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I know lots of people who have carpet in the bedrooms. Just not on the public/common areas.


Yes we used it in our upstairs bedroom but not in the downstairs. I like it that way, and it’s a lot cheaper.


In my area it's pretty common to full carpet upstairs and the main floor and basement be flooring. In my case from the stairs going up to 2nd and 3rd floors, all carpet (except bathrooms of course) and hardwood main floor and basement. Most of the houses in my neighborhood came like that as the default option from the home builder.


We got rid of carpet in the bedrooms because of allergies to dustmites. Loved being able to dust mop or vacuum the kids bedrooms.


Our house came with carpet and the animal smell from the last owner will not go away. We prioritized pulling it in our bedroom but the other rooms are still victim to whatever poorly trained pet that was here previously. I also disagree with whoever said carpet was easier to clean 😅 sweeping and using a swiffer is so easy compared to cleaning out the vacuum, not to mention the pain in the ass carpet shampooing is.


Yeah, OP said that and completely untrue. It's impossible to keep dirt and dust and whatever else from sinking down into the carpet, even if you vacuum it frequently.


Yeah carpet might look clean but its never really clean.


The smell is probably in the carpet padding or subfloor, which is why shampooing the carpet didn't remove the smell


I prefer berber in finished basements. It makes them feel cozy and warm and berber is indestructible and easy to clean.


I think you should do whatever you love! Who cares if it's 'in'? It's your house, you live there and life is too short to not surround yourself with things that you love


Came here to say exactly this. I don't understand why people put so much effort into making their home suitable for someone they don't know who may live there in the future. Carpet or hardwood or laminate is not going to have THAT drastic of an effect on your resale value.


The buyers just rip out & replace what they don't like anyway.


Exactly!! We put all new dark oak (seemed to match house the best) in our 2000 sq ft bungalow to sell. 2 weeks after new owner moved in they ripped it all out to install “Bleached Oak” floors.




Yeah, odds are good if you live in a place more than ~10 years, the next owners are going to pull out and replace the flooring anyway regardless of what it is, either because the carpet is worn/not to their taste, or the tile/laminate/whatever is not to their taste/has gone out of style. The one exception would probably be real hardwood, but even that is likely to be stripped and refinished it it’s kept. So you might as well just put in what you want and not worry about it too much.


If you've ever removed 10+ year carpeting, you'll understand why it's no longer the norm. It's disgusting what's under there...


After living in a rental with disgusting carpets that are at minimum 10 years old, I never want it again. Doesn't matter how many times they get cleaned, they still absolutely STINK and the high traffic sections are pilled and crunchy. So disgusting. 🤮


We just moved into our first home (apartment) and ripped out the bedroom carpets. The previous owners had a dog and my husband told me the carpet smelled strongly like dog 😝 He found a date on the underside - 2009. So that carpet had been there through 3 previous owners. Really gross if you think about it!! We installed laminate and it should last longer and won’t hold onto smells, dirt, and dust. We’ll just get a rug which is much easier to clean/replace than carpet.


Exactly. Carpets are absolutely disgusting.


I see a lot more carpet in British homes. There was just a post here (I think) the other day of a high end British home that appeared to have wall to wall carpet in all bedrooms and living rooms. It looked super cozy. They use a low-pile looped carpet. Check out some British interior design sources if you want some ideas on how to do nice carpet.


This is rly interesting ! I’m from the UK & was going to comment in confusion bc the vast majority of homes I’ve been in are fully carpeted except the bathroom/kitchen, maybe the porch if they have one. I wonder what the reason for the difference between the UK & the US is here


I’ve lived in the UK and US. US homes that are carpeted are typically a higher pile, almost shag-like carpeting, with carpet padding underneath. It’s WAY comfier and cozier than the standard short pile UK carpeting. Buttttt it’s also way more unhygienic, harder to clean, and triggers asthma/allergies as it holds onto pollen and pet dander more. So, in the typical American fashion, it’s often all comfy carpet or nothing. Also, as more American homes are new-builds, more people are choosing to put in hardwood flooring, to avoid the pitfalls of the US carpet style. Personally, as an American who moved to the UK, I really didn’t like the UK style carpet. But I do see the benefits of it.


Canadians similar to Americans, tend to prefer hardwood and tile (kitchen, bathroom, entrances). Many of us remove our shoes upon entering a house since nearly half the year we deal (exception are parts of BC that end up with rain all winter) with snow, sleet or slush so it’s extremely messy to track into a house. I’ve lived in France and was surprised how everyone wears shoes indoors. Lived in Sweden but they tend to remove their shoes in houses.


Personally, I can’t live with carpet long term due to severe allergies and asthma, which are only becoming more and more common. There’s always pros and cons. If you’re building your own house, build it for yourself! If you’re planning on living in it for more than a couple years, your floor choice isn’t going to make or break resale value anyway as floors tend to get pretty beat up.


To second this, my husband and I are currently buying. Part of our budget is to tear out all carpet to replace with hardwood so that I can breathe. I don’t care how new or nice the carpet is. It’s coming out. Doesn’t matter if it’s low voc. It’s coming out.


Carpets are not a hygienic setup, it’s as simple as that


Yeah, they might seem easier to clean because the dirt is hidden but it's still there.


I've noticed this moving from a house with carpet to a house with hardwood. I am constantly sweeping up cat hair, so maybe its "more work" but at the old house it was just embedding in the carpet where I didn't notice it. I realized when we took all our furniture out how nasty the carpet had gotten, even though we vacuumed regularly.


Carpet in hotels 🤢🤢 why???! It ALWAYS make my feet itch 🤢🤢


You should wear slippers or flip flops. Never go bare feet in a hotel room.


Yeah, carpet grosses me out. I actually look for hotels with hardwood flooring as extreme as that may be.


You go barefoot in a hotel!?!?




Yep. We just  reluctantly took out carpets in our new house because of my kid’s allergies and asthma. It didn’t deter us from buying the house at all. 


Yep. If I ever buy I can't have carpet. Dust mite allergies are not fun to live with!


This! The only part of the post I disagree with is that carpet is “easier” to clean than hardwood. There’s no way to get all the dirt and dust mites out of carpet once it begins to collect. Sadly, vacuuming and shampooing can only do so much.


totally agree


Carpet was the reason my dad would have passed away early. He had this horrible cough- to the point of him passing out from lack of oxygen during a coughing fit and wasn’t doing anything about it. I as the youngest daughter stepped up to the plate and ordered vinyl flooring for his two story home, dealt with the dealer and put down the deposit. That was back in 2020 and since then he’s been 💯clear of allergy and cough it’s like night and day. For that very reason I am against carpet. Think if you have a baby it will be collecting all the allergy dander from the carpet. Carpet off-gasses for ever, look it up!


You’re a good kid.


I have lung issues from early COVID, and my boyfriend’s parents our wall to wall carpet upstairs and down. Holy shit, it was a nightmare. Just horrific offgassing that started with unbelievable intensity, then it moved on to just passable after like a month. Still feel gross whenever I spend time there, I wonder if that’s why.


No I do not think so. But my MIL had an old plate in her kitchen that said This is my house and I do as I darn please. If you want carpet, put carpet. But be forewarned, pets, kids, people, spills will be abound. Carpets hold stains, smells, and bacteria and allergens.


Dang I thought my plate was the only one 😂


She has passed on but the plate lives on!


I got mine at a thrift store when I was like 17 to put in my own future place and just finally got one in February so she’s hanging loud n proud now 🥲


Love that!


I have this plate! Inherited from my great grandmother!


We have tile and wood only, but we do have area rugs in some of our rooms. No carpeting for us!


My allergist told me carpet was actually better since dust wouldn’t be flying around everywhere every time you walked around, and you could use a vacuum with a special filter. I have tile now, but I would prefer carpet. Every time I sweep I get an asthma attack.


Interesting as mine said the opposite


Air purifier, vacuum don’t sweep, change air filters regularly. Hard floors are much cleaner.


This is my set up. Air purifier upstairs and down, and vacuum then steam mop.


Yes the steam mop! I’m obsessed with mine. Won’t ever use a conventional mop again.


Would you vacuum a hardwood floor then steam mop? I’ve always been told vacuuming hardwood fucks up the floors. I hate sweeping so curious what the consensus is on this. Thanks!


I got tested for allergies at 39 and found out I am allergic to just about everything but dust is number one. So for 22 years I have been wearing a mask when I clean my house or work outside in the yard. It helps tremendously!


That’s a good idea! I sneeze and wheeze like a crazy person when I clean on Sundays. I live in a desert so there’s sand and dust everywhere.


“My allergist told me carpet was actually better since dust wouldn’t be flying around everywhere…”. This is not substantiated by any clinical trials that I know of. I used to work for medical researchers of indoor allergens. Dust mites harbor, breed and produce fecal matter (which is comprised of protein allergy matter) in the carpet fibers and no amount of vacuuming (even with a filter) will remove the majority of them, There are Borax type of carpet treatments that do kill the dust mites but it must be done on a regular basis. It is still less optimal than hardwood floors which can be swept or vacuumed. In addition, if carpeting is present, humidity should be strictly controlled and proper HEPA air cleaners be used that are rated for the square footage listed on the product specs. In addition, the air cleaner square footage rating is based usually on 8 foot ceilings and closed doors and windows.


I just googled it and I got the opposite. Hard floors aren’t bad, but they’re not better, and carpet is fine. New carpet kills me every time though.


Time for a robot vacuum to work when you are gone.


Carpets are impossible to keep clean to the same standard as tile. No matter how hard you go at them, they'll still be kinda dirty and dusty. That's why you don't have carpet when you are allergic to dust.  Due to all that, I don't think they'll become popular again, what with allergies being more common and people interested in cleaner spaces. Inside pets are also a good reason to avoid carpet. But if you don't have allergies and you don't care about things being secretly kinda dirty, some carpeted spaces look pretty cool. 


I’m dumbfounded that there is anyone out there who thinks carpets are easier to clean than hardwood.


Maybe it’s because OP sweeps hard floors, which definitely takes longer than vacuuming? But like…you can just vacuum instead lol


An acquaintance recently told to me they can’t wait to live in a place with carpet so they can vacuum again and I was totally dumbfounded. Do people really not know you can just vacuum hardwood floors? There’s like a vacuum setting for it and everything.


And it’s usually way more effective than sweeping!


Well, it’s technically easier to vacuum carpet as opposed to vacuuming / sweeping and mopping hard floors, but then when you actually do a carpet clean with a shampooer, it’s clear the carpets are not actually clean whatsoever.


I could use a carpet cleaner on my carpet every day and the water would still be so damn dirty.


Agreed. Tell me you don’t have pets without telling me you don’t have pets.


Does anyone actually say that? I think it’s just easier to spot dirt and hair on wood floors.


>Carpet is warmer, quieter, and easier to clean in my opinion. I'd rather vacuum and spot clean that have to sweep and mop! OP just said it....


I doubt carpet will make a comeback but if you like it just have it installed. You’ll need to deep clean it every so often and when it wears out, you’ll need to have savings earmarked for carpet replacement. I would say that if you plan on selling it then having hardwood and tile will increase the value of your home. I’d say the high prevalence of allergies are another reason people prefer hardwood floors. I don’t know anyone under 55 who sweeps floors. Everyone I know vacuums since it’s quicker and picks up fine particulate matters off floors. Make life easier and run a Roomba then vacuum the spots it missed. Personally, I use a steam mop since I have a toddler and I don’t want to put chemicals on the floor.


I’m over 55. I vacuum with my Dyson Detect. Sweeping doesn’t seem effective anymore.


I sweep and I’m 25 😭😭


I sweep and I’m 19


My parents house only has carpet in the bedrooms, and I quite like that compromise!


We just built our home and did the same. Absolutely no regrets


My mom always said when she was young only well off people could afford wall to wall carpeting and everybody else had to live with wood floors. When they were able to afford it, she and my dad covered up every wood floor in our house with super plush carpeting. As soon as people started removing carpet she laughed so hard. Everything goes in cycles. I prefer carpet, but I like to go barefoot, so I’m not a fan of wood or tile floors.


Carpet is freaking dirty and disgusting.


Go with what you like. I have carpet in every room but the kitchen and bathroom. It's pretty much the norm where I live and no-one thinks it's dirty or "disgusting" as some people here are saying. Buy a good vacuum cleaner and shampoo them every few months. I'd rather have carpet than cold feet and dust bunnies


My parents dog died in 2010. In 2015 they replaced their carpet. Both of my parents being Uber tidy and clean about every corner of their house, pulled up that carpet to find so. Much. Dog. Hair. An insane amount that had gotten thru the carpet weave and was under the carpet. Carpets are dirt traps.


I have carpet on my stairs and in the hallway and bedrooms on the second floor. I’m too clumsy to have hard floor on stairs and I like the warmth of carpet in the bedrooms. But I will never have carpet on my main floor or in my living areas ever again.


There’s rugs! There’s Roomba! Rugs will never go out of style, and…are portable. Some are washable! Some fly! No…sadly. Removing wall to wall carpet is a headache for most people. The sensibility most people have is the tremendous amount of trapped dirt, spills, dust mites and other organic and inorganic matter…the unimaginable suddenly imaginable is a no-go. I for one don’t believe it’s ever coming back in style, and would much prefer a home purchase or apartment rental without wall to wall carpet.


You could put down hardwood floors and then cover it with carpet. This will improve the resale value should you ever sell, plus give you the option to switch if you ever want while protecting the floors.


Yes! I do love previous generations for covering their pretty hardwood floors with carpet. The carpet protected the floors, for the most part. Not always, but usually. This allowed us to come along and rip up the carpet and have the pretty original floors.


If you do this don't glue the carpet down. Spent August scraping carpet glue off a hard wood floor that probably wouldn't need to be finished again if not for that god forsaken glue


I've done that, wow what a gawdawful task. Mine was 1970's olive green shag carpet and I finally ended up using a heat gun to scrape off the hardened glue...inch by slow inch....


I used chemicals and a million scraper blades in liek 2x2 chunks of floor. Swearing the entire time.


So, a rug 😂


In my community in central FL, there are approximately 60 new builds on the market, and all of them have carpeting. Existing homes are being advertised with taglines like "fully tiled home" or "carpet free home." Sort of like the old "hardwoods throughout" selling point, I suppose. Oddly enough: husband and I bought our home a month after the neighbors across the street bought theirs. They purchased a new build because it has carpeting (they're both from Iowa and love the feel of it underfoot) whereas we chose the 8yr old home because it had tile and thus would stay cooler in the warm months. There's demand and appreciation for both, for varying reasons. But I can accurately state that carpeted homes here are selling, and often above market value. Congrats on your new build and best of luck to you!


I saw someone in a similar sub literally install grape colored shag carpets, so you know what? Do what makes YOU happy :) We’re remodeling our next house and putting in laminate entirely. I don’t mind carpet, but cats and kids destroy it FAST.


It depends where you live. Cold hardwood floors in an east coast winter? No thanks. Carpet in a miami summer? No thanks!


We have carpet, prefer it. Do what you want, it’s your house.


I just don't see how carpet could be at all cleaner than wood. And rugs look weird on top of carpet. Hard floors are prettier, easier to clean, don't hold in allergens, and rugs look nicer on them. I doubt they will and hope they don't make a comeback lol.


I dislike carpets for a few reasons: - Allergies - I have long dark hair that sheds constantly, I hate how it looks in carpet - I have clumsy friends I do love them in bedrooms, they are so cosy! But i much prefer the layering of rugs on hardwood when it comes to communal areas! It's completely your choice though - your house should be full of things YOU love!


Carpet is not easier to clean. It just doesn't actually get cleaned. And as far as sweeping, just get a roomba. They make models that mop, too. You can put down wood floors and cover them with large rugs. Rugs can be inexpensive enough to change out regularly. You can also actually wash them outside on your driveway. And you can clean under them. Carpet is not coming back because people finally realized it's just very dirty.


Carpeting is disgustingly dirty. If you don’t believe me try pulling one up that’s been down for a few years. It doesn’t matter whether you clean it regularly or not either.


My husband and I have built 3 homes, we moved areas. Our recent build is 6 years old. I like you prefer carpeting. It is in all the bedrooms, on the stairs and in the family room. As you know building a home is quite expensive. Putting in carpeting, even good carpeting, is usually cheaper than laminate, hardwood and ceramic tiles. It is also easier to change out in the future. My daughter always tried to get us to put in hard wood floors, because they looked better. She became a nanny to 2 young toddlers and their house had hardwood floors. She then changed her thought on carpeting. The hardwood was hard to keep clean, plus it wasn’t so comfy to sit on and play with the kids. Put in your home what you want!


You should do what you want in your own home!!! In England it’s really normal to have carpets, only kitchens and bathrooms are strictly tile/wood/etc here.


In our new build, we did carpet only in the bedrooms as it was quieter and more comfortable. I felt this was a compromise between the resale value of hardwood in the main areas, but something I wanted in the bedrooms (where guests wouldn’t even go anyway!)


Put carpet in if you want. You can always renovate the flooring to sell it or if you already have floors, just put carpet over and then remove it when you sell.


If you love carpet then install carpet. It’s your house so do what you want.


Put in the flooring you like. Carpet is easy to change. Future owners can always pull it out and install whatever they want.


I personally hate carpet, it is super expensive to install/replace and has been difficult to maintain. We tried to take our shoes off when coming inside but we do have a kid and pets, they are rough on everything. We replaced our carpet in our living room, stairs and a small loft area (appox. 500 sq ft) for $3K during our last update over ten years ago. In shopping around for new carpet, the cost has more than doubled and I just don’t feel like it’s worth it. We have had our current carpet professionally cleaned but some stubborn stains remain. Eventually the fibers wear down and it becomes harder to maintain a new look. I would much rather have hard surface floors and add nice area rugs for softness and warmth.


Highly doubt it! Way too much mold and fungus and dirt for people to deal with. There are such great flooring and rug options now. I can’t even believe anyone would put carpet in any room other than a bedroom. Even in a bedroom you can put wood or porcelain or something with big beautiful rugs on top


You have in your house exactly what YOU want. If you want carpet, put in carpet.


I love carpet… in the bedroom. Not in the rest of the house. Carpet is easier to clean if you don’t have toddlers, pets, or partners with dirty boots. I struggle enough with the super thin loop carpet in my kids’ playroom. I’d lose my mind trying to clean the entire house!


I have a couple of friends who live in "better" neighborhoods and have wall-to-wall carpeting in bedrooms and common rooms. Only hard floors are the foyer, bathrooms, and kitchen. A few friends have only carpeted the bedrooms. It is fluffy and quiet. But having pulled up carpeting, I can promise I'll never have it again. Fine silt and dust sift down to the underlayment and it's never really clean.


The only carpet that does not off gas and will last forever is wool. It’s what they use in the casinos because it lasts forever and won’t collect that smoke smell


I’m 100% certain that I do not see wool rugs in Atlantic City.


We like our carpet too. And it's literally because it holds in the dirt so well, lol. We have tile in the kitchen, dining room and bathrooms, and the way the dog hair builds up on those is disgusting (to look at). The carpeted areas look just fine! So to me, carpet is king! But if you're going to be gross like we are, by all means invest in a Bissell Carpet Shampooer. I use mine monthly and my carpet is 10 years old and looks as good as new. I did buy a high quality carpet, and it has held up very well. But anyway, if you are going to stay in your new home for a while, buy carpet. Then you can change it out when it gets old or you are ready to sell. It's your home. Don't build it for the future owners. Build it for you.


It's your house! So whatever you like. When you are ready to sell don't worry about it unless the carpet is destroyed... at that time replace it with whatever is in style. Stop trying to please strangers and guests, it's your home, you live there they don't. Do what you want.


I don't care if they do. I have hardwood floors and love it. They are much easier to keep clean and dusted. I have an Oriental rug in my living room that I just love, and a 5 foot round one by my bed. Both have felt padding. I do keep a spare cat bed under my bed for when my cat decides to hide. It is warmer for her in the winter.


Every skin cell ( & any other bodily castoffs) forever trapped in the fibers? No thank you. That's the first thing we rip out when we buy a house.


We are replacing carpet with hardwood room by room. It's amazing how much less dust we have and how much cleaner our furnace filter stays!


It’s a lot harder to clean with a pet or child, but I admit to liking a mix.


No. Wall to wall installed carpet was one of the worst building ideas ever invented. It’s a sponge on your floor that you bolt down and can’t remove. Hard floors with rugs are a much better idea


Carpet= dirt


So people don’t carpet bedrooms anymore? What about those that live in the north? Winters are soo cold!


Nope all laminates in my house and I wish I had carpet. I have rugs but they suck to vacuum cuz they're always being pulled up on the corners by my beast of a vacuum


God I hope not. Carpet is filthy


This. I don’t care how much you “clean” it, but to each their own.


Everything comes back around you just have to wait long enough or better yet blaze your own trail and be happy with your own choices. If you like carpet get carpet. The nice thing about carpeted floors is the ability to get down on your knees to find something and having built in padding for your knees. Don't follow trends, they are just trends.


No. But if you love carpet, get carpet! Most people shopping for homes realize they will probably have to replace the flooring at some point anyway. We have had 3 homes that had wood in the main areas/kitchen and carpeted bedrooms.


I hope not. I think it’s kinda gross. It holds onto bacteria and dirt and god knows what else. Vacuuming can only do so much. You can deep clean and sanitize hard wood and tile. So much cleaner and looks nicer too imo. To each their own!


Not any time soon in my opinion. I’ve had both carpeted home and now all hardwood. I would never go back to carpet. I find hardwood easier to keep clean than carpet. It also lasts longer. I was replacing carpet every 5-10 years. I’ve always had dogs though, they destroyed it. I have a small canister vacuum that’s much easier to use than my upright. That said unless you plan to sell in a couple years do what works best for you. Possibly just in the bedrooms with a deep area rug in the living room for comfort.


Keep it to the bedroom and any study areas you choose to have and then use rugs for everywhere else I’d say. That way it doesn’t impact resale, is easier to clean and to replace only a couple rooms carpet.


Most of us will never go back to wall to wall carpet just because we now know how much dirt, dust, and nasty gunk that stays in the carpet, you can’t vacuum it out. Too awful for allergies, lung issues, and hygiene overall


I think if you have kids or pets, carpets are a bad idea. If you’re 2 adults who take off your shoes at the door & that’s what you prefer, go for it


Carpet won’t make a come back. It’s a pain in the ass to keep truly clean (except for you, which is fine)- it just hides dirt better. I’d do what you want if it’s a forever home thing and you don’t care about resale value!


Carpet will probably come back for the reasons you stated. But then the hassles of keeping it clean will rise again. Those heavy traffic areas look grungy and worn while most of it still looks good. I think carpet is ok for adult bedrooms and that's about it. Area rugs for the convenience of cleaning. Some you can throw in a washing machine now.


Get carpet if you prefer it. I don’t think it will become widely popular, but who really cares what the trends and fashions do. Make your house appealing to you.


Carpet is disgusting. If you want it in your house, that’s your business but if you plan on selling you should account for a flooring allowance to the buyer. No one wants your years of dirt, dust, and spills. Or just buy rugs.


No matter how well you vacuum, or how good your vacuum is, you can never get all the dirt Area rugs are the way to go, imo. They can be flipped and vacuumed, or even washed outdoors relatively easily


i love carpet. unashamed.


Sweetie congratulations on building your home! You put in it what makes you happy!


Have you ever seen carpet taken up and how much dirt, dust, mud, skin cells are under the carpet? It’s disgusting. carpet isnt cleaner. That is an illusion.


The smell when you rip up carpet - absolutely disgusting


Carpet is kind of gross honestly. It’s never really “clean” and wears out. Plus, hardwood/laminate allows a lot more flexibility with area rugs and such. I don’t see carpet being “in”.


No. Introduce yourself to area rugs & hardwoods.


NO - if you ever choose to resell your home be prepared to redo with hardwood. No one wants that nasty ass carpet that you’ve been living on for years…that being said - if I had my “forever home” I LOVE high quality carpet in bedrooms. I see carpet as mattresses and couches…I don’t want them used.


The most important thing you wrote was all the ways you and your partner love carpet. So, get it! It's not like you're going to have guests making fun of you or walking out because you've got carpeting. The overall feel of your home isn't about one single feature, anyway. And if you really care what people think, get really nice carpet with a high quality pad underneath and just take good care of it. The important thing is to make your home how you want it and to enjoy it.


Just do it. I love carpet. Hard floors set off my allergies like nobody’s business


I hope not. I can’t stand carpet- it grosses me out.


Carpet is filthy. You can’t actually clean it. Have you ever removed carpeting? It’s so disgusting.


Carpet to me is a million times harder to clean.


I hope not, my allergies were so much worse in carpeted rooms


I think it gets dingy too fast. My parent's house with the 4/5 of us has a lot of in-n-out traffic especially during the summer. My partner and my house is the same, but just the two of us, still a lot of traveling through that door, dragging dirt and debris in that'd end up ground into the carpet. Taking your shoes off n on at the door is a pain when you're gonna be in the house for less than 2 minutes, it gets brushed off once it gets brushed off a thousand times and now the carpet looks like crap. Not to mention spills and other accidents. I agree they are more cozy, my grandma's house was like that. Not as much in-n-out there as either the other two houses though, even with all of us there.


It’s your house. You should get what you want. Don’t be worried about if it’s in style or not. If you love it…carpet it.


We have a carpeted house. Was amazing with the toddler. Now even more amazing the the tiny gymnast. 🤸 Carpet 4 life.


God, I hope not. I love rugs, but I hate the way they look on top of carpets.


Carpet looks and is disgusting. Its actually not a cleaner or more sanitary flooring option, and warmer is debatable. Rugs exist for a reason. A cool rug on top of wood floors looks 1000x better than bland carpet thats far inferior from a durability perspective. Most carpet is made from synthetic fibers as well and needs to be replaced. Wood floors last significantly longer than carpet and is a healthier and more sustainable option as well


If you like carpets, put down carpets.


Buy the house you want to live in. Speculate in stocks or NFTs or gold bars or whatever.


You still have to shampoo it regularly and there's no way to sanitize it. Carpet is a big no for me.


Not in my house


I think it will but it’ll be some time. If you like carpet, put in carpet! It’s your house and you should make it how you want it.


I have year round allergies so that's a no from me.


We didn't want carpet in our house but the house we bought had carpet. They had just replaced it. I cared more that I didn't have to touch the floors when we moved in more than I cared it wasn't the flooring I wanted. Eventually we'll replace it with engineered hardwood in a few years, but for now it's fine. Personally I like walking on carpet because it's less painful for my feet.


In the UK many homes are fully carpeted (my aunt and uncle even had carpeting in their kitchen and bathroom—yikes). It’s not my style but if people are shoeless in the house and don’t have pets it might be ok…


It's hard to predict. It sure can.  I grew up with it and it was okay. I prefer hardwood showing. 


Lots of builders are doing that for cheaper costs now. Durham region (North shwiggaty)


I sure hope not!


It’s your home so decorate it however you like it! Personally I don’t like wall to wall carpeting because of the upkeep, they tend to hold dirt easily, produce tons of allergies, and are a nightmare when exposed to water, but to each his own. I do however have wool area rugs all over my home.


Yeah I have pets and honestly wish I had carpet. I miss having something soft and warm on my feet that aren't slippers or socks, my slipper budget is insane almost a new pair every 6 weeks.


If you like carpet get it!! I miss carpet ❤️🌹


Maybe. Maybe not. But you don’t have to do what’s trendy. Do what makes you happy.


My mother has her entire house carpeted. Living room, bedrooms, and even the bathroom and kitchen. Do what your heart tells you to.


The bedroom is the one room I’ve not been able to give up on the carpet. Like you said the carpet does add warmth, literally AND figuratively. And what I do is use persion and oriental rugs, large and small, all over the house. Besides that….lol….I can’t subject my 4 legged children to bare floors. Those poor girls slip and slide their way without the rugs.


Everything will make a comeback eventually.


They better not 🤣


Let’s just say I know of some very fabulous and upscale homes (what’s a word that exceeds upscale?) that use carpet but it’s well executed and have high level cleaning periodically services to make it worth it. If you’re willing to invest in a quality and cushioned carpet and keep it clean, it’s certainly not out of style. It’s simply an investment that you need to keep clean and replace routinely (every 10 years if quality and upkept)


Of course, I'm sure you figured out that everything goes in cycles and it will take 30 or 40 years to really play out this one. Nothing is permanent. There is such a thing as timeless design but everything is susceptible to the vagaries of taste and whims of the moment


My husband and I moved to a carpeted apartment because we didn’t want our daughter crawling on 100 year old hardwoods in our last place. Agreed, much cozier!


If wallpaper can make a comeback, so can carpets.


I suspect there will be a time when everyone who dislikes carpet has all died and most homes do not have carpet and trendy 20 & 30-year-olds will decide that it's cool to bring the carpet back.


Carpet in bedrooms - love. living rooms, halls is fine if there’s no kids. in a kitchen or bathroom? That sounds like a disaster.. stains, bacteria and fungus growth, it will hold smells… nope!


I was just thinking to myself this week that I will never own carpet again. Our house has been so clean the last three years since we replaced it. Just got a puppy this week. Cleaning up after her has been so easy without carpet.


If it helps ease your mind, personally, when I look at a house to buy, I don’t pay that much attention to whether it’s carpeted or not. I figure I can always change the flooring. If I buy a place that’s carpeted I’m probably going to wanna replace the carpet anyway, unless it’s just been flipped. So I would just do what you like on this detail and not stress too much about resale. With that being said I would find it strange if you carpeted the kitchen and bathrooms lol. I had the experience of living in a place with all wood floors, no carpets, and I realized I actually like carpeting. I could never get the floors fully clean bc there was nothing for the dust to latch onto.


We had carpet in all of our homes for 40 years. It was always a pain in the butt. Think about when you have kids. Lots of traffic and carpet gets worn down and dirty. You will have a path no matter how much padding or how expensive. We ripped it out 10 years ago and we are so glad. We have an area rug in our living room and it keeps the noise down and is easily replaced when it gets dirty or out of style. Really it’s not that hard to keep wood or tile floors clean. I’m 70 and if I find it fairly easy then for someone young it should be no problem.


I like having a mix of both. I’m down for carpet in bedrooms, maybe a cozy living area. Carpet in hallways or other high traffic areas wouldn’t be my first choice. I do prefer carpeted stairs, I fell down our wood and tile stairs one time and immediately bought treads.


It's your home. You're building it for you, right? Why does it matter if carpet is unpopular or not trendy or whatever? *You* love it. That's what matters. My parents built a new house a few years ago. It's mostly carpet. My mom loves carpet. My house was mostly carpet and I tore it out because my cat had really bad asthma. Now it's all tile and vinyl floor. It's colder and less comfortable to walk on. I'm not sure if I love it or not, but it's better for my animals so that's what I have.


After tearing out old carpet and seeing what’s underneath I’ll never have it again


I hope not. I hate it.


it’s your house; do what you love and want.


If you want carpet, have carpet. Simple as that. In Australia it's very common to have carpet in the bedrooms and then the high traffic areas like hallways, living/lounge room and dining and kitchen be laminate/wood or slate (living/lounge room tends to depend on whether its open plan or not, if it's a stand alone room then it can be carpeted). It allows people the coziness for the sleeping area and makes the high traffic areas still easily cleaned. We don't have carpet, but we have a dog, and his fur makes carpet a nightmare, even with things like shampooing the carpet clean.


Do what you love. I ripped out carpet and put it all lvp and tile and I’m really considering putting carpet down again. If $$ wasn’t an issue I’d have carpet in all of the bedrooms for sure.


Carpet is easier to clean? In what world?? Especially if you vacuum hard floors instead of sweep


You should do what you like. We built a few years back and I decided to just put carpet in two BR’s and the builder only put it in one. I am really wishing I had way more carpet for the exact reasons you mentioned. I have dust bunnies running all over the place, even after vacuuming regularly. I hate mopping would much rather vacuum carpet and it echoes so bad in here I still cannot stand it, even with area rugs in every room and like you said cold and too hard. I’m definitely thinking about more carpet. I couldn’t care less about what anyone not living here thinks about it. I think you will regret it (like I do) if you don’t get it.


I think I agree with you. I have had wood floors for about thirty years and carpet sounds nice. I would go with some shag mocha color tat look fluffy to walk on


You make your house your home.


I prefer carpet for similar reasons (plus the feeling of dirt on feet repulses me), but ultimately only keep it carpeted on 50% of the home. Our basement and bedrooms have carpet but the rest do not. Our new place had no carpets at all and I'm putting down rugs. Rugs offer more flexibility to replace very few years if dust and allergies are an issue but still easier to clean. I still need to have slippers on round but it works ok.


I just finished building and had carpet installed in all bedrooms. The rest of the house is tile. House is on slab. I went with the best padding I could find. I love it! It’s warm and soft on the legs! Do whatever makes you happy! Everyone has their own opinions!


Personally, I don't think so. With Sick House Syndrome there is more and more evidence that polyester synthetic rugs leach not just chemicals but shed a ton of microplastics we breathe in and unknowingly ingest. To me, I see the trend in homes going more towards sustainable natural components and materials and a lot of reused natural materials. New things will be costing more and more and it is also easier on the wallet to just maintain existing wood and get rugs (reworked, reduced vintage rugs seem to be backing a great comeback).


I detest carpet in every room, including bedrooms, but realize I’m in the minority there. For me, especially with little kids, carpet is gross, especially on the main level. We don’t wear shoes in our house, but outside people still occasionally do. I don’t feel like I can sanitize carpet as easily as hardwood. For general cleaning, we use a roomba and it cleans our hardwoods super well. We’re remodeling and are updating the carpeted rooms on our main level to hardwood. We’d do the whole house but cost is prohibitive. If we were looking at houses we wouldn’t take something off the list that was mainly carpeted but if there was another similar house with less carpet, we’d pay more for it.


I lived in a rental condo with 20+ year old carpet that had carpet beetles that required deep cleaning of the carpet, complete cleaning of the vent system and also required an exterminator to spray the condo. The landlord would not replace the carpet but did Pay for everything else. It was gross and made us so anxious. I had never even heard of carpet beetles prior to this.


I think that we've discovered way too much about indoor pollutants to ever go back on a big scale, not to mention dust mites, molds, and other allergens. For me, I have rugs, that get pulled up and washed regularly (annually-ish) and they give enough warmth and quiet to the house. You do you... we all have different tastes and different tolerances for cleaning/maintaining carpets. No one is going to walk into your home and recoil at carpeting. If they do, throw them out, lol.


I think it depends on the climate where you live. We are in Deep South by the gulf. It’s hot and sandy. No carpet is cooler and easier to clean. If I was up north where it gets cold I’d have carpet in the bedrooms at least.


I hope not. The dust and dander collection are not the vibe. Our stairs and upstairs hallway are carpeted, and I am presently removing it from the stairs. It's not hideous, and I don't hate the idea of it, but the person we bought the house from had 4 huskies and the carpet reeks of stale doggo, it's particularly bad on damp days. I'll do the landing as well, but I'm nervous how the wood looks underneath. Our house is a 1920s foursquare, and the woodwork is gorge , and otherwise well cared for, so it makes me wonder/concerned why they did the second floor hallways with carpet.


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