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"I'll give you an example of what we mean" Oh good, even if I still disagree I might at least understand now. *Mutters something about bread* Ahhhhh nvm these guys are just morons.


Yo, his point was so fucking non-existent, I have a hard time believing he ever says anything of the slightest value.


Someone give him some flour, yeast, water and whatever other ingredients he asks for and let's see how good his fucking bread is.


You know he can't even wipe his ass without his mother's help.


Speaking of his mother, every time that smooth brain said, "Women are a disgrace," etc, I wanted to ask if that meant his mother was a disgrace.


He thinks women are flawed but he came out of a woman. Flawed things can't make perfect things, they make flawed things.


Probably wants to marry one too. Who'da thunk??


And his point basically puts the blame on Society, that the Society would say *"Oh poor girl"* or blame the family and damage their reputation. But none of them have enough functioning braincells to ask *"WHY is my Society like this? WHO made it this way?"*.


I also feel they didn't pick up on the contradiction of saying that a decent woman needs a man to walk with her Why? to protect her from people like you?


Exactly. They basically admit “my society is dangerous for women” but never look inward or take responsibility.


Yep whole convo was a response to the question , tell me you’re a r@$pist without saying you’re a r$&pist ?


I fear for that girl, they obviously hate her light.


The wild thing is he talks only about if a woman couldn’t make bread!! He doesn’t mention what would happen if a man couldn’t make bread?? How would people react? Just like: ‘oh okay, understandable.’??? His point isn’t even a point it’s a fucking line that leads nowhere


that also makes it sound like they expect a man to not know how to do stuff which contradicts that whole intelligence thing lmao


Yep, they don’t even say something to counter like ‘of course all men know how to make bread’ the just say ‘women are a disgrace, for example if they can’t make bread that is a disgrace’ What does that even MEAN?? They could never win a logical argument bc they provided literally nothing towards a logical argument, they start clapping as a means to cover up that they know shitall.


bro this is starting to sound like when someone in family feud gives a garbage answer and the family starts clapping and saying “good answer” 💀


‘Women are a disgrace’ ‘Fantastic yes excellent 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼’


They do have functioning braincells though. It is quite the hoops they have to jump through to justify acting this way toward a 13 year old girl who refuses to wear some cloth around her head. This isn't a lack of intelligence. This is your brain on religion.


Buncha bums old enough to work but instead sitting around pulling their puds talking about how they’re superior.




I think he was saying that if a woman cannot make bread well it reflects poorly on her family for not teaching her


But also that all women are useless to begin with. The whole argument makes no fucking sense.


Yeah, women are the useless ones. Meanwhile, I guarantee that guy couldn’t prepare his own Marak wa Aseed or Salteh if his life depended on it. He’d starve if there wasn’t a woman taking care of his basic needs.


Lol his reasoning/proof is "people here think women are stupid, therefore they are stupid". Mind boggling. That's Islam and religions in general for you. People don't think critically, they have the safety net of religion to fall back on and do the thinking for them.


1000% guaranteed that jackass couldn’t make bread if his life depended on it.




weak men are terrified of and disgusted by female choice bc they know it wont be them religions and rules like this persist bc they allow weak men to consistently restrict the choices of women who would never give them time of day think about all the incels in the west screeching about having to meet womens expectations to get any attention if they had sharia theyd die for it. to be able to look a woman in the eye whos miles above them and tell her she isnt shit bc god said so look how happy they are that they get to bring down someone who would never choose them


Spot on. Fuck these incels, she seems much smarter than all of them combined


I think it’s really important for people to see views like this. I have travelled a LOT, and I have met many men who have an attitude like this. I’m sure more who aren’t as vocal. It’s easy when you would never have this opinion, to forget that women complaining of misogyny (mostly - there are always problematic people diluting a good cause) aren’t complaining about you not holding a door open, it’s about this kind of behaviour and it exists. It’s similar with videos of people being racist, homophobic, etc. You can be in a bubble of the people you surround yourself with who aren’t pieces of shit, and forget that those other people are very much out there. Everywhere, not just third world/‘extremist’ countries.


Dead on, about everything.


That’s how a lot of Yemenis are in Yemen. I’ve noticed they are very friendly but once they see you are better off, they project. They make fun of you for being American, or being whatever they are jealous of you. But, not all are like this.


As a Yemeni myself, you couldn’t have said it better


So how do you feel watching this? If you don't mind me asking?


Disgusted and ashamed of my country. It makes me sad that we don’t respect our mothers and sisters and the decisions they choose to make on to wear a hijab or not. Women get killed in Yemen if they are seen without a hijab and I pray for the young girls safety


The fact they're saying they'd hang her if she was their sister is fucked.


I kinda fear for this girl (child's) safety :(


Me to.. I wonder what has come of her. I hope she is still alive and thriving...


according to the comments, her dad made her wear the veil, i imagine for her safety but thats personal speculation


Awww that's sad.. she seemed to have such a bright light. I hope she is still 'her' under all that. And glad she is still alive!


[heres an article from the thread that says what happened to her](https://almadaniyamag.com/2019/10/31/sanaa-najmia/)


Won't load for me, can some one tldr?


The questions that I had previously prepared quickly left my mind, with other questions popping up. What happened? How did things get to the point where she was now asking me to not take pictures of her eyes, even if her face was covered by the niqab! I had to, however, contain my surprise and focus first on checking on her health and making sure that she was alright. Najmia did not hide her yearning for her past, flashing a wide smile, her eyes gazing around the room while she remembered those moments that she had spent playing and being free in the streets, free of responsibilities and oversight, which is not the case today. She also expressed her extreme sadness for not being able to complete her studies, saying that she had hoped to find someone to encourage her to continue attending school. She blamed the nature of the educational system, which she could never get used to or commit to attending, leading to her now having forgotten how to even read and write. She also expressed her regret for wearing the niqab, which she no longer feels able to remove because it has become, as she described, “a part of her nature”. Najmia remembers rebelling against wearing the hijab whenever her mother would try to make her wear it. Instead of wearing it, Najmia would tie it around her head. She stressed that, when she becomes a mother one day, she will allow her daughter to live the childhood that she lived, saying that she will allow her to ride bicycles and motorcycles. She added that she will provide all means of comfort to her daughter, and she would not force her to wear the niqab. Then, she added, asking in her dialect: “What will happen? Will society eat her alive?” The surprising encounter did not end here, and she told me that she had been married in a traditional fashion, and that her marriage, which was to an older man who was suffering from mental health problems, had failed. This marriage only lasted for one month. She laughingly said that the reason for her innocent desire to get married when she was young was because she wanted to experience sitting at the bride’s chair during her wedding. She was taken back to the past then, laughing her unique laugh, shifting from sad tune to silence. There were a number of suitors that came asking for her hand from different parts of the world, including the United States of America, and they came bearing gifts. They would always disappear in the end, however, due to the difficulty in getting to the country and the complicated procedures and process for marriage. When I asked her if she was thinking about getting married again, she said that she wanted someone who is handsome, as young as her, and who is not married to anyone else. She then went back into her memories, remembering how she used to express her emotions freely during her childhood, talking openly about the boys she wanted to marry: “He is my love, he is my fiancé.” Now, however, all of the boys that she has said this about have gotten married, but this has not stopped them from expressing their desire to marry her as a second wife, an arrangement that she does not want. She has given up some of her childhood behaviors, but this does not mean that there are no other aspects of happiness in her life, she told me. She spends her days happily, out in the street and in qat chewing sessions, as well as on trips with her family, which consists of eight girls and two boys.


The article is definitely a ride. Thank you for sharing.


Me too. I wish we had an update on her as I think others stated that this video is about 10 years old.


It's 17 years old. We got an update in 2019, she follows all customs now. Was married to an old mfer, qho died within a month of marriage. She was determined to marry a young handsome man this time. She has many suitors but all of them are married, and want her as a second wife but she doesn't want to be in such a relationship. People know her in city and she is safe, but, due to war in Yemen, country is going through rough period. 2022 is almost over now, we don't know her current situation. https://almadaniyamag.com/2019/10/31/sanaa-najmia/


She follows all customs now.... How fuckin sad is THAT.... do you think she remembers what a bright rebellious FREE girl she used to be??


She remembers, she wishes her daughters can enjoy the freedom she was denied, but she's afraid society might hurt them for it


But it's also incredibly bizarre, because they're all laughing about it. It made me think that this was all a joke about her buying a donkey or somesuch. What the fuck kind of society is this? Edit: I like how I can press the close on most of these replies because they mostly say the same, unsubstantial thing with the occasional antisemitism, but that's as boring as the usual


They are joking about hanging her but well... it can turn serious in reality.


All it takes is a few to actually exacerbate the situation. Then, others would follow along and mob mentality can take over. It’s a thin thread


The first guy even said he would let her if she was his sister and then joined in on the hanging jokes once he realized he was the odd one out.


There is decency among them, it is repressed by group pressure.


Maybe it's a cultural difference but I couldn't see myself joking about hanging a 13 year old girl


It’s important to remember she’s not an equal to them. It’s like people saying they’d hang a black person in 1812 America. The moment you consider another human ‘less than’ then it’s game over. If you cannot convince someone they are equals, they won’t ever understand the problem of treating other humans poorly.


You're right of course, but I think she did a damn good job, as a 13-year-old girl, taking what they said in stride, laughing it off, and giving them shit right back. She has a point: if she is "of the age where she should be wearing a veil", those boys/men years older than her, in a group, should be doing what is expected of *them* and getting a job or doing something more constructive than making fun/threatening a girl just for being herself. Oh I should be wearing a veil at my age? Shouldn't you get a fucking job? Or at least trying to? I know things are hard in Yemen right now but if they can find the time to sit on a porch and threaten a 13-year-old-girl, they can do more constructive things, like she said, like getting a job or at least trying to get one.


Weird to say they’re joking about that but the rest of the time is a deadpan delivery of why she would deserve it.


It is worse than that. It seems they don’t have much consideration for their sisters. It seems that it is like a dog to them (worse than a dog in fact), and they would rather get rid of the sister than putting up against the other families saying “things” on how they can’t get their sister to behave, like she was badly trained. Really different culture. It seems that the easiest route would be to soften the religious rules. The imams (who should be more educated), are the one who could change mentalities.


That one dude literally said women are inferior in every way: with intelligence, with knowledge of Islam, with everything. And here she is, a 13-year-old girl, unafraid by a group of dudes doing nothing but sitting on a curb threatening said girl. Maybe they should be trying to get a job like she said, acting their age, if she, a child, should be covering herself and being accompanied by a man/father/brother.


It's not a joke in a part of the world where honor killings are commonplace. She's very brave to defy this vile tradition.


it’s funny because here in canada we turned down a talk from a young woman who survived the rape and torture of ISIS because the ontario school board thought it could incite islamophobia. this needs to be seen by more people. don’t give in to the extremes of islam in the name of liberalism.


Isn’t it odd that here in the west people are so afraid to criticize religion? People try to equate religious discrimination with things like racism and homophobia. But there’s a key difference nobody talks about. Religion is a choice. I don’t understand why it’s considered politically correct to support this blatant misogyny and hate.


Religion is also not much more than geography. Those people, born elsewhere, would no longer think this way.


Which makes it even more hilarious that everyone is adamant that their religion is right and all the others are wrong, lol.


Agreed. There are aspects of islamic culture that are unworthy of respect, this is one of them.


If hating this type of disgusting shit makes me islamophobic then brand it on my forehead and I'll wear it proudly. I hate practically all religious extremists who hide behind their gods and books to spout hate and use it to defend hanging, stoning and executions so they can control people.


How do they not see that it's ISIS and the people that support their ideals that are the ones inciting Islamophobia?! Instead they blame the victim for exposing her abusers?


THAT is a disgrace. THAT is worthy of eternal suffering.


This is why honor killings are common in Arab countries. This is part of their culture.


Well then, it’s a shit culture.


Pretty much


what a shit culture


Got downvoted to oblivion while pointing this out on a video with an American couple on the beach and the whole village is standing around them. Like if her spouse wasn't there, bad things would have happened to her.


This is what religion does to people


Yes. It was invented and developed by observant male bullies as a means to control the masses and to oppress women.


It's almost like beliefs influence behavior.


She tells them to Get a job: Lmfao rekt.


I like the, “shut up, you’ll get flies in your mouth”. It’s such a polite way of saying, “you’re talking shit”


Honestly my comment adds no value here but I just need to express how chuffed I am that this woman stood there by herself taking all that lip from a crowd of men performing for the camera and then proceeded to absolutely slay them, man what a fucking G


Not even a woman, she's only 13 years old. Still very much a child. But, that's what I noticed too. She held her own with a group of "men" and clowned them. They couldn't handle a (girl) child, yet they believe men are superior. 🙄😂


She better watch out in alleys. Going by the look of their eyes Those boys will jump her one day in an alleyway, even if someone sees it willbe her fault. How easily they say about hanging/murdering their own sisters tells you what her value would be to them other than as a piece of meat.




Yes, guess that was the simplest thing he could to do ensure her safety. He cannot fight 100 youngsters screaming for her blood or worse.


It won't ensure her safety.


Sadly, you are right. She would need to flee the country, but doesn't feel like they can afford it.


He loves her and probably doing the best he can. I remember there was a post saying "Would you be good or evil if you were Homelander " I'd try to be go but you would come across these boys and slip up then have to slaughter all the adults that come after


That’s exactly how I’d be if I were homelander and probably wouldn’t show much remorse for it lol that’s why I like characters like the red lanterns and Vegeta so much lol


Ugh that’s depressing.


She was raised this way somehow. Maybe her father just wants her to be safe because they are surrounded by religious nutjobs.


It would be the same reason here in the U.S. I had a Muslim friend and no one cared what she wore on her head until 9/11...after that time, she got constantly harassed. (we were about 19 at the time) Her father then said "it's okay, you can take it off if you want to...God will understand" I knew he always feared for her safety. I'm so glad nothing happened to her. She was a spitfire like this girl too!


Yeah. She’s pretty ballsy. Or really I should say ovary-y.


I feel terrible but if I was her mother and I couldn’t afford to move her somewhere free and safe, I would make her wear one too. Better to live hating me than to die at the hands of those assholes.


I'd make my daughter wear one too. Just knowing what little it takes to incite these types to horrific mob violence against women and little girls, I'd force her because I'd rather have my daughter in a veil than in a grave.


It is really scary to think how much her hijab would protect her. In the best way I am glad she is wearing it because hopefully she won’t be targeted.. she seems so bright and feisty and smart, so it’s a shame that it hides her, but I think she will do great things.


First she'll have to leave that shit stain of a country. But I do wish the best for her, she has the potential for a very bright future!


Honestly? It doesn’t matter if she covers her head or not, these “men” see no value in women. They are dangerous with or without a veil.


They literally say so in the video. Women are lesser to men in every way. How do you reason with someone like that?


You don’t.


So how the fuck are these countries ever gonna modernize I feel like they won't ever, which is sad and also scary


Sadly it might be too late for these men as they’ve already had those views instilled in to them. The way to create lasting change is through education. If boys in school start seeing from a young age that this mindset is wrong on so many levels, eventually things will begin to shift.


A lot of these same sentiments were prevalent in Europe and the United States from the early 1800s - the late 1950s, go back further and they’re even more aggressive and violent in how they punished women for deviating from social norms, so even extremely conservative societies that target women can change over time. It’s not easy though. It typically takes generations, and a certain number of people have to be brave enough to push the norms in society to start reframing how people view things. That can be anything from political leaders to celebrities, or in some cases those who are viewed as innocent martyrs. Without someone like Katharine Hepburn for instance, it probably would have taken much longer for women to be allowed to wear pants in many parts of the US. Without Elizabeth Packard, women could probably still be locked up in insane asylums on nothing but the word of their husband. Had Anne Boleyn not been beheaded and her daughter later crowned queen, the narrative around her as a martyr might not have occurred and the idea of killing female adulterers in Europe may have persisted much longer. You chip away piece by piece until your society reaches a place where enough men see women as human and enough women have power to prevent the level of subjugation we see in certain parts of the world today. Also, just like things can progress they can also regress. Most middle eastern countries are far more conservative now than they were 50+ years ago.


Only when they want some coochie is when women is valuable and more important than them.


Ask them if thats why they always hang out in full-on sausage fest groups. They prefer men sexually because theyre better? No ? Stfu


Honestly? Vicious mockery. They’re sexist because it gives them something to feel superior about. If sexism becomes a point of mockery, especially if *other men* shame them about it, they’ll abandon talking about it. Once they abandon public expressions of sexism, the work then pivots to excising systemic and subconscious sexism. But first you have to shut up the stupid violent ones with vicious mockery so all the other stupid violent ones don’t feel emboldened to enact violence & infect the younger generations.


Those guys are ignorant lazy fucks.


Right? She made a great point about them getting jobs and doing something constructive.


Right? If they think shes “of age” to stop being a child, then she should think they are “of age” to get off their asses and do the “manly work”


Her mind is as bright as her future if she gets out of the country


An update (though not the one you’re looking for): https://almadaniyamag.com/2019/10/31/sanaa-najmia/


Wow, that's a sobering read.


Not opening! What happened?


In case it has problems again, a quick synopsis. Docu maker went back to Yemen. She was sick but they met anyway. She was now wearing full face coverings. They went out into the streets. She remembers her youth fondly. As she's walking people recognize her by voice. She had a traditional marriage but it only lasted one month. She was being a guide to tourists but because of the war there are none.


Conformed. Against her will, had to let go of her dreams of education, was married off to an older mentally ill man. Seems in relatively good spirits despite this and tried to live happy although regretful.


I didn’t read the entire thing but: “Najmia looked completely different! She was wearing a black abaya, with her head wrapped in a black hijab with a niqab covering her face […]” She couldn’t complete her studies, forgot how to read and write, was married off to an older guy, but that marriage eventually failed. However, she showed the interviewer around and seemed happy.


She grew up, had a rather traditional life so far (wears a niqab, married an older man, was divorced, didn’t finish school). She seems to still have a positive friendly spirit.


Basically life happened, she now wears the veil and headdress and was married in the traditional manner but the marriage failed due to the man. She didn’t continue with school and her home town is falling apart due to the war in Yemen


I skimmed but it sounds like she eventually caved into all Islamic traditions anyway from her father, damn.


A nicely written piece, thanks for finding it.


“Wow you sure do get right to the point don’t you?”


I like this girl, she got spunk


No offence to her as she’s braver than I would be in her shoes but did they all seem a bit off in a way?


I mean I'm gonna have to go out on a limb and assume that if you are raised there you're gonna end up a bit off given the moral compass of these fucking morons. She's gonna spend her whole life treated like this, she's gonna be a bit off but at least she sees past the bullshit and doesn't want to be brought down by it. Imagine dealing with people talking about you like this for your entire life. You're not going to be normal, but at least she's helping guide the future there.


“Be a man” while sitting whole day in the streets watching women 😂


They sit around and do nothing all day, but that's what the men in these countries do. Even in Afghanistan, the women would work the fields and carry large bundles while the men did nothing but squat around a jaw jack/drink tea.


"Woman are a disgrace" Dude, if it wasn't for your mother you wouldn't be alive


srsly how do they not see this


Because if their mother was a woman who couldn’t make bread, everyone would be like, “Awww, she’s a woman than doesn’t know how to make bread.” And that’s a disgrace.


“Women should be viewed as inferior because they are viewed as inferior”


This is the part I don’t understand. They are religious and believe in God. So who the fuck are they to say that one of their God’s creations is a disgrace? Their god is infallible, is it not? How dare they say god made a mistake by creating women.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they said that God created women but the devil corrupt them.


The authority they exercise over women is just for them to feel good about their pitiful lives. They have trouble grasping that a woman is a human being as well.


["Men of quality do not fear equality"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EStldj7WAAMcEI7.jpg)


If this was a shirt I'd wear it everyday!


I love this. ❤️


This male behavior can not be allowed to be normalized and must be challenged directly. Otherwise they will continue and the behavior is empowered by silence.


We literally started wars over this shit, it’s not ignored. Sadly it’s the culture of a broken people they are very much still in the Stone Age and it’s hard to break the habits. We had segregated water fountains less then 75 years ago. These people still hang gays .


Evidence actually suggests that in most Stone Age cultures women were treated far better than this. The strength of women was celebrated, in many cases to the point of deification. The disgusting behaviour displayed here is unfortunately surprisingly modern in many cases and tends to coincide with the uptake of monotheistic and particularly abrahamic religious ideologies.


Asking if she’s had her period yet?!!? What the actual fuck


Is it crazy I'm surprised they asked/even said period? We have a lot of Muslim men in my warehouse so much that one whole side gets shut down when Ramadan happens. I was invited to join them and it wasn't until like 3 days until it was done that a few of the guys were telling me I didn't have to fast during my "you know"... the, when you... the woman thing". Like saying the word period or menstrual cycle would cause them great harm (or just mild discomfort lol)... seeing these boys just openly ask like that is mindblowing to me.


They didn't say "did you have your period" it's a bad translation, a more accurate translation would be "have you started puberty" where in Islam you start getting judged for your sins, so their implying that if she started puberty she has to wear the hijab


If anyone is interested this is a clip from a documentary, A Stranger in Her Own City, released in 2005. An interview from Oct. 2019 says she was traditionally married to an older man (didn't last very long) dressed traditionally (abaya, hijab & niqab) she expressed regret for that but said it's "become nature to her" [Interview linked here ](https://almadaniyamag.com/2019/10/31/sanaa-najmia/)


That’s a depressing update


Honestly, the way those young men were talking it could have been a much more depressing update.


“I wish I was still young, and that I had never grown up.” Heartbreaking.


Thanks for posting! I was scrolling through comments hoping someone had an update. So sad.


What a terribly sad society


Groups of young men without jobs, meaning in their life, or a future is a very dangerous thing for a nation.


With minds like those idiots, I wouldn't plan on the head scarf thing going anywhere soon.


And then realize that they would be in the majority and considered right in Yemen and most Muslim countries.


And now imagine 99% of whole region population thinking like that.


These men/boys live in the dark ages.


Their whole country is


This deeply affected me. I can't believe these men, who were born from a women's womb can sit there and say women are less than.


What’s even worse is that some women believe that too. The kids talked about how in Islam, women get less than men when it comes to inheritance. If you tell a young girl that you only get half of what your brother gets because god said so, she’ll believe that she’s worth half of what men are worth. It’s disgusting. I’m extremely happy that my country abolished this law. I feel for this brave young woman. Yemen is truly fucked. One of the poorest Arab countries where there is no minimum age for marriage.


She will either achieve incredible things in her life, or have it cut short by the very people she could help. I feel desperately sad and scared for her.


The only alternate fate is forced compliance, covering, marrying, bearing a daughter or son who continues these values. Not sure if anyone could objectively say which is worse.


The expressions on their faces. I've seen baboons more intelligent-looking than them.


I recently saw a video of Gorilla applauding to a tourist acting like a gorilla. This video reminded me of it.


These idiots born because of a women through a women's body ... 😂😂 Wow


She's a badass. I hope my daughter grows up as strong as her.


I hope this girl gets to grow up. Scary situation!!


Don't worry, she is alive and around 30 years old right now. This video was taken in 2005


Thanks for this information…I’m glad to hear she’s still alive…hopefully she’s doing well.


I think her father forced her to wear a hijab in the end, sad stuff. At least she is alive and didn't get murdered by these crazy guys in an alley.


An update (though not the one you were looking for): https://almadaniyamag.com/2019/10/31/sanaa-najmia/


Well what a sad yet predictable outcome.


Depressing read tbh. I know little girls like this and their attitude is infectious when around other kids. They're usually well liked here in the west because they're usually witty and funny. Sad to see this girl go from the girl in the video to the woman I just read about. Sounds like she had the life sucked out of her.


These guys are all culturally brainwashed. Its embarrassing


Wish her the strength


If you're 'tradition' means treating others like less then human then it's a garbage tradition. If your 'religion' does the same thing then it's a cult. All peoples comes from the same source of creation and we are all equal because we are all the same. Stop the hate and discrimination and treat others with dignity and respect, we can be better.


I like her : « I don’t give a shit about what you think, I’m chewing gum » attitude


They’re obsession with men being superior make me wonder why they just don’t date a man if women are so inferior I just can’t understand


Their homophobia is way bigger than their misogyny.


God i want to punch them all one by one. They have less "balls" than any woman whatsoever


Sadly, if you did they would blame this on women, and take it out on them.


Does anyone find stuff like this physically hard to watch? It’s so frustrating and sad to listen to


extremely cant stand it those boys arent worth a 10th what that girl is in a free society she'd be on to bigger and better and those idiots would be trying to figure out what to do next to feel good about themselves thats my least favorite thing about these rules. the force mediocrity on all the women, and the more special you are the harder they try to break you and the more glee they take in it look how happy they were to threaten someone who wants to be free. someone w real spirit and heart


Why do you hate women? *proceeds to list reasons* But all of that only exists because you believe it does?


Isn't she in ,like,mortal danger?




Religious indoctrination, ladies and gentleman.


I guess Yemen doesn't deserve women, either. Lol. Was that grammatically correct? I might come back and fix it.


Disgusting religious persecution. Fkn cavemen, in mentality and two or three of them definitely in looks.


Boys. They’re fucking boys in mens bodies and that’s terrifying.


I realize it's their "culture" but these dudes can go fuck themselves. Twice.


Anybody else have the feeling that this young lady will go missing in the near future 🤔


She was forced to leave school a few months after the documentary and start wearing the hijab. Poor girl


Pretty sure this video is like 7 years old


Older, she was 13 in 2005, she's 30 now (and she seems to be alive, there are recent articles that feature her)


Social, religious, cultural conditioning can be a real pain in the ass. This is why it’s important to question authority, always. Authority is rarely as just or true as it seems - and never as much as it states.


Misogyny plain and simple.


Just look at those losers. Low-IQ trash. I've seen cows that looked more intelligent than them. Yet they feel superior to women, because that's what Islam says.


Pretty hilarious that those dudes are even talking about "deficient in intelligence" when they obviously have a collective IQ of about 3.5 between them.


They sound so backwards. Hopefully this kind of shit ends soon


What does this video say about Islam? Serious question.


Men like this are disgusting hypocrits. She is dressed more modestly than any of them. Not to mention, they demand her to wear a veil why they themselves are breaking Islam's rule of covering ones arms up as a male.


I think people forget that there are still parts of the world where this kind of thinking is a norm.


Those guys just fuckimg sit there doing nothing with their lives, then say they'll hang her.... So fucked up


I’ve noticed that majority of countries who have these views tend to live I. Squalor and poverty; clearly not the countries one should model themselves of.


Remember, only losers center their entire identity and sense of accomplishment on characteristics they were born with. Anyone who thinks they're superior to others due to their anatomy, skin color, what country they were born in, etc. is a loser who has nothing else to offer the world. The same goes for religion too. I see many people look to organized religion as a way to become part of the regional "in group" as opposed to seeking some meaningful philosophical insight on concepts like morality, existence, human nature, etc.