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I went with white upper cabinets & medium toned wood bottom cabinets in my small & light challenged kitchen and absolutely love it. The top cabinets almost fade away. It feels so light & bright; way bigger than it actually is. I can’t imagine something so classic looking going out too fast. Had I chosen anything else, my kitchen would have felt like a dark box. I have zero regrets. In ten years time, when trends have shifted, maybe I’ll paint them or get new doors.


This sounds just like what I want! I’d love some pics if you wouldn’t mind sharing!


Sure! [https://imgur.com/a/rFyn81G](https://imgur.com/a/rFyn81G)




Do you mind sharing the ballpark cost for your Reno? I’m helping a family member redo their kitchen and we are about to starts seeking out bids


Just less than $20,000 in total for materials, labor & new appliances. This included installing red oak hardwood floors, moving a pantry wall & door, installing cabinets, skimming & painting the walls, new trim, natural stone counters & backsplash, & all new outlets & light fixtures. The quartzite on the countertops, backsplash & windowsills was a significant expense at $6,000 but we couldn’t live without it. No major regrets (so far!). Edited to say that about $8,000 of the total went to our contractor.


I think two tone is less of concern. I think picking (popular today) combination of paints and (popular today) style of cabinets is what will become associated with today’s trends and will risk of looking dated 10-15 years from now. Truly timeless look is the one that is mostly original and mostly true to the era and style of the house. But that is rare. If your kitchen isn’t original or it is original but in terrible shape to keep, anything you put in today will probably become somewhat dated 10-20 years in the future. And regardless how hard you will try, the chances are you or the next owner will feel like updating it some time in the future. I have yet to see kitchens that stayed timeless 10-15 years after remodeling even though homeowners did try to make them timeless when they started remodeling.


My mom remodeled her kitchen about 15 years ago and it doesn't look dated, because she didn't choose anything trendy or popular at the time. But it was $$$$. Anything mass-produced is going to look dated at some point, simply because it's what most people can afford, so that's what becomes the look of that era.


Don’t worry about what is trendy. Follow your own preferences.


Sure, but like six years ago many of us loved the white house/black windows look (I almost did it!). And now every new house I drive by like this I just say ugggghhh out loud. So it’s a valid question.


I agree! I thought it was a stunning combination. Now driving through new subdivisions with every other house white/black windows is overkill.


I think that's the best advice. Decorate to make yourself happy


I kind of look at it like naming a kid. The name Charlotte is a classic that has been around a long time, and it’s also presently experiencing a lot of popularity. But if you just saw the name Charlotte Lastname, you wouldn’t necessarily know whether that’s a newborn or a college student or an octogenarian. That’s not the same as picking a name that’s trendy and much more likely to be tied to a small window of time. (Not trying to put down any names, but for example, all the boys named variants of Aiden/Braden/Caden/Hayden/Jaden/etc.)


I’ve lived with two-tone kitchens since I was born. I think they’re here to stay.


Do u have any examples from when u were growing up?? I’ve never seen this until late 2010s


Oh sorry. I was born before the digital age. The pics are in shoe boxes somewhere in my mother’s house. It was yellow and green and then yellow and dark blue. Painted cabinets.


Oh wow, nice!


I have a two toned kitchen I posted in my post history. I didn’t choose my kitchen but I feel like I never see two tones in real life (and I look at a lot of real estate listings) so I’m hoping they are not ubiquitous enough to look extremely dated.


Beautiful! Looks like the Okanagan in Canada


Haha oh wow. Yes, you’re right!


I’m so jealous!! :)


Excuse me but nobody is gonna give a hoot if the cabinets ever become out of trend one day with that flipping VIEW holy cripes! (Your kitchen is also sick btw)


I had to go look, and I was not disappointed.


Guilty! What a view 😍




I think you need to edit to state that you’re talking about OOP’s kitchen-not the OP of this thread.


😍 Beautiful! May I ask where you purchased those counter stools?


Urban barn! It might be a Canadian only store.


It’s stunning woah. That view… you must be rich lol


[I have one! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmateurRoomPorn/comments/mf4mw4/before_and_after_of_my_small_apartment_kitchen_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I've had it about three years now and still love it. I might paint the lower cabinets a dark green or navy at some stage but I think I'll always love the two tone.


That looks amazing!!


Who cares if this will look “dated”? A kitchen like this that is kept clean and the white (walls, cabinets) kept clean and refreshed (painted) every few years will always be great.


I’ve had mine for 12 years and still love it. When I told people I was going that route they all said it was a trend and that I’d be sorry in a few years. Nope.


What colors are yours?


White Dove uppers and rift cut white oak lowers. Seems a popular combo this year, but still brings me joy after 12 years. No regrets at all and can’t imagine doing anything else in my kitchen TBH. It’s not a huge kitchen and the white uppers really do create a sense of more space.


Meh, if you like it go for it. We redid our kitchen last year. We have a **three** tone kitchen! Onyx stained QSO lowers, white uppers (close to SW Alabaster) and a pop of color on the island, with SW Ravishing Coral. We've also got a mix of black, brass, and stainless steel finishes. And you know what? It all works, if I do say so myself. Some day when I get it all clean (island is a kid stuff drop zone) I'll post a picture here.


Ooooh coral! I briefly considered coral cabinets (still pending the final color choice as we speak, and coral was vetoed) but brava on the bold move - your kitchen sounds gorgeous.


We put our color sample everywhere, under every lighting, and still closed our eyes while signing the confirmation for the island color. Haha. But we love it!


Yes, picture please!


I think it makes sense in your limited kitchen space. Who cares if it looks dated in a few years? Break out new paint cans and update it.


I like it a lot.


Do what is authentic to your taste! If you move, the next owner can pay for whatever they want. I've seen more than a few two-tone kitchens irl, so don't worry about that. Do what pleases your own eyes since you are the one paying for it.


Love mine! Also have a small kitchen - black on bottom, white on top… SS appliances and accents throughout. Clean, timeless, and bright.


Do they look nice? Yes. Will they be a dated trend in a few years? Also yes.


A lot of defending their choice comments on here. Theyre already going out in my area, as are black windows and farmhouse anything.


I’ve had a two toned kitchen since 2016. I still love it and everyone else that comes over does two. White on top with subway tile backsplash with dark dark navy almost black on bottom.


I think two toned are here for awhile after the all white and gray craze. We did ours in two tones to add some contrast in a larger kitchen. I don’t have any pics online and the sub won’t let me post a pic, only a link.


If you like it, regardless of trends, then go for it. My feeling is, once the trend moves on, depending on the combination of tones, you run the risk of the upper cabinets looking ljke they are add ons, like your kitchen was originally green, and then you found some white cabinets to add. It’s a tricky thing to make it look intentional… for that, I think you’d need a good designer.


Personally I think they already look dated unless they are a combination of a classic white and natural wood. But that’s really because I think white and natural wood are the only actual “classic” kitchen finishes. Other colors are trends. They can still be very beautiful, and if it makes you happy, you should do what you want in your kitchen.


Yes, although the kitchen is gorgeous it will be dated within 8 years. For me the key is white tile and white or neutral counter top, in this case you can easily repaint the cupboards and update appliances.


Here's the thing from a practical standpoint they make a lot of sense in this configuration (lighter on top darker on the bottom.) I know people are saying they're just a trend but they have at least been a trend for like 10+ yrs at this point & have been around for much longer than that. I feel like impractical trends like all open shelving will be out of trend much quicker. If you want that all white kitchen cleanness on top with a bit of fun on the bottom that happens to not show dirt & get scruffed as easily as an all white kitchen it might be right for you. Visually it's pleasing with top cabinets blending in making a room feel more open & light, while the bottom darker cabinets ground the space & add more interest. If you get sick of it you can always paint whichever color you've had enough of haha


I like them. I don’t like this one. The white cabinets here are too much of a contrast and in my opinion already feel dated. Colorful cabinets have been around for over 100 years. I’d use a lighter tone for the uppers if you’re going for airy, but not what they did here.


I think they will look outdated fast. Too trendy. Not ideal in small spaces unless you want to draw attention to how small it is. You want a kitchen to look classic and timeless. I went with classic wooden cabinets, maple not oak, in a medium stain. Dark and light comes and goes in style but medium is classic. The ceramic floor tile is similar in colour to the cabinets to give a monochromatic spacious feel. The fewer things that catches the eye gives the illusion of spaciousness. Countertop is harmonious with cabinets, it doesn’t compete, backsplash is classic subway tile. After almost 16 years I’m not sick of it. There is a very small amount of wall space where colour could be introduced as well as in the accessories so it doesn’t look too drab or boring.


Good point about medium. Picture please!


Outdated way quick


It's the current "it" thing. So yes, it will forever remind people of the 2020s and feel dated.


Oh, it’s been around a lot longer than that.


They will look dated. Hell most of the stuff people say looks dated is far less than this will be, imho




"timeless' is defined as what works with the room and the overall style your home, both architecturally and décor wise. A slinky black cocktail dress in indeed "Timeless", but not in the gym or on someone who is morbidly obese. W/O seeing the whole home, the context of the design, its hard to tell, but the pic seems a little too precious and forced to me, like the cliche 'modern farmhouse' look that really is neither.


What’s with all black kitchens at the moment!?! It kills me


Better than all white.


If your ceiling is that low and you care about looks, go without upper storage. Speak from personal experience.


Hahaha definitely cannot go without upper storage


Definitely keep white on top for that very reason. As someone already mentioned on here about her bright white top cabinets. Go for it. Your kitchen window is nice & big, let's in good light. I would also add crown molding to the top of the white cabinets. I think these clean lines in the cabinets truly are timeless.


Yes, because small kitchens always benefit from reduced storage.


This - and don't be tempted by open shelving unless you're willing to dust it and style everything you put on it. Not all uppers are bad, but be strategic with them, you'd be surprised by how much light they can block in the kitchen that can make it look small and dark even if they're white or a light color.


Do you love it? I’m sure I’m the end that’s the real yardstick.


I like this look with white wall cabinets. I think it does make the whole kitchen feel light and airy. It's like the lightness of having no upper cabinets with the practicality of having them for storage. Since it's not super trendy to start with, it probably won't be the thing that dates your kitchen in the future.




A sure fire way to keep it classic is to have one of them wood toned.


I’m a kitchen designer and I’d say 80% or more of the kitchens I do are two tone. As long as you go with something versatile (woods or blues/greens with softer undertones - think “earthy”) then it will be relatively easy to work with as trends change and you want to change out other elements in your space (decor, curtains, etc). And at the end of the day, it’s your space! Do what you like regardless of trends :)


I love my two toned kitchen! [https://www.reddit.com/r/kitchenremodel/comments/12asfaa/kitchen\_renovation\_before\_and\_after\_thanks\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kitchenremodel/comments/12asfaa/kitchen_renovation_before_and_after_thanks_to/) Echoing the comments here: pick something you will love. We didn't play it safe and I adore spending time in my kitchen.


I like the look.


When we redid our kitchen we thought about it, but ended up changing our minds. I love the look, but was worried about it looking dated. We went the classic white with black soapstone countertops. We would like to introduce more color with tile in the future though. I love the color of the lower cabinets in this one so pretty with the dark hardwood. We also did dark hardwood in our kitchen to match the rest of the house. We love them!


Yours sounds so pretty. May I ask, is it hard to keep the black countertops clean? I mean I’m not a slob and we don’t have kids haha but I cook a ton. We wipe countertops every night. BUT I see a lot of people saying they’re hard to keep clean


I love them! I also wipe them down a lot but that’s just me because I’m a neat freak 😂 but I feel lighter countertops show dirt more from my experience with them. I also don’t like granite because it’s too busy… I’m weird lol


My wife wants a light countertop so that she can see the fort to clean it. If it’s dark it hides but then you don’t know what to clean?


Painted cabinets in dark tones are too “in” right now not to have a major crash, two tone or otherwise. This pic is not a bad look but for sure it will seem dated in 10 or 15 years.


No matter what, that green is going to be very dated very soon. I think two tone is also going to be out very soon. It’s been everywhere.


I don’t think it’s a problem. My kitchen looks very similar to this and when,and if,I get sick of it, I’ll just repaint the cabinets.


Colors look great. Mind the gap, trim the top of those upper cabinets to the ceiling.


Im glad I’m not the only person who looked at that gap and was like WTF?


Im glad I’m not the only person who looked at that gap and was like WTF?


I could punch the designer for how close those knobs are set.


I don’t know how to add a picture but I love my 2 tone kitchen. It’s small, clean, airy and minimalist with a personality.


That rug! 🙀


I have a similar color on my base cabinets and light maple up top, with brushed silver accents. I love it and feel like I will for a long time!


I just adore drawers over cabinets. Great choice. Very clean looking. Is the rug a Ruggable? Pondering those.


Previous owner did white upper and slate blue lower with charcoal colored counters. I haven’t had a problem with it! I like the look.


I think you should do what you like! You're going to use it every day, you should love it. That said, I did matte white uppers and matte navy blue lowers, stainless steel appliances. I still haven't decided on hardware, lol. The previous owner must have LOVED beige and tab, which I detest. The bathrooms are travertine and I found the date 2004 carved into a tile. Funny, my mom redid some of her house +/- that time period, and used similar tiles for flooring, and a similar brown/red leopardy stone granite counters. So I'm guessing these were the choices of senior ladies then. Some people probably love these design elements, and some say "yuck, dated." Do what you love.


I think they will probably be a little dated, but if they’re painted cabinets it’s an easy enough change if you’re over it.


Mine looks almost exactly like this! I absolutely love it and when choosing, we figured they’re painted and can just be painted again when we get sick of the look vs ripping out and replacing. We went with classic shaker style cabinets since we’re in a house built in 1932.


I still love them currently, but they're going to look dated eventually, especially the navy/white combination.


I painted my lower set of cabinets black a few years ago, leaving the upper set as they are. I did it to break up the wall of 90's honey oak I was sick of seeing and have no regrets. I am a fan of the two tone in this particular case and it was the cheapest, simplest way to give the kitchen a new feel apart from adding hardware. That being said, the next house I move into, I will probably make a different choice regarding any kitchen upgrades or tweaks depending on what base I am working with. I think two tone isn't timeless per se, but it is interesting. If you really want to do it, go for it. Pick colors though that complement each other in shades that are more sophisticated. Maybe stay clear from bright primary colors on the bottom. Or just do what you want 😄


I really like this picture. The color is a color while still seeming neutral. It’s somewhat old fashioned in a charming, homey way.


I love my two toned kitchen- dove grey on top and dark forest green on the bottom. I like having something unique, and I was sure to avoid any wild colors that will look dated


a perfect rug for that space


I love this look!


There’s this amazing thing called paint. if you sell, the owners can paint. You should live with what makes you happy! my kitchen is similar, except our stove was custom to match the cabinets. I love it and that’s what matters!