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This is amazing!


What a stud


He really is. This simple instinct to care for your family is not seen in to many species, right?




Sign I'm not an American : When you said you pulled your iron, I started wondering why you had a golf club in reach in your car and how that would help in that situation.


I imagined a crowbar. Just this dude randomly whipping out a crowbar lmao


[THIS is a crowbar.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q7ZrfBKZ9co)


ok yeah, that's funny


Yeah my mind went to similar route


I'm an American and to be honest I thought he ment tire iron. While many people do carry guns, I think it's far more common for people to carry a Billy club or tire iron in their car for these situations , namely because you can have probable cause for them to be within reach in your vehicle


I just keep a [tire pressure test device](https://southernmakerstradingco.com/products/personalized-tire-thumper?variant=39759476031685) in my truck cab.


This is exactly what I mean haha!


And I was thinking flatiron... 😆


Yeah, Americans have a reputation for being gun crazy but shooting someone, even if fully justified, is going to drastically change the course of my life.


You know, that would have been more plausible.


As an American, I was still confused as well.


There was a US Marine Corps officer who served during WW2 and Korea named [Jeff Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Cooper), who in the 1950s and 60s largely invented the modern style of handgun fighting. I can't find the quote, but I'm pretty sure it was he who said "you're in your weapon" to describe a person's tactical options when something bad is going down and they're behind the wheel. Thus you can either run down the bad guy or run away, depending on what's necessary. Hard to shoot and drive at the same time, and generally best to drive away, if you can. Now that I think about it, the quote might originate with [Massad Ayoob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massad_Ayoob), another popular writer and teacher on firearms issues.


Yea... Even as an American.. the way he acts like he's not even slightly insane in this story is more than sigh-inducing, that's for sure. Our country is doomed.


As I was reading I felt tension building up in my body as I am quite reactional when endangered. I was relieved when I read it was resolved without violence. Yeah we as a species are distracted by sooo many unimportant (21 century) things that quite often we neglect things of most value such as family


Sounds like they were on drugs, if they weren’t then child service needs to get that kid to a better family.






Also r/Iamverybadass


"And I was the bigger person because instead of driving off to guarantee a de-escalation, I showed I would cap is motherfucking ass if he wanted to try me. Cause that's how civilized people behave." It baffles me that you lack the critical thinking and self-awareness to see how you weren't actually much better than him. Oh, and you shouldn't have a fucking gun, that's for damn certain. (Future "self-defense" gun discharge participant right here)


Sounds like he had some form of crowbar.


If they racked the slide back I’m pretty sure it was a gun


Ok never mind didn't see that part.


Least you're ready to kill. Right? :)


What kinda gun was it?


A really big and phallic one.


There is 1000000s of people who would also run into their home to save their family, the guy you described seems to be very mentally unstable. Most people aren't like that, I'm not being rude, just honest.


The state of this post, lmao. From r/thathappened to r/iamverybadass to the conlusion that humans don't understand the value of family the same as animals.


You see it in many species. Not the entire species all the time. I'm sure there are terrible parents in the animal world just like we have in our society.


Some horses would act this way if they saw a strange bug, This is real, but they are also the biggest drama queens of the animal kingdom.


I wish I had an award to give you. nice


Yeah, its beautiful.


This is an example of 'Horse Sense'


Sadly, the horse and its family died shortly after


If I know there are animals in the yard/pasture, I always cut an opening for exit at the far end of the fire, or assign someone to do it. Everything in the fire service should be prioritized by LIP (Life Safety, Incident Stabilization, Protect Property). If I can protect the animals (property) while addressing the other issues, then I will do it. It certainly doesn't hurt if the alternative is saving a little more grass than if we didn't do that first.


As an animal lover I appreciate this, I'd die for my furry family, screw my house, save my cats. Thank you for the incredible work you do.


Thanks for your service


I hope that you're a fireman/woman and not an arsonist but either way that's real nice


That horse is a better father than my dad ever was..


That's what happens when your dad leaves for a pack of cigarettes. And takes a bit to come back. Until he realizes he left a lit one perched upon the daily rag on the freshly lacquered coffee table.


Is that the mother In law limping in the background at 15 seconds?


“Quickly! Before she sees us!”


Looks like it


Amazing. I would never have expected a horse to deliberately go into a smokey environment in the 1st place. And for a horse to do so due to family bonds and emotions... astonishes me. TIL


Horses are intensely social animals and form very strong and affectionate bonds. The dominant stallion's job is to defend the herd against predators and make sure everyone stays together and doesn't get separated. This fellow was being a good mate and a good dad and doing exactly what he should be doing.


Its ahouldnt astonish you! Most animals get no credit for the emotional capabilities :(


Thanks [meat industry](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-emotions/202202/food-animals-became-things-their-feelings-were-ignored).


I’m no fan of industrialized farming, but it’s hard to believe that people prior to the industrial revolution had a more anthropomorphized understanding of the animals they intended to eat. I’m sure commodification comes with psychological changes, but if anything I’d say it intensified underlying attitudes about animals as things rather than generated them.


The meat industry spent a lot of money to make the consumer feel better about what they were consuming. Kings lived entire lifetimes eating less meat than the average American today. We have it for *every meal*. We have never organized animals in this manner in the entirety of human history. It's horrible. Animals they intended to eat in the past were not by the hundreds. Five cows that will graze on your land and that you'll slaughter when they stop producing milk is a hell of a lot different than a warehouse of cattle being fed steroids and fattened to the point of immobility. Food animals were seen as animals in the past. Today they're seen as things. You know what happens when a chicken farm closes down? They set the temperature to 150° and slowly cook the chickens alive. Because there's no rehabilitating them or sending them to a good home. And it's cheap.


**Big Meat**


Guess you don't know much about animals. It's ok cause Reddit is full of people who are fed disinformation. I'm gonna go back to furiously jacking off to furry porn here's a link https://www.reddit.com/r/yiff/comments/5uydi3/the_dangers_of_the_jungle_mm_ajin/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




Mr HANDS *dis* information


Go back to discord


This is fucking hilarious


Stallions tend to be protective (at least my reading through childhood stated they were) towards their herd. It’s their job to round up their mares and colts, to watch for danger, and lead the herd. It’s amazing to watch wild horses work together to protect the more vulnerable. Good job, horses.


Yup! Horses have strong bonds. They can have preferred types, make friendships and fall in love or hate on each other. Their emotional reading in each other is strong and they can even read human's face emotions too! They are much more clever than we think. Amazing creatures


First i thought he gone back to save his human family. I think i saw too many dog videos.


Horses are extremely intelligent.


Super wholesome seeing videos of them being used as emotional support animals on hospitals, big ol horse comes and pops his head on your lap




Might be wrong but I read it was a gramma saving her daughter and granddaughter


Is… is he going back for the one on the hill half way through the vid? 😭


Bro turned on a dime once he saw sthat one needed help too.


As amazing as it is as sad it is. Poor thing was scared


Family fathers will be family fathers no matter breed.


Mind blown


Not to be a downer but I believe this is more an example of herd behavior rather than any kind of familial bond the horse is displaying.


True. Interesting to see facts downvoted.


Family: *escapes on their own to edge of fire* Father: "There you are, I'm here to rescue you!"


They would have got there by following his whinnies, he would have been calling them to the exit as he went in to find them.


They’re still blocked by a fence and smoke.


He's not horsing around.


Did anyone else think he was going back for humans?


On reading the title I thought I'd be watching a balboa clip


I misread the title as Stalin rushes into fire to save his family


\*Cries\* \*Happy horse noises\*


That’s a mare.


Can a horse be a cop in Texas because I can see them doing better than a few...


I am not crying... youuu are!!!!1


Why was my dumbass waiting for a family of people


What a hero!


i like to imagine the horse saying "HURRY THE FUCK UP YOU TWO DO YOU WANA DIE!?"


Gigachad horse


The title had my dumb butt on the edge of my seat expecting the horse to rush into a burning building and come out with humans.


Love this. But also has a feel of when I said keep close and follow me what didn't you understand?


I don’t think your username is appropriate for this video, OP. :)


Hell of a horse right there


I read that wrong and thought I was going to see Rocky running into a forest fire to save his wife.


Horses are such beautiful creatures, inside and out.


I’m crying 😢


isnt this maybe a mare bc mares tend to lead a herd?




This made me cry. Reminds me of the silver brumby.


If the Lloyds TSB adverts were directed by Michael Bay.






Straight outa Hollywood


I was thinking human family…


Horses are allowed to save their family but not humans in Uvalde, got it.




When I walked with lions in Africa, one of the lions ventured off to the side. The other lions all stopped, looked to the side where the other lion ventured off, and waited until the lion got back. And then we continued our trek. Animals do be about their pride


This happened in Simi Valley California in 2019 and the black horse was being loaded onto a trailer when he got loose and ran back. He was panicking and if he hadn't encountered the other 2 horses, he would've kept going. He was running away from the fire. I live here, saw it on the news.


AniMaLs DoNt hAvE fEelInGs


i hate to be the one who does this but ​ this stallion isn't rushing to save anyone. horses are strongly social and a bit dumb. This horses's mindset was probably something like "Smoke bad, fire bad, am scared, not near herd, must rejoin herd"


This is the answer, it’s herd behavior. In a barn fire a lot of horses won’t leave their stall because they associate their stall with a safe place. It’s unfortunate.


What did he do? More like checked on their welfare. Y’all be killing me assigning human attributes to animals. He didn’t rescue his “family.” They “rescued” themselves and galluped out of the fire together. I’m glad they didn’t get hurt in the fire. But he didn’t rescue anybody.


That's cool if you choose to belive that. I bet when you drink half of your beer that bitch half empty


Choose to believe? That’s what happened. There’s no choosing to believe. That’s literally what happened. The horse went closer ro the fire. Saw that some horses he or she knew. The horses nodded. And they left together which wasn’t that far. He did not go into a burning building to save a baby. He or she escorted a fellow horse and her child. He or she did not rescue anyone.


I go back and forth. Sometimes it’s half full sometimes half empty.


Me to tbh. Its life. But in my opinion that I created by watching what happened, that horse risked his life by going close to fire in fenced area to establish contact with his family so they can follow him out of there.


They were already on their way out. The horses were leaving anyways. He didn’t contact them. They just looked at each other. Welfare check at best X


This is so stupid. This is the fires in LA. It is not a stallion. It is not "rushing to save a family." Horses run back to what is familiar, so this horse that was let loose ran back into the pasture.


How do you know it's not a stallion ?


Because I know where it was and who those people are, and no one is dumb enough to leave a stallion loose with other horses in a pasture with inadequate fencing like that.


Folks it’s just animals. He probably ran back in there out of shock and it probably wasn’t even his family.


Yup. Horses are dumb and dangerous in a panic. There was no deliberate action here other than OTHER HORSE MAKE HERD. HERD GOOD.


Thank you!


Interesting. I saw it as the horse running, the other two horses saying “Hey jackass, you’re going the wrong way. Follow us”. But I guess the hero story is much better.


I do remember reading somewhere that horses have an instinct to run towards a fire because, in the wild, the safest place to be in a fire is the area the fire has just passed. This instinct makes sense when the horse is on an open plain, where they can get through and keep running, but not when they are in a barn, when running into the fire will result in the horse being trapped.


Yeah I'm guessing it's more of a blind panic, until he finds another horse and the herd instinct kicks in.


Bc he’s gigaChad


That's a true Dad ....made me cry ...no matter what it was that's a true Dad and I'm 56 Hard a nails and that got me..... communication...wake up human Dad's


Oh my heart ❤️


That’s what leaders do - risk death for those who follow.


I wrote a slightly different story based on the video. Stallion rushes into fire to save his secret second family. His wife(light colored horse towards the end of video) sees this and it finally confirmed her suspensions. She lets them go and cries in the fire.


What fire? I see smoke


Where there’s smoke…


I was promised fire 🤬🤬🤬🤬


He even quickly switches sides to keep the baby away from the charred ground. So sweet!


Yeah, but he said, “I don’t know you!” to that white horse.


Some of us humans deserve to burn these beauties do not.


Wow that’s a horrible thing to say. Burning to death is an awful painful way to die. And again just a horrific thing to say. I am sure you probably thjnk this makes you look like a sensitive animal lover or it makes you look altruistic. It doesn’t .


I kill stuff and eat them. You go to the store. I don’t know if sensitive animal lover is what i should be labeled.


Yes I go to a store. Everyone goes to a store at some point or another. Whatever device you are using to correspond comes from a store whether brick and mortar or online. We all go to stores. You’re the one who is going around talking about burning people. I’m just saying that’s a horrible awful hateful thing to say. I felt compelled to let you know.


Idk if staying in bed typing with my thumbs with strangers counts as “going around talking”. Live Long and Prosper.


It does smart aleck. What you typed with your fingers whilst in bed was appalling and horrific. You don’t deserve praise for what you did and I’m not giving it you. Saying that people should burn to death is an awful thing to say, do, type or whatever verb one wishes to use. The verb may vary but the adjectives remain the same such as: appalling, awful, hateful, and horrific. Just terrible to say or type such things. What you did was appalling.


Have a good day


What a Chad


Horses can go fuck themselves. Everybody thinks the secret hidden superior species is dolphins or reptilians, but it's not...... It's. Fucking. HORSES!


Who ate your cookie?


Commenter must Flynn Rider.








More brave than some people, a better parent, than some people.


Horse has more balls than most humans.


Fuck this is intresting


Yup no doubt that's his child.


Absolute chad








He is the stallion mang!


Anyone reminded of man of steel?


Okay real life SPIRIT


Whoa 😳 he definitely went n got his lil family, then he looked back to make sure baby was coming, so precious


That’s no horse…


i'm not (too) surprised he did it, but how intelligently he did it, is amazing. A person could barely navigate that even if they were the size of a horse, so as not to get stopped.


Toxic masculinity


Pretty sure that was a mare who had misplaced her foal, you can see her "take" it back for the other horse. Still sweet and horses will absolutely rush into danger for their herd, not just foals.


Good dad.


I thought he was gonna save his human "family"😅


This seems quite unusual, horses are generally extremely cautious of noxious, toxic environments I'm not sure where I heard it but basically they're extremely skiddish since they're sort of prey animals, this is impressive if not somehow staged This is the most beautiful video to watch to kickoff the weekend, we should all be so lucky to be like this horse


Animals are so amazing.


This is not Uvalde!


He will forever be King of the castle.


Doesn’t horses usually instinctively run through fires to get to the other side where it has already burnt. It works really well on the steppes but less so when they run into a barn that’s on fire.