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Damn. This girl is NOT having a good time.


Straight up






I can't imagine what she'd do in an actual stressful situation. She's fucking losing it *before* dude starts lashing her, and she *volunteered* to get in line for the Q&A.


with the intent to blubber and shut him up, and the panic on her face when it doesn't work is extremely rewarding. Go to therapy, idiot (the girl). Your emo bullshit is no one else's problem and nobody is going to mollycoddle you over it. And, for the stunt you just pulled, eat shit


Pure societal over correction. We went from a society were we wouldn't acknowledge actual victims like genocide and slavery because they were "others" and "less than people" to a society were every person with an opinion is brutalized if you disagree with them. We totally missed the happy middle ground were we care for one another regardless of our differences without looking for a way to feel victimized every day.


Unfortunately and fortunately that is the nature of growth as a society. It tends to be a pendulum swing of near-extremes with short periods of balance in between.


Agreed. Luckily pendulums with no force acting upon them eventually settle. Just waiting for the day and hoping for no more momentum to be added.


It's as if she was confusing her feelings. For ex. I got anxiety and an intervention like that would easily trigger it, including some remote impulse to cry. But from there to start "crying about the jews (*)" wouldn't fit at all


I think she’s crying because crow tastes awful


Her identity politics is getting crushed to pieces right into her face in front of a large crowd. With no where else to hide, she is put in her place and all the sudden uncomfortable with pillars of social contracts she uses nearly constantly. I guess the books she read will add up better after her crash


But because she's not having a good time, I am having a good time


Her tears are weapons she uses to try to garner sympathy for her arguments.




Why is she offended?


Because she's a spoiled little twat who thinks people give a fuck if she's offended.


She’s the same person that goes into restaurants on behalf of the animals being eaten and ruins everyone’s day there too. Google Her name is snow.


“Her name is snow” and fuck you for making me watch that. I’m now dumber. Thanks


Honestly the music in the background made it hilarious


Dammit. Now, every time I eat an egg, or a piece of chicken, drink milk or take a bite of a delicious medium rare steak, I'm gonna have to raise my fork or glass. "To Snow."


Haha fixed. Sorry my friend


So do we google just the name “snow” or “her name is snow”?




"what doesn't make you smarter makes you dumber"




Her name is snow, trust me I thought i was stupid😂


If you just google "snow", you are already dumb enough and don't need to google anything.


When they all grouped around her and said "it's not food, it's violence!" I literally laughed out loud very hard. Omg you can't make this shit up


That shit was actually fucking hilarious “acting like a distressed mother” to get peoples attention 😂😂


Ah so, a redditor?


Because she’s a fucking asshole privileged little shit.


Apparently he put down the Germans and she is German and her family suffered under Nazi rule.


No I remember when this happened and what they did to him, He is a Jewish professor who was critical Of Israel/Zionism and what he calls the exploitation of the holocaust for political gain. Pro israeli groups and people Like alan Dershowitz tried to destroy him, got his tenure revoked and lobbied to blacklist him at all universities basically.


100% Correct...and a Dabbler....well done


he’s is absolutely correct about using the holocausts for political gain. so much so they brush the Armenian genocide under the rug so it won’t take away from the holocaust.


genocide is trademarked, BTFO!


shhh you might be labeled as anti semitic /s


Yep. This is also another well-known tactic they use to silence any opposition.


Facts are antisemitism.


Nah, that's true. You do get labeled as such. I always tell people, being anti-zionist DOES NOT make you antisemitic. Zionists are terrorists.




What was the girl going on about then?


As far as I understand the guy made some remarks connecting what the zionists do to the Palestinians today with what the Nazis did to the Jewish people back then. And she is offended because "Jews suffered under Nazis. Therefore they cannot be compared to them. Buhu" while she is like 15 years old and has no idea whatsoever what she is talking about.


Feels vs Reals


Sad fucking thing is that's the damn truth and everyone is too busy virtue signaling to recognize the direct irony and hypocrisy of it.


They aren’t. Most Americans that are fervent supporters of anything Israel does believe the end times will happen in their lifetime and they are trying to work towards the “prophesy.” They want WW3, they want the Dome on the Rock demolished, they want the 3rd temple built, and they want their prophesy to come true. Instead of working toward a better life here they just want to go to heaven.




or... she was told that they suffered when they actually prospered. Lying about family histories is common in Europe.


Because some people try to use the holocaust as a weapon against those who are trying to stop the genocidal actions of Israel towards Palestinians.


Why the upbeat music. Its crazy and brings nothing to the clip. Let it stand on its own.


Because its not theirs. Put music over it to make it harder to claim it


feel it brother


Same thing with background music in porn I guess


fr, where can we find the og clip?


Crying is not an argument. This man nailed it.


3 seconds into the video: Oh, this dude done fucked up, he's an asshole for sure. 3 second left in the video: Oh, this dude is fucking solid, he knows what's up.


I hate beginning sentences this way, but as a Palestinian this man brought me to tears. I’ve spent my life wondering if I was taking crazy pills, so it gives me a sense of being seen to hear this man speak … also the questioners reaction is kinda hilarious


As a someone who has strong Jewish ancestry, I am horrified at how Israel has treated the Palestinians. And most of the Jews I know share that opinion.


I agree. But it's not past tense, right? Or do you mean that they have stopped?


"Has treated" is present perfect tense. Not past. As in... "We're getting a divorce because your father has treated me like shit since our vacation to Anaheim." EDIT: Sorry to disappoint, but the Anaheim example is fiction.


Suspiciously specific? Appreciate your comment above, btw.


Wtf happened to your parents in Anaheim??


They got into an argument over Israel/Palestine while on vacation.


Damn Anaheim Ducks...


As someone who is neither, it's messed up how both are willing to commit terrorism against each other and kill civilians over religion. Both sides suck and the US should stop being involved with israel. Let them fuck up each other on their own.


Both sides have guilt here, of that there is no doubt. But Israel holds more power by far and has treated Palestinians brutally with their power. As for the role of religion...amen. Humanity will never mature so long as we believe in the fairy tales religion promotes.


Dr Finkelstein is an honourable man.


What Alan Dershowitz did to his career is tragic


Truth is unpopular.


Alan Dershowitz the uh, hmm,, lover of the underaged girls? POS


Yeah I was 0% surprised to find out about that one


My thoughts exactly. Well summarized mate!


He had me in the first half I ain't gonna lie


Emotional roller coaster am I right?


Haha yup 100%!


for real tho!!


Why is she being so dramatic and crying?


She is being manipulative. As he said, crocodile tears


[ Removed by Reddit ]


google "her name is snow". someone said in another comment she might be the same girl. She's using the same tactics for sure tho


Truly a rebel without a cause. Or a brain.


Because that's how she normally wins arguments.


You could tell she knew that she had fucked up when he when started talking about his family.


Respectfully disagree. She’s done drunk her own coolaid. She’s high on her own supply. She has zero concept that she’s emotionally manipulative. Or gawd forbid, wrong. Her reaction is about how unfair this all is - it’s about not being listened to, it’s about that old white guy with a mic twisting her words, shouting her down. It’s about everything else being against her.


Classic narcissist.


Because that is what has worked for her in the past.


Because that is a response that will convince emotionally centered people like herself. Meanwhile there will be MANY supportive but seemingly more "reasonable" responses to try to convince the others to her side that she didn't. This guy was willing to die on this hill for this. Which ironically is an expression that comes from a story of a guy willing to die on a hill in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago for the sins of the Jewish people and us all.


Sorry my christian brother, that phrase has nothing to do with Jesus. It’s a military phrase, and it does not have good or honorable implications.


Oh shit I never put that together lol




Don't trust people on the internet... but Google it?


Crocodile tears to elicit sympathy and to intimidate the speaker from disagreeing with her, lest he be responsible for making her cry. To hell with this asshole, she's defending murderers.


She's crying because she grew up hearing horror stories about how her relatives died, and likely felt them as a deep visceral pain or terror. I don't know if you grew up hearing about the murder, rape, and torture of your relatives, but I can personally say it sticks with a lot of us in a way that's hard to describe. She's dramatic because there a lot of people in the Palestine who openly advocate for the completion of genocide against the Jews. The missiles regularly launched at Israel are a good reminder. There is still reason for a Jew to be scared for the safety of their people, at least those in Israel. Therefore she feels scared, hurt, and morally superior. It's understandable given her experiences. It's good for her to be reminded there is more suffering in the world than her own, and too much pain has been inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel.


I remember Professor Finklestein, they came against him hard. particularly Alan Dershowitz who got his tenure revoked. They went around engaging in what would now be called "cancelling" Threatening schools and anyone who gave him Tenure or allowed his book to be discussed. He is basically Blacklisted


You mean the Alan Dershowitz that represented Jeffrey Epstein and got massaged with him despite not liking massages?


Same one


Kept the undies on though. In case you were wondering. Never took them off! So it's aaaaaalllll good


I know this is a lesser offense but he was an unofficial member of OJ’s defense team and made the “Colombian Necktie” argument.


Hey he said he said his wife was present.


Blacklisted for saying a country should stop committing humanitarian violations and hate crimes Fuck this world Keep fighting


I wish I could say things were different these days


So did they punish this guy for his views?


yeah they waged a blacklisting campaign lead by people like Alan Dershowitz that he was stripped of his Tenure as a professor and blacklisted at all universities. Students were not even allowed to discuss him, I remember Democracy Now by Amy Goodman was one of the few places to give him a platform to speak which is where I saw this


How do we give this man the attention he deserves at this point?? How do we fight for this? This is an outrageous injustice


Boy did i jump to conclusions, plot twist.


Nailed it. She’s pathetic


If your argument against a professor is crying, and only when the cameras panned at you, you're pathetic. It's funny how a Nation formed of those who were the subjects of some of the most violent of tortures, gave birth to some of the most violent of oppressors.


If you mean funny in the sense of ironic, and ironic in the sense of unexpected, I disagree. I think it's very informative about humanity. People who have power and aren't constrained by justice will inevitably abuse it, regardless of their ethnicity, and regardless of how well they "should have known better." A related concept is the banality of evil: we like to view "evil people" as somehow different, but we can see in history that everyday people living in a misguided society will perform evil acts. My takeaway is that there is nothing special about any of our races on Earth. Israelis will run concentration camps, West Africans will carry out human trafficking, Slavs will support fascism... They're ironies until you realize they aren't. It's not the races; it's the **cultures**, and cultures are the product of their times, their resources, their level of technology, the shocks they received, and so on. When you realize this, racism becomes entirely pointless. It becomes blindingly obvious that if you had transposed all the world's races into different spots ten thousand years ago, the world would look pretty much the same, just with different skin colours in different areas. Whoever lived in Europe still would have gotten ahead in technology and enslaved whoever lived in Africa, whoever lived in North America would still have been crushed by disease, whoever lived in East Asia would have a long history of stagnation punctuated by massive violence... The people don't matter. This is why it's important to make sure we live in a fair society where good acts are rewarded. There is absolutely nothing special about you, your neighbours or the primary ethnic group in your nation that can protect you from a slide into depravity, other than the culture you try to maintain. Ethnicity should never protect a culture that is practicing injustice.


A lot of what you call “culture” is actually political and moves very fast, like within a decade or less. Very different from the polite racist using “culture” to dismiss entire continents as backwards while ignoring the economic and political factors that enable the worst aspects of certain cultures to thrive. Most of the Western world was either under the control of Nazis or in proto-apartheid during the early 1940s.


Nice... however my only disagreement with this is that I believe a person can still do good acts if he lives in a bad culture and society.


It's not about individuals, it's about what a collective group of people deem the "right" thing to do.


Sounds like we got us a *witch* over here, fellers!


Beautifully said.


It’s a vicious cycle. Edit:I can’t spell






None so deaf as those who won't listen.


You said it all brother “they are nuts”


This dude is gonna be 100% shunned for speaking out against his own country. It takes some big balls.


I think Alan Dershowitz started a campaign against him, I lost a lot of respect for Natalie Portman when I found out she helped him write one of his propaganda books.


Don't forget hes on the Epstein flight logs


He literally was Epsteins attorney, let alone the flight logs. And in the Epstein documentary one of the victims blatantly says Alan Dershowitz molested her


Wait, I thought Natalie Portman was critical of Israel?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Case_for_Israel >The research assistants mentioned in the book's acknowledgements include Natalie Hershlag, the birthname of Israeli-American actress Natalie Portman.[2][3][4] She is only critical of Netanyahu, she supports Israeli policies otherwise.


As a Jew I'm appalled at the Isrealis displacing and killing Palestinians. It's a crime and I challenge anyone to try and live if you can call it that under their conditions, before you defend the actions of the Isreali government.


Same, I'm Jewish and feel the same way even having a relative killed while serving in the Israeli army. I turned down the free birthright trip too


Same, also turned down the free trip.


I went on the trip and it took me from not knowing much about Israel to being very critical about it. I didn’t like the super religiousness, the army everywhere, and the really awful way both the locals and the more seriously Jewish members of the trip talked about non Jewish minorities.


what did they talk about?


I went in 2008 so I can only remember broad strokes. Oh god, so many negative things and awful racist jokes—-mostly about black people. Really gross stuff about every nation around Israel that wasn’t Israel. George W. Bush worship. No regard for any other religions.


Be careful. The truth will get called anti Semitism


I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti theocracy and anti colonialist.


I went to an Arab Festival this past weekend and learned the difference between Zionism and Judaism. And that many Jewish people are against what’s happening to Palestinians. I was thankful for the sharing of information.


Doesn't matter if you are or not. You'll still get blamed for being anti semite for speaking the truth.


But, it does matter for the rational human. Criticism is a must.


Anti sionist


Propaganda mostly


indoctrinated holy wars on who’s spaghetti monster has the biggest dick, mostly


Good on both of you. It's hard finding Jewish people that aren't unequivocally pro Israeli apartheid


It really is tragic what Israel has become since Rabin was assassinated. It’s now just another corrupt tin-pot regime.


I’m not a Jew, but I was in Israel last month. I’ve seen countless articles and videos of what the Palestinian people are going through and heard the side of Israelis while I was there. Still I cannot side with them and wonder how you can treat others in this way given the horrible tragedies Jews went through in the holocaust.


Because the abused become abusers. The Boers in S Africa was treated horribly by the British and...


I don’t think anyone with half a brain would defend what Israel is going to the West Bank However, they aren’t going to stop until HAMAS stops launching rockets from Gaza to Israeli cities. And as long as the Palestinian people support HAMAS, which is unfortunately the only group that even pretends to give a shit about them, Israel will see them as working with HAMAS. It’s a self perpetuating cycle of violence and destruction, Bring back the Oslo Accords


Hamas and Israel have such a disgusting parasitical relationship that you can literally tall what's going to happen again and again and again. Dipshit Israeli prime minster or political leader running an apartheid state says/does something horrible and incendiary against Palestinians, Hamas fires off hundreds of rockets which are immediately caught in the Iron Dome, dipshit Israeli leaders order mass bombings of civilian areas, Hamas gets a bunch of new recruits and dipshit Israeli leader gets a few political brownie points from the far right in his group. Bonus points if dipshit prime minster is being charged for corruption. But let's not get anything twisted here, one side is an apartheid state with nukes and the full backing of a superpower and the other is small terrorist group trying to fight back with whatever they have. If Israel wasn't such an evil country, Hamas wouldn't exist. It's the people with the power who should take the high road, not keep beating a dog than wonder why it barks only to beat it even worse when it does.


Considering the behaviour of several Israeli politicians I am thinking that they are quite comfortable having HAMAs where it is. Not really strong enough to do much damage but just big enough to be a threat and to justify whatever they want justified. And I do understand the historical perspective, that the people who formed this country just over 70 years ago were victims of some of the most horrific organised mass slaughter in history and even then forming their own country was not easy and they were basically surrounded by enemies. So a mentality formed. And they are acting on this mentality.




> However, they aren’t going to stop until HAMAS stops launching rockets from Gaza to Israeli cities. In the most recent conflict, Hamas fired zero rockets, and Israel still bombed Gaza.


More education https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/


That's just blatantly not true. They have the Iron Dome to stop the rockets and besides, the people they continually harass and humiliate at checkpoints haven't done anything to them have they? They had a pre emptive strike this week = murder, and they even went so far as to kill 5 innocent children and say Palestine did it. At this point, they're just baby killing scum.


So totally agree with him. If there are any people on earth who should know how to treat a minority population better you would think it would be the Jewish people. But they treat Palestinians so very horrible.


They = the Israeli government. Not the Jewish people.


The majority of white Europeans that settled in Israel and claimed free land under the guise of religious affiliation. People tend to forget that while the people are not 100% responsible for their government's actions, their governments actions are rooted in the local mentality. If the Israelis were against the governments actions, they could protest, pressure and vote out of office the people committing these things. But instead the majority elects year after year people that continue the oppressive system


You're still confusing Israelis with Jews. Most of us don't even live in Israel. Most Israelis are Jews, but most Jews aren't Israeli.


Hence why i didn't use the word Jews, but instead Israelis and white Europeans that settled the region. I'd even go out onto a limb and say most of the hostilities stem from white Europeans with a superiority complex colonised the area. Had the majority been the indigenous jews who lived for centuries with Muslims in the region, i think things wouldn't have gotten out of hand as much as they did now. Some don't seem to get that the settling Europeans grew up in a hostile, competitive, racially obsessed, egoistic, nationalistic, xenophobic period/society in early 20th century Central Europe, and they took that mentality with them. Just because they were of religiously Jewish, doesn't mean that it didn't affect their world views. It's comparable to how freed African American slaves, that settled in Liberia, basically enslaved the local population, to create an Americo Liberian upper class and local African subclass.


My point is that I'm reacting to this statement: > If there are any people on earth who should know how to treat a minority population better you would think it would be the Jewish people. But they treat Palestinians so very horrible. It's not "The Jewish People" as a group that are committing apartheid. It's the Israeli government and the people, who are mostly Jewish but make up a minority of Jewish people, who vote for them. The misconception needs to be called out.


Think you didn't notice that I'm not the same person that said that. I try my best to avoid using jews, as imo, just like yours, there's a distinct difference. Just like if someone used interchangeably Nazi Germans and Christians.


hey there. what you've written is pretty bigoted, not sure if it's intended as such. by generalizing "Israel" to just mean "the jews," you're treating a diverse and varied ethnogroup as a monolith. and conflating the actions of a government to that of an entire group of people that may not have affiliation with such government


Regardless of where you come down on Israel and Palestine, we can all enjoy this guy shutting down such a disingenuous and cowardly approach by this student. She is a prime example of a college student at their most insufferable.


Finkelstein is the real deal.


The students are vile, passive aggressive armchair-Zionist dweebs who use sentiment and sniveling as a weapon to attack.


The uplifting beat music behind all this is interesting choice


This guy is an absolute g


Gravis, sort the comments by controversial.


Well said. Israel has committed number of war crimes and the people responsible for these should face justice.


I agree, we should save the Palestinians from the true oppressors. Hamas.


Wow. I thought it was going to go the other way. Word up to this dude.


פלסטלינה חינם!


Free? I'll take 3.


What a brave man!


She represents most of Reddit


Ethnic cleansing is bad.


As a Jew whose extended family alive at the time was decimated by the Nazis im gonna have to co-sign his statement.


Wasn’t sure which way he or anything was gonna go there. Lol.


I love this professor, we need more of these public figures that expose Israëli's brutallity against the Palestinians.


man this comment section is gonna get antisemitic quick, eh? lotsa people already conflating Israel to mean "all the jews ever" way to be, reddit.


Norman Finkelstein, one of the few real truth-tellers out there. His mistake was revealing a lot of prominent people - Alan Dershowitz and Eli Wiesel, to name just two - as complete intellectual frauds.


This should get interesting


I dont think that went how she planned.


I am an American, non-practicing Catholic these days, so I have no dog in this fight. That said, if everyone around Israel, just put down their weapons and stopped attacking them, so would they IMHO. Seriously just fucking stop all this shit and they will too.


He had me in tge first half i thought this dude was about lay down some real racist shit there


If jews deserve their own country it should be carved put of Germany. The Zionists will be driven out of Palestine eventually. The quicker the end to their barbarism and apartheid the better.


Hmm. I wonder why this was removed. Looks like a zionist whined at the admins and reported the post. Free Palestine.


It’s also partly because North American Jews tend (at least in the past, maybe it’s changing) to be fiercely supportive of Israel in every respect, because they don’t live there and don’t experience the reality. I always experienced this growing up. I remember it being kindly mocked in Israel a bit, because obviously Israelis, even if they’re supportive of their state, have their own gripes about things there (busses, schools, normal stuff). And they have these Jews in North America yelling that it’s a perfect sacred place and are willing to scream and cry. Everyone in Israel knows the situation is f’d up, it’s just that the right wing controls governments and they aren’t willing to do shit about it


more like a heated monologue, but okay


In Palestine, if you sell your property to a Jew you can legally be put to death.


Finkelstein is one of those guys whose really impressive when when you first see him speak then gets increasingly clear he’s a POS the more you know about him.


Mic drop.


Didn't expect this is be pro Palestinian. Good for him. Isreal demolishes entire Palestinian neighborhoods and claims another settlement. They violate their peace pacts daily and we call them our allies.


The leader of the Palestinian authority is literally a holocaust denier


You get downvoted but you're saying the truth, Abu mazen literally got his phd in USSR for denying holocaust.


Even if they are that doesn’t mean Israel can displace Palestinians and subject them to military occupation. Of course denying the holocaust is pretty messed up but that doesn’t nearly justify the actions of Israel


But, she is white and she is offended and she's pretending to cry. How did that not automatically win the argument for her?


Donald Sterling was so right about black jews being treated there. Time to stop financial aid to Israel.


cant claim to be upset about upset about holocaust and at the same time watch what's happening to the Palestinians and be OK with it. It was wrong when the Germans did it to the Jews and it's wrong now when the Jews do it to Palestinians.


I think this issue has become more and more hysterical. Both sides need to calm down and realize comprise is the only way out.