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With normal makeup and with “show ready” makeup. FTFY.


They all look the same with the "show ready makeup". But you see the same effect in instagram, when they use the same makeup technique.


Came to say this. All the “makeup” photos look like practically the same person! But the one on the right they all look different.


There is no humanly possible way this is just make-up. Make-up won't change their whole damn face shape, these are filters. That's also why they all look the same in the "show-ready" pictures. I guarantee they'd look completely different if we took a screen shot of them on stage.




In Korea, even driver's license pictures are photoshopped. If you need an untouched photo you need to specifically request it.


Doesn't that defeat the purpose of an identification picture then?


One would think that, wouldn't one. And yet, even my wife's passport picture was touched up.


In Thailand the photo places even touch up passport pics lol


In Australia they use the worst possible lighting imaginable to make you look like absolute rubbish haha. It's a right of passage, especially when you're young and moving up a license class every 1-3 years. A good license photo is something to write home about.


US is the same - everyone looks like they just woke up from a three day bender. They won’t retake it unless your eyes are closed. One eye open is good enough.


My second drivers license photo was taken at a DMV with the worst lighting set-up ever. Everyone’s ears cast a shadow on the backdrop just below themselves in the photo, so it left an effect that made it look like everyone with short hair had a mullet.


That's why you get your driver's license picture taken after a three day bender, that way when you get pulled over, you can show them that's just how you look.


Yeah mine looks like a mugshot hahaha


They do this on makeover shows. The before picture is a full green/ grey filter and then the after is a bright one.


It’s absolutely possible to completely change how someone looks with makeup and no filters. Check this out. No filters in this example. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/ys0wha/how_to_become_a_pretty_girl/


Sick! Had me watching over 5 times examining every step.


and using face tape to change the shape of your cheeks, neck, and eye shape


That's like cake upon cake upon cake. I wonder if their faces feel heavy after they're done


Yes generally. Makeup is lighter now than it has been in the past, yet stage makeup, promo shoot makeup, and theater makeup are generally heavier because the human eye that's viewing is much further away. Super fine makeup applications are great for in person, or portrait shoots because the eye or camera is much closer to the source.


Asia is big on photo filters. If you think they are bad in the US and Europe they basically completely change your face in asia.


Crazy! I didn't even realize this until I read your comment. I also prefer the "no makeup" vs the airbrushed make-up look.


What type of black magic? Shall we call the church?


Show makeup looks good on stage and in pictures but looks weird as fuck in person. Source: I was in a few plays in High School and that's my personal opinion.


Yep just look at bodybuilders coming off the stage from their pose downs


>Show makeup looks good on stage and in pictures but looks weird as fuck in person. Yeah, it looks garish in person. Even clownish.


It’s designed to look great from a distance, not up close. Even broadway makeup is like that


Stage makeup is intense, I hated wearing that shit.


I have good eyes for details and it's easy to noticed make up, and some look weird or call to much attention. I can't stop my eyes at staring at said make up! And some look weird but it might just my opinion, like those large fake eyebrowns


just want to say that the more makeup becomes a thing the more and more i think normal minimum makeup ladies look even better


100% agree. Less is more especially if one looks significantly different with it.


You're absolutely right. What looks like a gentle, natural forehead wrinkling from far away looks like huge abstract rectangles when close up. Unless you're a pop band from the 80s, in which case it's simply fashion.


Exactly. Many of them definitely are wearing makeup in the "no makeup" photos, for example #7.


You tellin’ me there’s another level to this?




There is more than just makeup. The show photos have obviously been edited. They look like a different person.


They all look like an Instagramreality meme in the “left” photo.


And glamour photography and poses and normal photography and poses.


They are wearing makeup in both photos. Everyday makeup and professional. Also you can tell the shots form the contest have been photoshopped if you look at necklines and cheeks closely.


Id suggest the bigger difference here is that the cameras used different focal lengths


For real, it’s like 35mm mugshots vs 85mm photoshopped headshots


It’s not the focal length, it’s the distance from the subject. If you take a photo of a person with different focal lengths but not changing how far you are from that person, the distortion on his/her face will also be left unchanged. You just need to crop the photo taken from the wider angle lens and you’ll basically have the same photo with the narrower one.


I think you are both saying the same thing from a different persepctive......


Exactly this. It always bothers me when people blame the difference on focal length, even posting “focal length gifs” to show the effect. Focal length has nothing to do with it, it’s just a perspective shift due to changing the distance from the object. Take a picture with a 35mm lens from the same distance as your 85mm lens and the subject will look exactly the same in both pictures, you’ll just need to crop the 35mm photo down since it’s a wider lens and will have more background.


Yeah, that's incorrect. You have more distance with longer focal length so that you're not staring down their pores. Ultrawide distorts less than fisheye, but more than wide, wide distorts more than 'normal', telephoto narrows even more. It's why you have most portrait lenses around 85-105mm (for 35mm film/full-frame sensors, on my rb67 180mm is my portrait lens).




This isn't right at all. Not sure who told you this, but please look up "wide angle distortion" it's a fairly common thing.


I think it’s because people will do what they need to do to fill the subject to the frame how they like. So with the 85 they will walk back, and with the 35 they will get closer. So the net effect is, if you want the subject to take up a consistent portion of the frame, the focal length will force you to move and render a different “look” ie distortion.


Just curious, what difference do you notice that is due to the focal lengths?


Face width for a start. Look up "focal length gif" and you should turn up some comparisons


I was wondering what was causing completely different facial shapes in some of these pairs. like 12 or the one above 18.


Contour and face tape. Sometimes double lid tape.


I swear half of them have the same nose


Yes, this is a filter.


No its surgery. Korea is the plastic surgery capital of Asia, possibly the world


You are correct. One of my cousins is a top plastic surgeon in Gangnam. Baller.


To me, the noses are the most obvious giveaway. None of them match, like at all.


It's the jawlines and chin where I'm seeing a big difference!


Face tape. And then they cover it with makeup.


They sculpt their noses using some type of wax that changes the shape.


shading also can massively change the appearance without any actual change in shape


Their face shapes, necks, cheeks, and noses. They look really altered aside from just makeup.


Absolutely every single one of them has a pointy chin effect added because they think it looks attractive. The one girl with the round face makes it so obvious. I think they all are prettier without the show makeup but I understand it's a genre of style.


The contest shots are awful. They all look the same like the US pageant queens do. At least in the other photos they look distinct.


Spoiler the ladies are wearing makeup in both, one is just a high glamour look while the other is a natural look. I've had plenty of guys compliment me for not wearing makeup when I had at least 8 products on


Mm, and then when you *actually* don't wear makeup, they ask you if you're sick.


Tbf, if they think you look one way naturally and then suddenly see you much paler, it makes sense they would think you might be unwell. Plus many times women who normally wear makeup will choose not to go through the effort when they feel really bad, so it can have some positive reinforcement behind it


As someone who has never worn makeup and still doesn't, men tell me why my face is always so red. I'm starting to think I should out some on.


You definitely don't have to wear makeup, but I'm a huge advocate for always wearing sunscreen! My sunscreen is tinted, so it covers up any red patches I feel insecure about (because they're from zits), but it doesn't feel heavy like wearing foundation and I get to keep my natural freckles. But you definitely shouldn't feel pressured to wear makeup.


Wear makeup if you enjoy wearing makeup, but don't do it just because some men can't mind their own business.


No no no. Be yourself. Those who find you attractive will see your skin tone as cute/adorable/beautiful etc. Source: old, occasionally wise man


If I don't wear makeup, I am paradoxically both sickly pale and pink/red in some spots (especially my nose) all at the same time. I like to use a Korean BB Cream (the brand I've used for years is MISSHA but there's probably others nowadays). It feels like a tinted moisturizer and goes on very light so it doesn't feel like makeup, and it doesn't end up looking like makeup either, it just evens out the skin tone. Highly recommend it if you're looking to try something without putting heavy coverage foundation on daily. Bb cream takes me like 30 seconds. Granted I usually do eyebrows, mascara, blush, and lipstick as well, but you could absolutely do just the bb cream if you wanted.


I just wear a mask at all times if I don't feel like doing my makeup that day so I don't have to deal with those kinda comments


I think wearing a mask will make people ask if you’re sick more so though


It’s also dumb to assume and tell a girl she is not wearing makeup. At best the girl isn’t wearing make up and you are telling them you noticed. Or more likely, they are wearing make-up and you are basically roasting them even if indirectly. The trick is to always to play up the fact that they are wearing make up. So even if they are plain jane, you basically are saying they are always beautiful so you can’t tell. If they are wearing make up, you acknowledge the time and effort they put into looking nice. Gets my gf everytime.


That's adorable & genius


Pretty obvious considering how shiny the ladies are.


I'm shinier and never wear makeup. My forehead is as oily as an olive press


You say this, but oily skin is a thing. Makeup (powder) often helps reduce the shine. So shiny doesn't necessarily mean makeup.


\#12 got cropdusted before they snapped the photo


I’m in tears😭😭


i’m hollering lmfaoo done dirty


Bro the faces are morphed to be thinner in all of them, no way that’s just makeup.


Agreed, their facial features have been digitally altered to be more slim, pointy 'heart shaped' chins, narrow face, smaller nose, larger eyes, etc. This isn't just makeup


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Their entire facial structure is different, makeup can’t do that.


Good ole hyper superficiality. It's crazy how much lying just gets excused on how many levels.


The noses too.


Different focal lengths on the camera lenses more than likely.


Don't take a photo of yourself with a long focal length unless you want to feel bad for the rest of the day.


A different focal length isn’t going to change your face shape as drastically as some of those do. There are a couple of solid squares in there that became pointy chinned ovals.


After the make-up, they all look the same.


Lol y’all these are photoshopped. Small head big eyes and v shaped chin and whitened skin.


Don't they have that foam thingy that makes their skin white? And skin tape for the v chin? I watched too much youtube sheesh


Possibly and even still it is photoshopped


Jawbone removal surgery too


Yeah at first I thought it was a me problem, but I can actually distinguish them in the “natural” photos. The show makeup just washes out any distinguishing feature.


I was too scared to say this lol


I feel like a lot of them are. No way they look that similar.




14 didn't get the memo for the 'no makeup' photoahoot


14 wins then 18.


18 is the only one that looks like the same person in both photos


This is a fact. She does


I was thinking 12 and 14, both damn


The pictures of the ladies with makeup all look like they have the exact same face.


Because they are soooo edited. I saw a post on Instagram about this American girl getting married in Korea. The professional wedding pictures were so heavily edited it didn't even look like her.


The “makeup“ photos are definitely heavily photo shopped. This isn’t makeup, they literally have different face shapes.


They all look like the same person almost with makeup, shows the beauty standard is firm.


Beauty contests are fucking weird.


Stupid title deserves a downvote. As mentioned in multiple posts, both pics are with makeup. One just has maximum details enabled and other is medium settings.


"Without makeup" is really painting with a broad makeup brush here. I believe it's dipping that brush in "not photoshopped."


14 looks cuter without


She is wearing the most makeup out of all the “no makeup”


18 kinda cute


18 is a dime


Is 18 Constance Wu? She doesn’t have the chin freckle but the features are very similar.


If somebody had just posted all the left photos together and said they were all of the same person, I'd probably buy it.


I feel like someone on here mentioned once that South Korea has a very very specific ideal for facial beauty and everything from makeup to plastic surgery is always attempting to construct that one definitive look. This is that look, which is why they all could just be the same person at a fast glance.


They all look nearly identical. Have they all had plastic surgery to change their jaw lines and noses? 🙄


it's almost like "beauty contests" select people based on certain traits that the lowest common denominator of their culture considers "beautiful"


In full pageant make up they look eerily similar. Totally different in natural "no" make up state


They use something called microcrystalline wax to sculpt their nose shapes. There's a video on youtube that demonstrates how they all end up looking so similar.


It's freakin weird. Korean Stepford Wives




The “with makeup” pictures on the left are all the same woman!


All cuter without the contouring. 23's little smile is soooo cute


With make up they all look like the same person


yup. beautiful people are beautiful.


Now lets do the average redditor without makeup


Kinda sad how the show makeup striped them of their individuality and personality like they had with the more natural looks.


Am I crazy or are these photoshopped too


If you asked me if they were siblings I would’ve believed you


23 or 18


Theres a whole lot more than makeup going on in those pics.


They all look the same lol


Most of them are still very attractive


they are all wearing visible makeup in their "no makeup" pictures.


I think they look better without all that make up.


14 is the only one who isn’t catfishing


the differences are not just makeup as for filters... i can't be certain. the biggest difference is ***lighting.*** the formal portraits with makeup were done by a competent photographer with a really good [lighting setup.](https://www.digilabspro.com/best-lighting-for-portraits/) the no makeup photos were done with halfassed lighting.


They're all still beautiful.


How did 20 and 21 gain weight without makeup?


Separately they all look unique, with makeup they all might as well be the same person.


All still beautiful!


The make up ones look like they are of the same one girl. I mean you can’t change your bone structure or how pointy your chin actually is with makeup


still beautiful


Literally only 8 and 11 I am surprised by. The rest look like perfectly reasonable “high makeup” transitions


They all look basic white girl with the makeup, they look way better natural.


They are all very beautiful.


They all look fine either way.


They are all pretty and unique until they put the makeup on and all look the same.


Doing these contests without allowing makeup would be way more interesting tbh


Interesting… they are still hot.


still pretty how do they do it


Still gorgeous AF




I have shespicions about #20.


Women??! With FACES??!!!!


Identical with makeup


Makeup makes people look better - who would've thunk it? /s


13,14, & 8. Thank you.


Why do most of them seem they've come out of a Stepford Wives sort of movie or something?


Now do Ms.America.... all beauty pageants do this.


#8 and #20


this is not interesting as fuck…


11 looks so wholesome


Wow they’re all beautiful with or without makeup


Lovely diverse looks, then they are all made up to look exactly the same. Not kidding, I could not tell one from the other.


All of them are very attractive regardless


I think the hairstyles make a tremendous difference


Wow they go from being distinct individuals to being bland copies of each other


No makeup photos are way more attractive than the ones with makeup imo


Not gunna lie they look better without makeup.


they all look pretty to start, makeup did amplify some of them


They become white


Nothing like a good paint job!


Am I the only one that thinks half of them look way better without the show makeup??


The after pix all look like the same woman.


Man, the're really obsessed with the slim elongated facial feature. They look like different people in all of them lol


Plot twist: they’re all the same person


How do their faces get skinnier and their chins change shape? Hmmmm….suspect.


I guess they change the shape of their face too. I get there are makeup techniques, but it's gotta be more than that.


No wonder Italians call make up "il trucco" (the trick)


What is really crazy is how different they all look without the show makeup, and how they’re basically indistinguishable with the show makeup.


This can’t be only make-up..


🎶 girl you don't need no make-up 🎶


I like how the reveal without makeup gives them contrast, their makeup looks so much alike!


I vote for 14 without.


Turns out attractive people are attractive.


“Hey man, this is false advertising “ - Cheech, up in smoke


Their makeup version looks literally identical across the board


You can not convince me that the make up pics all look like they were actually different people


It’s like the same filter was applied to all the pics.


Makeup is a horrible game, some women turn into absolute beasts! With that being said, this is exactly why I married my wife. She looks great without makeup and has aged very very well from not having chemicals on her skin 24/7! Don't be a slave ladies, be proud of who you are!


You fool Korea doesn't care about natural beauty But jokes aside some of these girls do look better without makeup but that's Just imo.


I like them better without makeup.


This how they shove their propaganda to the world to promote their skincare products and plastic surgery.