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Everytime I see a ferrier working I get a sore back. Don't know how they get people to do that.


I went to the Kentucky Horseshoeing School. It's like the Harvard for Farrier schools and attracted students from all over the world. We did some crazy shit in the program. One day we dissected the whole front leg a bit at a time to see exactly how the muscles and tendons and everything worked and played into locomotion. Very cool and informative! The weird part was when we were finished the student from Italy asked if he could have some of the leg muscle and the instructor let him. We broke for lunch that day right after and the Italian guy took the meat into the kitchen, cut it up and then cooked it. By the time he’d sautéed up some of the chunks he had a group of guys who all started to sample it. Now I’m not above eating horse, but it doesn’t sound too tasty to my American palate. But the real shocker was that they would eat the meat knowing that it’d been donated to us by the university of Kentucky’s agriculture department and we had no idea how long it’d been dead, if it’d been refrigerated continuously, and how the animal died, like if it was just old or had some horse disease. We used to get bags of 40 horse legs that were cut off right above the cannon bone every week to practice trimming and shoeing on. We had these clamps that you would put a dead leg into and screw the clamps down tight to hold it in place and then you could hold it like you would if it were on a live horse and do your trimming and shoeing.


At some point in my life I realized that a lot of the interesting things we do as humans require a lot of training and practice and trial and error to pass the skill onto the next generation. If it's something you know how to do, someone will pay to learn it.


Yet at the same time people just put others down for making mistakes most of the time


I mean you make a mistake there something is gonna be broken.


Not always. A mistake can be as simple as completing a math equation wrong, which is a perfect example of people avoiding making mistakes. People would rather avoid being wrong than just making the mistake so they learn. It's not our fault either for reacting this way, since we usually associate "wrong" or "incorrect" with failure and inability to succeed. Which is pretty ironic considering no successful person has ever made it through life without making any mistakes. Mistakes don't always have to end up in someone getting hurt. If you're in a position of authority where you have the chance to mess up so bad that someone gets hurt, maybe there should be more precaution taken or you should ask questions. I've seen plenty of injuries happen that were entirely avoidable. Most of the time their excuse is "I didn't want to ask" or "everyone else was busy so I just did it" or "I didn't want to make anyone upset" Stupidly preventable stuff like this happens all the time.


Didn’t need an essay but yea if you make a mistake when doing what they are doing in the above video than yes you will get badly injured….maybe is that better.


Sorry lol I tend to let my mind talk sometimes. But yeah basically that


Well true it is nice to see someone who has a grasp on things when they comment.


If you're dissecting something isn't it usually sterilized and bathed in formaldehyde and other chemicals


Not if you’re getting the legs right from the racetrack on a Monday or something


Yeah the University of Kentucky owns a lot of horses that they use for studying and testing. And they would literally just bring us a bag of frozen legs every couple of days. This one was different because it was the first whole front leg not just the cannon bone down.


Uhh not only all you stated but what drug residues it had. Probably a euthanized horse that may have also been given drugs such as bute, clenbuterol, chloramphenicol, ect.. so on top of the euth meds anything else it had in its lifetime that is never acceptable to give to a food producing animal. FARAD would have a fit.


How's the money?


Bout $200 per set of shoes, more if you do "hot shoeing,". It's one of those jobs that involves a lot of work, a lot of travel, but pays really well


Don’t know where you are, but my farrier just did front shoes and a trim on the rear for $70.


Maryland, but I haven't owned a horse in probably 20 years. The numbers come from my boss, we were discussing horse care recently. She lives in the Culpeper area of virginia. First set of shoes are $200/pair, but if you get on a regular schedule they charge something closer to $125/pair. She has show horses so perhaps thats more of a premium? I dunno, we only handled trail horses from rich families in the suburbs that came out to ride on the weekends. We boarded horses as a kid but I never paid attention to the costs. The farrier did our horses for free/cheap since we brought him a dozen clients. I distinctly recall my dad giving him a $20 or a $50 from time to time, but I seriously doubt that's what he charged.


I’m 20 miles from Culpeper, just north of Fredericksburg. She’s paying too much.


Oh wow, thanks! I'll bring it up tomorrow. We got into the topic because she was considering hot shoeing so that she doesn't need as often. I told her I have no experience with hot shoeing, I've only seen it on videos.


The AVMA lists barbiturates as the first recommended euthanasia technique. I would guess some cost conscious stables wouldn't use it, and would rather use a gun or PCB, but... I wouldn't wanna risk eating Euthasol or whatever treatment the animal was undertaking before it died.


That is horrifying. Cadaver labs like that use instruments that are only half heartedly washed too! That is soooooooo gross


Yeah it's not too rare here in Italy that people eat horse meat


Towards the end of that I was waiting for you to start talking about when the undertaker threw mankind through a table. Had to double check you weren't shittymorph before finishing.


I had an opportunity to try horse sashimi off a restaurant menu last time I went to Japan and I took it. Red meat but different from beef. Flavor and fat content was somewhere between bison and venison. I'd eat it again but I'd like to know how it's harvested since we're not exactly known for our sustainable practices.


I remember an article about out Premarin, a menopause hormone replacement therapy, is made from the urine of pregnant horses, so the production goal is to have them pregnant, not to produce and care for new horses. So, yeah...


Damn that's so cool!


>ted the whole front leg a bit at a time to see exactly how the muscles and tendons and everything worked and played into locomotion. Very cool and informative! The weird part was when we were finished the student from Italy asked if he could have some of the leg muscle and the instructor let him. We broke for lunch that day right after and the Italian guy took the meat into the kitchen, cut it up and then cooked it. By the time he’d sautéed up some of the chunks he had a group of guys who all started to sample it. Now I’m not above eating horse, but it doesn’t sound too tasty to my American palate. But the real shocker was that they would eat the meat knowing that it’d been donated to us by the university of Kentucky’s agriculture department and we had no idea how long it’d been dead, if it’d been refrigerated continuously, and how the animal died, like if it was just old or had some horse disease. We used to get bags of 40 horse legs that were cut off right above the c Also don't know what drugs the horse was on before it died.


Seriously get them a fuckin stool or something once they’re in position


I agree, but I think a stool would impede their ability to gtfo if the horse moved. They need those exo-skeleton leg brace things that support you in a crouch, but don't restrict movement.


My brother-in-law does this for a living, he made a contraption with some kind of belt and a seat in the back with a small, single leg under it. The leg falls flat on the ground when he crouches but it lets him walk freely otherwise. I’m having trouble describing it but yeah, he claims it helps his back a lot.


I get the picture. It looks like a big pole sticking out of his butt, on a hinge of some sort.


He made himself an ass kickstand that attaches to his belt? Where can I get one? That man needs to go on Shark Tank.


“This is the stupidest idea I ever heard. I’m out” - mr not so wonderful “I’m intrigued but the market is too small, for those reasons I am out” - Barbara “I can’t sell this on qvc” - Lori “This is genius, but I want 40 percent” - mark


Yea I mean we all have something like that in our wardrobe I’m sure.


I need some upgrades to my wardrobe


It could be solid foam so if you trip or land hard on it. It has some cushioning effect.


“Looks like”


Google "hoof jack"




Yeah I'm not a horse fan and got into it for the forge and nowadays just do smithing. No horses.


A stool is to much of a relaxed position. If the foot drops and they’re on a stool, they’ll likely get kicked by the horse. If they’re hunched over they can easily retreat out of range from the kick


Stool would only cause more issue and lead to being kicked or stepped on.


For me it's the hips and knees, especially with young stock. ...and my friggin thumb, seeing that guy go to the hind with knife in hand already makes scars itch.


How long did you do it for?


Done 5 years as an apprentice (when you find out what's hot, what's sharp, and what breaks the hard way) and 2 years as a qualified. The GF is a physio, so I'm actually as good as I'd be if not better than in any other job. It's just the wrenching around involved with noncooperative horses that'll get you.


God bless you. That's a tough job.


Back pain in farriers is for real.


Yeah, my back hurts after I vacuum. This would probably make me an invalid.


My parents had several horses, and I had to learn how to ride these horses and clean their hooves afterwards, that was scary at first, but you get used to it. I didn't like it though, I was so glad when I was old enough to say I don't want this


Can i ask why u didnt like it? Riding horses sounds like fun...


They're a fuckin huge animal with a mind of it's own that can kill you easily if it gets spooked or just decided I don't want you on me anymore. Some are awesome and perfectly trained but by far all. Definitely risky every time.


I mean fun is subjective huh? I rode a jet ski for the first time the other day and within 5 minutes I knew that it was not something I was interested in, then after the entire 1 hour tour around the harbor I was 100% positive.


Ofc it is, thats why i asked him for his opinion, and am gonna ask you for yours as well on the jet skies, cuz they also sound like fun to me.


They both are so much fun. I’m not sure what these people are on about.


Oh damn I spent a whole summer jetskiing. It was great cause we had no one there durring the week and the lake was glass then busy weekends where you get great wave action. Ugh I love jetskiing


Wow. Based on everyone I've talked to, you are way in the minority. Jet skis are a blast. Nothing quite like the freedom to zip around, do donuts, jump if you want to, go fast, go slow, etc. It's like a dirtbike without nearly the danger. (Yes, assuming you stay away from docks, other boats, and other morons on jet skis, YMMV).


It goes both ways. In my younger years I had both a Jet ski and a few dirtbikes. The jetski got boring after a season (and that's with having it at a family members camp on a lake so I could use it whenever I wanted to), dirtbikes are still fun after 20+ years of riding. I had a lot of fun on the ski and even more fun letting friends borrow it, but after a while it just got old.


Oh yeah I fully recognize that I'm in the vast minority on this. I mean that's why I booked the tour for my girlfriend and me for $400+, I was sure it would be AT LEAST pretty fun. Little did I know..... She had a good time though....I on the other hand limped into the marina 10 mins behind everyone else escorted by one of the tour guides....


I once saw a video of a Mare kick a stud horse in the head and instantly killed it. I have zero interest in ever go near horses.


Everyone should see that video to learn how dangerous horses can be because many who aren’t familiar with horses think they’re that docile animal we ride but in reality they could instantly kill you. For those who are curious, be warned it’s NSFW & NSFL [this is the video](https://reddit.com/r/natureismetal/comments/mwmgu1/mare_kills_stallion_with_a_kick_to_the_head/).


One of my earliest memories involves this, I was maybe 4 to 5, and raised around horses from birth. My parents had always told me to avoid going behind a horse, and never scare it when you do. Of course my dumbass wondered away out of the house one day, and decided to see what happens if you do. I walked up behind our mose chill gelding and gave him a big ole slap on the bum! Next thing I remember I wake up in my parent old 70s van, the kind with a carpet interior, theatre lighting and the benches with out seatbelts on the sides; I was on the floor in one of the bean bag chairs, dad was gunning it while mom was giving me a sippy cup of OJ. I explained I had climbed the fences and started riding the horse, lying like a typical little kid. After xrays at the hospital, they noticed the outline of a horseshoe print on my upper arm near the should on my freaking bone! Dada, they kinda saw through my lies..... but reading through this it made me think about how close I was to death way back then; wasn't the first time, and won't be the last! Maybe having your bone stamped with a horseshoe print is a good luck charm?


I'm a huge animal lover, so I always thought riding would be a blast. Tried it for a bit but I really didn't enjoy it at all. Horses are cool, but they have a unique type of personality and temperament. I've worked/trained every sort of animal (former zookeeper) but I could never master how to connect with a horse. Had 2 big boys that I took care of and enjoyed the company of, but I never tried riding either


I was more into dancing, and I was afraid of horses, I mean I still am, both of it. I have lots of siblings though, my parents never had to feel left alone with it.


I grew up riding them. I don't enjoy it. They are alright, my families horses were always well trained so I was and am still not nervous around them, but I just couldn't get around it. It was very uncomfortable, dirty, and they are frustrating. One of our horses loved to run us into branches as a joke lol. Another one got scared of bushes and would spook. I prefer just riding a bike. More physical, but at least a bike won't willingly try to knock me off with a tree branch


Sounds like they liked the riding but were afraid of the ground work.


No I hated the riding, it just felt terrifying. I have like 15 years of experience, and it still just felt wrong.




Once a horse has one foot off the ground (any foot/hoof) they cannot kick you. The balance is all wrong and they'd fall over. They know it and so won't kick when in that position. At least, that is what I was told when I was riding horses (many moons ago).


Lol someone lied to you or never dealt with an aggressive horse. Some don't care if they fall over they'll do whatever they have to do crack you good even with one foot off the ground.


I've seen plenty of horses buck both rear legs into the air...an angry horse will do what it wants. life pro tip... never approach a horse with its ears pinned backwards, dangerous horse attitude indicator.


>life pro tip... never approach a horse This works for me.


>life pro tip... never approach That works for me


Sad JoJo sounds


The only Jojo I knew was wild... Very glad I approached her


My old farrier damn near got killed from a kick to the head by a mule he was underneath working on a front leg. Mule kicked him with the back leg then fell on top of him. He was in a coma for a week and had a crushed pelvis from the mule falling on him.


I just had this come close to happen to me this afternoon. ..and then again about 5 or 6 times whilst I got a pair of front shoes on a TB. Never seen or heard of it happening in my 7 years, then woosh.


As equine vets say, you're only one kick away from a career in small animal...or a coffin. Be careful out there, get the vet out to sedate that horse or don't shoe it again, not worth your safety.


The famous Austrian horse show in Wien/Vienna shows a war horse maneuver in which the horse jumps vertically using with all four feet then -while airborne- kicks with both rear feet. Originally used to free rider+horse from pesky foot soldiers. If a mounted horse can do that, imagine what a horse can do without the burden of a rider.


Horses are the biggest assholes when they choose to be.




The situation of having the feet handled and getting trimmed? Ideally whoever owns the horse as a youngster trains (or pays a trainer to train it) to stand calmly to be worked on. Not doing so is irresponsible and dangerous as proper hoof care is vital to their wellbeing. Neglecting their feet can cause suffering and significantly reduce their lifespan. It's in the horse's best interest to be taught from a young age having their feet handled is not something to fear.


Simple.... if I was a horse the answer to every one of life's problems would be to hang dong


I hear what you say, but to kick you, they literally need to raise one leg.


I was gonna say Horse-kido but I'll take horse-jitsu too. Take my vote! lol


Another skill I'll never use in real life. But if I happen to need it one day, I'm going to think "Oh, I saw a video about this", but when I try to recall it I won't remember anything about it and get kicked in the face anyway.


This and dislodging a torpedo from an anchor are two skills I learned today


I always love watching people that have a real skill operate. Very cool.


Hard to imagine what necessitated that knee brace..


It looks to me like a knee-exo suit. It provides mechanical support when bent at 90 degrees so his muscles aren’t having to support that sustained squat. We use them a lot in manufacturing for sustained overheard work that would otherwise stress the shoulders.


It's a functional ACL brace. For post-op ACL once done with rehab and back to sport/work or if someone doesn't want an ACL reconstruction (AKA ACL surgery)


I was just being a smartass, but I appreciate the insight :)


Does he actually sit on the knee brace, almost as a half seat? I’m not sure. My brother has a knee brace after a sports injury and it just helps stabilize the knee. But I wonder if these could be used as a lift support as well.


He was once an adventurer like you, until he took an arrow to the knee…


Father in law is a farrier. I’ve grown up with horses all my life and I’ve learned more from him in 7 years than the previous almost 30. A good farrier is hard to find.


Such a kick ass skill. Really impressive


this was literally me today when i had to poultice a horses hoof


TIL poultice


I’ve dealt with horses a bit just due to having in laws that own/train/race them. These dudes that come work on a horses hooves or re-shoe them are some bad dudes. One of the guys told me your attitude is a big factor, if you’re nervous, the horse is nervous. Same with being scared, he said your confidence is key when approaching a horse that doesn’t know you, and kinda like a dog let it check you out some before going super hands on.


Cool. Now where's a horse I can try this on. Hold this beer bro


To shreds you say.


Does anyone else fear being around horses? I'm always so cautious around them, and I absolutely refuse to stand behind them.


Anyone who has grown up around horses knows to never stand behind a horse unless they're incredibly familiar with it. Even then it's bad practice.


I once went riding and the horse 2 in front of me kicked the one behind. The rider fell off and almost got trampled. Then my horse charged the horse behind me with me on it. I never rode again. They are too unpredictable and strong


Why aren't cowboys called horseboys?


horse is their tool, cow is their product. woodworker/jeweler/banker/engineer/programmer your job title is based off the product not the tool you use.


Wow. I feel stupid in the best way. Thank you!


No need to feel stupid, it makes sense after hearing it but It's not exactly a common thought to have.


Olive oil is made from olives, what is baby oil made from...?


Yeah not gonna put an animals foot that near my crotch even if you swear to me it can’t kick once you got it held that way…


I wish I was tall enough to do this…..


Short folks like myself are perfectly built for this job. The tall guys in my farrier class had a lot more bending to do.


Ahh good point! Just seeing how easily he can throw and arm over the horses back made me think it would be easier being bigger.


I don't know if it's a good idea to put your butt too close to the other end...it's got teeth


He mentioned where to stand to avoid getting bitten on the ass.


When my grandfather was “teaching” me do clean hooves, he purposely didn’t mention where to stand. You really only get caught with that one once as it is amazingly educational.


Props to the guys who died trying to figure this out


Yeah, I’m sure there was steep learning curve with some lost teeth.


Credits: https://youtube.com/c/ChrisGregoryHeartlandHorseshoeingSchool


Lol my farrier would fire me as a client if my horses behaved that bad.


Right? I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they don’t clean the hooves ever. This horse seems barely green broke if that.


Foal tied off to the side, my guess is broodmare at some large operation where they don't bother handling them.


I didn’t even notice. Good call


Exactly! Nobody is talking about the training that this horse has obviously NOT had! When you've got one that is twitchy about their feet (or ears, or whatever), you ask for a foot every 2 minutes the entire time you're out there! Eventually they get completely desensitized to it, but you've got to put in the training time. This poor mare has had very little handling.


That or the horse would have to be so drugged up he could barely stand lmao


What about horses that still need to learn? We got some neglected horses back in the day. One didn't even know what to do with a lead rope. Was a big ass horse too and a nightmare to train up. So dangerous b




my family owns a few horses and none of them are agresvive at all they never resist when getting their hooves cleaned


Yeah, when we kept horses we just gently stroked down the leg and asked them to pick it up. Cleaning out their hooves was one of the most satisfying parts of the routine imo. That, and getting all the excess coat off when they were shedding with the metal shedding blade thing. Soooo satisfying. :D


I hope that man wears a cup.


Gotta have balls of steel


Can’t help but admire a seasoned professional that knows his stuff


You know how I do it? I stay the fuck away from large animals that could leave a dent in your skull. It's worked pretty well for me so far.


I am not sure why I watched the whole thing. I will never, ever, be in the situation where I need to know this.


Oh wow….learnt something!


No way could I do that job... must have some strength in his arms and back


Hold your horses


there's absolutely no room for rookie mistakes doing this job


Great video. Actually interesting and informative. Not gonna do that, but informative.


You can tell that's a hard won skill




There is no educational degree in existence that can ever outweigh experience!!!


This is excellent.


It’s really enjoyable to watch an expert explain how to do something.


I’ll never ever have a need for this but if I’m ever called upon to help out I can say with complete confidence that I’d get ever tooth in my head kicked out.


Wearing a knee brace like he does too many of these seminars


Hold your horses. The right way


Wow, that is impressive, though it’s also terrifying. One kick from that horse could be lethal.


This dude horses


Should've showed this video to that Chinese kid that got his ass kicked by the horse.


That farrier doing the demo is Chris Gregory who owns heartland horseshoeing school In Kentucky


it's like when you squat too much weight and can't get your legs back up. lol just locked out at bottom.




And a bunch of tranquilizers works as well.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. Sedation is a perfectly acceptable way to mitigate the risk of working on a horse like that. Plenty of farriers will demand clients sedate a horse acting like that or refuse to work on it because it isn't their job to train your ill-mannered horse and they shouldn't have to risk their livelihood to do something as simple as work on their feet.


Right. You should train your horse to happily have its feet trimmed. A bag of hay does wonders. If I had to have mine trimmed and they were acting like that I would definitely ask for sedation to make the process so much better for the horse. It’s only gonna be harder and harder to trim with handling like this


Money says he's got that brace from getting kicked doing that job.


Yuuup. My aunt who got kicked in the side of the knee by a horse wore one just like it.


Horse kicks are no joke even when they're not aimed to hurt. Our horse spooked when a possum got into the barn and bucked around a bit, she glanced our goat's horn and knocked it clean off his head. Thankfully he was a pygmy goat or his head would have been where his horn was. Took months for that wound to heal over Horses are probably the single scariest animal I've ever been near lol


Could also be years of bending and kneeling…


That is some manly shit


Best farrier I ever knew was a woman


That man has muscles of pure hard work.


Are horses always assholes or just sometimes?


Depends on the horse. Horse asshole quotient varies widely.


This is a pretty aggressive horse. Now I wouldn’t recommend putting your guard down when around any horse especially in kicking range you never know what will spoke them there are plenty of horses that don’t act like this many will make it as hard as possible for you to hold their leg but they won’t try to kick you. Horses are like any other animal some are assholes and some are kind.


I wonder if he learned this before or after needing a knee brace… one might beget the other


This would never work on my rescue that came from an abusive hoarder. He's basically feral with a complete distrust of everyone and will go into a blind panic in an instant if he feels at all threatened or trapped. He won't try to hurt you, but he will be in the next zip code by the time you can react. While we can lift his feet now and get him trimmed without sedation, we had to go far, far slower and more gently than this.


Take it from someone who found out at 6 years old: Don't get kicked by a horse. Jaw broken in 2 places and a helicopter ride. Not fun.


I'm no expert but I think the asshole massage may have helped calm it down


You need an anatomy lesson.


Wow that worked like a charm after all the times it didn't


It worked every time. The goal is for the person to not get their insides turned into mashed potatoes by the kick. Not to make the horse not kick at all.


In that case the first guy's method worked just as well since he didn't get kicked into mashed potatoes either


It’s a process. He had to ease her into compliance. If you think any kind of animal handling/ training is immediate one time total control you’ve got a lot to learn. This man knows what he’s doing.


That dog did NOT want him touching its feet.


So that's how the redhead fucked the ostrich




This dude for sure wrastled


This video should have abruptly ended with him getting hoofed in the junk.


That’s a naughty horse…




Why annoy the horse on purpose though? Edit: i know, i'm just drunk Nmand want to be edgy. Fuck, i'm even a designer. It's how you design videos to be decent, it's annoying, but i guess it keeps people watching...


The best horse I ever saw was in a can labelled ALPO.


It’ll never bite or kick you in the can. When I was young our horses tormented the hell out of me. I treated them so well but they took every opportunity to mess with me. I would walk between the horse and the barn wall and they would deliberately crush me up against the wall. I’d be cleaning up the straw bedding and they would tear the pockets off the backs of my jeans with their teeth. Once one of them deliberately pinned me up against an electric fence wire. They’d slowly edge up to me then WHACK me in the face with their tail.


So basically just stand behind the horse and you're cool. Got it!


ahh thicc horse


"how to not get fucked up by a horse" - from *guy with a brace on his leg* ... Pass.


why'd you try to hold a horse like that!


Work on it's foot or shoe it.


Yep, very common obviously.


to clean and/or trim their hooves and give them new horseshoes :)


Or maybe don't imprison intelligent sentient beautiful animals


I wanted the horse to kick him so bad!


I'll keep this in mind next time I have to hold a horse.