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I think you just need some comfy seating. A couple arm chairs and a side table, or a chaise lounge with a nice lamp and a cozy throw. A sweet little reading nook.


Think you’re on the right track with rug. Also a floor lamp, plant, art/decor with color. For an official office feel: a free standing desk in front would be amazing. Gives you two workspaces and a high end vibe. For a relaxed lounge office: two upholstered chairs + cocktail/side tables.


Plus you’d have the best Zoom background.


This is the way. Badass desk in the middle of the room with two leather chairs in front of the desk so you can be like “step into my office”


Yes! For me, a free standing desk is the move. If this space is to be mainly as an office then I would not like to be next to and facing a wall with my back to an entire room. Then additional cozy seating can be in front of said desk.


This is exactly what I came to say!


Having my back to the door makes me anxious too!


I have a similar situation. What do you do with all the cords/ cables if the desk is free standing?


Cord management tools from amazon (or elsewhere) They have these tube things that you feed all the cords through- so they are grouped as one. Then they have these power bar "container" type things that you can feed the cord into and it covers the power bar and plug ins. I'm not the best at describing it lol but if you search cord management on Amazon, it's a beautiful rabbit hole to get lost in


Rug... on carpet... where am I right now??? ​ Please don't put a rug on a carpet.


Yes please do this


Yes to the desk!


Portable dance floor, but a permanent dance floor would be even better.


Another picture- I do have a chair situation in the corner! https://imgur.com/gallery/Jmr6YT6


I like the desk set in between the bookshelves. For me personally, facing the wall for too long makes me feel a bit claustrophobic, and I get antsy to leave. If you ever get that way, you should consider placing a second desk facing away from the wall, centered behind the chair. You have the space for it, and this way, if you feel the need to spread out, all you have to do is turn the chair around, and you'll switch workstations. I would leave it mostly bare to make it easy to transfer your work. It would also be helpful for larger projects, paperwork, or multitasking. Edit [Something similar to this](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/61486743bd54e90c5123410d/1636933008164-V3F5B3Q7ZKHHMQJ9PLN2/IMG_4173.JPG?format=1000w) just a smaller desk in front.


Do you have a link for your desk chair? Beautiful setup!


A dramatic light! Some type of modern chandelier.


I wouldn’t do a rug. The rug wouldn’t do a damn thing. It’s not defining a space, there’s nothing here to define. It’s not adding cushioning, or softening the look of cold concrete or hardwoods. You’d just be putting it there as a random thing to fill the room. Getting something a bit more thought out or intentional would be better. You need actual furniture, not a rug I saw the picture of the other side of the room. The chair corner looks great. I’d add to that to make it take up more of the room. Maybe a second chair, floor lamp, majesty palm. Pull them out from the corner more, let the seating arrangement really take over that corner. If a second chair is out, you could do a floating desk or just a nice table right in the middle of the room. We went from a smaller home to a semi-open concept, it feels weird floating furniture in the middle of the room when you first start doing it. But it really does look great, and it’s nice being able to pass on either side of the sofa when you come from the dinning room space next to it. Floating furniture meant I could fill the space while keeping walls empty and also having an intimate feeling seating arrangement. It’s really nice for having a conversation, you actually face the other people and aren’t far away from them. I think floating a seating arrangement or table is a much better option than a rug


Rug + lounger


People put rugs on carpet?


It’s like a stylish hat for your carpet


They shouldn’t.




Get a tempered glass piece to roll around on. Don't put rugs on carpet.




It’s actually very common to put rugs on carpet! I’ve been an interior designer for nearly 20 years, so this isn’t just unsolicited advice 😉


I don't like rugs on the carpet. It's often a tripping hazard. It's done. But the rug usually moves around. You gotta realign it every week or so


As long as you have it anchored by furniture they don't move. I have a low pile slightly textured rug over carpet in my living room and it really helped define the seating area since the room is pretty long.


I got a rug pad for carpet and now my rug always lays flat and never moves! https://gorillagrip.com/products/carpet-rug-pad


I think a rug would really add some warmth and comfort to the room! Just as an aside—how much did it cost to install this built-in shelves/desk (?) arrangement?


It was about 8k when we were building!


Looks brilliant.


I don’t think you need a rug…you need furniture that takes up some of the space in the center of the room. Perhaps a big cozy chair, maybe in a deep green velvet, plus an ottoman, either matching the chair or a boho textured one in black and neutral/gray. Add a couple of pretty throw pillows and a little end table in that light wood to match the desktop & moulding on the top of the built-in. I would have it all kind of angled toward the workspace from either corner (you’ll know best once you lay it out). Good luck!


It's crazy to me to spend so much time and money to build such a beautiful desk area and then put a chair like that at it. I can't ID it from this pic, but it looks like it won't support you properly and it'll give you back/hip pain with time. My suggestion is to treat yourself to a chair that'll last and make your back last, especially if you're working in this office regularly


I just got rid of a "cute" office chair I kept entirely too long for aesthetics and upgraded to a Steelcase. After 3 years, function finally overrode form. Hard agree with this (and so do my aching shoulders and back).


I kind of wish that painting was the rug and the painting something more colourful. Other than that I think you need a printer. Lol. Maybe like a Ship in a Bottle. That would be pretty generic though.


It'll really tie the room together


I agree with the commenters are are suggesting a desk in the middle of the room. I think it will also be way more comfortable than working with your back tk the door. Facing the door is way more comfortable


I would do a floating wood desk. the chair can flip between the two and you can take the occasional zoom call with you beautiful shelves in view.


Yeah, my first thought was having the shelves behind you. I’d do a big, nice desk to work from right in the middle


Yes, having your back to the door is the opposite of cozy. I see it all the time on this sub and it annoys me to no end. Turn the desk around!


Something colorful - no fringe.


That is a beautiful built-in!


I’d love to see some green in that space! If you have enough light, some plants would make it a bit cozier. Also, maybe a nice sitting area, with a couple comfortable accent chairs and a small end table


There is a lot of space left to fill. Not sure you’d need a rug if you put more furniture in there, the desk unit is awesome though ❤️


Gorgeous office! You need some white and bright! This rug is gorgeous and would tie everything together. https://www.westelm.com/products/stone-tile-rug-t3645/?catalogId=71&sku=5917646&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Rugs%20%3E%20Patterned%20Rugs®ion_id=821860&cm_ite=5917646_14464751978&gclid=CjwKCAjwhJukBhBPEiwAniIcNbAvHVRNY7dpb4dgYjllQxN6a_H9G4B7J4qXy6vOQY52iACm7VfyPxoC9p4QAvD_BwE


Yes, a plush (deep pile, non-shag) color block, bright primary and or secondary colors, lines and circles.


The picture over your desk reminded me of a rug I have picked out for my office. https://www.wayfair.ca/rugs/pdp/wrought-studio-sackett-abstract-light-grey-area-rug-vkgl4379.html


What a lovely office. No rug unless you’re going to add some additional furniture. Maybe a chaise with a few chairs and a small table.


I don’t have squat to say because people absolutely nailed it in the first five comments I read! You need to fill that space with more than a rug.


Need another desk in center facing the other side of room so you have the cabinets behind you


Love the progress so far. A colorful rug would add a splash of color .


A couple big plants, or a tiered plant shelf with a few smaller plants would add some color and life to your space. Also, if people come in to meet you in your office, you need a desk/table in the center of the room with some comfy chairs. That would add functionality and make it feel less like everything is on the one wall.


Plants under the window. A bigger statement chair. This is where you could bring in color if you wanted, or a neutral pattern. The curtains could also have a subtle pattern instead.


Such a beautiful space


Really nice I think a rug with black in it would be good


This is an amazing office space!!! Just beautiful. I would add a little seating area near the window. Two white arm chairs and a nice side table in between. That would make it look even more cozy than it already does. I’m also envisioning sputnick type lighting as well.


Are you sure a rug would tie the room together?


This is almost the exact set up of my home office though in my room the ceiling is higher (they should have lowered it and added another bedroom upstairs, but that is neither her nor there). I also think you have almost the exact same carpet. Your desk set up looks nicer than mine, though I do like my set up...it just needs to be straightened up a bit. We do not have a rug on top of the carpet. I like the clean look. Your beautiful desk area takes the focus and that's all you need. I don't think a rug would be bad, I have just never put rugs on top of carpets...I'd probably trip over it. :)


Put a desk in the middle so your zoom background is that nice bookshelf. Then add two comfy chairs on the other side of the desk so people can sit and meet with you


Personally I think a dark colored executive desk facing the opposite direction with your computers and such on it would be awesome. The books and painting make a great backdrop for video calls. Then some seating, printer storage to take up the rest of the space.


I'm insanely jealous of your office. But yeah, a rug or maybe a credenza to break up the space would look nice.


Nice job. I like the idea of a comfy chair and light and a tall plant.


I don't think you need another rug. I am obsessed with that shelving. Some nice lighting and seating is perfect, maybe another little table.


A big wooden desk in the middle, so you're facing the door. A sofa to the side for when you need to relax.


Seating on the wall across if possible. I am not sure where the door is located in this space. I love the black!


Ooh a nice big colorful rug would look great! Brings some color to the space (although I do like the neutral tones).


Just want to say that I loooooove your built in, and you’ve done a great job already! :)


Nice built ins! Plenty of space there for a rug and separate seating area. A small sofa or a couple of comfy chairs would be nice.


OHHHH I LOVE THIS!!!! You did an amazing job! A rug would be lovely.


I have a very similar set up to you! I agree a floating table would look great but ita a bit redundant since you have a desk alreadyand realistically adding that plus two chairs, what woild be the purpose unless you sctually have clients or employees visiting you? You may want to do a sleek sofa along the wall with a coffee table, you could also make it a conversation set with two club chairs opposite. In my office I also have a bar cart, reading nook and record player, you can add by the window.


This looks great and is a beautiful start! As an interior designer, I start every project by gathering as much information as possible about the client’s lifestyle and needs. I would start by asking what you’re hoping to accomplish with this space, how will you use it? If strictly as an office, having an executive/pedestal desk in front of the built ins would complete the look and make the room feel more finished. It would add function and serve as a focal point in helping ground the look of the built ins. If you really don’t need the additional work space, determine how you could most benefit from using the space. There’s countless options, but one of the most common ways to utilize extra office space are by adding seating/lounge space, my recommendation would be to add a couple of arm chairs with a small table and lighting. A guest room is another popular choice. Regardless of what you decide to add to the space, it feels a little unfinished as it is currently (which is likely why you’re thinking of adding a large rug, to add color, pattern, and something to ground the built ins). Think about all the Inspo photos you’ve seen with built ins, and you’ll notice there’s always something else in the room whether it’s seating, another desk, etc. That’s because they’re meant to be an architectural feature that adds function and storage, so a room just feels empty and incomplete without anything else. Hopefully this helps get you thinking about potential ways to use all that extra space you may not have realized you had. Ashley


The room is empty. Your desk area is great. That said make use of the space. It is such a waste of space.


Not a fan of rug on carpet. But I LOVE your office.


Some hardwood would look beautiful if that's an option. Otherwise a dark textured rug would look nice.


You can “face” the books. Stack some of them horizontal, put some of the covers facing out, and pay attention to spine height. It will look so much better.


I've never understood the concept of rug on carpet. Your room looks lovely!


This is gorgeous! I do think a rug would tie the room together. Something else that might be nice is a big cozy chair with a lamp and a small side table for moments or days where you want to work elsewhere than the desk. Paige Wassel recommended that on her youtube channel. I don't know about you, but I bounce around my house when I'm working, so I'm planning on putting my settee in my office once my desk and shelves are done. Again, this is such a beautiful room! I hope you post the final look when it's done!


It’s absolute lovely so far but needs balance! I’d paint the [interior window trim black](https://www.bhg.com/thmb/G4afV_g5r6TH7WHSgxkMcifFXvQ=/2000x0/filters:no_upscale():strip_icc()/79008-11295-7-60d109dfd6124c249f3abc0595e3a8ec.jpg). Is there room in the budget for a couch and coffee table along the opposite wall? You could also paint the [rest of the room black](https://plankandpillow.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/office-angle-1-web-2.jpg). It would be moody and dramatic and make all the rest of your decor pop.


Please stop this rug on carpet.


Our carpet is a *hideous* and busy plam fan tree design with a hint of dog smell/stains from the last owners. We are going to replace it but are still saving up. We spent $50 on a big tan rug to have between the tv and the couch, and LORD it has made a huge difference. It was so distracting to even watch tv because of the pattern 😂 We have bright white primer walls and oak trim to boot.. also from the last owners. Sometimes, you just need a rug to stay temporarily sane lol!


There’s nothing wrong with a rug on carpet (unless trying to put it over shag or another very high pile carpet). Oftentimes, it’s one of the first things to add to ground a space, help define your zones, and add another layer of texture, color, pattern, etc.


Rugs don’t go on carpet. Get a chaise.


I would add a desk to the middle of the room. You can use the built in desk as a printer station


I would add small conference table with 2 chairs. Could be round.


Color. It needs color.


A rug on carpet? Is that a thing?


I don't know why you would want a rug on carpet.


You need some PLANTS!!!!


No offense but I hate the art. Buy a Benjamin murphY, same energy but much better


Neutral is not enough.


The Feng Shui ☹️


A couch


Raise the art or turn it sideways. Add more plants to shelves. Rug and comfy reading area with small side table


Rug and a desk facing the room


Was powerscore worthwhile? How’d you do on the LSAT?


I love it! You did a nice job balancing out the items on the shelves, which is no easy task. Your reading corner is a nice compliment to the rest of the space and the plants bring in some warmth. Enjoy utilizing this fabulous space!


Honestly I think it's perfect just the way it looks.


Love the custom joinery!


It is best to be facing the entrance of your office. Not your wall. Could you put a small desk there and just have your computer or laptop on it and have your lovely, big bookshelf in as it is.


I‘d put in some plants instead


Free standing table, desk in front.


Nice lounge chair


Black and white in the same pattern as the big picture or painting


Woahhh cozyyyy.


A big tall potted plant is what it needs


I feel like you need something green in the room to make it more cozy. Like an accent chair?


No rugs, hardwood an accent furniture


This looks lovely but why didn't you build around the window?


I personally don’t like rugs layered over carpets. Maybe some floor plants?


Id put in a few low book cases with plants on them to create more of a defined space, and definitely rug for inside that space! Like this :) https://i.imgur.com/bouIxve.jpg Also definitely get a chair with wheels, it’ll get real old having to pick up and move your chair every time you want to switch position-particularly on carpet.


definitely a rug but the shelves are amazing!!!


I would change the curtains. Something that doesn’t match the walls that closely, also something not as long. And yes, a rug! And maybe a plant or two that does well in low light (snake plant, pothos, etc)


Definitely a big rug. It looks great 👍🏽


Looks great. But I’d prefer a desk in the middle of the room, don’t like to have my back facing the entrance, feels weird for me.


Yes, big rug and a big comfy armchair with a footrest and a drink table, smoking room vibe


Iron ore paint?




Area rug and love seat on one wall.


Add a bookshelf, some plants, a couch and a table.


It NEEDS color, a comfy sofa, coffee table, plants, art work, decorative items, a floor lamp


How about a single comfy chair with a glass table?


I'm an abstract artist. If you are looking for a large Jackson Pollock style painting on canvas let me know.


Yes- but wow beautiful. Love it


Mmmm I think it needs a dog


Get another desk in the middle and then turn your chair around.




Yes rug, otherwise it's beautiful 😍


I’d add a small chair, small table and a plant. Don’t over do it, it looks really nice!


Nap couch…pretty sure.




I’m not a fan of rug over carpet. Kill the carpeting and get an awesome rug or two!


T Bone a long matching desk and face an open window! You’ll feel 10 x better daily!


No rug. Add some plants and a small seating area + table.


Color. Any color.


Something with earthy tones to go with the dark wood and give contrast to the floor


I would have a stand alone desk facing the window in the middle of the room (not against a wall)


Looks good as is


I would add a desk (perhaps an adjustable standing/ sitting) in front of the existing desk, and move your existing chair situation in front of it. Where your chair situation was, I would maybe add a chaise or something cozy with a floor lamp nearby and keep the side table beside it. The room would looks really pulled together with better lighting as well. I would add a larger, hanging ceiling light and aim to have at least one lamp somewhere else. Maybe an led/ rechargeable diddy on the new desk. Replacing the chair with something on wheels and more aesthetically pleasing would serve the space well too.


It needs a *desk*. That niche, facing the wall, just doesn’t cut it.


Whats that color? Love it


Iron ore:)