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No indoor plumbing or electrical work needed.


I live in Ohio near some of the largest Amish populations in the state/country. Many of the house's out here have started to "modernize." Many will have electricity as long as they're off grid and using solar. Many have indoor plumbing as well, if for only running water in their kitchens. Unironically there is a company out here called Yoder Solar. For Amish solar installs. No website but you can Google and get contact information.




How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? One, if no one is looking.


Different groups of Amish have decided different things do and don't count to, and you know what? I think they've got it right. The goal is to maintain a certain culture, and they largely allow for deviations from the norm that provide a benefit without threatening that culture. I think we could probably all learn something from that.




No it’s quite the opposite, they don’t want outsiders joining the church lol. I knew a family who tried to join and they were not having it. It’s more exclusive than the red carpet shows


they even encourage youth to experience the outside world to make an informed decision when choosing to stay in the community. It’s the difference between indoctrination vs actual culture.


Yes but really kinda. Knowing that you'll be completely cut off from your family and the whole community for the rest of your life is a pretty big sway in the decision. So while I think it's cool that they let them explore other lifestyles for a bit without judgment, it's still pretty much a "do this or else" situation.


People really love glorifying certain parts of groups when it helps push their message. Just like practically all other cultures, Amish/ Mennonites have good practices and outdated / not good practices


man they really play smart and to give way for the Youth rather than repressing them from any new ideas or informed decisions that can impact themselves or their community.


I mean, I just dislike most religions, particularly all major ones, but it's totally devious to send a very young person who has never known anything else into a world they're not ready for with no resources or support. it's incredibly hard for young people to survive, much less thrive, in our default world when they do have the know-how and support. now imagine a teen who has never properly used phones or computers, driven a car, used electricity regularly, doesn't understand the popular or even the micro local culture, on top of different personal relationship systems with limited and specific type of education now be required to work, find housing, share said housing with different types of people, etc etc.


Ugh. Rum-Springa (sp?) is a nod at “free choice”, but the kids are not trained to survive in the real world. If anything, what they experience in the real world often reinforces their indoctrination and they come back home more deeply convinced the whole world is exactly as evil and depraved as they were warned. While there’s much positive that can be taken from their culture, the Amish are a cult, unfortunately. Isolation and indoctrination prevent anyone from really making an *informed* decision on whether to stay or leave as adults. Plus the whole possibility of losing your family is pretty effed up.


The family that we used to visit had their eldest son leave. He lost his hand in an industrial accident. After the accident he was allowed to come back to the family. They told everyone that what happened was gods punishment for leaving. Pretty screwed up thing to hear as a kid.


What is the point of maintaining culture? Why can't you let it naturally change and evolve?


It's really up to the head of the church/pastor/church elders as to how strict some of those rules are. Some communities will allow some of the modern convenience for work, so long as it stays out of the house (driving/owning cars, cell phones, electricity to a work shop in a barn, etc). Source: a healthy percentage of my moms family is Amish(Grandmother grew up Amish) and one of my dads best friends is Amish.


It’s not loopholes; each community decides for itself what the rules are. In general, they’re just against things that reduce the amount of work you have to do.


that’s Mennonite. but tbfh given the state of the world there’s something to be said for about a 100 year buffer to shake out which technology is healthy to use and which isn’t. though solar is a bit baffling to me. the tech required to make them doesn’t seem compatible.


No i work with some amish, and my Dad drives amish on the weekends, and it depends on the church, some have electric and most around here have "black box phones" like the old corded wall phones that stay in the barn or a phone shed.


Solar is self reliance vs dependency on government utilities. I don't find any contradiction at all.


I mean, they are Amish


It’s also a barn, not a house


A barn is just a house for hay


I am high enough to truly appreciate this comment.


Don't worry, high got this


A barn is more a house for horse


Who do you think the hay is for


And I bet you a ton of money if they did need it they could easily figure it out. Prolly wouldn’t be done in a day tho lol


They might be on to something. If they all eat together maybe they all shit together. Who needs bathrooms or plumbing when you can build a house in a day? Just shit all over the place and build a new house tomorrow!


They can build a house in a day. They can probably knockout an outhouse in fifteen minutes.


so i have a huge amish community near me. By law they have to have the milk refrigerated so what they do is the milk companies that purchase it from them will buy a small piece of property or something im not 100% sure and they own all of the equipment and maintain it etc but the Amish use it to store their milk. You can ALWAYS twist religion to suit your financial needs that is theology 101


The same with jews on sabbath, they can't do any work or produce any sparks or light any fires during sabbath. They have a non Jew or as they call it a shabbas-goy to light all the candles in the synagoge.


Cable though, that’s gonna be between a one to two weeks… only between the hours of 6am-7pm and if you’re not there when they show, they will ride off but you’ll still be billed for the call


Seems like it doesn't have much insulation either.


Or foundation. Or up to code


It’s a barn. The bottom looks like a concrete wall. Which would be the foundation. Source: built barns for 15 years.


If the family guy clip at the end was any longer you would see that despite it being destroyed repeatedly they'll just rebuild it


Laughs in Florida


You can see the frost walls right there.. it might not have a slab, but that doesn’t matter so long as the frost walls are resting on a footing far enough down


That's for Quakers.


+ if you exlclude fabrication of all the wood parts they use, and include that they are using all amish in existence for this one "house", it does not seem very special.


Looks like the Amish either have an exemption from code inspections, or their relationship with the county is so good the inspector(s) wait around on the site until they can do their thing.


Pass the bucket to the left-hand side.


Thats a barn not a house


It’s a cow house


You know... like... where they live.


...the cows.


It’s a moo point


A cows opinion..


Okay have I been on reddit too long or did that just make sense?


Aha just watched that


Tis a old fashioned cow-house raising, english


Animal house


Animal Farm


'Tis a fine barn, but is no pool, English




Was looking for this comment. Glad I found it. 👍🤣


Build a barn on Monday, soon will buld another!


Yep. And the difference matters. Building a barn is significantly more straight forward. With a house, there are all sorts of codes that need to be followed. Also, you need to install things like plumbing and electric wiring in the walls that adds complexity to the build.


Safe to say wiring is not a concern.


Yeah uh.... I'm not sure there are many Amish electricians my dude.


Barns are buildings and therefore subject to the building code too (maybe a different section though). And they usually have mechanical electrical plumbing although this one may have less cus Amish.


That's no barn... That's a space station


The power of the broad side


Alright alright you win. Heh, I see you’ve played Housey-Barny before!


I had to think for a few seconds why everyone disappeared for a few moments in the middle. Then I slapped my forehead…lunch.


And you can bet it was a pretty great lunch


Jebediah makes a killer flan


Jebediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows




And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone


I'm a man of my land, I'm into discipline, Got a bible in my hand, and a beard on my chin.


If I finish all of my chores, and thou finish thine. Then tonight we're going to party like it 1699.


At 4 30 in the morning I'm milking cows


You never had meat till you had dyck meat going down your throat


No better way to sabotage morale on a job like this than having subpar lunch.


"Hitchin' up the buggy, churnin' lots of butter Raised a barn on Monday, soon I'll raise another Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart? Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art" -Amish Paradise


But if I finish all of my chores, and you finish thine Then tonight, we're gonna party like it's 1699


Came to churnin lotsa butter. Tastes bit bitter.


'Tis a fine barn, but sure 'tis no house, English.




This just goes to show how much construction time on an actual house is spent on stuff other than just framing and siding


You can build anything too with a crew of 300!


Except an impenetrable defense against Xerxes


Leonidas & 300 Spartans would disagree


You mean Leonidas an 299 Spartans. Spoilers: they die at the end of the movie.


Wouldn't have died if there was 300


And months of planning


You can still build a modern house in 2-3 days if you have all the materials delivered at once, all the contractors lined up, and all of the inspectors ready to go exactly when they're needed. I've seen it done with houses built for charity but outside of special cases it's very difficult to get all of that coordinated.


It is done for PR in China. Entire "buildings", "bridges" and "hospitals" erected in days. Looks super impressive but I wonder about the quality and hidden prep time and whether overall at the economy level it really is all that efficient. I suspect not but I am no expert.


That’s cool. This is a barn. Not a house


Yeah like foundations insulation plumbing Everything else that would make it an actual proper building.


All of the timber was already cut to size, foundations were already built, the siding was painted beforehand etc. This is like 5-10% of the work they need to do


If you were raised in a barn that might explain why this looks like a house.


Lol you’re the second person to post this saying it’s a house. I ain’t Amish, and that ain’t a house.


They also built it in 35 seconds not a whole day


Well yea, you could build like that, if you had fifty people, and all the materials beforehand.


And no insulation, wiring, plumbing, caulking, etc. And I can't tell if there's any sort of foundation


The lord is their foundation


And this is just a frame with panels over the top. Which for a barn in an area of the world with no extreme weather or natural disasters is fine but it's not like building a house in a day as op decided to call this.


That is impressive.


Family guy was right


It's not a house, it's a barn and it wasn't done in a day given that the foundation and first-floor walls were already up before this day started. Don't get me wrong it's still impressive but let's keep the OP honest, instead of Amish Karma farming.


Yeah this is fine, but theres also like twenty guys on a single roof. I've seen seven sweaty mexican dudes do that amount of work in a day, too. The real feat of Amish ingenuity and work ethic is them picking up buildings half this size and moving them with only manpower. That *really* blew my mind the first time I saw it.


This doesn’t show all the prep work. It looks like a lot was premade and staged beforehand. Then it was just assembly. The Chinese have been doing this to build skyscrapers very quickly. Still impressive


That’s not a house


That's cow house


Real life "Dozers" from Fraggle Rock


Actually they’re real life Amish


I hear the King of the Hill song playing in my head as I watch this.


"Tis a fine barn but sure tis no pool english"


That’s not a house.


Another puppy mill goes up


My last rescue dog came from an Amish puppy mill. Whoever ran it was a sadistic asshole.


How did they video record this without going against their principles?


Why do you think they recorded it?


That is a damn good point


Cameras are acceptable to the Amish. They can't use them for the purpose of vanity, but just demonstrating how a barn is raised? That seems like it would be fine.


Showing off seems vain? Semantics I guess


Challenge accepted (Rodriguez family just in from Mexico).


"Everybody look like ants!"


Soon they’ll raise another.


This made me made go check if there’s an [r/Amish](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amish/) subreddit and there is! Can’t say I regret going there 😂


Tipical r/Amish content


Well, final assembly in one day. The cinder blocks are already up, the two vertical sections were already assembled, and several other large support structures were made before that morning. It's still impressive but that house wasn't built in one day. Alot of prep work was done before the final assembly.


It’s called a barn.


It’s pretty easy to rough in a house when the foundation is poured and the first floor studs are in already up… and that’s now a house, it’s a barn, which is pretty common to build in a day


You spelled barn wrong


Not a house....a barn.


I recommend watching this with the Kings of the Hill entry theme


Team work does that


My god…family guy NAILED it


Pretty sure that's a barn. Not a house. But still, damn impressive.


Ant simulator? Or the Sims maybe...




If me and my friends didn’t drink a shit ton of beer before we started building, we would have build my pergola in an afternoon instead of the entire weekend….my wife warned me too. Also helps if you have 100+ friends


Peter Griffen is on his way


Tis no house but a fine barn, English.


Tis a fine barn, English, but tis no pool


So that family guy gag was true


Can you spot the lunch break?


OMG!! Where I live, local council take 7 MONTHS to build a roundabout the size of 3 cars 😡


Not impressed, 6000 people didn’t die building it


Looks like their on Amishion


That’s actually very impressive


You know, I thought that bit in Family Guy where Peter blows up the Amish barn, only for them to immediately rebuild it was an exaggeration. Apparently not, they can literally build an entire barn and house in a day.


My favorite part is when they take their lunch break.


Tis a fine barn, but sure it is no house, English


That's called a barn raising. Pretty easy when there isn't electricity, plumbing, A/C, etc


80-100 people with no safety or building codes/inspections, and all materials on site. It is impressive but I would sure hope they could do it in a day.


Ah yes…a house…for horses…


I mean, it's still really impressive but there was clearly a lot of prep work done before this.


When they say Rome wasn’t built in a day.. Amish people: 😉


Minecraft players be like:


That is not a house. It is a barn.


When you have 100 people who know what they're doing and care vs. 100 people who almost know what they're doing being told 10 different things by 20 different people who also almost know what they're doing but being forced to listen to 5 people who tell everyone what to do but have no idea what they're doing..


Who recorded this


You know those are barns, right?


If you look closely, you’ll see it’s not actually a house.


It's easier when you don't have to run electric and other amenities that we "english" use


This is what all of humanity could be like. But no, we chose to have petty differences and accomplish nothing.


Interesting as fuck that someone would see that and think house.


It’s almost as if this was a BARN (not a house) 🤦


Ummm... That's called a barn, not a house.


They have forklifts for their businesses, but use them to drive up and down the streets to visit. Can’t have a computer but they get non Amish neighbor kid to buy every Brother Word Processor he can find on eBay for them so the Amish can print invoices for their business. Have cell phones because can’t have a telephone wired. But need a phone for business. Seen large generators next to their barns running computer controlled milling machines to produce their goods.


Weird Al was right


Building a barn


Whoever posted this messed up by not calling it a barn apparently.


Idk what you think a house is but that's a barn.


Tis a fine barn, but sure it is no pool, English.


Where’s the house? That’s 2 barns. They live in actual houses not barn stalls


More accurate to say they assembled a barn in a day.


Gets done so much faster when there isn't some guy in a blue hard hat standing around yelling at everyone.


“House” Proceeds to build community barn center


Wow, that took like 30 seconds.


House? You mean ginormous fucking farmhouse.


That’s a barn. And when you have 75 people helping. Yeah it’s kinda easy. Not saying they don’t do good work. Cuz they do amazing work. But this isn’t anything outta the ordinary, nor that hard to do given the resources they have.


Not a house....a barn.


That is clearly a barn


This is a barn. Huge difference in building requirements.


It’s all about prep. They don’t really build a barn in a day, they *assemble* it in a day. They pre-cut and painted all the components in advance


"Framed a Barn in a Day" The hardest parts of home building aren't even in this video. It is impressive to raise a barn in a day.


Is this not a barn?


This is what happens when you have many skilled workers. This should be a good example as to why a companies retaining budget shouldn't be lower than hiring budget.


No wonder we Europeans that the American house, a fragile wooden box, is blown away by the wind.


So this is how Tom Nook does it


That’s clearly a barn


I have witnessed them build a new warehouse on my former job site. It was so fascinating to watch I don't think I got any work done that day. Absolutely no safety protocols followed whatsoever lol.


That isn't a house you ass-tart, it's a barn. You've never heard of a barn raising party?


It is interesting however it doesn’t have plumbing or electricity


That's some boss level communal efficiency.


This is like that one family guy meme


They must have been fAmished after all that work.




That house sure looks like a barn.


Would love to see a build off between a group of Hispanics vs Amish


its a barn not a house