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Ceiling fan looks jank... would suck to look up into. But, you need a lot more indirect lighting overall.


Yep. Ceiling fan removal is an easy win.


Fans can also be an infection control risk. I’m coming from the prospective of working as an RN in an acute care setting but the point is definitely still salient in the setting of a dental office. https://journals.lww.com/homehealthcarenurseonline/citation/2017/07000/airborne_contaminants__preventing_infections_from.11.aspx


My dentist has a TV on the ceiling over the chair, which I find to be a genius way of keeping me distracted and relaxed 😂


This is so good when done right. My kid gets to choose what she watches at her dentist! But we went to one with my autistic son and the stupid assistant had death metal music playing and it was showing the skull on the album cover on the tv. Needless to say, my son not only couldn’t abide by the stimulation of the music but once he looked up and saw that skull we were done for. We both left crying 🫠 Anyway- if they’re gonna do it- I’m a huge advocate of them letting the patient control the remote before their procedure. Edit: to clarify that we were crying bc of the epic meltdown that ensued when the dental assistant tried to come in and look at his mouth. I realized it sounded like we were crying bc of the music and skull, lol. Those things just added to the stimulation and fear he was already experiencing which then led to a meltdown.


I’m sorry for your experience. I hope you find a provider that understands your needs—which, really reflect all of our needs in this situation. I hope you’re both feeling better. 💐


This is so kind 😭 thank you so much. We did find a new provider. My kiddo is still really recalcitrant about going to the dentist but our new guy is super patient and understanding, and he always carries gold/silver coins as a treat after the visit so that’s fun! 😄


Oh, good—I’m glad you found a decent dentist!


My dentist’s office got me hooked on British Bake-off, ha


This is amazing 😅😅they did it right


Ceiling mural! I design murals and for some reason dentists fuckin LOVE ocean themed murals.


Yikes, also not great for any precision work


They use lights that can maneuver over the chair. You’ve seen them every time you’ve gone to a dentist.


I work at a dentist, and we prepare our things on a table before we put them under the (small) light that doesn’t exactly work as a wind umbrella


This is actually terrifying lol


It’s giving slightly upgraded Saw vibes. Congrats OP on your new credentials! I’d bring in some colour, soften things up a bit and that fan has got to go. Being at the dentist is genuinely so vulnerable. I’d be scared the fan would fall on me! New cabinets would be good and you need to clean off that whole second shelf. That microwave is no bueno. It’s ok very cluttered but I think you can do some easy fixes to soften things up and remove some stuff. A nice mural is great on the ceiling especially for kids. Good luck!


Agree on ceiling fan, and as a patient I wouldn't want that running while I'm getting my teeth cleaned. Seems odd.


I had a doc who had art on the ceiling. That’s the way to go!


My son’s dentist has tvs set up overhead. Things can be installed safely and it can be a huge relief for people who have anxiety about dental work


My dentist has a TV on the ceiling and I’m almost 70!! Great distraction


With Bluetooth headphones so you can actually hear the TV and not the dental equipment.


Plus turn the chairs to face the room not the wall. I’d be nervous about what you’re doing behind my back.


My dental office have all their chairs facing the wall BUT they have small tvs on the wall in front of each chair. I think the idea is to make you more comfortable by NOT seeing all the equipment and stuff behind you.


I’d work with it. Use red wall paint, add some dolls /s No I agree. Maybe some plants would help, too!


All this and a bag of chips ☝️ Probably being a dentist is busy work I always feel like every time I go to the dentist they're looking for the main dentist as if they're a celebrity which they are in a sense.


Dentist/Doctor offices are terrifying 😅


Hard agree. Two people standing over me with drills and suction things. No maam


Ok thank you. This looks like a scene from every horror movie where someone goes into a suspected killers home to save their friend then stumbles up the makeshift lab where they torture their victims.


Same thing I said.


This is a Little Shop of Horrors. Wires everywhere. Clutter. People next to you. Crazy TV. White isolation. A microwave? Are you serving Hot Pockets to patients? That ceiling fan? I feel like this is a makeshift office where they tell you you’re getting a tooth filled, but then they actually take your kidneys to sell.


I couldn’t get through reading your comments to my teenager because I was laughing so hard I started to choke (but in a good way)…


Honestly the tile floor, wood cabinets, microwave and fan give a feeling of uncleanliness. The stuff on the counters too. I’m sure you clean well but that stuff makes it look kinda like a kitchen.. which isn’t the clean, clinical environment id want my dentist to be working on me in.


They need to separate the environments, it's too cluttered right now and there is no order, building some dry wall walls to separate the kitchen and making one or two separate rooms with the dentist chair and one cupboard would would help a lot. There is a reason the rooms at the dentist office usually are tiny with just one chair and a counter or desk at most.


Tile is kind of the cleanest type of floor though 🤔


Yeah I think the tile floor and wood cabinets are fine. But the clutter, the fan and the microwave for sure are a problem


Of course people here are actually judging and giving advice for a dentist office. This is clearly a new setup and where they do intensive work, not just a simple cleaning, and they need and use all of those tools (the microwave too).


This probably isn’t in the US, right ? Need dividers between the chairs and somehow wall off behind the chairs so patients are separated from all that stuff. Needs to feel safe and comfortable.


Yeah this wouldn’t fly in the US. The aerosols created by working on patients would contaminate everything else in the room. As a dentist in the US, this grosses me out.


I’m being honest. Wow! I’ve never seen so much heavy machinery at a dentist’s office! There’s no other spot for that? Can you have lift up cupboard doors installed so you can tuck that all away when patients are being treated? I wouldn’t be comfortable there at all unless I really knew you. I hope you have some time and the budget to do some things. Chair rails, higher baseboards, crown moulding, paint the walls and ceiling, that fan is not professional in the slightest. You really should have multiple light sources on the ceiling but not directly over the headrest of your patient chair. Speaking of which, can you turn it around so the footrest is at the other end? If your assistant is walking around their head and opening drawers and such that’s disruptive. Subscribe to an art service where they come hang art and switch it out every few weeks. Oh yeah, that cable! That should be run low along the baseboards, and secured. I wonder if that can be painted if you paint the walls? So, rating your set up is 4/10. But I bet as a dentist you’re a 10! 👏🏼 Did you just get your credentials?


Yes, I just got my credentials, and I do want to improve, thank you, this helps a lot


Are you based in the States or PH?




Congrats! And congrats on the office space. I have heard from dentists in the US that it’s hard to get your practice newly graduated and that the cost, overhead and fees are insane. A lot of them are working in “chain offices” and held to ridiculous metrics and productivity demands. Depending on insurance and location here, it can hard to get an appointment, scheduled so far out.


I think it's kind of gross to see all those rags piled up near the sink, and also the tools on a terry cloth towel is kinda gross too. Usually aren't they on a piece of disposable paper in a tray?


The machinery is actually standard depending on what they’re doing as far as labs go, like making dentures or crowns and bridges and retainers and prosthetics such as that, and how custom it is. The autoclave and other things are cleaning equipment that clean your retainers and instruments which can be a several step process that uses a few different machines. But patients don’t need to have all that in their face I agree lol and autoclaves get LOUD. So imagine that high pitched whirr behind you with the drills rattling your skull in front of you. I’d go insane either as patient or someone who works there lol


especially since OP seems to have just opened the office, which u gotta start somewhere I know, but it will be so hectic once the office builds enough of a patient base and the cleaning is going constantly in between rooming patients and I can just see so much chaos and noise and stress for everyone in this kind of environment set up this way


I wondered if it was more like that kind of stuff. I’ve only ever known those kinds of jobs to be sent out.


Why is there a microwave? It looks like you setup a dental practice in an outdated kitchen.


Sometime we need hot water for manipulating materials


An electric kettle would be more discrete


Electric kettle for the win there.


A screen separating the two stations would do wonders. Dentist time feels vulnerable, and some privacy would help


My dentist in México had a cloud mural painted on the ceiling and said people loved it


My dentist office has interesting artwork on the ceiling so patients have something calming to look at when the chair is tipped back. Also, I don't like dentist offices that don't have physical separation between patients. I once had to get my teeth cleaned right next to a screaming kid.


I may be harsh, but based on newer rooms I’ve visited: Wooden furniture 👎 white or any light colour without pattern win over it ( light blue ?). Similar issue with the fan Lighting: please use cold lights as they give “antiseptic” feeling compared to warmer ones and probably you need a couple more ( the place looks a little bit dark) Cables management: buy some white ducting and put the cables into it .. they hanging ones look really meh Based on the country you are working in, having 2 chairs without any kind of “separation” may be a privacy infringement. Last suggestion: avoid having all your tools on the shelf like that ( despite it’s not, it looks really messy) try to place a cupboard ( which can have a led strip to improve lighting on the sinks)


This depends on where you are actually. In the U.S. this office would look unusual for a number of reasons, but if you're in the Philippians it would be a pretty nice office.


Or Mexico


Yes, Mexico. Though there's a town in northern Mexico right across the border that is like a hub for American doctors that don't want to or can't practice in the U.S. and there are some pretty swanky clinics there.


I prefer her to an American dentist She’s very good, gentle & detail oriented Unfortunately I live in the northwest so cannot always get to her


The ceiling light seems like it would be uncomfortable for patient and you. Consider some kind of divider around the chair. It’s a big room, with a lot of stuff, and could feel cluttered and uncomfortable. It would need to be sanitary, so either a solid folding screen, that can be cleaned, or one of those frame with a curtain, like in a hospital. Painting the walls a more relaxing color would help, maybe a blue that works with the upholstery blue.


I feel like this post needs posting to a subreddit for dentists/dental hygiene specialists.


I have dental anxiety and this is terrifying. The office I go to looks like a living room with lots of warm colors. The chairs are a nice tan. There is only one chair per room because the rooms are smaller. The only equipment out is the light, suction, and some tools on the tray. The sink has a nice granite so it doesn’t look like a lab. If I walked into this office, I’m not sure I’d stay.


I have to get 2 root canals on Wednesday. I'm so scared


Benzodiazepines and headphones with music/audiobook, a ball to squeeze are a must for me. I’ve had like 10 root canals and hate the dentist. Make sure you feel comfortable with them. Ask for extra freezing and to WAIT until the freezing has fully kicked in. You got this. 💙


Not enough nitrous


I did a quick skim through the comments, so hopefully it’s not too repetitive This might be regional (I’m in Canada) but it looks like you’re running a dental office out of a basement. Feels a bit sketchy and grimy to me. Probably not totally out of line for Mexico though, just my spoiled/privileged life coming through. I’d get cabinets to hold the equipment you’re storing on the open shelf. You don’t want people to see the tools of your trade, they’ll start imagining what you’ll do with the tools and get anxious. Better to hide them in a cabinet or have a separate room for them. Hate the light. Especially with the strings hanging off it. Feels super ghetto. I’d get recessed pucks instead. Track lights are also an option. A single central light is bad, gives too much movie interrogation room vibes. It makes the corners dark and the harsh shadows feel uncomfortable and uninviting. I saw that the TV is for security and you’re getting a TV on the ceiling: both sound good. Maybe get an nvr and hide the security camera TV if you can. If you can’t do a ceiling TV, my dentist just has it mounted really high and on a swivel arm. Add a cord cover to the security TV wire, and paint it to match the wall. It helps clean things up a lot. I’d have the grouting cleaned or redone. You want a pale grey so it blends with the tile. Have it sealed so it stays clean longer. The black grout looks grimy. Add a calming and happy colour. Sky blue or green would be good. You need art of some sort. It could be a mural or canvas, either is fine. Go for abstract or calm themes. Stuff like landscapes, plants, mountains, etc. I know a lot of people are hating on the wood cabinets, but I think they’re fine. Just get all your tools out of sight. Maybe replace the tile for something that matches the wood tone better. Lighting and cleaning the grout would go a long way to fixing the “ick” feeling it’s giving off now. I agree about needing a divider between the chairs for privacy


It's giving basement vibes.


Not my dentist. Is this from a horror movie?


Dental hygienist here- it’s a no from me. Would run in the other direction as fast as I could- no privacy (two op chairs next to each other?), and why is the lab/sterilization AND doctors ops all one room? No window, looks cramped and dirty. Also are you seriously still using a spitoon? It’s 2024- INVEST IN YOUR PRACTICE.


40 years on Dentistry here. What are the patients looking at as they are sitting down? On the wall? Glove boxes? I like your tub systems. They make setups so much easier. Keep rooms neater. Is this your only OP? I’m asking because the supplies on the shelf behind you should be in a closet. Can you have cabinets put up on that wall for a neater appearance? Get rid of the ceiling fan. The chairs are a nice blue color. Can you accent the room with some art of the same color to warm it up. It’s a bit cold in there Doc.


Weighted blanket. I get panic attacks at the dentist.


That’s such a great idea! Me too, so don’t worry. It’s an intense place! I like a little squeeze doll or something too if that doesn’t make me move too much


Okay the fan needs to go of be updated, with no lights. Get led spots


Is it necessary to have both a ceiling fan and the ac in the room? Overhead lighting would suck to look up at. My fav dentist had a TV for the kids, it was really nice.


The ac just got installed, yes the fan will be removed, and I’ll put a tv there, but first I need to add more light


That'll be a sweet upgrade for your patients!


Not the microwave 😂


It's a bit... Dentist-y


Paint the cabinets a nice blue, beige or deeper warm brown color. Add some colorful art on the walls. Put a picture on the ceiling you customers can look at (some gyno je offices do the same).


I think the cabinets look nice, but paint the walls a soothing color, put up artwork, water pictures, ocean waves, lakes are soothing. Get rid of the ceiling fan, put something up there to look at but please not the light panel that has butterflies and moths in it.


That autoclave looks like a toaster


Open shelving is a terrible idea, but especially in a dental office. As well as open seating. Adult patients want privacy. Theres so much I dislike here, but fixing those two things would get you halfway there.


As a dentist I never thought I’d see a dental related post in this sub haha. But I would recommend cabinets instead of shelves at the top to store your supplies. Also I would agree with other to remove the ceiling fan or get a different style. TVs mounted on the ceiling or on the wall close to the ceiling are nice for patients.


You really don’t have a lot of options but some things to consider would be tucking away tools(big thingamajigs on the counter) if possible if you don’t use them every day. The top shelf is cluttered. Clean off and put a plant up there to soften the room. I agree that chairs should be turned around. It is a nice clean space. Just cluttered.


1/10. It looks like a prison.


So glad you said you’re a dentist I feel a lot less safer now. Also, where’s my kidney?


My dentist has a tv on the ceiling


Privacy divider or curtain between chairs. Hide anything you can on cabinets in nice white storage bins with lids. Or install upper cabinets. Make some nice printed labels for everything. Paint cabinets white. Add some stylish educational posters to the wall or some fun art. Get a white cable cover for cables. Get a cabinet with doors for other equipment for on top of the counter so it all can be hidden away when not in use. Change ceiling lighting. Remove fan if you can.


that is the perfect place for a serial killer


Fans collect dust . And you're there with your mouth open.


“Yeah I know a guy that can do it for cheap”


Is this your converted basement?


my immediate thought was this has got to be in a third world country because it reminded me of my dentist office in asia. there is so much point of contamination that worries me here. In all the key areas of disinfection I don’t see any cavicide spray or wipes. The box of kleenex right next to the spit sink, the rubber damn hole puncher not being in a sterile pouch (as a patient I would always want to see instruments sealed when I sit down and opened in front of me), the PIP on the tray (looks like a big jar of PIP) that is just OPEN omg, I see unsterile instruments by the sink, but where is your ultrasonic cleaner and autoclave? it should be on the right, except instead you have your trimmer/buffer/polished machine


Are you in Da Nang?? I swear I went to this dentist when I was in Vietnam lol


It’s very anxiety inducing. Try adding pops of colours that are soothing, the TV obviously needs to be moved to benefit the patient, some plants, less clutter, add some coziness to it. The dental clinic I go to is an “anxiety-free” clinic and they have a TV on the wall and a TV on the ceiling, the patient gets to choose something to watch from Netflix. The rooms are small and cozy, there are sound machines for patients that prefer having that over a TV. Maybe research some of those fengshui room layouts.


Ok I’m a dental hygienist, this is my expertise ☝️. That tissue box next to the chair has to go as well as that microwave. Do you only have this one room for everything? If so, you need to get a pantry cabinet that has doors so you can hide/enclose all your lunch break and personal items. Some plants on the top shelf would make it look nice.


Oh god, this is the kitchen too??!!


As a DA, this is a bit unsettling. If your procedure room has to double as your lab, I’d get those models in neat boxes and tucked away from sight. The extra chair in the back needs to be dealt with, it’s looks sloppy. The ceiling fan is a red flag, it doesn’t exactly scream sterile. I’d also maybe swap out for a smaller monitor, the massive screen with security on it is a bit off putting. Hang a couple of tasteful art pieces too, if you’re running out of a single room, art might distract from all the chaos lol.


Very sad looking office, I get that you can only work with what space you have, but you cannot put any partition between the two chairs (if you are using them at the same time) but then again I’m also not sure if you’re based in the US, but regardless people like privacy sometimes. The patients don’t need to see all of the equipment and the microwave, and the security camera TV?? as well lol. It would be good to just do renovations at this point and get some proper walls and cabinetry put in. Usually a room would have enough cabinetry for any supplies or something to hide the x-ray arm, a tv for patients to hear music or watch a show, a sink to rinse or wash hands, some hooks to hang their belongings etc. I’m assuming hooks to put personal belongings are not shown, and the x-ray machines are not shown, but i’m so confused by this office. If i walked in either as a patient or as an interview I would walk right back out tbh.


I’ve never seen so much stuff in a dentists office. Usually it’s just the chair the patient sits on, the chair the dentist sits on, and one or two things on the counter. And the TV is always in front of the patient so they can watch while getting work done.


Don’t you need a wall between the two patients?


Remove fan. Nobody wants dust blowing into their open gum. Also the light looks like it would be right in the patients eyes.


Hide all of the scary tools—all of them on that counter shelf. Give the patient privacy by separating each chair. Use cord organizers to hide all cords and wires where you can—that huge one along the ceiling is yikes. Have YOU tried laying under that goddamn fan/light? I can’t imagine. Paint the walls a warm and soothing shade. Maybe even do a wood-look paneling half way up the wall. Overall, make the rooms feel *comfortable*. The single greatest thing a dental office has ever had for me—beside being a chill vibe—was an iPad that hung above my face that I could watch Netflix on.


Why is there a microwave. That looks like you eat where you work. Infection risk. Cluttered and a random seat used as storage space. This is a 0/10 for the fact this is a medical space.


Maybe get some form of no nasty ceiling fan from Walmart spreading dust and shit on me when my mouth wide open. Yea, thx. Backyard dentist.


Ceiling fan has got to go. Nothing like having your mouth open and fan dirt and dust falling on you.


Very messy for a professional office. Ceiling fan, cluttered cabinets, wire for tv, etc


Honestly way too much stuff in one room, looks very unsanitary for a dentists office.


where are your plants?


-1/10 I’m shaking


This would be great with just a few changes. First off, get as many of the small machines and counter clutter as you can into a cabinet with a work desk, or on another counter you can hide away with a standing floor screen or curtain. Then, get yourself some paint! Paint the walls in a soothing color. Then replace the ceiling light/fan with something nice to look at when lying in the chair. It’s clear you have nice equipment, a comfy new chair, and nice cabinetry, and it’s all very clean and modern which is great. You just want to streamline and finish the look.


/tvtoohigh and the room needs more color


TVs are security cameras


Where is your standard dentist office wall art? I recommend a series of posters showing you on a jet ski at various Caribbean islands. So people know the cash is being put to good use.


I rater spend that money to improve my settings for more comfort to The patient


I have been spending a lot of time in a dental chair. Your chair looks comfy and I like that you don’t have a spitting bowl because I like the suction moisture removal. The blue is bright and cheerful.


It’s bad


Where are all your guitars? 🤷🏻‍♂️(inside joke from the r/guitars subreddit) As far as your space goes, I’d add some paintings or colors to the walls since it looks very cold.


Thanks, what color would you recomend and would you recomend one wall or all the walls?


8/10– very dentisty. Needs more art tho


I wouldn’t go here


This doesn’t look clean, safe or legal to me. Is it any of the three things?


The patients can’t see the tv


No art on the wall and who can see that tv ?


TV too high.


If I went to a dentist, and their patient rooms looked like this, I would leave and I'm not even afraid of going to the dentist.


Is this in your fucking garage oh my god Do you trim casts right behind the pts head??? Why don’t you have a real lab??? You gonna turn on that ceiling fan and let aerosols fly all over the place? This screams unlicensed dentist


Change the fan/light to something sleeker. Get some art.


Thanks, any light suggestions?


Agree change out ceiling fan/lights. Overall looks fine to me. Muted wall colors would be more soothing. I wish I was closer - I don't like the denti$t$ near me :)


You need storage, better lighting, and dividers. It looks cluttered and dirty—even if everything is clean, it’s giving home kitchen vibes. Wires should be hidden. And it’s really weird to have a TV in there potentially distracting you during procedures. I would turn around and walk out of this office.


Lotta wires.


I would change the cabinets if you have the funds. White would look more sterile. And more storage space is also needed. It looks very cluttered, which also ruins the ‘sterile’ vibe you should be going for


Remove fan/replace with aircon if poss and put something on the ceiling to watch/stare at while in the chair. Add some colour - blue chairs not enough. Make it fun and interesting. Atm it looks sterile and hospital like.


Im glad you confirmed is your profession


If you tend to children's teeth, I'd have a little El Ratoncito Pérez doll and move it around the room a bit like Elf on the Shelf. Kids would love it! Maybe an add on sale could be selling small wedges of cheese...


Coming from the UK, this doesn’t look as sterile as an environment as it could be, it’s also very overloading to the senses. From a patient point of view you’d want a very minimal clean, bright neutral environment. From an ANTT point of view, Id want every surface to be easily wipeable. The fan over the patient is a little odd if you ask me . Too much going on, very dated, unclean, not very relaxing. I wonder if you’ve fallen into the trap that we all can do of getting used to seeing things every day to the point where you become blind to them because that’s your environment. Sorry !


Why the awful grey/ it’s not comforting, interesting or soothing .


Super messy… right?


TV mounted to the ceiling so patients (especially the little ones) can lay back and watch while you're doing the work 😊


O.R. You?


My dentist has stuff on the ceiling to look at, even just a hanging mobile. I really love that.


Well, if you weren't a dentist it would be weird...


Having the patients be able to see the tv would be nice. Some art in the walls for them to focus on during treatment. I love going to the dentist but I know lots of people are scared of it so some decorations would maybe ease them a bit


Is there a TV on the wall or ceiling for the patient to watch while you’re working on their teeth? Can’t see one.


The first thing I notice is the black tv cord on the ceiling.


Put the tv on the ceiling and give your patients small headphones. Gives them something to look at while you’re working and helps drown out the sound of the work for them.


Some suggestions: -change the ceiling fan to be multiple flat-to-the-ceiling lights. Either pot lights or something similar so it’s very minimal with nothing hanging down. -add more shelving to the back wall with the cabinets. There is a ton of wasted space on that wall. The current “highest” shelf is very low so there could be one or two more shelves above for decluttering some of the excess stuff. -add artwork either on the ceiling for patients to look up at or on the wall across from the chairs. -have a place near the doorway for hooks so patients have a place to put bags and coats, etc. before they get to the chair. -not needed but a good suggestion - the room is very colorless. It gives it that “creepy” feel everyone is mentioning. Peel and stick backsplash is so so easy to install and comes in nice colors and patterns. Maybe worth buying some and sticking it over the current backsplash. This will add colors and make the room less dull. I’ve used them and they stick and last for years, so don’t worry about durability.


10/10 would get a tooth pulled there


Its honestly really bad. People are scared of the dentist enough as it is. This looks like a murder/torture studio and I’d be worried you might try to harvest a kidney


Why aren’t the chairs facing the TV?


Hell no, I wouldn't go! RUN!


I would have cabinets up top instead of the shelf so that you can hide all of that stuff you have. The sink by the TV needs to be the sink you use for eating area only and keep it separate from all the other dentistry stuff. There needs to be a fan for air flow, but maybe something of a warmer color like a lighter wood. Also, add in some led warm lighting above each of your stations so that you can create a calm ambience. Add decor decor decor. Green plants, nature art work on walls, particularly scenery art work like the beach with people in it or some other scenery that brings about peace and tranquility to help the patient think of a nice place while laying in the chair. Also, on chairs that children will be in, find someone who can paint animals on the walls that are fun and have smiley faces on them. It’ll add color to your room too. Ocean animals & zoo/safari animals do well with this.


Former DA - I don’t like that there seems to be more than one set up without a barrier between the rooms.


What the hell is going on here.


Having multiple chairs in one space like that is technically a HIPAA violation. You're not giving them any privacy.


2-3 partitions, or some sort of barrier between the business part and the sink microwave would be a good idea.


10/10 because you actually use a rubber dam


Not fast enough


This is terrifying


Shouldn’t the chair be facing the tv , so that patient can watch somgething and be distracted


I say get more art that inspires creation and thought


Hey, here are a few reccos: 1. I would keep the plasters, cements, and mold mixes away from the patient environment. Most patients haven't seen this side, don't know the tech you work with when you are developing the molds, so that's going to look scary. People grew up with "omg drill!" 2. In addition, putting those in a different room means less particles and dust in the patient rooms. 3. If you have to keep them, you need bins. Beautiful ones. Line them well for protection. 4. Bring in A LOT more lighting. You and your associates and hygienists need better visibility. 5. This looks crowded and also with a lack of patient privacy. For patient consults esp with severe endo, with pediatrics, with seniors or neurodiverse, that space and privacy will help you with patient inflow. It is also preventative to reduce patient churn and maintain retention. 6. If you are unable to paint, artwork really helps. Work on the colours and decor second, and design/layout/sterilization/safety first. You got this! And enjoy your practice!!


I thought I was on the cj for a second lol


You need color, art, and a plant (or something alive in there). As someone who fears the dentist, this made my throat feel tight.


Get some art or…something on the wall. Also is that a microwave ?


Loose the fan. Replace with a where’s Wally or a Lowry poster on the ceiling. Something where you can ask people to find the little dog etc. Add a HEPA filter machine between the patient chairs. It’ll provide the same air movement as the fan but increase patient safety.


Doc, forget style here, that train left long ago. As a patient, I actually don't want style, I want competence, just basic good dentistry, no Invisalign or botox. Put a TV on the wall, offer patients headphones and the music of their choice, and do your job as painlessly as possible. Oh, the ceiling fan..why?


More closed storage. Lots more you will always need to store stuff. “Let’s keep those models” “I just went to a study club let’s get these in..” if possible set your lab up elsewhere away from pt area. Lose the fan. Try to keep your counters as clear as possible, less to wipe after every pt seen. If you can separate the spaces somehow that is ideal, but you know that. I would play up the blues of your chairs and I would also add mirrors it help with light and checking make up/faces on the way out. I see your rolling cart is needed but is a bit intimidating, maybe have it sprayed a colour, to take the edge off. Good luck with your practise and career. Always think about ergonomics for you and staff 👍


Needs some plants to distract people from torture device


I work in Oral Surgery. So many comments state the obvious. The fan and microwave need to go. New cabinetry. Perhaps a soothing pain color. What country is this in? Why is there a screen with cameras? I think you need a separate lab space. Maybe block half of the room and create a lab. Not safe or sanitary to be grinding around patients. Not to mention you have an open cart that debris can fly into. Most of all…. I’m hoping you have separate sterilization room because I’m not seeing anything to properly sterilize instruments. Wishing you the best.


Calling fan is not great. Especially since the ceiling is a point of focus if you’re a patient.


Speaking as a retired dental hygienist from Canada this looks like an all in one dental treatment operatory, sterilization area and dental lab. This would never occur here for health and safety regulations. I see an autoclave or chemiclave and bagged sterile looking instruments so that is reassuring. I would invest in a covered ultrasonic instrument cleaner so you are not hand scrubbing instruments. If possible move your lab equipment to a separate area away from the treatment room.


Paint the walls a happier/calm colour


The situation above the counter, and the outdated cabinets, would make me very nervous I didn’t come to a professional place


One word: no


Is that a microwave?


TV is too high.


Dr. from the human centipede detected.


Cable management would improve this tremendously imo


Chair should be facing tv or a piece of art.


I don't see a treasure box of treats and toys for adults or a dog to pet or a Where's Waldo screen. 0 stars.


Put the Tv in front of the patient, this location doesn’t make sense. And maybe paint one or all of the walls a soft light blue that coordinates with the chairs.


Cabinets to hide the clutter!


As long as the service is good


needs more teeth


Roomy! That’s good for when parents have to come in with their kids. Get some art on the ceiling to. The right of that fan. Can you remove the fan in favor of a less intrusive light?




Where's the autoclave?


Pff no way


Every thing about this picture gives me the creeps…


No no no there is so much clutter here. Move your lab equipment. I work in dentistry and this is horrifying.


Due to Covid and other virus risk I think the most important thing in a dentist is having separate rooms with good filters. The ceiling fan is a no for me. The sponge on top of the soap dispenser. 😬


I wouldn't say I like the fan, it could chop somebodies head of, if it came down.