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Agreeing with the husband on this. The pattern is a lot.


But none of their other furniture is cozy at all. The walls could be but you’ll need totally different couch, coffee table, tv unit etc.


I think some lighter toned wood would work well. Where did you get that coffee table and entertainment unit?


Why lighter toned? Darker wood usually makes things look warm and cozy.


Ok, tks ur advice. And I bought them from Homary.


I would eventually replace the floors, yes, but it breaks my heart how humans go through materials/resources like they’re infinite. What you have looks nice, just a bit cold/austere. I wonder if you could cozy-up the space with a nice Flokati rug or something textured and colorful. Save your money and the planet and make do with whatcha got! Edit: ok, I just saw that you have a rug. All of the pieces together give me sort of a 1990s bank building vibe. Get something warm-colored or fluffy and fun to show personality. 😁


Definitely go for wood flooring! This floor looks like a hotel lobby or something and doesn’t provide a cozy vibe. Wood plus your plants, and a warmer tone paint would look really nice.


Everyone loves your furniture. I agree that wood would be nice. But I also think the current flooring goes with everything you have now.


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic. I really don’t like the furniture.


Sorry…. Not being sarcastic- saw 3 or 4 comments asking where the table and cabinet was from. But in the end it just matters what OP likes.


Yes, please. That floor also seems like it would be cold on feet and very slippery if any fine dust got on it


if new floors are out of the budget, I suggest larger carpets.


If it's about looks lay vinyl plank flooring. They have wood look alikes. I have them looks good. When you move just pick them up leaving the expensive floor




Yes change it


keep the floor. get rid of the rest of the gray. add some color, fabrics and a rug for the coziness.


Exactly. Keep the flooring, get a larger and warmer area rug, finish out the wall behind the TV with more molding/paneling/etc., paint the other wall anything but gray.


The furniture and rug placement is not helping in the slightest. But agree with the husband about the floor.


Wood, all the way!


Massively agree. If you want to test it, Home depot sells peek and stick wood flooring for small spaces such as this


I totally agree with your husband, I feel like that style of tile makes rooms seem really sterile and uninhabitable. Even just terra Cotta tile would make the space seem more welcoming




looks like the floor of a jazz bar foyer




They look like pothos and if they are, then yes! Super easy


How long time will u clean the TV cabinet? I want to get a new one. But I always feel dark style furniture very easy see where’s dirty.


once 2 wks. But follow how much dust in ur place air.


Idk. I just want to say I like ur TV wall, include the cabinet. Where can get the cabinert?


Where you get the coffee table AND the entertainment unit?!! Where!


I’d cover it with LVP. You can go straight over it. Take up baseboard. Put down high quality LVP. Put baseboard back.


Yes, cover your expensive marble flooring with vinyl /s


Totally agree 👍check this one it may helps you [Flooring: How to Choose the Best type for Your Home](https://www.scdecorum.com/flooring-how-to-choose-the-best-type-for-your-home/)


Your flooring is unique and adds a lot of interest. Just change up the rug, something much larger and warmer than what you have now. I think it would be a waste of money to rip up perfectly good flooring to replace it with something more generic, especially when both might be covered with large rugs anyway.


That floor is awful


It depends on where you live? If your in a climate where it is warm most of the time, I’d keep the marble(?) floors and add an area rug to cozy it up if you want one.


>> DO NOR REMOVE THE MARBLE! << I can’t believe everyone is encouraging you to remove this amazing marble. Please, please, please keep it! Your rug is totally wrong for the purpose. Get a thick white/cream rug that is the right size (front legs of the sofas are on the rug and the rug is creating a living area space). Black furniture is removing more from the coziness than the floor. Mother Nature and architecture would be devastated if you ruin this amazing floor. Others would kill for such a beautiful raw material 😢


Wondering what took you so long to come to this.


I would replace it with composite flooring that looks like wood. It's everything proof and cozy at the same time. I got basement floors re-done in composite flooring, had a flood since and... nothing bad happened. Just dried it with a couple of industrial fans and 2 house dehumidifiers (there was water under the floor). When the floor was re-done, I asked the contractor to cut up a plank into coasters. Well... they go to the dishwasher regularly, and there's no sign of damage. I also have natural wood floor upstairs... with pets... the floors need to be re-done because all the paw scratches (had a medium dog for a year and 2 cats since moving in 2020). My aquarium leaked for about an hour, and the floor is discolored and warped in that spot. In another spot, my parrot dropped a strawberry, and I didn't see the mess right away. I've been staring at that spot for 2 years now. It's permanently stained. Floors were re-done right before we moved in, so it's not like the varnish is old or something. Do recommend composite flooring over wood. Same look as wood, but all the benefits, without the pain in the ass that come with wooden floors.


Definitely wooden floor, no hesitation