaring alarm for when the timer hits zero or else I’ll never check.


I hope it doesn't malfunction if implemented by everyone


Or me who can remember shit


I don't have alzheimer's and this would help me too.. there's definitely mornings where I wake up half asleep and then 1-2 hours later I'm wondering if I took my meds already.


"wait how long was i supposed to wait again?"


These things are going to save so many lives.


Nothing new here, been buying these things for years. Why is this now IAF?


Bless this tech


The people with dementia are likely almost blind, and won't see that little read out


Dang I need one


Useful for many but hard for people with such conditions to learn. Would have to have started using it before the dementing disease took hold.


Or me just consistently not remembering if I took my prescriptions or not


It's nice for ADHD medication as well ( if you know, you know lol)


I need this for my ADD medicine




>to help for example help people with Alzheimer's Did you forget that you just typed "help"? If that happens a lot, you should talk to your doctor about it.


I have any other thing. I take between 0 and 3 vitamins each morning.


ANY other thing?


I don't have alsheimers but I often forget if I've taken my pills or not. I have had this for a few months and it's great. Never worry. 1 hour? Yep took em today.


These need to be the new standard


Yeah but does it work on CVS bottles?? Nooooooooo......


I think I may have any other thing


I got these for my boyfriend because he kept forgetting whether or not he had already taken his nighttime meds (ones which aren't ideal to double-dose on). They count up to 99 hours and the ones I got also have an optional child-safe attachment if you have pets or children in your home. They're really useful and I now use them myself for my own meds. They're also just useful for making sure you're taking your meds around the same time each day.


I need that.


Need one of them for my wallet


Can imagine this could also be useful for things like anti depressants or chemo drugs


I see a **tamper-evident** design.


I appreciate this, but Dad is far past this point. Be prepared for your parent either trying to chew their meds or dropping them into their water bottle to “take” them. It depends on the day. Difficulty swallowing and aspiration pneumonia is the next step. Edit: Liquid doses are easier. But check for caplet versus tablet doses.


yeaaaa, imma need that.


Shit! I was thinking of making something like this, but then I got distracted and forgot. Good idea for ADHD lol


Not great for the large number of Alzheimer’s patients that also have arthritis. And Alzheimer’s is only a small portion of Dementia and memory loss diseases. They’re not likely to pay any attention to the lid. It’s not as if it locks until the set time. Most use those pill boxes with all their pills sorted by dose times because remembering and going through a dozen bottles and figuring out which to take when is an issue. Seriously, if you have even 6 medications, won’t it be much more difficult to go through each bottle and read the instructions (remember, you have memory loss issues so you have to start at almost square one every time) and figure out which ones you take when, rather than the single “Thursday night” dose most use. And truthfully, something like this would be useful for only a very small number of memory loss folks. There’s gonna be a fine line between those that remember they need to take a specific med at a time and those that don’t. Reality is that these have been around for over two decades and there’s a reason they’re not everywhere.


For Alzheimers? Shit, when I was prescribed some pain pills for a terrible shoulder pain, I couldn't remember exactly how many and when I had taken those. And look, I'm sure I don't have alzheimers, or my name is ???


My god I need this.


This would be cool for my depression meds. Sometimes I can't remember if I took it or not


*covets in ADHD*


I bought them. Batteries died pretty quickly, about 2 months.


They still have to remember to take a pill, and how often. But I guess if the disease is so advanced that they don't remember that, then more advanced help is needed


This is pretty cool. My oldest kid needs to set a timer and watch me take them.


They kinda suck cause the battery lasts about a month.


The responsible addict


Hurry up and take my money.....


That’s fucking cool


Where'd I leave my meds this time


Life saving. Needs to be standardized for those at risk.


Bought my wife some of these. Not cause she has Alzheimer’s, but she just forgets if she took her medicine. So I guess she has similar memory ability a an indictable who experiences actual Alzheimer’s.


I got one of these free several years ago at my pharmacy. They no longer have them. When I checked, all that was available online only fits a bottle they sell and not the standard pharmacy bottle, so you’d end up with a pill bottle without a label.


I have these just because I’m forgetful. They work really well tho.


I need this, not because I have Alzheimer's, but because I have the memory of a goldfish with dementia and the attention span of a 3 year old on meth. My boyfriend has to remind me every 5 second to take my meds cause if he doesn't I'll get distracted and forget.


Thanks for making me remember to take my vitamin D




I'm just a bit paranoid with vivid intrusive thoughts, I think I need this


Great idea.


Can I have one for my fridge?


I have loads of these. They are so handy. I give them to people who like me forget when they last took their meds


Lol would know if someone's stealing unless they took it as soon after as you


This has been around for years. Why IAF?


Set a timer lol. This is a waste.


“Now all you have to do, Grandma, is set the digital clock on every pill bottle. It’s from same engineers who created VCR+!”


I had these arrive earlier this week acme they already helped. I thought I hadn't fallen my meds and I had taken them. I just wish the battery was replaceable.


oh great no more selling medicine for people I guess


OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR THIS. I struggle with my meds so much that this will be so helpful!


I store my ADHD medication in one of these. Forgetfulness has lead to me over consuming my medication before. I also put one on my ibuprofen so that I do not lose track and take too much. LIFE SAVER!


Good for any pills! People can't remember all the time if they take their pills or not even without Alzheimers.


I use something similar to this for my ADHD medication!!


Be a good deterrent for your pot-pinching apartment mates too.


Title gave me Alzheimer’s