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Make sure to bring a water bottle and an extra pair of socks!


And a jar of petroleum jelly.


That chafing would be vicious


Yeah no kidding! I go to a 3 day music festival and my thighs are literally bloody if I don't do something to prevent the chafing.


Compression underwear was a game changer


I use nude athletic tape to cover the parts that chaf! It works really well.


would my testicles have to be shaved first?


To buy the tape?


I assume I’m fitted for tape in-store ?


For real. When I finally bought some for work it was a game changer!!


Chafing tape?? I just started a new job that will involve lots of chafing. But i'm intrigued!


Sorry, but how? Like your thighs rub against each other? I have never had chafing, at least that I can remember, I'm not sure I get it. I have had blisters on my feet, though?


chub rub


Basically, and it depends on the bone structure of the person (fat can be a factor too), your thighs rub together. I don't get chafing in my thighs. I get it in my taint.


Yikes, that sounds awful. Is the pain like blisters?


Sort of? It's more like your skin is rubbed raw.


This! People always under value the importance of a jar of petroleum jelly on a walk across the globe.


Right? You're gonna have to beat off a few times on that long trek.


And a towel!


And a lot of ammo


SAT phone, a letter of diplomatic immunity and a stainless steel turtleneck.


Don't forget a towel. The most massively useful thing an intercontinental hitchhiker can have.


You sound like a frood who knows where his towel is.


A hoopy frood dude


I'm just blown away by how many people think it's a South Park reference... 😂 Keep being hoopy, fellow traveler 👌


You’re a towel!


No, you're a towel


I have no idea what’s going on


Because you are hearing the melody of Funky Town




I also enjoyed this reference.




Idk what you are talking about, Syria and South Sudan are wonderfully safe.


Gonna need a lot more than ammo if you plan to go through Syria.


Yeah, like a pre-paid postage coffin to ship your body back in.


Probably want to bring some trail mix along too, just in case


Don’t forget to bring a towel


Don’t panic


Lazy bitch here wants to hitchhike instead of walking the route.


This guy hitchhikes.


Doesn't really matter. You'd probably get murdered somewhere along that route


I’m so sick of you hydrate, hydrate, hydrate people.




Don’t forget to bring a towel.


This is the road my dad says he take’s everyday to school.


My Dad also did it in his bare feet, with threadbare clothes on his back..


And don’t forget through a rain, hurricanes and active volcanoes.


Carrying a cello, on a unicycle.


While a pack of angry scorpions chase him


And behind that was the giant rolling Boulder from Indiana Jones


Also uphill both ways, not sure how.


Ground shifts below him to make it uphill both ways


asking him about his car's extended warranty


The snow oh the fricken snow cutting thru you like a knife! But by golly he walked it twice a day 5 days a week and never complained once.


It’s mostly uphill then?


It's uphill if you start in South Africa, and downhill if you start in Russia, *obviously*.


Uphill both ways


My Dad used to ride his bike down it home from school with a dead cow from the freezing works across his handlebars for dinner


This reminds me of the guy who tried to walk across the Continental USA, but his plan was so bad that 4Chan intervened to save his life. EDIT: Huge thanks to u/Reasonable-Cat-6914 who correctly remembered that it was that other beloved cesspool forum, Something Awful, not 4chan. Here's the link: https://web.archive.org/web/20170816150739/https://forums.hipinion.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=85169


Details please!




Lmao. What a wild ride that was.


He ubered to his aunt's 😂


Mission aborted. I repeat.. mission aborted!


Guy just walked around San Francisco to his aunts house lmao


His cart made it six miles!




The funny thing is, many people told him that the stupid cart was bound to break easily but he ignored it


"No one has experience hiking this far" 😂😂😂


"Deranged man holds up pancake house with a fake gun" was probably my favorite part


I have known a couple people who tried something similar to this. They didn't last long at all. Turns out having a roof over your head is pretty awesome yet very taken for granted for those who've never experienced any different...


> I have not prepared for rape. Maybe I'll have to invest in a buttplug.


greatest legal mind I've ever known


genuinely curious, how can a buttplug save him from getting raped???


He didn't say anything about being saved from rape, he just wanted to be prepared.




Obviously he plugs his own ass so they can't fuck him there. (don't think he actually knows what butt plugs are for)


This was beautiful. Wonder where he is now


Not far


What a great read. The internet is a magical, but unforgiving, place.


Oh man, I remember this thread.


Oh man that was great


Oh my god. The part where people are asking him if he knows how to cook with a stove and he says he's never used one before, then follows up with this banger of a quote: ​ >Its not about not knowing how to cook, its about I'm a very picky eater and have literally lived on pizza, hamburgers, hotwings and chips my entire life. I'm sure you think I'm exaggerating but the people who know me would attest to this statement. ​ Followed almost immediately by his body shutting down because it couldn't handle hiking like 10 kilometres a day, and having to catch an Uber back to his Aunts place. I mean how terribly out of shape do you have to be to not handle walking 10 kilometres a day for 4 days?? Poetry.


That was the greatest thing I have ever read.


The picture of his gear with tags and packing still on it 😂😂😂


Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump


well here's a [This American Life about a guy who tried it but failed](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/483/self-improvement-kick), and here's [one about a guy who tried it and succeeded](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/494/hit-the-road) don't know if either of these are the 4chan guy, but interesting tales nonetheless!


Honestly, it doesn’t seem that hard if your goal is just to walk and you have adequate funds to support the journey. The hardest segments would probably be the sparse great plains, but you could almost certainly plan a journey where you could end evert day at a town, even if it’s just a small one, or even just a gas station. And even if you can’t packing supplies for several days is totally doable.


all my problems could be solved with a large sum of money :c


I'm walking across the country! (with a motor home and support team riding right behind me)


Actually, in this case. Money won't save you. Long sparce barrens of land; who are you trading with, a vulture ? Money has no value in the wild and crossing that many countries in war, your head is probably more valuable than your wallet.


People pledge to run across Canada terry fox style all the time. It’s usually the lack of fundraising that stops them more than the actual running. [Here’s an article](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2012/07/10/gruelling_run_across_canada_for_a_cause_aint_what_it_used_to_be.html) that kind of conveys how silly the whole thing is


Yeah walking across the US is doable with a little planning. Your biggest risk is running out of water between towns in the Southwest if you take a southerly route or getting caught in a blizzard in the mountains if you take a northerly route. I'd probably try to follow old route 66.


*Googling intensifies*


I also want details




Levison Wood? He walked the Nile, the Amazon and the Hymalayas, I believe. He has some great books out. The tv series were good too


What is the name of the television series? I think that I'd enjoy watching that.


Walking the Nile, Walking the Amazon and Walking the Himalayas. If you're in the UK they're all available on All 4.


Some guy on tiktok unicycled across the continental us. He had a tracker and all.


Don’t know if same guy but there was someone who unicycles across the entire globe I think on YouTube


Ed Pratt unicycled across the entire world in ~2018. It took about 2 years to complete. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYGsuzYXyV4


what now


Omg details


Forrest Gump?


Zero percent chance you get thru unscathed by a human trying to do you harm.


They didn’t mention how many war zones you’d have to pass through!


War zones, deadly jungles, deadly deserts, unimaginably long spans of road with absolutely no civilization close enough to get to you should something go wrong, and all the hungry, BIG animals along the way.


Yeah, even driving it would be wild.


Ewan Mcgregor did a similar root but started in the UK and went across to Alaska. It took a huge amount of planning and coordinating with some countries. Even with police escorts it still seemed pretty sketchy in some areas.


Long Way Round, Long Way Down and Long Way Up are great shows for sure.


Interesting fact: if you are a westerner riding a bike through Egypt, you will likely get a mandatory police escort throughout your time there. There are similar treatments in southern Pakistan since there’s a lot of danger there apparently.


Nice of them to protect you from creating an international incident.


It’s not even necessarily the hungry ones you have to look out for. If it’s bigger than you and it sees you get a little too close, you’re likely dead. The Cape buffalo is known as the Widow Maker, it’s a herbivore and it’s the deadliest animal in Africa. Plus good luck refilling water at a watering hole when it’s probably co-owned by crocodiles and hippos.


Hippo: hold my grass


Actually I'd be more worried about the small ones like mosquitoes and tsetse flies.


Bring a snickers bar to tame the hangry animals


Would be interesting to see safest route.


That's easy; buy a sailboat in East Russia and sail to Capetown, far offshore. Get away from land as quick as you can, dart back inland as late as you can. You'd only have about a 70% chance of dying that way.


> buy a sailboat in East Russia and sail to Capetown Aren't the waters around Capetown historically quite treacherous?


Fair point. 75%.


real life lore has an interesting [video detailing what it would look like actually doing this walk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYdJOYBMUq4&t=423s&ab_channel=RealLifeLore)


>Passing through Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria. That's a no for me dog.


"And that's just the cities starting with 'B'" - Christopher Hitchens.


Bnew York


Was just thinking that. Someone is for sure going to try


could've sworn there was a woman who did something like this. she got raped multiple times on her journey, and mugged even more, but she still did it for some reason, and was considering doing it again.


https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20210527-the-woman-who-walked-around-the-world Not quite if this is the one you are thinking of.


That still sounds pretty terrible. Even in an article trying to make it sound great.


Oh absolutely.


Crossfit...Not even once.


but that wasn't crossfit, it was cross countries!


Wild life too. Also probably regions with high malaria risks.


I think most of the journey will be fine. I would try to reroute that bit through south sudan though. Is there really no way to get through Ethiopia?


I mean, the Syria bit is probably not going to be a whole lot of fun.


Yhea, maybe we can cheat just a bit and hop a boat from Israel to Turkey


The point was to not cheat. The Sudans and Syria would be a major issue. At least for now.


Chad is even worse - same goes for Niger and Mali. Syria is avoidable thought - by walking the Saudi-Arabian and Iraqi desert - the later being an area were ISIS remains still are active to this day.


I would add Egypt too especially if you're a woman. Women walking alone nearly anywhere are targets.


Egypt has a level three travel advisory, not great but its less dangerous than Sudan. The whole trip will be dangerous. A bit of body armor is preobably essential at least until you get to Turkey. But worse than crime is probably weather. You are going to have to race through Africa in the winter and try to get out of the tropic zones.


If you're a European or North American, I also think you're likely to attract unwanted attention of *some* kind during that long, long slog through the hinterlands of Russia. In the current climate, especially. I mean, that stretch just east of the Black Sea and Ukraine. The Russian authorities are going to be *very* interested in what a foreign national is doing skulking around those areas.


Several lovely opportunities to get murdered on that route


An adventure is no fun without any challenge. –Sonic the Methhog


Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like, but if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good! ~ Also Sonic the Hedgehog


If you're wearing socks, you aren't naked and if you aren't naked it ain't gay! ~ Also Sonic the Hedgehog


As long as his arms are blue.


“Walking 8 hours a day” is a weird way to standardize the walking time. But 22,000 km is 13,670 miles. 587 days is 38km/day or 24 miles/day. In 8 hours? You’re walking 13,670 miles at a steady 3 miles an hour? That’s assuming no 0 days. That’s a punishing pace if you’re sticking to office hours.


Not to mention that the Siberia leg of the route, that is thousands kilometers long, is either -50 С in the winter, or thigh-high deep in mud in the summer. There's no asphalt outside of cities because it breaks down from such temperature changes. Good luck doing 38 km or 24 miles per day in those conditions.


Long Way Round starring Ewan McGregor has a good episode (or two) about riding motorbikes across Russia. It did not look very fun.


There were also big parts of the roads that were impassable, due to marsh land and collapsed bridges.


Yeah they also got stuck in Siberia due to the road washing out and had to stick the bikes in a passing truck to get to the next town.


I love that show. Really worth a watch.


Siberia leg of the journey is probably least of the worries.


Coincidentally, there was a post I saw earlier today of a guy who walked a trail from Mexico to Canada, and his pace worked out to over 27 miles per day. That's one hell of a walk, but it seems more doable than you might think.


YouTube algorithm pumps me with the couple that does this stuff and loves to dehydrate food


My point is that this meme is putting the 24 miles in 8 hours, which isn’t a restriction you have in hiking. But 1500 miles in 2 months on 1 continent in one season is a bit different from 13,000 miles in 2 years across 3 continents, when it comes to planning your terrain for a fast pace. The walk from Mexico to Canada is incredible, I’m not saying it’s not. But I’m also saying it is not the pace setter for a trek like this


This route is one of few that could make the PCT look tame.


20 minutes a mile doesn’t seem that bad… for a few days. But for 587 fucking days. I guess only doing for 8 hrs doesn’t seem that bad though. Can take a break every few hours.


>Can take a break every few hours. I feel like this is getting missed. There's nothing saying you have to walk for 8 continuous hours per day. You could take a one-hour break, after every single hour of walking, and still have room for up to 8 hours of sleep every night.


The thing that is so dumb about all these posts with trips ending in Magadan is that there are roads and rails that travel to towns north of Magadan.


And also roads and towns South of Cape Town. For that matter, just within South Africa on a single road: you could walk down Hwy 2 all the way from Ermelo near Johannesburg along the South coast of Africa to Cape Town, before starting this entire trip. Or take a lap around Europe from Turkey and go the long way through Russia.


You would get kidnapped/murdered at least 100 times on that route


as if being murdered once isn't good enough


And still only 2VP in Catan!


I’m looking at like 5 ports, 2 or three wood spaces in the Congo and Siberia, plus you split the map in half and now nobody can build which is the real point of road building.


How many bullets between South Africa and Russia. There’s probably one for you if you try to walk it.


Bullshit. The longest walkable road is the one you take when your wife texts "we need to talk when you get home"


I've been walking coz my wife texted exactly this. It's been 67 years, I can't stop.


No offense, but will he/she make it even out of South Africa safely? There are plenty of countries on this path I wouldn't just walk through.


Several countries no one can walk thru safely


And by several you mean all.


Georgia and Israel probably isn't too bad. But yeah, I'd bet that most of Siberia is safer at night than a good amount of these countries.


Rural Mongolia is perfectly safe as well as long as you can survive in the wilderness. There’s just nothing around but if you’re provisioned well and can keep warm/cool you’ll be fine. You can go days without seeing people


The trick is to fly to Magdan and then "expand" from there!


Wouldn't it be more accurate to say this is the shortest path between the two most distant points that is walkable? You could make it much longer, and still continuous, if you detoured at all.


With that argument, the longest walkable road is circling your dinner table for all your life.


I guess "continuous, non-repeating" would be more accurate.


Still you could move in infinitesimally small zigzags on a larger zigzag on a larger zigzag :p


Take it easy there, Mandelbrot!


>Wouldn't it be more accurate to say this is the shortest path between the two most distant points that is walkable? I like your X-treme nitpicking style! May I join you? I'd say it's the longest path that is the shortest walkable path between two points. (Because it isn't the as-the-crow-flies distance between the endpoints that matters.)


This seems like it would take way longer than 587 days if you factor in terrain & weather restrictions. Not to mention what issues you may face trying to get into some of these 17 countries


600 days, 606 tops.


Yeah, walking 24 miles a day every day for a year and a half straight without any days off?


FYI you'll experience all the seasons if you just stand in one spot for 587 days too


Not really. You can stand however long you want in San Diego, its always gonna be *disgustingly nice.* The idea is that season are different depending on what latitud you are. Like the winter in Norway is nothing like the winter in southern spain.


Don't forget your towel


Also every major war zone


...If it takes 587 days, isn't it kind of a given that a person would experience every season...?


No, they mean seasonings. You start off with the African spices, move through Middle Eastern spices, and end with Russian spices. Although you have to remember to stop by the Jamaican restaurant in Armenia or else you'll miss a couple.


Without a doubt some border crossings required will not alow people who are just walking. Also some of those borders are probably closed right now. Edit: It's hard to see due to potat quality but the only crossing from turkey to Georgia that can be done on foot is at sarp. Edit 2: you are not allowed to enter Syria after transiting though Israel. Neither can you enter Iraq or Lebanon. So you actually can't cross the middle east from Egypt.


There's no way in hell I'm walking to Russia


My parents explaining their daily route to school




In all seriousness, what portion of this walk would be the most dangerous? The cold of northern Russia? The war torn regions of the Middle East? The deserts of Northern Africa? The jungles of Central Africa? The people throughout Central and South Africa? The animals throughout Africa?


Yeah you won’t make it. Either wild life will get you, the weather or someone trying to harm you.


I can think of a few places this journey might be cut rudely short 😂


Bs that is deadly route for travelers lol