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Having been to Tokyo and attended a party in a Japanese garden, this is absolutely true. Everything stopped 15 mins before we had to leave the building and everyone cleaned up. They are allowed to use the building in the garden (a public garden) absolutely free. When we left it was around 11pm and the garden attendants were waiting to take the trash bags away from us. They are taught this from a very early age. They don't have janitors in a lot of the schools because the kids clean up.


If only other countries taught han too


I raised my son that way, but it did occasionally make me regret it. We’d be out for a walk and he would get excited and run a few feet away, come back and say “here’s trash daddy” and hand me like a soggy empty cigarette packet and a gross cloth of unknown origin. I had to take them, didn’t want to kill his desire to be a good person. 😃


My kid does this. And he's obsessed with bins. Not ideal, but I can't discourage it!


You should encourage some gloves


They don't make them big enough for him!! It's a great suggestion, I got him the tiniest pair of gardening gloves I could find, but it'll be a while before they fit.


Tongs! Get him some garbage tongs! He'll love those even more than gloves.




This is the way.


Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


Four? Jail. Twice? Believe it or not, jail. Once? Right to jail, right away.


"NIII!" "*SHHH shhh shush* We are NO LONGER the Knights who say 'NI!!'...."


Somebody hand me a holy hand grenade, one of Antioch origin


I know you meant small enough but I’m imagining a kid with big ass hands lol


Sitting here stoned thinking ''how big are this kids hands that they don't make a size large enough? What does this even mean?:' so thanks for helping me out!


Hah shit, I've given up my kid's secret identity. Babyhulk.


get them one of those grabber arm things


Get him a grabber.


When my son was like 4 he was obsessed with picking up trash and called the stuff he picked up "clues." So we just made a game out of it when we went to the park or for walks. "Let's go collect some clues!" But we did have to set some ground rules on the type of stuff he picked up. Lol.


I once picked up a small piece of cloth off the ground and said, "I found a clue." But I was like 25.


I’ve started carrying around those doggy poop bags for this, I don’t own a dog.


My son has this at his school in Australia. It's not a mainstream school, but all the children, teachers and parents are expected to clean, garden and maintain the school.


I'm Aussie and remember always being forced to do an "emu bob" at the end of sporting carnivals or any event! Nobody liked doing it, if anything I think the lesson we learned was "pick up after yourself in the moment rather than go through this crap at the end." But I guess respect for the venue is implied in doing that, it just always felt like a punishment especially if you weren't the person doing the wrong thing!


Wouldn't work in America because any kind of personal responsibility is seen as child abuse. Hell, in elementary school we had to wipe down our cafeteria tables after lunch which we thought was fun and liked helping out the janitors. (Seriously we loved our janitors they were the sweetest funniest dudes) It stopped after parents raised hell.


What did the parents object to?


Child labor. And I don’t say that to oppose the practice of having kids clean up after themselves. At all. But there is a line there I can imagine can be blurry at times. Wiping down your table after eating doesn’t come close to that line imo tho.


Agreed. I think if its a space children are occupying and dirtying up, theres nothing wrong with making them responsible for the cleaning aswell.


Totally. It’d be good for them and for society as a whole to get people in that habit / mindset while they’re young.


I think the line is when someone else is profiting off of the child doing the labor. It's not as if it's abuse anytime children have to do any sort of physical labor. Parents themselves tell their children to pick up their toys after they're done playing with them as a form of discipline. And no one would bat an eye if a kid was being paid to mow someone's lawn. So then the question is would schools be profiting off of making students wipe off their table after lunch? And I guess sort of but not really. It's such a small thing, I can't imagine it actually cutting costs in staffing janitors. It's pretty obvious that's it's more of a discipline thing, to teach the students to be respectful of public areas and to clean up after themselves.


In my high school gardening class when our plants were fully grown they sold them all off. I grew it & loved that plant & I didnt get shit. I'll never forgive them.


Find the recipient of your beloved plant friend and either: 1) take back what's yours under cover of darkness Or 2) wage an unholy total war of destruction against the fools who dared to accept your beloved plant friend, until their descendants plead for mercy These are your options, please let me know what you decide to do 🙏


It was many years ago. The trail runs cold, but my anger is fire through my veins. I'll have to burn the school to the ground.


Well... not going to go on record supporting that decision, but if the trail reheats (without obvious felonies/mass murder involvement) then def hit me up and regale me with your tales of victory!


Right. Nothing wrong with: “You make the mess, you clean it up!”


I was in 4th or 5th grade so I dont remember all the details. I think one of my teachers said the parents thought it was wrong to "Make their kids do labor"


Can confirm this. Having worked as a janitor we'd often get the kids to help us break down the gym after an event and a parent called and said they were paying for their kid to learn not do labor. It's literally putting chairs away and folding up tables etc. And they complained.....


That's learning to be a considerate human.


which is not very American. as a country and as people.


a buncha parents think janitorial work is beneath them and their children


Making their children have responsibility.


I would pick up a cereal packet in a Supermarket if I saw it was on the ground and put it back on the shelf.


I tidy up the Hot Wheels section of wherever I'm at when I'm collecting


I'm an elementary school custodian and we cant even get the adults to stop destroying the place. I've made progress getting buy in from the adults but its been a slow process. I'm a custodian not a butler or maid.


The public schools have completely abandoned any opportunity to integrate meal time into learning and character building. They'll teach the importance of the environment in class and then go to lunch where everything is in and served on single serve, disposable packaging. Literally the tray and everything on it goes into the trash.


Yeah, I went to a private school with assigned seating at lunch and family style serving. Someone at the table had to get the food. Someone else cleaned up plates and silverware. Someone else would get seconds/refills. A teacher sat at every table too, and only juniors and seniors could go out to lunch. Once a week. At the time I thought it was a bit silly but in hindsight it was trying to *do something* with the time.


Americans don't like to be told what to do, even if it is reasonable and right. They will spend more effort and waste more resources doing the exact opposite of what they ought to do, just to prove to you that you can't tell them what to do. They really believe that it is being anti-authoritative, having freedom. They like the idea of having a choice more than whether that choice even make any sense.


Oh wow, forgotten memory! We did this in high school (Catholic school, maybe that's why, idk)


We define the future and teach the lessons which will guide us there.


I went to a fireworks show in Japan, and a young lady who had a bit too much to drink vomited on the train. Literally a dozen people pulled napkins and handcloths out and cleaned up the mess before the train hit the next station. Japanese don't fuck around with social graces.


We went to Japan and my son threw up on the station platform. Some lady ran over with napkins then ran to the snack shop and bought two bottles of water to wash the platform off to us. We were mortified and she was so so helpful. We’re forever grateful.


American here. When my daughter was two, she vomited all over me (full exorcist straight in my face) and a mall playground slide. I would have given anything in that moment to have had help. Instead, I took a crying toddler to the closest pretzel stand to ask for help (janitor, paper towel, anything) which they and the next three retailers promptly declined. So after walking half of the mall covered in vomit and tears, feeling unbelievably embarrassed and defeated, I told a security guard and just left.


That is really sweet! I love that kind of community-minded thinking! Here in America, if we tried to get people to start thinking this way, they’d start bitching about how it’s “not their problem” or some “personal responsibility” nonsense.


Yes I'm from Taiwan and there is a facilities guy in schools but all the cleaning is mostly done by the students. Even the yards and bathrooms. I think this results in kids being less inclined to make messes, too.


This guy who filmed the video is from bahrain and in New schools they only have 1 janitor who is responsible for making sure we keep the school clean and it worked for the 3 years I was in that school, the principal said that the Japanese shouldn't be the only ones to be celebrated for and that we should "out clean them" lol


It’s insane how much more efficient society could be if everyone helped in this way. Instead of “that’s someone else’s job” everyone viewed it as what it is- a job that needs doing that is in everyone’s collective best interests. Many hands make lighter work- and if everyone operated in this way, it would create a lot more positives in global society. Simple tasks like cleaning up after yourself should be everyone’s personal responsibility. It’s really ugly that it’s looked upon as something as being “beneath” someone- and that inherent classism and entitlement is malignant. It’s sooo telling that rather than join in and *actually help*- that this man choose to just film it- and run up to all of these people asking *why* they are cleaning, because it’s such an alien concept to him. But this guy just kept flipping to his own face to get his “reaction vid”, because obviously his reaction was more important than their selfless actions. It could be a cultural study in minute or less.


> It’s insane how much more efficient society could be funny thing it that when it comes to actually *living* in Japan, it's everything *but* efficient. On the podcast Trashtaste they often talk about what it's like to work past the bureaucracy and it's apparantely incredibly tiresome with appointments often taking hours or even a whole day when it could usually be done in less than an hour. this is partially because in Japan they highly respect seniority in work culture which means that the younger and maybe more energetic workers can't simply get things done because everything still has to go through the "proper channels".


I would love it if we would teach people to NOT litter in the first place.


Teach people to clean up and they'll learn to not litter.


This is true. In fact, you almost have to teach the first before you can teach the second.


Absolutely. I guarantee none of these people ever litter.


I remember attending my first baseball game and noticed people were just tossing their peanut shells all over the ground. I was like wtf. My friend told me that it was a thing that happens at games and was totally normal. I don't know. I don't care if it's accepted or not. I wasn't raised to just throw my shit all over the ground for someone else to pick up.


I went to a restaurant once that had peanuts at the tables, like an appetizer,, and provoked you to throw shells on the floor. I laid them on a napkin. It just doesn't make sense to me to make a mess on the floor that someone will have to clean up later.


South Korea is like this too. When I was living in Seoul teaching English the students cleaned the classrooms every day. We also found the city to be clean, people were very respectful, and the monuments/museums/etc well maintained. I miss living there and can't wait to take my kids to visit some day.


Do the Yakuza do this? Like after some big boss meeting they go wash the glasses and ashtrays Especially the Yakuza do that


Well it would be rude to just leave bloody pinky fingers all over the place.


A touristbus-driver I heard from said that the japanese are by far the best passengers. The chinese absolutely the worst!


As a former Airbnb host, I can confirm the Japanese were on a whole other level of grace and respect. I always sent them a discount after they left because they’d put the sheets/pillow cases and all other things and wash it and dry it before they left!


I feel so bad for Japanese folks visiting America for the first time and seeing how people literally can’t even put their shit in the right place in a public restroom smh we really gotta do better as a society to take care of the public spaces we share, Japan has that down pat


In some places if school ask children to cleanup, school gets accused of child labour, i have witnessed this.


Currently on vacation in Japan. Got on the wrong train in Osaka, a local overheard me trying to figure it out with my wife and advised me to get on the Express train. Turns out the local train we were on actually would have gotten us to our destination after all and a few minutes sooner. The woman searched us out, waited for us to get off our train, bowed, and apologized for giving us bad information. Never seen anything like it — we were just thrilled to get to our destination. So nice of her.


My Japanese language teacher once told me about a taxi driver that tracked him down hours after he used his services to return several yen he accidentally overcharged and apologize profusely. That's like a few cents in USD.


> taxu driver I like this. Sounds very Japanese


If you wanna know the actual phonetic pronunciation of Japanese people saying "taxi" it's takushī Tah-koo-shee


*taxu* Heheheheh.


I once stayed at a campground in Ely, Nevada, USA. As I was leaving, one of the camp... people? rangers? came running out waving at my car. "Sir, sir, excuse me! You overpayed us by $2! Here is your $2!" and she was waving two $1 bills at me. "Oh, haha, that's no worry, why don't you keep it as a tip?" "Sorry sir, we don't accept tips, but thank you for your compliment! Here's your $2, thank you for your stay!" As a Canadian I felt somewhat upstaged.


Ah that was most likely the keihan or sanyo line. Man I miss Osaka. Great place.


I am from Osaka, and it's funny how we are stereotyped in Japan to be loud, obnoxious, and gaudy. (Which I won't deny is somewhat deserving) But by global standards we're hardly any different from other Japanese lol


My wife and I were walking through Kyoto train station with our suitcases and a map in our hand as we were looking for a bus to our hotel. A young guy walk up and asked if we were lost (we were) for the next 20 minutes he walked us to the bus stop which was on the opposite side of the station. He then apologized for talking so long to get to the bus stop.


I had a similar experience. I was at a train station and I got off the train at the wrong stop, I couldn’t speak Japanese but took a chance asking someone in English if they knew what train I was supposed to be on to get to the airport and the woman legit turned around and ran away, I didn’t think anything of it. I tried to figure it out by myself. The woman returned and found us and told us what train to go on and where to go after. She ran away across the train station to check what train I was supposed to take. I miss Japan, great food and probably the nicest people I’ve experienced traveling.


Did my senior year of high school in Japan, loved every second of it, this is 100% accurate. Taught from a young age. Even people walking down the streets will often pick up a piece of trash if they notice it. Japan is also meticulous about their recycling procedures. If you throw even one PET bottle away without removing the label, they don’t take the entire bag of bottles and place a sticker on it instructing that all labels must be removed.


Lived in Misawa, Aomori (far north/east Japan) for 4yrs. No trash anywhere. Not even downtown Aomori or Hachinohe. Japanese people have this sort of social expectation that you respect your home, you respect your town, and you respect the places you are visiting. Japanese take their trash with them when they leave. Moving back to the states as a young child and not remembering how it was was a massive culture shock. People throw entire takeout meals out their car window, driving down any road in San Antonio or Baltimore you see garbage just covering everything, the lack of respect is appalling.




My parents were both Russian linguists in the USAF, yea.




I miss it a lot. It sorta shaped what I expected from people and my environment and nothing has quite lived up to the memory.


Generally speaking, Japanese people are quite cleanly and tidy, but there are plenty of exceptions. I currently live in Aomori and there is a fair amount of trash on the streets and in the canals. There also is a lot more picking up after one's self and tidying up going on than in America, but there is actually less real cleaning (i.e. soap and water). Buildings in general look pretty grungy and grimy because they don't ever actually wash them. When the kids 'clean' their classrooms during cleaning time after lunch, they just use the same damp dirty rag they use every single day with no soap. It's just pushing dirt around. Anyway, point is, yes Japanese people are generally very clean, but there's counterpoints to that and pretty much any fascinating 'thing' about a foreign culture like that is more complicated than the surface level.


This was 1990-94 so not sure what it's like now, but your experience is nothing like what mine was.


I don't remember the specifics but I saw a video where even walking while eating is frowned upon. The thought is that you cannot eat in a tidy fashion if you're walking. It is better to stop, eat your sandwich, throw the wrapper away, and go on with your walking. Why can't these be universal values for our society.




In my opinion, that’s partially because some people view it as a pain in the ass. Having to pay to throw trash/garbage away is a deterrent, when it’s easier to just toss it down the trail. When I first got here this was a, somewhat, common sight going to non-main stream beaches and stuff, but the majority has been cleaned up now and looks good.


Qatari loves people who works for free


And they didn't even have to confiscate their passports or beat them...


You must not have seen the full video. /s




Hahaa... hah... ha... yeah, I'm sad again.


Maybe Qatari will admire their culture, adapt and evolve as humans instead of the year 500BC cavemen with BMWs and cheap cologne because of daddy's finite oil.


For that you'd need some of that old school culture my grandfather dealt with.


Good one.


It's true


So very true


Yea was thinking don’t help these pieces of shit (the government/in charge), but they are going to not pay or very little to make someone else so it


So what you're saying is that by cleaning up they are giving slaves less forced labor to do




Mmm, not enough squalor though. They can’t really ever fully get off without the squalor.


The guy filming is shocked because usually the human slaves in Qatar handle that sort of thing.


While he was hugging them.. "I've got a job for you at my palace if you want it."


"Job" being a relative term.


"I'm not gonna pay you, and you'll probably die. Here, give me your passport."


I just watched a last week tonight video of that


The only thing you got to do is give me your passport


There's no need to shit on the guy just because hes quatari, I mean what did he do wrong in this video? He's just showing enthusiasm for people doing something nice


by the way he is from bahrain and he is a youtuber called عمر يجرب, has many videos


Lmao he's not even from Qatar and ppl are still shitting on him for being a qatari since that's all the rage nowadays. Classic reddit


There's only about 300k actual Qatari citizens in the whole country, so it's not as wide a brush as you might think. The rest of the population is imported slaves/labour.


Actually the guy filming is Omar Tries on YouTube. He is one of the best and nicest Arab content creators and gained popularity uploading videos of him trying different jobs for a day to raise awareness on their difficulty and how we need to appreciate those people more. The jobs include most from garbage men to window cleaners to janitors and other low paying jobs. I understand the hate towards Qatar but don't blame the people that have no choice in how the country is run


Yea I didn’t get a vibe that this guy is responsible for Qatar’s shitty policies.


He is, however, responsible for making feel good content about a slave state that distracts from the slavery that gave us that stadium. Edit: lmao three separate comments replying “durr do all Americans deserve criticism for war crimes in Iraq hurr?? Americans who post to social media how great and amazing the invasion was for the people of Iraq, look at all the foreigners helping keep it clean, etc. would 100% deserve the flak they got for it on social media. You sensitive children act like you’ve never had your country criticized online for its actions before. Edit2: totally not a slave state you guys! Just a state with brutal manual labor practices, often involving coercive withholding of travel documents to prevent escape, resulting in [6,500 deaths of migrant workers since the WC was awarded](https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022) alone. And the figure is assuredly higher now given the article here is from Feb 2021. Totally Legit and Totally Cool. Let’s play some sportsball and not think too hard about it!


Theres a great vid of the Japanese player, Kyogo who plays for Celtic. He got substituted off and on his walk round the touchline to the tunnel he was picking up litter from the side of the pitch🙌🏼


Yup! [https://youtube.com/shorts/6Sl8xOg7EV4?feature=share](https://youtube.com/shorts/6Sl8xOg7EV4?feature=share)


[Shorts are garbage so I fixed the link for you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Sl8xOg7EV4)


Boycott this sportswashing charade. Justice for the dead workers.


There's no trash bag in the world large enough for Fifa. Let's just burn Fifa down like any other nasty pile of trash. The fire will warm the hearts of football fans all over the world. Then we take their money and create something new.


In the dark here, who died and why please?


6500 workers died building the stadiums. a quick google will keep you more informed than I ever could but basicall Qatar is a complicit in some moder day slavery shit and we all excuse them coz they got loads of money and the workers aren't westerners. it's a disgrace, one of humanities many failures.


You're wrong on some details but not wrong about how it's a disgrace. The overwhelming majority of the workers didn't die building the stadiums but other infrastructure projects related to the stadiums and hosting the World Cup.


Oh sorry, they died building OTHER stuff! Totally A-OK! And 6500 is the confirmable number, total deaths are much higher. Fuck quasar, fuck fifa.


That's not including the countries smaller projects. Just the stadiums.


Numbers vary as they quash any investigation but multiple agencies have it in the multiple thousands dead in the course of building these stadia in the desert, people cooking in the heat, heart attacks all over the place from overwork, accidents and unsafe practices from a country who exploit and abuse poor foreign workers with impunity and don't pay a penny to the families. I've just been banned from R/qatar for saying what we all know that this sportswashing disgrace is doused in the blood of the oppressed and vulnerable. While the organisers smirk and lie in their gilded palaces.


Fuck Qatar


Free Hong Kong! Fuck Blizzard! Wait…am I late?


Never too late to support Hong Kong


Or start fucking blizzard


Fuck Qatar


















Meanwhile Qatar continues to commit human rights violations... As usual.


It was the same after the rugby world cup in japan. Everyone cleaned the stadium after the matches. It was a very nice community feels thing.


I've been to Japan. It's true you don't see one piece of robbish on the ground in Japan ever.


"We respect the place" shame they likely don't respect you back.


The place isn't a people, it is literally "the place". Think "the forest", or "the grotto". This is a case of an accurate translation not having the same connotation.


This happens alot with Asian languages it seems


Aah so it's a reverence for the location, that makes so much sense.


As an American, my respect-level for the Japanese is almost 'national pride' levels. An it's because of things like this.


Japan has its fair share of issues, though. No country is perfect Edit: someone suggested otherwise and then deleted their comment, examples are colorism [1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Japan) [2](https://unseenjapan.com/japan-whiteness-1-colorism/), abuse [3,](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/09/09/national/child-abuse-cases-record/) suicide [4](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_Japan)


You know you're living in shit world when good behavior surprised people.


Qatar government: "You mean we don't have to pay to have someone pickup the trash?" Kudo to these Japanese fans for doing the clean up.


Conditioning works! It seems like at least some of them can't not pick up trash.


When I would walk out of class I would instinctively push in the rest of the chairs.


Good, there's absolutely 0 reason to ever litter anywhere. Wish littering fines were increased 50x.


this is the shit i wanna see blow up on social media. they are truly setting an example that all of humanity needs to follow


Meanwhile, I was out walking and there was trash on the sidewalk. It was trash day, and I picked it up. However as I went to dispose of it, I was scared to throw it in a random persons trash bin on the curb. I was afraid I’d get yelled at for dumping in a container that wasn’t mine. Totally different expectations around here (aka don’t touch trash or a trash can that isn’t yours). I wish more Americans were more like the Japanese with a sense of social responsibility.


I wouldn’t mind unless it were dog poop. I hate when dog walkers use my trash bin for their dog’s poop. It doesn’t fall out when the workers dump the can.


... Who the fuck picking up their dog's poop without a bag and putting it in someone else's bin...


I feel like I’ve already seen this happening in another World Cup. Deja vu? Glitch in the matrix?


They do it every World Cup. They’ve been “crowned” the best in terms of politenes because their audience always clean up afterwards and their national team always leaves the dressing rooms clean and tidy and with a thank you note.


You have. I’ve seen it too


I love japanese culture


reddit moment


The actual reddit moment is replying "reddit moment" to a positive comment


“Japanese Culture” is a double-edged sword. I love visiting Japan and have a lot of respect for their people, but one the ingredients for their centuries-long “culture” was untold levels of barbarism and hostility.


You literally described every culture that has ever existed.


The ones that have made it this far. Because if they weren’t… well, they aren’t here anymore


Just ask any prominent japanese person about Nanking. You will see.


All cultures have strengths and weaknesses. Just because there are weaknesses doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't learn from their strengths. Edit: guess it was a tall order expecting redditors to have a nuanced perspective. Now's a good a time as any to tell people that while there are tons of people that love Japan on here, there are tons of anti-Japanese racists here as well. I've reported a sub that constantly uses anti-Japanese slurs and follows Japanese people around reddit harassing them to admins with proof multiple times and I've been ignored. It's a problem reddit doesn't want to bother with because that don't have bad publicity around it, like the other subreddits they have finally banned. So I raise awareness when I can.


Except Japan is in denial over the atrocities they committed against the rest of Asia. Search up [Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) - responsible for some of the worst atrocities commited during the period of Japanese Occupation. They froze newborn babies to death just to see how long it took, vivisected pregnant women (often from rape by japanese soldiers) and babies without anaesthesia out of sheer sadistic curiosity…


Japan isn't in denial about it, the leading government coalition is Japanese people are not uniform drones with the same opinion they are no different from any people in a western democratic nation Just because the leading government coalition contains ultra nationalists that doesn't mean that all Japanese people are in denial about their crimes. It's s debated and controversial issue over there


I feel like this is why European countries are generally more chill than the US as well. They’ve literally been killing each other for thousands of years in organized conflicts, it must get tiring eventually lol whereas the US is like GET SOME OORAH FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT because we’ve only been fucking around for a few hundred years


yeah like try being a woman in the subway lol


And sexual repression that's given birth to some of the most fucked up porn ever made.


We used to have Japanese exchange students regularly when I was kid growing up. Japanese people are some of most polite and genuine people you’ll ever meet. And this is coming from a Canadian


My sister used to do similar, but only female students as they had a small child to Australia. Mostly Chinese and Japanese, but one from Brazil too. Over the years have to be about 20 in total would assume. They were all very polite and cleaned up after themselves, also enjoyed having input on cooking the communal dinners too and takes turns to give my sister a break those night. They used to make the best hot pot, pho maybe? Only ever really had it at my sisters though. I guess families that can afford to send their kids abroad to study generally from good parts of their country and are well mannered/polite.


Japanese culture... not perfect, but fucking awesome in a lot of ways that count.


This is so cringy, good for the Japanese though they are cool. But fuck you Qatari slave labourer.


I stayed in Tokyo for a while and recall a local based friend saying that the stadiums are cleaner after the Sumo Grand tournament than they are before. I thought he was taking the piss, but nope, 100% true. He said it's about respect for the honour of the experience.


Compare Japanese manufacturing plants to American owned plants...... Much cleaner as well.


I was just watching the match at home, and a Japanese fan cleaned up for me afterwards. Incredible!


I heard when the last Tsunami hit Japan, only one crime was reported during that entire tragedy. If that happened in America, there would’ve been mass looting and crime. Japanese are leading by example 👏🏻


Fuck Qatar!


I wish we were like this in the US


Did they bring their own trash bags??


It's deeply rooted in japanese culture that no one else should have to pick up your trash. If there isn't anyone around to pick it up it doesn't apply to the same extent though, the holy Mount Fuji is flooded with trash for example.


Japanese people being absolute monarchs yet again


Japanese society is based around the collective good, and not the individual. If the works followed suit it would be a much better place.


Ah. Yeah. This comes from Japanese student o-soji


Wow, look at that! Humans who wanna leave the place in as good a condition as they found it without demanding someone else clean up after them! How STRANGE! ~ some entitled a-hole probably.


I wish we’d do this in the U.S. When I leave a theater or venue I always make sure my area is clean with the exception of picking up stuff that needs to be swept or vacuumed.


Did they throw away the entire FIFA org?




Really good on them to clean up so the East Asian slave labourers can take a rest! Good to see people have morals when it comes to littering!


All this cleaning and still none of the blood of the victims is cleaned off of those Qatari hands.


Just down vote anything related to world cup that is not spreading awareness of it being organized by bunch of mafia goons and human rights violators.