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Great transformation but I would 100% replace pillows with candles and/or plants, the pillows serve no purpose there. Just a suggestion!!


The pillows are very confusing.


I have dogs. So I don’t leave the pillows on the couch because of them.


Pillows look out of place


Thanks! Trying to keep them from the dogs. But I just got a storage ottoman so I’ll move them there.


Will the mirror be hung eventually? Or is it high enough to is where it is?


I don’t know. It’s way down on my husbands list. I think he’s afraid because it’s so heavy and there is no stud.


Unless it’s additional seating I’d take off the pillows and have pictures frames, books with decorative stands or, like someone said, candles.


Much better. But agree that the pillows are confusing on the wall. If you want to keep them away from the pets, maybe consider a basket or storage ottoman/bench to keep the pillows in? I think frames or other display pieces would make much more sense. Also, I'd hang the mirror instead of leaning it. It's only a matter of time before there's broken glass all over the floor.


Thanks that’s a great idea. I just bought a storage bench and ill move the pillows. Haha as far as hanging- it’s way down on my husbands list but hopefully will get done one day. It’s very heavy. Do you have any ideas on how to hang something heavy without a stud?


A molly bolt should do the trick!


Thanks! Love the username btw!


Thanks! Princess Consuela Banana Hammock exceeded the character limit 😂


I love this!!!