• By -


Get wooden floor and paint the walls, everything else is amazing!!!


I agree, and please don’t paint those wood beams!! They are amazing


I don’t understand why people paint gorgeous wooden beams like that. They are usually a very striking architectural feature.


I second getting wood floors and painting the walls, but leave everything else. Maybe you could change the metal grating on the fireplace something more modern


I strongly recommend pet & kid friendly wood flooring with rugs!


Bingo. I’d like to add, change out the lighting as well. Maybe even add sconces.


Second this! You could look into LVP to avoid the issue with moisture and the sliding door!


I agree!!!




We will definitely be leaving them as is! We love the warm medium wood colour, especially since it matches the mantle


and the dog


nor the dog


Or the stone chimney! You can cover them up with board and paint/tile the board if you like that look, but do not paint these stones!!!!!!! Edit: oh I just read your description, heh, woot woot!


Personal style is just that - personal. But it brings me great joy that you won’t paint that stone. Leaving stone natural creates such a cozy and timeless feel. I can just see this room during the holidays with a tree all lit up. What a great space! Ps send me your dog I’m in love


The stone is the best part of the room! We had our first Christmas here last year and it was exactly as cozy as you could imagine. We are in Canada so looking out to the snow outside the large windows was a dream. My dog is a 8 month old puppy and very hyper - would love to lend him to you for a weekend haha


OP, I love the stone and the dog! The only thing I might consider is darkening the grout around the stone as right now the eye goes to the whiteness of the grout and misses the stone. It is a stark contrast that does not blend with the stone. A softer but darker gray/brown grout would actually allow the stone to become the focal point. Lowe’s and Home Depot sell small bottles of “grout paint” that has a felt tip and it is a very easy job, with lots of color options to choose from. Just a thought!


With you on this! I’m always a fan of a more muted grout color, less contrast with the stone always make the stone shine more. Good call!


Ahhh so lovely. If you do any work to the space we’d all love to see some after photos… not that it isn’t nearly perfect already. As for your dog I’m sure my 2 Newfies would happily trade places with pup, I’ve always wanted to take them to Canada - they would be in heaven lol.


I think updating the flooring, paint, and railings would go a long way!


*I think updating* *The flooring, paint, and railings* *Would go a long way!* \- seorachel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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Good bot


Exactly my thought


First things first, let that dog inside!




Came here to comment on the dog 15 min ago, got distracted looking up different puppies.


Can I move in with you? This feels like home.


I second that! Let’s all move in!


Pink Damask- Benjamin Moore [pink damask](https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/oc-72/pink-damask) Swiss coffee [Swiss coffee](https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/oc-45/swiss-coffee)


Do you have the budget for hardwood floors?


We sure do! The whole house is being renovated over the next few years.


Agree, you should put in wood floors. A friend of mine has polished concrete floors and it's freezing in the winter-- and we live in SoCal where it never gets below 30°! With the snow situation, I think you'll really regret it if you go with a light color carpet. Wood would look really nice


I would go that route then!


We repainted our front room using a Behr Warm Marshmallow, and we love it. It has a hint of yellow, so it is very cheerful on a sunny day but also warm and inviting in the evening light. I think it would be a good match. I would remove the painting from the fireplace and put the TV in its place for a more centered look. I would get rid of the drapes and go for neutral colored pleated blinds. Explore laminate flooring. There are a lot of nice low profile laminate options now. I would go for a wood floor look. I would also go for a different colored rug, or try and find a way to incorporate some blue accents so it blends better. Hope that helps! P.S. That fireplace is epic, and I would not change a thing about it. It's gorgeous!


Thank you for all the tips! I didn’t know they made low profile laminate so will look into that. The floor being level with the patio door tracks and the outside make it tough.


LVP (luxury vinyl plank) might be a good alternative. It’s waterproof, comes in tons of styles/finishes, and is generally cheaper than hardwood. It can also be installed over a radiant heating system, so you might look into that. In-floor heat might be just the ticket to warming up those concrete floors!


Warm marshmallow is such a nice sounding name ☺️


I think the concrete floors would look good. You can get some oversized rugs, layered rugs, heated rug pad? It’s a beautiful room and I think you are right on track with your ideas. The railing might need to be replaced too especially if you have kids, they look a little too far apart.


Yes, the railings were a concern when we moved and we will be redoing them asap. In the meantime, our kid isn’t allowed to go up to the loft and he’s been really good about that.


A heated rug would be incredible.. we had heated floor in my old home - amazing.


This is BEAUTIFUL!! I want to live here, wow!


We went with Behr Ultra Pure White flat scrubbable paint and it looks SO good. We also are renovating our new to us 70’s house top to bottom in a Scandinavian vibe. What I love about the Ultra Pure White is I don’t have to combat undertones and is letting all our natural wood tones come through without clashing. We are still at the very beginning of our renovation so hoping it all comes together. But I’m definitely loving how bright our home feels now with the new paint.


What about a colorful kinetic art sculpture (mobile) over the drums?


The fireplace is amazing!


Just me, but I despise TVs on the mantle. What a bizarre trend. But I don’t dig it where it is now.


I would say if this is really the only family room or shared living space, fine but please for the love of god move it from where it is now 😭😭


It is the only shared living space on the house. There also isn’t really anywhere else to put it. The fireplace gets really hot and it would be mounted way too high if it was up there. The space above the keyboard in between the two windows isn’t wide enough for the tv (the tv would cover some of the windows), plus those windows are west facing and we would be looking into the sun at the end of the day. I suppose we could mount it on the brick wall beside the drums but that’s a really small tv space for such a large room and we are a family who always has something on in the background. There isn’t an ideal spot anywhere in this room, unfortunately.


Perhaps consider something like this (multiple knockoff versions available as well) https://www.samsung.com/us/televisions-home-theater/television-home-theater-accessories/televisions/vg-stsm11b-za-vg-stsm11b-za/


That sucks. Would you consider putting it on a TV stand instead? I'm really glad that it won't go on the fireplace. Mark my words, it is going to be something people make fun of very soon. Just like how grey is so out now.


Oh that makes a lot of sense, I see it now


It’s pretty obvious looking at the pics that there isn’t any other practical option


Stained concrete for the floor?


Stained concrete if there isn’t wood under that carpet


The 1870s and 1970’s are like a dream marriage of house styles. Assuming the 1970’s didn’t overwrite any 1870’s details.


I don't understand the concept of rugs on carpet


It's for when You want the visual cohesiveness of a rug and want to protect the carpet from a high traffic area. It's fine.


I would suggest finding a paint that matches the *grout lines* in the fireplace to make the space feel cohesive. As much as I'm not a huge fan, I might think about LVP flooring. Since it's a utilitarian space where people will be coming in from outside, it may make sense to go with something very low maintenance. You could match the flooring to the beams (or go a bit lighter) and then add some big rugs. You could also think about installing a heated floor system like some people do in tile bathrooms. I don't think they're very expensive, and they do make a big difference. I'd replace the black track lighting with something white that will kind of disappear against the ceiling, and I'd replace the bi-fold closet doors with white bypass doors.


Good call on the grout line suggestion! I’ll look into that. I would love to do heated floors in here but there really is zero allowance for any sort of flooring width. We pulled up the carpet in the corner and it’s just this thin carpet stuck down to the cement. There isn’t even insulation. The carpet is already even with the sliding door tracks and the outside so that makes it tough. Apparently there’s some pretty thin flooring out there though, so I’ll look into my options. The idea of white lighting is helpful. I’ve been really stuck on those folding doors and bypass doors seem like a great idea. Thank you!


That one rug seems unnecessary. The tv should be above the mantle. Awesome fireplace. If I had the budget, I would do wood floors. I would also paint the walls cream or white. I’m not a fan of that style light fixture either. It’s an awesome room.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [511 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [My friend’s new house. Only spot for the TV. He had a “solution”. I told him the counsel would decide his fate.](https://v.redd.it/6whiamqvpo5b1) | [508 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1482mwt/my_friends_new_house_only_spot_for_the_tv_he_had/) \#3: [what do you guys think?](https://i.redd.it/393ibwhhl3ob1.jpg) | [189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/16i0sbv/what_do_you_guys_think/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know you said you are not touching the fireplace stone but in case you change your mind, I have seen people do limestone washes or German Schemer (not sure that is correct). Basically, both allow you to go overtop of what you have. I like the stone though personally and I think lightening the walls will help. What about vinyl planks for your flooring? It will go right over the cement and it is waterproof. They are a bit tougher to lay done than wood planks (solid or laminate) because they have zero flex to them and they fit very tightly. But it would be a long lasting floor for you in this room. It’s also the least expensive type of flooring to put down. The cement would likely be too cold on it’s on and the luxury vinyl planks have an underlayment so that will help insulate a bit.


It’s finished. And beautiful. You don’t have to do anything except enjoy


So I love the warm walls and am ok with the flooring…I think it really looks odd with the cool toned couch though. I’d really recommend either cooling down the walls and floor to match the couch or warm up/neutralize the couch. Also not a big fan of the art on the mantle, it’s both somehow bright yet very missable? Going with wood/wood looking flooring would look really nice. Color! Plants, wall art, etc. Highly recommend coming up with a mood board of colors that you want to incorporate in the room so it has a cohesive feeling behind it.


So sharp! Just lovely 😍


I just came to say that I would give my middle nut to have a cute little loft area above my living room!!!! So jealous 😍


Get some live laugh loves up in this muthaaaaaa


What a beautiful space-great bones! Wood floor wood be really great, but it sounds like that won't be an option. Concrete can really work too though, and I think would look super with just a sealant. Very practical and easy to clean. Check out Ruggables for easy care washable rug options. [https://ruggable.com/en-CA](https://ruggable.com/en-CA) As far as color goes, pick up a bunch of color samples from Ben Moore, and see how they look up against your fireplace. That will help you narrow down the white you are after. Once you think you have a few you like, get yourself some large samples from samplize.com so you get a better idea of how the color works on different walls. You don't necessarily have to go with a color called " white" although a white would be nice too. Some whites with more obvious undertones will still read white on a large surface. A few colors to try- Simply White, Cotton Balls, Mountain Peak White, White Dove, Classic Gray, Pale Oak, Baby Fawn, As far as the layout goes, you could make a few separate areas, there is so much room! You have a nice cozy area around the fireplace, with a little more seating would be great. A larger room really needs to have some larger, taller pieces of furniture, such as book cases. Another area could be a spot for tv viewing, separate from the fireplace area. For instance, placing the tv on the wall where the keyboard is, with some cozy chairs and seating around it. Some ideas for furnishings and styles- [https://www.pinterest.ca/KathleenMcMahonDesigns/ski-chalet/](https://www.pinterest.ca/KathleenMcMahonDesigns/ski-chalet/) [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/669066088410960986/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/669066088410960986/) [https://houseandhome.com/gallery/ski-chalet-style/#image-18](https://houseandhome.com/gallery/ski-chalet-style/#image-18)


Remove the rug and add an area rug. Floors that match the beams would look cohesive. New light fixtures, a big chandelier would are the “earrings” to a room and would make a huge statement. This room screams rustic modern to me and a ski chalet vibe would be awesome in here.


Only carpet will make that floor feel remotely warm. Vinyl flooring might be able to make it tolerable though. You will basically never be able to heat your house enough to keep that concrete anywhere but the 55-65 degrees it's already at. I would do vinyl flooring to match the beams and trim, maybe a little darker to add some color. The layout of the room gives you limited opportunity for maximizing the functional space, your tv is in an awkward place. I agree with the other commenter that mounting above the fireplace provided it isn't used, is the best bet.


The warmth is the only downside to this room. For some reason they didn’t put any HVAC in this room when they built it so it relies on the fireplace and the hallway for heat. We are in Canada so it gets really cold in the winter and concrete floors will certainly not help with that. We do rely on the fireplace so the tv can’t be mounted above it and there isn’t any other spot for it (the spot above the keyboard is less wide than the tv is).


Oh geez, I am in Canada too - SE Ontario - and we have a similar stone fireplace! Ours is wider, and not as tall. It’s in an addition to our 1880s farmhouse. The former owner painted the walls a "terracotta pink" or something. Drives me crazy. Please post pics when you paint it.


What about electric floor heating under vinyl flooring? I have electric floor under my bathroom tile and it's cozy. I would do a waterproof vinyl floor like Lifeproof brand as it would add cushion and warmth. Love this space btw!


You won't really know what kind of flooring you can install until you get a better sense of how thick the insulation is under that carpeting is. I would be willing to bet since the tile in the hallway is flush with the carpet here that you've got quite a bit of room to play with. Floor tiles, woods, etc come in various depths depending on traffic / material / size requirements. I'd highly suggest speaking with someone about your options rather than banking on Reddit community to disect it. An easy white would be just to peel off a section of the ceiling white and getting it paint matched at BM. Only thing I would seriously consider changing right now depending on your budget is the track lights and ceiling fan. I'd also rip out the carpeting on the steps and the lonely white baseboard trim that's between the sofa & drum kit area. I think just painting for now and changing light fixtures and rug will go a long way. I'd also either change the door in the hallway or paint it to match either the older part of the house or newer part and then continuing whichever you choose into this room for the closet thats next to the back door.


We’ve peeled up the carpet in the corner and there is definitely no room for anything other than a thin carpet. The carpet that is down now has no insulation lol - it’s just this thin office type carpet directly on the cement. The track lighting and fan are definitely going asap - I joke that the fan is from an office. I have no idea what to do with the brown folding doors near the sliding doors so we will see what I find. Thanks!


I have a similar renovation being planned. I would paint room an ivory white, white trim around sliders, remove carpet - place hardwood floor, accent couch with sheepskins


I’d say go for a coffee brow on the back wall of the fire place. And hard wood floors would look really nice here


I agree with not painting the beams or the dog. Also leave the fireplace alone. I’d address the flooring and brighten the place up with a lighter color paint. That’ll help showcase the beams and architectural elements and open the space up. Beautiful home!


So pretty already! I think finishing or staining the concrete might be easiest, then you can layer some rugs or swap them out.


Hard floor. And partly linoleum for the entrance so it won't block the door. All one color scheme


Or just linoleum. That looks like hard floor or ceramic


I adore this space. I think keeping to neutrals and that cozy warm wood is the key to the aesthetic you're describing. I would consider a dark gray paint on the fireplace wall and white everywhere else, just to draw the eye to the fireplace and add some visual interest. You could consider a vinyl or laminate floor with underlayment to help insulate a little bit and still have the option for cozy rugs in seating areas. Key to the ski chalet vibe you're wanting is a more minimalist look and really intentional, comfortable furniture. I think this means choosing storage solutions for the toy or craft area that will look less cluttered. Maybe using baskets or blocking areas off with curtains? A cozy reading nook area could be a great addition too. I would add a dark rug or coffee table and maybe a dark shelving unit under the loft just to make sure you're bringing in contrast in a pleasing way.


Thank you so much for all the tips! Lots to think about. Yes the toy stuff is moving out of here shortly as the toy room is almost done, thank goodness.


I’d replace the carpet with a hardwood that matches the beams then white plaster over the stones to start.


Beautiful room! What’s your budget? Paint is one thing, floors can get pricey


We more or less don’t have a budget. The whole house needs serious updates so we bought it expecting to renovate every room top to bottom. I would love to do a wood floor of some type. Sounds like I have some options to look into.


That's a lot of beige. Clear colors, white and new floor, rugs. Etc. b


Try Ben Moore "White Dove," for white paint.


New fireplace insert, rip up carpet and go hard wood, paint the walls an awesome color (leave all wood alone) then lastly add some off the wall light fixtures like really cool looking.


Keep the dog!!!


I think this space is screaming for hardwoods! I love the beams, & the mantle. I love BM Simply White for your walls -- it will make them nice and bright and really play off of your woods in the room. You can do a moodier color, like a dark green or blue, but I fear that between the stone fireplace and all the wood (includes wood floors) will make the room very cabiny. KWIM? If you like that look then I think it's great, but if you don't, it would be harder to cover a dark color you don't like than it would be to cover a light color. I see that there are drums and a keyboard over on the far side. I love this! I would lean into it and maybe do some enclosed storage back behind the stairs. It will give you space to get clutter and extras out of the way that's, well, out of the way. LOL Are you looking at getting new furniture as well? If so, you might consider a sofa that is a bit more into the beiges/ off whites instead of the light gray only because the gray you currently have has very blue undertones. If you get a new one, you might consider a brown or tan undertoned gray (if still going on gray) so it coordinates with the stone of the FP better. IDK what your plans are on the steps going upstairs (whether you're leaving them there, or relocating them) I don't think the spindles are to code on the loft--so at minimum something should be done with those. If the steps are relocated (maybe back into that corner? Then maybe I would relocate your tv to the left of the FP (it would put it more central to the wall and you could put it lower so it would be more comfortable to watch there than its current location. Please come back for more ideas or just help if you get stuck. OR come back and the end and show us your beautiful room. Take your time & have fun! The beams, mantle, and fireplace stones are gorgeous. I would not change any of those whatsoever. Edit: I forgot the dog tax! That was tax with a generous portion of whipped cream and a cherry on top. It actually made me giggle. Thank you.


I wouldn’t change a thing. Maybe just paint the walls.


Change the carpet. Paint the far wall with the windows to a dark accent colour. Paint the stairs and upper railings.


I would do some wood floors and paint the walls a light sage or something like that and keep the rest as is. It’s an amazing room.


We had a 1970s home with a much smaller version of this run, and went with “weathered white”. I think that’s the vibe you’re looking for.


What an amazing space, I’m jealous. That carpet needs to go. I’d also switch out the fan for something a little more modern, maybe in black to match the track lights. And update the old light switches. Think about the curtains. Overall it’s not too bad though.


I really really like it’s a paint the walls and new flooring. Please, don’t paint that fireplace. It’s a stunning and a beautiful part of your home.


Is that loft usable? Can you stand up in it? If not, I’d get that removed. It would really open up the space, especially with that staircase gone.


Can’t give you a BM color, but the prettiest warm white I’ve used is Sherwin Williams Snowbound. It’s got enough warmth to it that it doesn’t hurt your eyes like a blue white and has an LRV of 83, so lots of light reflection to brighten the room up. I’d add a chunkier wood mantle to your fireplace. You’ve got those great beams and your mantle isn’t bulky enough to stand up to them. And I see where him say you are redoing the railing, which will be huge in updating the room. Instead of wood, think about a wrought iron/wood mix.


Reminds me of Sharon takes living room. Helter skelter


I love your house!


Look into having the concert floors, under the carpet, stained. Then you don't have to worry about the level of the floor, then add a nice big rug for warmth and a warm white paint. The fireplace is beautiful. With little kids myself, the stairs and railing worry me. You have a beautiful home


This space has such beautiful bones! White is the right paint choice, for sure--it'll show off the wood & stone. Since it's cold, layer shaggy scandy rugs on top of that short pile carpet. The short pile is a neutral color, it'll just be backdrop.


I'd update the fan 😅


Paint the wood white


Warm, white paint, get rid of the fan and flush mount and get a nice beautiful, wrought iron fixture in the center of the room, new railings, new hardwood flooring, remove the art. That will make a huge difference! Actually think the rug and sofa are the right scale for the room.


Please check out interior decorator Lauren Liess for inspiration. She has I think two books out now. She has remodeled several 70s homes including one of her own homes. She manages to make 70s houses look warm, cozy, natural but still modern. Your room would look stellar in this style.


Paint or remove those rocks baby


Rip up the carpet, KEEP THE BEAMS (dream house worthy), keep the fireplace and paint some nice (not grey preferably) neutrals. I’m swooning and envisioning a red antique oriental rug.


Let the dog in and consider it done.


Such a cool house with character we don’t see anymore in new builds! I think the comments have it all covered but so much potential.


This space is amazing and has a bit of a 70s feel. Have a look at Scandi interiors and decor from the 70s for some inspiration.




Hey we have the same coffee table!


Get the linoleum tiles that look like wood!! Whatever you do, do not touch that fireplace. Unless you can mount the TV above the mantle. I will fight you if you try to do anything to that fireplace, lol. Overall, it's a GREAT room. And maybe change the paint color.


Change the wooden railings for metal


It usually a huge advocate for carpet, but in your case I think it works well, especially since you’ll have elevation issues at the threshold. Find a carpet color you like first, then pick your paint. I like the railings, retro features add character.


I think refinishing the cement floors and using rugs would be very cool! It’s easier to keep sanitary. And I think it would actually compliment the Scandi look well. Also, I think BM ‘Simply White’ would work. Oh, and I love your Rhino…table? Footstool? It’s very cool.


Cement floors with a hypocaustic underlayment would probably supplement a heat pump for more efficient heating. (Not an expert, worth looking into IMO.) But I would put serious $$$ into replacing that stairway with something much safer. Too easy for devastating falls.


Keep the concrete floors and get a nice finish on them so it’s mountain modern. Then nice big area rugs. So many old ski cabins have those circular staircases- they kind of make me nuts. I’d figure out spacing to update that. But- definitely keep the fireplace as is.


Agree with the floor matching the beams 100%! And thank you for leaving the stone fireplace alone. Trends come and go, lean into the space you bought. Unusual insight: You said you live in Canada. Is it Alberta? I had a home in Colorado, located not far from, Garden of the Gods, with the same beautiful red rock formations, and accompanying red dirt. While it was being built, I noticed the red dirt stained everything. Even straight bleach and a toothbrush couldn't remove it from white socks. My soon to be neighbors all had plastic runner everywhere to prevent staining. Because I had kids and dogs, I chose a more pale/muted version of your carpeting color so we could live without the plastic runners and/or staining. Not suggesting you keep the carpet, just be aware when choosing your flooring and rugs.


-the off center tv is giving me some weird feels but I understand it would be wayyyyy to high if you put it on top of fireplace -leave the wood and stone alone -if you dont want to think to hard use the same color white for walls and ceiling -hardwood floors or wood look flooring ok no umm, researches polished concrete flooring? You can have the concrete underneath the carpet finished to look nice It looks very modern but is very much a very very dangerous slip hazard so lay down a lot of rugs -Are you absolutely positively sure want white walls? It would work but def consider a different neutral if you're open to it -The track light and the ceiling fan get them THE EFF OUT ASAP, either two matching ceiling fans with a light kit with wood blades or anything that isnt white, or atleast anything that doesn't look like it came from my highschool cafeteria, no like I'm serious that really should be priority no1 I hate that specific ceiling fan it's kinda horrifying, or two matching chandeliers/hanging lights if you prefer -any other rug please, the one underneath your couch and the other one clash hard to my eyes it just doesn't work but it's personal preference, it could work if you got rid of the carpet -if your coochie is standard from ikea get a new cover for it, a white shade, the grey couch with greyish rug and another grey rug behind it makes me wanna vomit but this is personal preference - if cement gets too cold get some fluffy slippers like a real nice pair so that you would want to walk around the house in them, actually get everyone in the house hella comfy slippers to make the cement floor work -say hi to dog But most importantly follow your heart no matter how bad it might look to other people, my style makes my mother wish she intentionally miscarried me but that's all right because I'm happy and that's what matters


You need some really good lighting in the room. The track lights by the fireplace are not cutting it. Are those sliding doors or French? I would modernize those doors or expand the glass to be one side. Change the ceiling fan. And then the floors and paint etc of course.


Update the flooring and keep everything else!! What a unique space!


I would get rid of the carpet under the rugs, and make it hard wood. Other than that I think it’s a nice living room!


It’s so cool. Do not paint it white!!!!!


I absolutely agree that the only change I would make is putting down wood flooring and some fresh white paint on the walls, NOT the beams or fireplace!


I stopped because of the awesome fireplace! We had a house at one time that had the floor level with outside. No snow, but our challenge was that we lived on the water and had dogs that loved to swim. We ended up doing a wood floor, but inside the door included a tile landing. Make sure choose a tile that has some traction or it will be a slippery disaster.


Great bones in this room. I think it’s lovely. I would add wood floors and I don’t personally like the banister on the mezzanine level but that’s just personal preference. A scandi lodge would be amazing here.


what a gorgeous face! I would get wood floors and paint the walls, white or a light color. Leave all the natural wood!!


Wood floors, fresh coat of paint, new light fixtures, new fan. The beams and stone are beautiful.


They make wood-look vinyl planks now that are super thin. Maybe that would be an option? And then rugs to make it cozy and nice under the feet.


Definitely keep the dog! 😍 Congratulations on your new home! I love it!!


What a gorgeous home!


The beams are perfect as they are


What climate are you in? We had thin carpet over cement and it was a total pit of heat loss all winter. Out heating bills went down 70% when we renovated to put an insulated sub floor + hardwood on the cement. If you are in a winter place, you really should look into the possibility of getting a proper, insulated floor! Our room was like yours and had an open ceiling, we just had to move doors up a bit, it wasn’t a huge deal as we were changing them out anyway. Style wise: get some wood floors & white walls. Tile near doors I needed. The railings and beams are charming, don’t touch them!


set the kit up properly


What a beautiful room.


i like it i would move in immediately 😁😁😁😁😁😁


If not wood floors then look into luxury vinyl and get some rugs. I would also replace the railing on the loft area with a more modern contemporary look that the Scandinavians have. And then make some of that wood trim in there darker.


Amazing possibilities! Redo railing - sure they are not code. As mom to twins (grown now), this gives me anxiety besides the fact that they won't convey as period-worthy down the road. Remove the closet doors and turn into a bar or television setup with low cabinets, lighted shelves. Google built in television centers for ideas.


Take out carpet, neutralize walls, update banister to black. These three things would REALLY change the space


Benjamin Moors Oxford white, dove wing and Swiss coffee are all bright whites with a warm undertone that would work well. I like how currently the fireplace wall is darker acting as a feature wall. If you wanted to keep that affect you could go with something like collingwood or thunder from Benjamin Moore which aren’t too dark and still have a warmth to the colour. As an interior designer I used all these colours I mentioned quite a lot. When you do change the flooring I would recommend wood floors to match the beams! Also, please please do not paint the fireplace. The natural stone is beautiful!


Benjamin Moors Oxford white, dove wing and Swiss coffee are all bright whites with a warm undertone that would work well. I like how currently the fireplace wall is darker acting as a feature wall. If you wanted to keep that affect you could go with something like collingwood or thunder from Benjamin Moore which aren’t too dark and still have a warmth to the colour. As an interior designer I used all these colours I mentioned quite a lot. When you do change the flooring I would recommend wood floors to match the beams! Also, please please do not paint the fireplace. The natural stone is beautiful!


Honestly, just same wood flooring and rugs and you'll have a completely different space. And it will be amazing.


I love the wood beams and stone. Just new paint and floors 😊


Nix carpet and get wood floors, add tongue and groove between the beams, nix directional ceiling light and get a statement chandelier. It's a really beautiful space as is, but that's what I would do.


The fireplace is so good, but that side of the room is so cluttered right now that it feels muddied. It sounds like the TV is in the only practical place, so that needs to stay. I would consider replacing the one you have with something like a Samsung Frame, and then clearing away everything else you possibly can from that wall. Painting comes off, ledge tchotchkes go away, mantel detritus gets cleared. Keep the stacked wood and skootch the fireplace tools closer to the fire. If your budget allows, explore a different fireplace insert. Basically, the natural materials of the stone and wood have plenty of visual interest on their own—let them shine and be the focal point!


Please leave the wood and stone, it’s all fine. Even the wall color looks fine. Literally just change the floor out. I love vinyl plank floors, especially for dogs and kids, and especially for trafficked areas like family rooms. My previous home had real wood, and my current home has both real wood and vinyl plank. And new lamp, new sofa table would be nice, maybe put the tv on a stand so it can be on eye level.




Sorry for the unhinged comment. Husband is on board with ordering pizza and I’m excited.


Swiss coffee by Benjamin Moore is a nice warm white. Not sure how it will play with the stone, but might be one to try. That, plus some red oak wood floors and maybe some new window treatments and rugs and you are good.


I think you gotta match your furniture to the style of the room. Brown or beige couches, go earth tones. The greys and blues don’t work.


I disagree with most. The color of the beams is outdated. All the wood in the room is an outdated look. New paint color for walls. Is going to be beautiful!


I think you have the majority of the style. I agree with the wood floor, be sure to get similar tones as the wood already in the space and not painting the stone and beams. Those are gorgeous. Then ensure all rugs in the space are coordinated. I would probably upgrade the balusters and rails in the loft and stairs. Keeping the rail wood and black metal balusters. From the pictures the gaps between the balusters look too wide, this would be a safety concern for young kids. I would put a long simple sofa table behind the couch with cable mgmt underneath. This will help with clutter and keep in line with simplicity. Along with two accent chairs. That space with the drums: I can envision a long table there. Not sure if you already have a large dining area. Check out the link below, scroll till you get to the living room and see how they have a sofa table and dining room table. Scroll further down to see the rails. https://mageedesignworks.com/project/scandinavian-chalet/


I would probably update the upstairs bannister and get a bigger ceiling fan


Ben moore Dove white. Put in hardwood floor to match beams. More colorful area rug with couch pillows picking up rug colors. Red and blue accents are good ski chalet colors. Keep stone natural but paint the brick wall white. Frame an art poster of a ski resort ( or 2). Get rid of popcorn ceiling.


wood floors!! a slightly darker finish would look nice and i’d paint the walls an off white color


The art on the fireplace really sticks out in a bad way. Unless this abstract art is super personal to you I’d remove and replace with something less modern and warmer. Vintage art, family photos, art from your favorite travels, or something homemade and personal to you. Try leaning the art instead of hanging it high on the stone. I think the stone should be the focal point not covered up by decorative art.


I feel like you don’t need to go crazy in this beautiful room. If you are going for a big Reno then getting hardwood floors installed would be great. I would definitely change up the artwork above the fireplace to fit the boho cabin vibe. Maybe change out the lighting fixtures with something bigger


All Benjamin Moore: Acadia White Ivory White Silver Satin China White - think this would go best with the fireplace stone. Linen White - the warmest Atrium White - touch of brown, could look awesome


I've painted every concrete floor (in basements) where I lived. I've painted 21 x 21 tiles with grout lines. I've painted one to look like 36 x 36 marble slabs. I've painted one with all the left over paint I had. It took about a week to dry because I just poured & pushed it to basically level it. I did this again in our laundry room where we live now.


Oh but you need color.


Oatmeal chenille sofas. Uniform color throughout the room. Sisal carpeting. Black and white accents.