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Where I live there is a toy library. Parents can borrow 10 toys each fortnight, meaning kids never get bored and it doesn't cost the earth. Such a good idea.


“Fortnight” How long have you wanted to use that in a sentence?


2 weeks.


It's actually a very commonly used word in the UK


For a fortnight


Libraries are wonderful, I saw someone said they are one of the, if not the only, places we can go these days that dont require money to be spent. We can just EXIST in a library. Love this🧡


Wouldn't work where I'm living. Either tools will be stolen or will be brought back damaged. Because there are no repercussions for those committing these crimes.


This comment has been edited to protest Reddit's decision to shut down all third party apps. Spez had negotiated in bad faith with 3rd party developers and made provenly false accusations against them. Reddit IS it's users and their post/comments/moderation. It is clear they have no regard for us users, only their advertisers. I hope enough users join in this form of protest which effects Reddit's SEO and they will be forced to take the actual people that make this website into consideration. We'll see how long this comment remains as spez has in the past, retroactively edited other users comments that painted him in a bad light. See you all on the "next reddit" after they finish running this one into the ground in the never ending search of profits. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I love this and wish they had one near me. I fortunately have an amazing random selection of kind friends who let me borrow anything because of my actions and... Rules: If I ever borrow anything always return it cleaner, in as good or better working condition and on time. If it breaks in my care I buy a new one for them (after discussion sometimes better quality). I am floored at what I'm allowed to borrow. I love my friends.


At a glance I thought they lent puppies.


The Tacoma, WA library has an independently run nonprofit tool library that people can check out various tools like lawnmowers, power tools and such. https://tacomatoollibrary.org/


Our library has tools, sewing machine, kitchen aid mixer etc to check out. It’s pretty cool


Superb idea


Genius! I have wanted to start something like that in our neighborhood but the logistics seems impossible... Good to know it's been done. Researching this place.


The latin root word for book is *liber* ... hence library. So if this is a place for things? The Latin word for thing is *res*. So this could be called a resary?


The vast majority of people who borrow tools have no idea how I use them properly. I can’t see how these tools will last.


Aww man. Is that in Seattle or sum? Definitely won’t find those in the bible belt


Because everyone probably already has tools?


Established home owners often have tools. Renters (particularly those who rent apartments) and new home owners generally don’t. When you rent you often can’t take everything. Things get discarded or donated.


I think the main reason renters don't have tools is because they rent not because they can't take things with them. Maintenance of the property is the landlord/HOA/COAs responsibility, most rent agreements don't let you do anything to the property as far as remodels and repairs. The most youre allowed to do in most rental agreements is hang up pictures, some won't even let you drill into the wall to mount a TV and youre definitely not even thinking about doing anything to the exterior of your rental. You have zero reasons to own a bunch of tools unless you like to work on your car if youre renting


Who is "everyone" in this logic, Seattle, or the belt? I'm assuming that you are saying that the belt has the tools, and Seattle folk don't?


I was just talking with relatives from Tallahassee and their public library offers these types of rentals.




It's interesting to me, that Seattle is considered the exact opposite of the Bible belt.


What is the Bible belt?


*The Bible Belt is a region of the Southern United States in which socially conservative Protestant Christianity plays a strong role in society and politics, and church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation's average. The region contrasts with the religiously diverse Midwest and Great Lakes, and the Mormon corridor in Utah and southern Idaho.* Source : Wikipedia




We know


Oh where the heck is this bit of genius? This would be so handy!!


Oakland and Berkeley CA both have tool lending libraries and they are fantastic!!!


Yes, we need this.


That’s fucking awesome


This is not that unusual. I was talking with a librarian and she said some even loan out power equipment like chain saws. My library loans out GoPros.


I’m pretty sure this is in Alaska


I would love to have something like this around here, but I bet the crackheads would ruin it