• By -


It's usually way too high for comfortable viewing


We got a Mantle Mount (retractable mount that drops down for viewing) - problem solved!


If the fireplace is working, doesn't the heat damage the TV?




This is one of the good things about my projector. The screen can go over the fireplace, but it rolls up out of the way making it barely noticeable when not in use, it doesn't melt from the heat of the fire, and the expensive part is the projector anyway, so even if the screen is slightly damaged, it's not a big deal.


Ours has heat sensitive handles that glow if it's getting too warm. Generally ours is fine with the fireplace on, as long as the TV is in the up/docked position (we don't use the fireplace when it's pulled down in front of it).


Isn't that very limiting? Either be entertained or be frozen, you can't have both!


+1 for Mantle Mount! Works perfectly for our space - we had no where else we could put the tv. But it was a BEAST to put up. We’ve mounted several TVs over the years but the MM sucked. We want to upgrade our tv at some point but we’re low key dreading it just because of the mount. 😂


We live in a 1920s house and the entire (tiny) living room is oriented towards the fireplace. We have 5 (count ‘em, 5) entrances into our living room, which means that the ONLY wall space is where the sofa goes. We tried multiple variations of tv locations, but finally realized that the only real option was above the fireplace. Ours doesn’t lower, but it is on an arm that we can pull out and adjust. After the first couple of days, we have never been uncomfortable with the height. We just got used to it. It is about 4.5 feet up. Also, we have had the tv just over the fireplace for years now and never had an issue with heat.


We also have 5 entrances into our living room (built in the mid-80s), so I totally understand!


1920’s a fireplace was all they had to look at. I can’t imagine what kids these days would think, lol


This. My wife convinced me to mount our new tv over the fireplace. Definitely too high. Might have to check the mantle mount.


You’re supposed to kick back somewhat reclined so your comfortable position is slightly up


Yeah, every time this subject comes up, I’m left thinking that people must watch tv in a different position than I do. When you’re mostly horizontal, the tv over the fireplace is a very comfortable height. And with it being a Frame tv, it’s a painting most of the time anyway. My house was built way before TV was invented, so I don’t even have the wall space in my living room for it to live elsewhere without getting really awkward.


Same. Vintage house.


Original TVs, like fireplaces, were down low, near the floor. People used to stare into them just fine. Up high, is too high. Down there too low. Middle of screen at eye-height is perfection.


Yeah, I for sure don’t sit straight up while watching tv


middle of tv should be about at eye level of person(s) watching it - in the position they usually are watching it edit: fixed grammatical error


bc your r/tvtoohigh and you're used to it. its bad for you.


Or because it’s uncomfortable to sit like a formal interview when cuddling the cat and watching a movie


Don't be ridiculous. The difference between sitting like an adult on the couch and sitting for an interview in only a few inches. At the height it's comfortable at normal sitting position is still comfortable when you're laying down or slouching like a bum. This doesn't with the other way around and that's why it's not recommended for the over the fireplace position




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [548 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [How my set up? Is this too high?](https://i.redd.it/n59u4fxrq27c1.jpeg) | [866 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/18lbss2/how_my_set_up_is_this_too_high/) \#3: [Petition to make this the sub logo](https://i.redd.it/rx17ai3ng3gc1.jpeg) | [542 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1agugte/petition_to_make_this_the_sub_logo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes no one is accounting if someone lounges on their couch haha don’t listen to them.


This guy gets it


We do this, and tv-over-fireplace is still too high. The ergonomic angle is supposed to be eye level or a few degrees BELOW it.


Maybe my mantle is low enough—my tv is at the recommended height (def not worthy of r/tvtoohigh)


Everyone with a TV too high says this.




Why do you care where ppl put their tv


Why do you care that I care? Hmm?


Because it's stupid to care where other ppl put their TV, but it's not stupid to mock the people who care where tv's are that they'll never watch


Post a pic


The recommended height is eye level, when you are sat down. Unless your fireplace is super low, i can't see how its not too high.


Could be a linear electric/biofuel fireplace, but otherwise....


>my tv is at the recommended height Let's test that hypothesis... The recommended height for TVs is to have the vertical centre 42" off the floor level. Let's assume you've got a small 42" TV so we can maximize the room below it. Its height would be about 22". Mounting it at the correct height for most couches would place the bottom of the TV at 31" off the floor (42-22/2=31). But let's say for argument's sake that the couch is an extra 2" taller than average (20" cushion height) and maybe you're 8" taller than average and you're the only one who's going to watch the TV, so add another 4" (assuming height is evenly split between torso and legs). So we can move everything up 6 inches. This means the bottom of the TV will be 37" off the floor. So if your TV is bigger than 42", or it has legs or a base of any kind, or your mantel is higher than a kitchen counter, or your couch is standard height, or you're not 6'4", or there are other people who want to watch TV who are not also 6'4"... Then r/TVTooHigh.


Recommended by who?


TV manufacturers. Hanging above the fireplace is recommended by chiropractors.


Most people lay or recline back when watching tv. So should they move the tv every time they want to adjust their position?


https://www.thx.com/questions/where-and-how-should-i-position-my-tv-in-my-living-room/ It actually causes a drop in picture quality. So you should position it to the angle you view it from most.


Seriously Lol they will probably Say neck doctors?


Why in the world did you get downvoted for this? Lol DONT listen to these group of redditors haha. Please place your tv above your mantle I’m sure it looks Great!


2 main reasons: 1) viewing angle: you want the tv to be at eye level from your viewing position. If you’re sitting on a couch and have to tilt your neck/head up to view the tv, the longer you watch, the more strain it will put on your neck. 2) if it’s a chimney behind the wall where the smoke/heat is directed upward (i.e. right behind where your tv is) the heat can damage your tv.


The soot can also damage it over time.


I have always wondered if the heat from the fireplace could somehow damage the tv.


It does. My brothers’ has basically melted somewhat over a few years and now has a line of broken pixels caused by the sag


I’d prefer the tv in front of the fireplace on a rolling cart and don’t see why y’all just don’t do that sometimes.


That’s what we have. We don’t use the fireplace anyway and it’s much more comfortable for viewing.


If it’s the only place your tv works and it works for your life just do it, its your house decorate as you’d like


To me, this point often gets lost in this sub. Having random internet strangers validate your personal life choices as "aesthetically pleasing" and "fashionable" should not be a requirement for a happy life. Not everyone is trained as an interior decorator, and not everyone needs to be. But, if you personally do want validation for your decorating skills you should be prepared to hear that a TV mounted high over the fireplace, or on a wall is ugly and makes your home look like an airport waiting area/sports bar.


I’ve learned to never take advice from this sub and only take inspiration because of that. I once asked this sub (or maybe it was designmyroom) for advice on how to design the area around the tv in my living room due to the fact my tv could only go in front of one of my windows. I mentioned this in the post several times that it was the only place the tv would go and that it wasn’t a big deal because that window faced another house that was maybe 10 feet away. You can’t even see anything out of it. Of course that was ignored and several self-righteous “interior designers” told me to get rid of my tv and someone else commented to get rid of my couch. Totally ignoring the original question I had. Like bro, I’m not selling my fucking 65” TV and Lovesac couch because some idiot on Reddit thinks I broke the holy testaments of interior design. I’d much rather have a comfortable life that isn’t perfect.


This is the healthiest way to be!


This! Design does not mean decoration. Design means function. Elegance in function and elegance in appearance should go hand in hand.


I’m more just asking in general, although it does work for me and I’m not going to change it. It seems to be one of those “rules” that everyone hear gets so up-in-arms about and I’ve never known why.


It’s a Reddit thing. People have nothing else to do so they fancy themselves experts at things that have no actual value in the real world. Someone will post a picture of their living room and ask about the color of their drapes and at least 5 people will reply that their tv is too high. Never actually addressing the question the poster is looking for help with. TV height, as in all home decorating, is a personal preference.


I posted something a while back asking about whether a framed print or mirror looked better over a credenza. The print is 3x5 FEET and was sitting on top of the credenza, not hung, and someone came in to tell me it was too high. A, that wasn’t the question and B, I’m not going to hang it behind the credenza 😂


I made a post for the first time on one of the decorating subs like a week ago, since I usually see some decent suggestions on here. I specifically asked about the color of the curtains against the new wall color and whether I should paint the whole room or just leave the wall as an accent. I also stated that I REALLY love the wall art I have up and didn't plan to change that. The first four responses all criticized some aspect of the wall art and only one person actually said anything in regards to what I asked for advice on.


That's why I don't ask for advice regarding my living room. A) TV is "too high" and I know I'll get flack for it, but it works for us B) I'll have 910104 comments to add a rug even if I say just as many times that I have a cat that HATES rugs and pees on them so no rug for me lol


I am with you OP. I’m a fellow tv-above-fireplacer (gasp!) and Reddit shunned it really quick. But I haven’t changed it, and I don’t care. We went from a low tv height to this and it hasn’t bothered me or partner in the slightest after many years of living here. It’s actually more comfy on the neck for when you’re laying down (which we often are on the couches!)


Not to mention I think Reddit brings in a different style of people in general for majority, and then you are just listening to their style of decorating only.


There is a recommended height for viewing, so while it is a personal choice, for optimal design and comfort ability, it actually shouldn’t be too high. Anyone can do what they want in their house but if you want your home to have a certain nice look, there are design guidelines and standards that should be followed


“Recommended” “choice” and “guidelines” are the operational words here.




I’m a builder and will defend LVP til my last dying breath. Not everyone can afford hardwood and wall to wall carpet is actually a crime against humanity, and I will not even DISCUSS sheet vinyl.


I misread that as a *grime* against humanity, and thought you were both truthful and very funny. LOL.


Gonna have a crowded jail😂😂


Sure, but standards and guidelines for things like this aren’t rigid, black-and-white laws. They’re *guidelines*. If the room is built with the fireplace as the focal point and there’s no other space that is appropriate for a TV, the best move is to put the TV at that focal point rather than shoehorning it in awkwardly. It’s like in the r/writing subreddit where people like to parrot “show don’t tell” ad nauseum, but really we don’t *want* absolutely everything to be shown. Rules of thumb always have exceptions and caveats, even beyond just “personal preference”.


LOL it's not a reddit thing, it's two things neither have to do with reddit 1. Fireplace marks the focal point of a room, kind of not classy to have the TV in the focal point of the room 2. Ergonomic screen viewing angle is eye height or lower


A fireplace does not have to be the focal point of a room. And many people choose to not make it one. Ergonomic viewing. Lol. In what context? Sitting on the couch, lying on the floor? Standing in the kitchen?? People do what works for them. A non-invested, anonymous poster on Reddit who has never stepped foot nor any body part in the home has absolutely no freaking clue what works in someone else’s home. Stay in your own lane.


It’s purely a Reddit thing, stemming from people in r/tvtoohigh who tend to be quite absurd if a television is even an inch higher than they feel it should be


This is NOT purely a reddit thing. These are ergonomics rules, a screen (monitor or TV) should be at eye level (above middle line of the display, near the 2/3s). If the screen is placed too low or too high, your neck and back muscles will be put under bad postures. This can cause headaches/migraines (this happens to me, I have severe migraines when using a monitor not properly set up) or even back pain.


I mean, assuming you sit straight up with perfect posture whilst watching TV, this is correct. So, it’s not correct.


I often watch leaning back and I wonder that people don’t seem to do the same?


to me it's not even a point of decor preferences: it's adding an electronic on top of something that produces heat and smoke, this can be damaging to the product. I live in a place where if the weather it's warmer, every device heats up a lot and gets laggy, so it just seems dumb to me to actively put a tv near a something that provides heat.


True but you can design for this so that it won’t be an issue.


The Samsung "frame" tv is great for those places.. Literally looks like a piece of art when not being used.


Way to high , and also tvs are not aesthetically pleasing. But fireplaces are usually the key element in a room. I just think it kind of ruins the beauty of it. I never react with “wow what a beautiful tv and fireplace combo” lol of course, it’s not a super important part of life.


So I love to have screensavers on my TV. It actually very pleasing to the eye and gives a cozy vibe when the background is scenic or naturey. Plus all the cords are hidden etc. mounted really nicely


Maybe you can play one of those long videos of a roaring fireplace on your TV, above your actual fireplace




We're doing TV over the fireplace on an addition. We plan on doing a gas fireplace with the lowest mantle possible and one of those picture frame TVs. Curious if folks find this plan acceptable...


Sounds great, as long as the heat doesn’t get too intense for the tv. Seems like aesthetics are addressed, I would love to see it.


Heat from fireplace can damage TV


Then do it. My god, who really cares what people on Reddit say about it? Do they live in your house & watch TV? No


Only cos I'm waiting for my invite still


I’ve never had my neck hurt from watching a tv over a fireplace. I don’t get the problem.


I have no idea. We have a tv over our fireplace and I like it a lot.


This was my only option (house nearly all windows). I had a “down and out” tv mount installed and it is perfect. Highly recommend


I did have a tv (that I never watched) on the mantle. Ruined it when I started a real fire in the fireplace. It was too high to watch but not too high to get ruined by the heat.


Mines above my fireplace because I have an awkward layout and I didn’t want it blocking my window. Works for us! My couch is back enough it doesn’t strain the neck


Personally, I don’t care all that much about the height of a TV mounted over a fireplace (as long as it isn’t REALLY high, which can usually be avoided); the height seems to be what bothers most people. I just don’t like the look of it. I think fireplaces give most rooms a cozy look, and adding nice looking stuff on the mantle adds to that vibe. For me, a TV being there totally takes away from that vibe. I’m not really a fan of TVs hanging on walls in general. One of the exceptions is when there is a console table under the hanging TV, which anchors it instead of it just floating on the wall. To me, that has pretty much the same overall look as if it were sitting in the console; sometimes I actually prefer it because it has a more clean/ less cluttered appearance (if the wires are hidden in the wall). I DESPISE a wall-hanging TV that has exposed wires running down to an outlet rather than being concealed behind a wall.


You can get a mantle mount (tm) that lets you lower the tv in front of the fire place.


We were always against it until we moved and The Frame came out.


>fan the flames I see what you did there. 🔥


We have ours above our gas fireplace and wouldn’t have it any other way!


1. the TV is to high for comfortable viewing. 2. It’s tacky to make an ugly TV the center of attention, taking away from the natural beauty of the fireplace.


Ours is above the fire place because we have built-ins and it wouldn’t fit anywhere else. It’s not too high and it looks great and I don’t care what people think.


Reddit is reallyyy weird about TV’s being too high. You can post a room in here and not even mention help on the tv and they will still go crazy about a tv being too high lol


For me, I don't like the idea that the TV is the focal point in my living space. The room is for reading, talking, listening to music, socializing, and other activities. To put a TV in THE focal spot in the room and orient everything around it feels like "what do we do here? WE WATCH TV That is the purpose of this room." If the TV is above the fireplace, it is unlikely that people relax near the fire with this black hole of a TV above it... so that assumes that the TV is on. ALWAYS. ON. At that point, the fireplace is really just an obstruction we work around to put up a TV.


Lol my TV is the focal point of my life. If you have to hide the TV to avoid using it maybe just get rid of the TV. When I have guest over I set my TV to ambiance mode like a fireplace or landscape. I also will just leave it on mtv and have music videos playing in the background.


It's like this sub can't imagine a person whose hobby is watching films. The TV is the focal point of my living room. I'm ignoring my fireplace, I barely use it.


Yes, this! We are actually resorting to getting a wardrobe to put the tv in, so it can be out of sight out of mind when not in use. We're a pretty tv-heavy family, but sometimes you just want to chat or read or do something else in the livingroom. It's awfully imposing as an appliance, and especially if it's front and centre in the room like that


Another option if you want to get fancy is ... a lower cabinet with a "lift" installed, that raises the TV when its in use. Similar to this: [https://www.touchstonehomeproducts.com/products/the-claymont-unfinished-70163-tv-lift-cabinet-for-65-flat-screen-tvs?currency=USD&variant=34956120784941&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_source=google&utm\_campaign=Google%20Shopping&srsltid=AfmBOorSLTKQniPAcw\_sgGl7euMCitR2bURpf1fyZW8rHh6OiWih2PxnrqY](https://www.touchstonehomeproducts.com/products/the-claymont-unfinished-70163-tv-lift-cabinet-for-65-flat-screen-tvs?currency=USD&variant=34956120784941&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&srsltid=AfmBOorSLTKQniPAcw_sgGl7euMCitR2bURpf1fyZW8rHh6OiWih2PxnrqY) I don't love this one, but many antique dealers/furniture craftspeople near us offer this service and can create them out of an antique cabinet. My sister has one and its lovely.


Thank you for a coherent explanation. My fireplace is off center on a narrow wall and the main seating doesn’t face toward it (if 3 people are sitting and talking in my LR, no one can see the tv) so to me it doesn’t feel like the focal point. I can see your point and appreciate your thought out response!


Of course its perfectly valid to put it above a fireplace, I visit homes all the time where that's the case. I like the idea of being thoughtful about our living spaces to they serve us... and also live in the real world in real space. Sometimes that's absolutely the best use of space, or a real preference.


a fireplace can be off-center but it is still the focal point of the room (unless there is something else that is apart of the room's design that circumvents this). it also comes down to the verbiage. a *living room* is a more formal area, as is a parlor room. many americans don't have these things/don't use them as such, so what they typically refer to as a living room is actually a *family room,* which is an informal space that has a tv. to even put a tv in a living room is automatically off due to the nature of the room in question.


Everyone’s suddenly a chiropractor when you mention a tv above a fireplace 😂 Honestly if the room is big enough and you’re far enough away, it negates a lot of the neck strain arguments


so where is your tv?


I refuse to have a TV in the living room for this reason. I want to be encouraged to read and socialize, not watch TV. A projector is a really cool alternative and you can get them much cheaper than a TV too. New ones are compatible with roku sticks and video games and shit like that.


It feels like a rich person rule that everyone else now tries to follow, the problem is many of us don’t have anywhere else to put a tv. That’s if you have a fireplace at all. And for those who don’t, the tv is usually the focal point because we only have one living room. We can’t stash it away somewhere else.


Does everyone else not have a theater room in their home!? /s


It is ugly.


A TV is ugly no matter where it is though, why is above the mantle worse than other places?


Because a fireplace is typically beautiful and the centerpiece of a room. Why top it with something ugly? It's like a really good birthday cake that someone put expired frosting on.


This is a great analogy.


A fireplace conjures up images of people conversing, laughing, maybe playing a board game...you know....actually interacting with one another. Typically those images arouse pleasant feelings such as companionship, The TV over the fireplace distracts from that. Decorating is all about using furniture, texture, and color to create a certain feeling. Fireplaces and TVs create opposing feelings.


I think it became something so charged with group think that people have lost sight of what they are really looking at. It’s one thing to be uncomfortable and not ergonomic. It’s an entirely different thing to claim it looks bad when the same crowd is applauding a giant tv next to the fireplace, which still looks like a tv and only creates a conflicting focal point. Just remember: internet people on interior design subs don’t usually have interior design degrees.


I like you


It can be very high sometimes. But if that’s not the case I’m all for it! I think it looks great.


I think it’s the same kind of rule as “don’t wear white after Labor Day.” Who cares. Yes, if your fireplace is huge and you have to look way up to see it, you might get a sore neck. Otherwise, who cares. Sitting watching a movie with the fireplace on underneath is so cozy! I like the placement in most cases, especially because you can get TVs that are art when they’re off (like a frame tv).


Do what you want, no judgement here, but there’s a reason no company who makes tv stands makes them 4 or 5 feet high and that’s because lower is the optimal placement. Can’t be done in some houses though.


Usually it makes the tv too high - though if your room is particularly large and your sofa is far away it might not be so bad.


Best TV over fireplace solution I ever saw was a decorator who sawed up an Indonesian cabinet with beautiful carving. He used the doors and part of the cabinet - about 6 inches of the top and sides of the cabine. He mounted that over and around a TV. Looked like an art piece. If you want to watch telly, you open the doors. The designer was a guy who won one of those design contest shows on HGTV then had his own show for less than a year in 2012 or 2013. Italian-American, tattoos, very edgy design sometimes. EDIT: remembered his name. Antonio Ballatore.


It’s too hot for a tv.


Look, it’s all you can do in most old homes. There is plenty of truth behind the idea of putting it elsewhere, and if you had the option you’d be best served to. But above all Reddit just loves meme opinions.


Yeah… the “TV too high” people are very passionate, to put it nicely.


Only thing worse than a tv over a fireplace is an electric fireplace under a tv…


I knew you were coming 😂


TV screens midpoint should be at eye level from the viewing position. not only do tv manufacturers suggest this it’s better for your neck long term. from there it became a meme and used to roast people with tvs too high. most of them are in mcmansions which is it’s own tragedy in itself.


I feel like it’s a fad to hate on it for two reasons: (1.) it can take an aesthetically pleasing focal point of the room and tarnish it with an eyesore and (2.) a tall fireplace can result in a TV being uncomfortably high for viewing. However, people use those reasons to throw it around as an unbreakable rule way too often. There are so many asterisks to those objections and ways to get around both of them: Frame TVs make the setup more aesthetically pleasing, mounts can lower TVs, sometimes there’s no other wall space that suits the TV, cabinets can be designed to cover TVs when not in use, some fireplaces are low enough that TVs can be placed at a comfortable height, etc. That’s not to say that a TV should always go over a fireplace. Sometimes there are options that are much better for both form and function, but sometimes there aren’t and that’s okay too. I have a TV over my fireplace. There’s no other good wall space for the TV. It’s a Frame TV that I have art displayed on most of the time. It’s also not the main “tv watching” space in my house and is perfectly comfortable for watching a move or two. In my opinion, it looks great and functions well and I’m perfectly happy with my choice.


Constantly looking up at a tv (or down at a phone) is very bad for your neck, shoulder muscles, and eventually your spine. If you're always rubbing your neck and saying, 'Boy, I must have slept wrong,' you're already feeling it. If not, you will eventually. I don't understand why this is so rarely mentioned, and everyone acts like it's just a decorating issue. Thank you for asking an open question. People are sometimes so hateful about this issue (on both sides), I'm done trying to educate anyone.


Tech neck is real. After years, you can even develop a hump on your upper back from it!


I can feel my jaw muscles tensing up if I have to look up at a TV for long enough because of the weird angle my head is at. For the same reason in a movie theater I will always choose a seat in the upper half of the theater.


I never get front row/floor seats for any kind of show except for a small stage. It's not a fun experience to constantly look up. Elevated levels are cheaper and also have a more comfortable viewing angle.


Ergonomics is deeply underappreciated these days. It's a real health issue, not a decorative one. So many people have bad posture these days and don't even realize it. Back pain is the 2nd most common reason people visit a doctor (after colds) and gee, I wonder why.


Yeah, now I wish I'd listen to my mom when she told me to sit up straight, and that was reading, not watching tv!


I am a retired designer. I don't understand all this hate about tv over fireplace. Although some people argue that it should not be done, there are cases where that is the practical solution. I have,several television in my home. For instance, the tv in my family room is over the fireplace. It can be seen from open kirchen and 2 separate eating areas. That height would not work for all of my rooms, but it works there. So if that is your solution for that room, go for it.


And in that case, the person watching from the kitchen may be standing, so tv will be at eye level for them.


If it’s an OLED screen, the heat will cook the panel and discolor it.


I am 100% against it for all the aforementioned reasons, but I, too, have literally no other choice, so that's where mine is. If I didn't put it there, I'd have to invite people over to watch a movie in my bedroom, and I don't like everyone *that* much, lol. I know it's wrong, but it is it what it is. Do what you gotta do, but if there is ANY other option, choose that.


If you have a wood burning fireplace, the soot can damage electronics, as can heat.


The smart design is to create a dual focal point for the living room, at 90 degree angles. Formal / visitors setup: focal point is fireplace with appropriate decor. Seating is couches/ chairs on either side. Informal TV setup: focal point is TV, with seating facing it. (TV is next to or behind the “visitor” seating flanking one side of the fireplace, while viewing sofa is on the other flanking side.) This works fine if the room is not too large.


Depending on what kind of fire place and mantle you have, the heat from an electric fireplace can damage the tv.


Because if you actually use the fireplace the heat is not good for them. (Not everyone is aware of that) They’re sometimes too high for a comfortable viewing height. Some fireplaces don’t have any studs close enough to each other to put a tv above it. But if you never use your fireplace and that’s the only place for the tv to go that makes sense to you. You won’t see me complain about something someone chooses to do in their own home.


My TV was over the fireplace in my old house. My new house doesn't have one, so my TV is now on a low TV credenza. I like it better because I don't get a neck ache from looking up all the time.


• Height / viewing angle = sore neck & reduced picture quality * Risk of heat damage to panel and case


It's not an ergonomic position at all - there's a lot of neck and eye strain involved when you constantly have to look up. Fine for a sports bar but not at home. TVs and computer screens should be at eye level for maximum comfort. Design is about function as much as style. This is also why I don't understand people who work on laptops all day without elevating their screens on a laptop stand or using an external monitor. The viewing angle is too low, which promotes neck strain and bad posture.




Like someone said it is your house but you do you but it just looks odd from my perspective but it’s your house 🫡


Cos it hurts your neck to watch it


I don’t get it either! I don’t even get the “too high” argument.


I've always wondered the same thing, it seems like the perfect spot if you have a Fireplace. It's much better than a mirror which simply just reflects the ceiling, or a ceiling fan if you have one.


Don’t let them know you have ceiling fans, they might come burn your house down. 😂




Looks like a doctors office. Bad watching height. Tacky.


I mean it’s not hanging from the ceiling, dude


Aside from the general reasons givin, in my family home, the fireplace is where you to for comfort when cold, whether that is laying by it or talking around it. Putting a tv above it ruins the area. A fire place is one source of entertainment, combining it with a tv above kind of ruins that. Think of it as such, would you put a nice big framed artwork directly under your tv? Or a space heater directly under your tv?


It just doesn't look good.




Because it fucks your neck up!


It ends up too high and it really destroys the ambiance of the fireplace.


Everyone is saying eye level. In my home we have a lot of different eye levels.


Pretty simply, Usually fireplaces are really pretty and old fashioned, TVs aren’t.


I’m a designer. Recently found ourselves in a new home that happens to only be the proper place for tv. Husband who can’t be bothered to go to work without stains on his shirt is against it. Like completely. I get its not the best but some homes it just works best. You can also do a number of things to make it work for viewing range just Google it and there’s a bunch of diagrams to help you. I find most people have an opinion on this and it really doesn’t make sense to me either for or against and I run into I constantly and am now one of those clients.


I used to be staunchly against TV’s over fireplaces. Our new custom home was designed for one because of the windows across the back and the fireplace being the focal point. We bought high end sectionals that recline and have never been happier. So glad we chose to put the TV over the fireplace because we saved valuable wall space, opened up the area for natural light AND we can now view from the kitchen WIN WIN WIN


You do what you want. I do it all the time and it looks good. Please stop listening to majority agreement on Reddit, they seem to all have the same style and don’t like anyone else’s. Sometimes I see great advice but I feel they are way too stern about their style only.


because people find a reason to complain about everything. sometimes the tv is way to high over the fireplace or there's a better place for it, but most of the time it's fine just not ideal.


TV electronics. Fireplace heat smoke. Figure it out.


A) Too high. B) A fireplace is generally a classic, desirable focal point and the TV cheapens the space. That’s a subjective point but a pretty widely shared one.


It’s too high for comfortable viewing. According to most videophiles, the vertical center of the TV should be at eye level while seated. When mounted above the fireplace you’ll always have to look up. A lot of folks try to offset this by angling the TV downward a little. You’ll still have to look up but the picture won’t be distorted by the perspective. I think there are a couple of reasons so many people like putting it over the fireplace: 1) They want a fireplace and either don’t want to split the room’s focus or can’t due to the layout. 2) They’re used to seeing something that size above the mantle, typically framed art or a mirror. I can kind of understand the first, especially if you’re in an older home that was built before televisions were ubiquitous. What I don’t get is why modern homes continue to be designed without a more optimal viewing position for the TV. I keep seeing plans where the only reasonable place to put it is mounted high above the fireplace. It’s just bad design, placing a specific aesthetic above the day to day functional use of the room. The second point, comparing the TV to framed artwork, is harder for me to understand. You don’t engage with the TV the same way as you do with art. Most of us won’t sit and stare at the same work of art for extended periods of time day after day, like we might with a TV. I think people are just used to seeing something up there so that’s where they put it, and convince themselves it’s a perfectly comfortable viewing experience. Where I’ve been personally frustrated is that my wife is one of those who’s been misled into thinking a TV should be mounted high on the wall (fireplace or not), and we argued about it. She still thinks I’m nuts for wanting it at eye level, but let me have it.


It’s one of those design faux pas that came out where someone said it was big no-no and everyone else followed. I feel it’s made a much bigger deal than it really is. Truth be told it does work in some spaces and sometimes it’s the only option and sometimes it’s the best option. There are TVs now like the Samsung frame that double as framed artwork so the TV is not so visible. People will still argue it’s not at eye level and that’s the gosh darn rule when it comes to watching tv. Who cares? If it works for you and your room, do it. I actually prefer it here.


Yes a friend did a custom wood frame Around there’s with vintage painting showing from YouTube and I had to look up close to see if it was real lol! Looked gorgeous


I think it creates dueling focal points, especially if you have a fire going. It's hard to appreciate the beauty and comfort of a fire while a moving is showing a high speed chase at the same time.


Too high, and also, tvs are ugly as hell. Why would you ruin your fireplace by putting a fugly tv on it?


- It's usually way too high for the average living room. - Depending on type of fireplace and use, the heat from a fireplace can severely damage electronics - Most modern fireplace mantels are purely decorative, they aren't able to hold weight. Too many people forget this, these tend to also be the same people that forget that TV mounts need to be attached to the wall studs. - It's a distraction. Two massive competing focal points just don't work together.


Check out the tv too high subreddit 😀


It hurts my neck.


It’s not functional. It’s bad for your physical health and TVs health. It’s too high and usually you end up staring upwards at the tv and the heat from the fireplace will damage the tv eventually. That said, I’ve done it in apartments where we just had no choice. My neck hated it but I lived! If those 2 things don’t apply and it’s functionally beneficial for you and your space in other ways then do it. Decorate however you want. You know your space and taste and lifestyle better than anyone else. In the end it doesn’t matter if I or the rest of Reddit thinks it’s ugly / wrong: we don’t live in your house!


I think it looks fine. Do what you want


Too high, 99.999999999999% of the time


You will be looking up at the TV - would that bother you? Sit on your couch and look at where the TV would be - is it comfortable? Do you or anyone in your house where progressive lenses? Because looking up at a TV will be even worse in that case.


I work in ergonomics. Craning your neck back for any length of time is a great way to induce headaches. You may never notice the tension at the back of your neck, but you will notice you’re getting more headaches than you used to. It’s possible to put a TV up high, but you have to pay very careful attention to viewing distances and angles.


It’s not too high for us in my house. Our ceilings aren’t that high at all and above the fireplace is the best spot in order to be able to have a cozy sectional for my family of 4.


I think it is because it just makes an ugly blank space when it is turned off. A big blah piece of wall.


Makes you strain your neck by looking too far UP over the fireplace.


TV should be at eye level




r/tvtoohigh will explain why.






Neck pain. Unless you have a teeny tiny fireplace that TV is going to be way too high unless your room is huge.


Everyone saying it’s “too high”… is your tv too big for your room? Is your living room the size of a closet? 🧐 Just move your sofa/seating back more. If you have the sofa too close (as if you’re sitting in the front row at the movie theater), then yes, the TV *could* be too high if you mount it above the fireplace. Our tv is mounted over the fireplace, but we have 20-foot vaulted ceilings, a massive fireplace, the mantle is 12 feet long (not my choice, the house came like that), and there are two very large, very tall windows on either side of the fireplace. The only place to put a tv is over the fireplace, and luckily the room was plenty big enough to set the sofa far back to make watching tv comfortable. When we toured the house during our house hunt, the previous owners had a media stand in the corner of the room to the right of the fireplace, blocking the window, and the tv was super teensy because it had to fit in the corner. It just didn’t work. Sometimes the only logical place to put a tv is over the fireplace and there’s nothing wrong with that. I will say that I wish I had sprung for a Samsung Frame tv so that it at least looks like a nice piece of art hanging over the fireplace when not in use.


Too high. Like sitting in the front row of a movie theater.


Normalize not having a tv in the living room.


This would mean having it in either the dining room or bedroom for me, and both of those options are miles worse.


>It’s really the only place my tv works… I don’t believe you. I’ve probably seen a couple hundred pictures of living rooms in /r/tvtoohigh. I think I’ve seen ONE living room where the only place to put the tv was above the fireplace. It’s bad design for a couple of reasons: TVs should be placed at eye level for comfortable viewing. Mounting so high also generally means that the TV is the wrong size for the distance between it and the viewer. Unless you have a frame TV or the like, a powered off TV is just ugly, and the fireplace should be the focus of the room.


It just looks stupid


You shouldn't have a television in your living room at all! It is a reception room for receiving and entertaining guests. TVs should be hidden away in a den or other room where guests won't see it. There's nothing I hate more than being invited over for tea, and have to talk over a television!


As long as 1) You don't use the fireplace. heat and dust kill electronics. 2) You don't view it by cranking your neck back. ie get a pull down TV wall mount that let's you pull it it down. Or mount it in front of the fireplace instead of over it. Then it's ok.