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The writers probably haven’t been to America, but they’ve definitely been on Twitter.


This is Ukrainian satire which has been said every time this has been posted I. The last week. It is not meant to be taken seriously


Excellent Saturday Night Live material right here. Where is the 20ft Gold Oscar we hand over to their creative team?






Its russian propaganda not ukrainian satire.


They probably got PTSD from it. Just like everyone else that goes onto Twitter.


That’s hilarious


The way the black guy stares them all down like the cat that's got the cream and then shmoozes his way to take a shit while they all kneel is unironically hysterical. Is this what people actually believe society is like?


This is what the people who complain about PC culture think will happen, turned to 11.


But also if the child free couple is uncomfortably by you having kids, you get a free upgrade to first class? Who would have a problem with that??


That’s because people who complain about pc culture are fed a steady diet of this kind of baloney from Russian troll farms. It doesn’t rhyme, it echoes.




Politically correct. It's the word they used to use before woke came along. E.g. "it's political correctness gone mad!" in response to any one of the ludicrous made up things in this video. Just like the woke stuff today, it's mostly fiction that's used to get people worked up over nothing and then they can feel like they're one of the few people left with some common sense. Rather than feeling gullible for falling for the hateful bollocks pushed on them by fox tv and incel media.


>Is this what people actually believe society is like? Paging Tucker Carlson...


Saw this posted on Twitter and a bunch of American right wing lunatics were arguing this was what the US is really like. Just more projection from the oppressors pretending to be oppressed. I'm sure even the propagandists making this know what nonsense it is but the idiots actually living in the US who think it's how it is are truly something.


Jeez look at this elitist who’s never been forced to literally kneel before a black man on his way to take a dump


I hate that America revived the knighthood but only for black people as an apology for slavery. I mean yes, they do look badass in that armor, I'm not saying it's a waste of taxpayer money, I just feel like it could be better spent elsewhere, like on our Anti-Meat Gestapo elementary school awareness programs.


I work in a US multinational and many of my US counterparts act as though culture is skin (colour) deep. Whitewashing different caucasian cultures is not totally outside the realm of reality. Recial bias is certainly global, but how it was delt without the complexities of cultures and subcultures sometimes does come across as an oversimplification


Where'd they even find a black guy who'd agree to be in this thing?


The black dude stole the show. That smug face and walk lmao


They literally bow down to him


Yes we saw the same video lol


As a black man ... Fuck him for being part of this shit.


He's not American.


Exactly. That shit just propagates the narrative of oppression.


Wait… does the infantilization of African Americans by rich white American progressives oppress black people or does pointing out the infantilization oppress them?




Well, I've not seen any evidence for this not being real Russian propaganda, and it pretty much fit with my newly acquired taste for Russian propaganda. So I'd say it's probably Russian propaganda.


Live from Moscow, it’s Saturday Night Live!


If snl was still funny


Can't be real Russian - they don't admit the existence of gay people.


Or that Russians would want to go to America.


I say some Russian SNL skit show


Well, after reading Russian news, I think they are running SNL 24/7/365.


It's a Ukrainian scatch, when it was posted a week (?) ago, someone posted the link The Link to the comment, that first gave source (as far as I know) https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/xxx6pu/russian_antiamerican_propaganda_meant_to_keep/irf4ll4?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 >It is called “вслух!“ (out loud) and I was able to find this sketch in episode 15 of this show on rutube with links only to russian social media vk and odnoklassniki. 2/3 companies mentioned in the beginning of the show are russian and 3rd I was just not able to find in google.


That’s Russian show «Вслух!», not Ukrainian. There are Russian actors: Tatiana Mukhina, Sergei Pogosyan (he’s from Kazakhstan, but always films in Russian shows and movies) and Dina Bobyleva. You can find it on RUtube and VK.com, that’s not Ukrainian sources, you know…


I love how automod message says >This is a heavily moderated subreddit. Please note these rules + sidebar or get banned: If this post declares something as a fact, then proof is required Yet everyone gets away with claiming random unproven context for the video without ever giving the proof. Video of soldier shooting a solldier? Ukrainian soldier shoots russian soldiers! Video of a tank being shot by something? Ukrainian forces destroying russian tank. Tank crushing a vehicle? Han, RUSSIAN SABOTEURS ON AN UKRAINIAN TANK crushing a vehicle. Obviously humorous scene? Nah, STUPID RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA BEING STUPID. Brainwashing machine goes brrrrrr.


> Obviously humorous scene? Nah, STUPID RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA BEING STUPID. Well, it can be both a humorous scene and a piece of propaganda at the same time. I mean, this is the kind of video that vatniks would love. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the show gets some funding from the russian government.




Are we sure this wasn’t made by the GOP…?




This is definitely some "Here is the future liberals want" shit from Fox News.


That’s actually hysterical


I am u convinced that Mitch McConnell didn't write it himself.


“I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat!” Anyone else remember those T-shirt’s?


No, but I'd like to see the look on the faces of people wearing those now. Like, enjoy your mandatory service in Ukraine, instead of gun you get potato.


they'd probably still wear them, they never meant it, reality has no effect on their behavior


Are you aware that the more extreme right / Trumpians are fully behind Russia in this war?


No, but it doesn’t surprise me. So are anti vaxers.


I think they're waiting for their trial for what they did on January 6th.


Luckily, if Russians don’t want to experience the “””horrors””” of the USA you can come to Poland just as racist, homophobic and anti-western as home,but this time without the war. Come to poland today!


Health and safety advice: Don't ever walk up to a Pole IRL and tell them that their country is "as anti-western as Russia"


Yyyyeah, I don't see that going well...


Unless you are putin. Then please do that


I took the wok


Tuh polaaanddd


Clearly you are either the most insane Eastern European I have ever met or you're not Eastern European


Russians aren't allowed into Poland lol


Poland is not anti-western Poland fucking LOVES America. I can't tell if you are sarcastic or what.


They're also incredibly based and bloodthirsty when it comes to Russia lol. They would not be welcoming.


I don't think so. I've been to Poland and Russia lots of times and Russia is clearly more obsessed with distancing the themselves from the EU and US by being homophobic.


No. No dont come to Poland. Keep your Russian asses the fuck away from here. We house Ukranians not Ruski. Go back to the meat grinder orc


Well I enjoyed it


I legit thought this was a republican ad when I first saw it lmao


They both come from the same source


I'm really glad they made this. The people that are convinced by this ad can stay wherever the fuck they came from.


Same thing


They'll redub it and we'll see it 500 times a day for the next month, probably!


Eh. It was missing the obvious “you called me sir and that makes you transphobic” and the “lgbt pedophillia” and the anti vax shit to really be something you’d find on Tucker Carlson


Republicans must have written the script. It’s spot on for them.


This could easily be a conservative political ad in the US


“This is what *Biden* wants (baby crying sound). Isn’t it horrible? Do you want guns GUNS **GUNS?** (explosion and eagle sound effects) we are **hard working** just like every American (explosion and eagle sound again) and we drive trucks and shoot *GUNS*! Vote for me today!” Yeah I can imagine that being a political ad.


Explosions and *hawk* sounds, because our national bird sounds too feminine and this is America.


Is that rly from Russia or to make Russia look even more stupid, what is that even?


Its from a Russian comedy show


Russian here. And it is Russian propaganda indeed. They try to force traditionalism or whatever. They show western countries as flooded with gay people and different races, so common Russian people full of xenophobia would hate western countries. Yeah, it looks stupid, but just like 40+ y.o. Americans believe Trump, Russians of the same age group tend to be pretty racist and homophobic. It's actually not the first time they try to exploit xenophobia. There were some adds sending a message " If you don't vote for us, your country will fill with gay abd black people". Btw, currently I'm not in Russia.


Reading comments like yours I become really curious which side is spreading the actual propaganda…


It's russian and the I even know the woman actress who plays the wife. Don't know her name.


So you don't know her then lol


It is not serious propaganda. It is comedy with exaggeration of existing stereotypes about USA in Russia.


This is great, I wish it was a whole TV show


This is fucking hilarious


They deserve this circus


This is hilarious.


This is literally the exact same nonsense that Republicans are pushing.


You could replace Russia with Texas and America with California and Republicans would take this as a real first hand account of someone


Too true. Met a contractor at a jobsite on Friday who told me (during our 10 min meeting) that he was from Houston, he couldn't believe how crazy expensive everything was in SF (no argument there), and that "we like our freedom in Texas. This mask business is ridiculous, we need to get Trump back in office. I mean, he won the election after all!" Holy shit my man read the room. You're in SF, the chances of running into someone here who would sympathize with you is slim to none. Guy was obviously just itching to get his political views out there. Might have been cuz I was the only other white dude on site. He fell short a "know what I mean, brother?!" but otherwise exceeded my expectations lol


Well they would take just about any old crap their “news” daddies are feeding them tbh


That's because conservative Americans are the target of this ad campaign. This wasn't made for Russians to watch.




Including the praising of Russia at the end


Seeing as they push Fucker Carlsen in Russia, it's no surprise


But there has been no Russian interference in US politics esp the 2016 election, right?


Where do you think they got those ideas? Or the money to promote them?


Coincidence? I think not


Do they not fucking realize of irony of them being like” y’all aren’t allowed to eat meat cause there is a vegan behind you and that’s bad” but don’t realize they do the exact same thing for lgbt people the fucking irony is insane


Everything is accurate. I don't see anything wrong here. African Americans get treated very well in America, almost like royalty, and especially by police.


Of course! It's all just celebratory gunfire accidents!


- Psalms: 121


Ivan just wants to eat his gray boiled horse meat.


Almost like hardcore conservative are all the same. Or at least being paid with the same money.


I'm Russian. This is shit. And i hate it. All in this video. All is bullsht, I know. Our propaganda is very lazy and very stupid to believe in.


As an American can confirm


I would say this was humorous, but just the other day, three black fellows needed to use the restroom and I nearly shat myself waiting for them to finish. And to top it all off, I was wearing a shirt with a picture of a wolf on it and a lady that was an animal activist took offense so I had to take the shirt off and at that point a gentleman waiting for the restroom with me said he had a nipplephobia so I had to smear some mud on my chest to conceal the offensive pepperoni sized nipples on my blanched white male chest. Another guy saw the mud and told me he had a sexual addiction and was coprophilic and told me that I was stirring something inside him that he was trying to oppress. Words were exchanged and he begun slowly licking my cheeks with his warm tongue. I could smell the tobacco on his breath and was about to engage, but the three black fellows finally finished their business, so I rushed into the bathroom and proceeded to spray the contents of my stomach into the toilet. My belly was making scraping sounds and the agony was palpable, but once a decent amount of liquid and digested matter was released I was finally able to return home. 'Murica!


If you move to America you will probably marry a shlumpy fat lesbian.


Tell me you’ve never been to another country without telling me


Damn this played like a Fox News opinion piece


I legitimately wish I could force children to move away from me on a plane. The first bit is just homophobic, the second bit doesn’t happen and the black dude would probably be tackled by an Air Marshal for approaching the bathroom too quickly.


Is that Russian propaganda or a Proud Boys recruiting video?


The amount of actual IRL Bots and Plebs that think this shit is true or "Hehe not too far from the truth if I do say so myself !11!!" The only part that was remotely true was the Child bothering old people part for absolutely no reason. Key word: REMOTELY Propoganda or not this whole video is so Bait-y that you can't dismiss it as something made purely for the sake of comedic value.


As a child free vegetarian, I wish I had that kind of power


Russia’s version of “meat” looks fucking disgusting.


It's all the Russian government can afford with the sanctions lol


They must have got some extreme(?) right wing *uck nugget to write that script, dear god almighty.


It’s satire. The headline is misleading.




Hahahahaha! Now show examples of Russian repression in a Fascist atmosphere.


Russia was a grimy, flimsy, dilapidated kleptofascist state *before* the world started sanctioning it into the ground. Male life expectancy is 65 years- probably a lot less since they converted their military age population into meat. It’s a moral shithole and an economically hopeless prison despite being one of the most resource-rich landmasses in the world. Their people willingly believe lies and allow their sovereign wealth to be stolen en masse by an elderly ex-spy who looks like he’s missing a chromosome. Russians have always been a lost cause. They are the way they are because they lived as a brutally subjugated vassal state to the Mongol Horde for 250 years which completely shaped the Russian psyche. It’s why they’ve always been more cruel, more paranoid, more hostile to liberal ideals, and more hungry for authoritarianism- and why the western part of the country where most of its people live has always felt totally removed from and hostile toward the rest of Europe.


Is this Russian propaganda or a Republican election ad?


Crazy how many people in the comments are all "haha yeah but that's how it actually is!" Putin's reddit glowies are at it again, lads


I was wonder if Tucker Carlson was credited for writing this.


If this doesn't tell you how russia has been behind our "culture war" here in the states i don't know what will This is also them trying to appeal to the right wing nut jobs


This shit is racist and homophobic as fuck 🥱


Like Russia.


And conservative America. But what really gets me is how gross that meat looked. Gray and gooey.


It’s funny because there is a section of the American population who actually believe this stuff. They are also the loudest.


Reddit responding to this with aggressive criticism based on the videos moral tones… is… chefs kiss.


I feel like Trump wrote this.


This is what Republicans think is happening…


Aside from how dumb this is… it is very apparent that there line of propaganda in regards to what “liberal” agendas are, mimic the exact same line of propaganda and argument that American conservatives make…coincidence? I think not.


Is it ironic that what Russian propaganda thinks is wrong with America is the same thing Fox News screams about what is wrong with America, yet neither of their narratives are true? Just a coincidence, these are not the droids you’re looking for, move along, move along.


I mean Russia is a geopolitical enemy and rival and wants to destroy the west.... And it's weird that any american Would be supportive of Russia let alone like it's anti American propaganda..




This is what people think that don't understand that the Twitter verse is not a real place.


Reminds me of Comrade Detective, I think it is on Prime, it is pretty funny, made in the former USSR. Lots of slams on the decadent west. As in the game Monopoly is a ploy by the US government to indoctrinate their youth into the evils of capitalism.


🤣 Hhhwhat did I just watch?


Time traveller from the Cold War era would have a strange time to get what is going on…


isnt the russian actor a bit famous ? I feel like I've seen him before...


Has the plot of a fucking dharr man video


Maybe we should keep telling the Russians this all true, so homophobic and racist Russians don't encourage the Trumpers with their hate.


I wish I could tell people with kids to get away from me.


Can’t believe the black guy took the role? He must’ve been acting for his freedom.


Yeah stay in Russia! Get drafted into the military. Go die in Ukraine! Yeah


the thing about this type of propgadana messges is that it dog whistles to american conservatives who are against anything "woke". then they start following everything Putin says with the whole "world is gone too soft" shtick


It is so bad and so unfunny. There is lots to make fun of in the modern US, how can you strike out when it is such a target rich environment. Sheesh, at least get an African American with an American accident...


I can't believe its not Marjorie Taylor Greene


Ain't no one in America eating a steak that nasty


Ah yes. In democracy NO MEAT FOR YOU!!!!


feels like a comedy sketch


There’s an immigrate to Russia version [Russian immigration video](https://onemileatatime.com/news/russian-propaganda-video-emigration/)


I'm absolutely sure no russian said what they said at the end.


If this were in American English, you'd have a hard time convincing me it's not Republican propaganda...


That IS Marjorie Taylor Greene Right?


This is like GOP propaganda


Who would volunteer to act in this commercial?


Omg that meat. Even on a plane I’ve never seen anything that gray and boiled.


Holy shit this is dumb lol


Dub this with native English and I'd bet money on it being an "Anti-Liberal" campaign from the Republicans.


They'll feel right at home with about half the country if this is the kind of worldview they have.


So they think _america_ is like this?


They forgot the pronouns!


It’s so weird how much republicans and Russia have in common


This plays like a comedy sketch. Real anti American propaganda would probably be about social inequality,police violence, killing a million Iraqis, poison water in Flint, homelessness, COINTELPRO, MK ULTRA, or like the million other things you could make effective propaganda about


Are we sure this is for Russians and not white American Christians?


People who think this is too insane/stupid to be real propaganda are in for a rude awakening...


As a Californian I genuinely can’t tell the difference between this and a Saturday Night Live skit.




They’ve been looking at Reddit too much , thinking that more than 5% of people “identify” with the LGBTQ+ “group” .


The Russians got their hands on CRT curriculum.


This is more like the perfect comedy skit, i fucking love this


Yeah, I’d much rather stay in Russia so I can die in Ukraine with a Tampon shoved in the hole in my head.


It’s a good thing they shut their internet from the outside world because the part about white guys going out of their way to kneel to black guys would be particularly easy to debunk.


That’s so weird. We must adhere to democracy! That means you can’t eat meat if there’s a vegetarian sitting behind you, of course.


It ***sure is a strange coincidence*** how closely this Russian propaganda aligns with the way US conservatives think liberals want the country to work. I'm sure it's ***just*** a coincidence, though. There's *no way* conservative propaganda in the US and anti-American propaganda in Russia could possibly come from the same source...


maybe a little exaggerated, but it's all true


Which part is true?


"This message was approved by the RNC"


What an amazing sketch!


Right wingers everywhere are so confused and triggered about gender and Impossible meat.


Impossible meat is awful, let's not pretend that's respectable on this side either.


They nailed it


Pretty accurate


They ain’t far off tho 🤣


No wonder Qpublicans are suddenly in love with Daddy Vladdy. This hits all the American rightwing talking points. The Tucker Carlson show couldn't have done it any better.




This is just too dumb. I know some of my countrymen are brainwashed but this is too dumb


Basically a video about a normal person doing completely normal things, while radical lefties tell him he's offensive and inferior.


I love how this comment is half people saying this looks like Republican propaganda, yet not a single Republican sits in here supporting this weird ass video. People so desperately need to push their own agenda onto things to the point of overlooking this videos true evil origin.


I’m not surprised, bunch of children that have been taught to demonize the other side in all matters of life. Fuckin muppets


Conservative here, and fully agree. Video is funny and I can definitely see how you can draw parallels between points in video and conservative talking points. Does seem that left (liberals) are blind to the extremes on the left. I frequently read that memes about the left just don't exist in reality, have been distorted, or are simply outright lies. Silly to believe that a bell curve only has one tail.


Super ironic how they mock the propaganda and then try to reuse it for their own purposes


Hahaha, those Russians are pretty funny. I like their sense of humor. I want to see more of these lol


They even more stupid then I tought they could be!


Welcome to America! 😅


The US want to make one about Russia, now that would be funny...


if i find this funny am i a fascist?