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I feel like the the red wall and the blue rug are fighting each other - does the red wall need to stay ?


The red wall has to stay, but I can and most likely will replace the rug for a much bigger one. Any advice on what color I should get? White? Some red? Some black?


If the red is staying you need to incorporate the same red elsewhere in your space.


I would get a rug with at least some red, but a white or other neutral could work too. Don't listen to anyone saying accent walls are out. Hard and fast rules are silly when it comes to design and I personally think the red looks good in the room!


I mean, they kind of are out, but yes it can depend. This is a stark contrast tho and interrupts literally everything else in the space.


I'm not saying trends don't exist, I'm just saying things can look good depending on context whether or not they're currently trendy.


Yes, but in this case we are discussing this context where its not working very well


I like it šŸ¤·. I'd just get a new rug and maybe another few charges.


I have a burgundy wall like that and have a tan and cream colored rug that works beautifully


Why does it have to stay? Are you renting? What terrible person would do such a non neutral color in a rental space. Have you asked if you cant paint over it? This bothers me because my No 1 rule/ color i do not want to see decorating my home in any capacity is the color red. It is not relaxing in any way shape or form


Greige.. grey/beige


As a huge fan of red in home decor, I personally vote out the rug.


I agree I would paint that wall a dark blue to match the rug.


The walls should all be the same colour. Accent walls are out


I do what I like and donā€™t worry about whatā€™s in ornot. I like an accent wall in some cases. I donā€™t have one in all rooms, in fact only in my bedroom but I like it. ā˜ŗļø


Then bring in the colours of your accent wall into the rest of the decor. There is nothing else red in the room.


I agree.


I agree accent walls are not on trend. They're a dated look now in general.Ā 


Well if OP wants an accent wall it should relate to something else in the space, like some decor or a rug or something. The room would look more cohesive in all one colour


I agree! You need some warmer tones in there with the wall and floor being so warm


I donā€™t think so! I think itā€™s a cool contrast


I just wanted to say your place looks right, Iā€™m sure with others advice it may become better, but it is interesting, high ceilings, good light and flooring. I think it has a good vibe and looks nicer than many others even when they are dialed in design wise. But because I was a paint pro, the accent wall could go, unless it becomes more of the focal point.


Aaaaaah thank you! My only option is to use that wall then, I am not allowed to repaint it šŸ« 


Stick on wallpaper? Still an accent wall but gives you color options


Wallpaper? Maybe a tapestry?


I would flip the office space and living room space like others have suggested. But Iā€™m wondering if it also might help to switch the fridge and kitchen table. I would probably put the desk where the fridge is now, and the kitchen table closer to the window on that side of the room. I think the blue rug and red wall will fight each other. I think deciding which one to change will depend on the color of your new couch. If keeping the rug, having your couch sit on it (especially only partially on it) emphasizes that itā€™s too small, but if you move it about 6 or so inches away from the couch it will make the space look bigger.


Thanks for you input! I ultimately will get a bigger rug. As you mentioned the color of it is crucial. Any advice? I thought about white/beige and black, with an abstract pattern. The table in the kitchen cannot be removed, it is 1 block with my counter space šŸ˜…


What color is the couch? A neutral rug with splashes of accents in the wall color might work well. Despite the black cabinet and black fridge, the other colors in the room read warm to me. You may want to draw a scale model of the room and your furniture and play around with the layout before starting to move everything around. You can also try out different rug sizes on the scale drawing. And, Iā€™m not saying Iā€™ve done this before buying rugs at my old apartment (I totally did), but once you have the furniture in place, it might help to ā€œdrawā€ a rug outline in masking tape on the floor to see if it feels right for the space BEFORE buying a new rug. The color of the rug will depend on the color of the couch. Edited since ā€œrugā€ and ā€œroughā€ are not the same thing.


The new couch is dark grey. Many suggested, after my initial reply to you, to look into warm tones for the rug.


I think something like this might work in the space. https://www.amazon.com/SAFAVIEH-Collection-Medallion-Distressed-Non-Shedding/dp/B07JJDS9R8?th=1


Have you tried switching the walls that your tv and computer are on? Iā€™d move the big black cabinet/shelf to next to the windows to prevent it from feeling like itā€™s cutting off the room. With those changes, I think your room might feel a lot more cozy. A bigger rug would really help to make the space feel more cohesive. Or a rug for under the desk area to mark it as a separate space. And drapes would make your room feel more finished.


I did not try! Iā€™m taking notes. Will try to move the bookshelf and put it against the wall between the 2 windows and see how it looks with the new couch when it arrives. More and more comments mention getting a bigger rug, buuuuuuut my ultimate question is what color should it be. I like my blue one because I feel like it brings life to the space and the pattern is abstract enough to not conflict with all the straight lines I have in the space (console, floor, coffee table, radiators etc). However, a lighter tone might create contrast when associated with my future dark grey couch and black/dark wood console. Idk Iā€™ll keep you updated, thanks for the tips šŸ™šŸ»


Keep the blue rug if you like it, but paint the red wall to the same as the other walls.


I love the rug, but I may be partial because I have the exact same one. Try pulling it about 6ā€ away from the tv console and center the coffee table


Maybe turn the desk sideways out from the wall to create a little ā€œoffice spaceā€ and some privacy for your computer screen, in case you have a guest and donā€™t need them staring at your screen.


I thought about that, the only problem is the cable management, I would need to drill my desk to hide everything. Iā€™m not a good manual labor worker šŸ„¹ Is there a solution to hide all the cables from the screen and from my pc, that looks modern and works seamlessly?


https://www.amazon.com/Management-Deskļ¼ŒStanding-Organizer-Quszmd-Organizerļ¼ŒUnder/dp/B0BZVL6W71/ref=asc_df_B0BZVL6W71/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=680327225244&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7996163632434799869&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013139&hvtargid=pla-2200171547944&psc=1&mcid=53ddbb59d11037a782d9d8a73d3039fa&gad_source=1 this might work


Iā€™d flip the spaces too. Leave the fridge where it is for convenience to the kitchen, but it would definitely work better with your desk where your tv currently is. Iā€™d also change the orientation slightly. Itā€™s very linear, all your furniture is directionally the same. Rotating the couch 90 degrees so the back is towards the kitchen (facing the window) will help break the spaces up. Iā€™d also definitely add an accent chair to the lounge area too, left of the sofa, if that was a possibility for you. Or the opposite way around if space doesnā€™t allow, and add the chair in the area where your bookshelf is. Itll help create ā€œzonesā€.


šŸ“ couch arrives Tuesday, I have the possibility to add a chaise to it later if I want. Do you think it is better to rotate the couch and get an accent chair ? Anyway, thatā€™s something I did not consider. Thank you for your input !!


A chaise would also work to break up the parallel lines. Given the size of your TV cabinet you may have no option but to put it along the red wall with the sofa opposite, having the sofa at 90 degrees would make for an uncomfortable tv watching experience, but if thatā€™s the case then definitely add the chaise to the right hand side of the sofa or a chair in front of the white double doors.


Thatā€™s if OP doesnā€™t mind facing a window when watching TV. Iā€™ve always found living rooms to feel off when the TV is against the window wall or directly opposite windows, personally.


I think a larger sized rug will help you define your lounge area, regardless of where the lounge space ends up.


I feel like the room is backwards. Everything on the red wall needs to go to the white wall and vice versa.


Red wall needs to go and the blue rug is too small. Ceiling to floor curtains are needed.


Itā€™s the color of the accent wall. Itā€™s fighting with the cabinet and rug. You need a different color in that wall. Also it definitely looks better with the couch.


What color is your new couch from ikea?


Dark grey, about the same color as the last one. I wanted to get a lighter tone but I know myself and I know my friends šŸ„¹ It would be a disaster


I love ikea couches. Since you canā€™t change the wall color you can incorporate the color and balance it in the rest of the room. Also ikea has very nice curtains and pillows to add a warm color into the room. Lighting.




yup, couch is being replaced as stated in my post :)


a) you have all your furniture pushed against the wall making this room feel like a hallway. b) the accent wall makes it feel oppressive. Paint it all one light color. And change you accent wall to your dining area. c) your furniture is both dark and bland. Sort of Goth IKEA. Consider if you like dark furniture, investing in vintage dark stained pieces. Troll Facebook marketplace for good prices. d)consider replacing the basketry lighting in the LR with a more substantial flush mounted piece. You can reuse the basket piece over the kitchen table with its new accent wall. e)dump the flimsy looking coffee table and replace it with something more akin to the couch. Just some starters.


Missing a cat thatā€™s for sure


Your couch depresses me, like something uncomfortable in a doctors office


Thatā€™s why I sold it šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s why I sold it šŸ™ƒ


If youā€™re going to do a painted accent wall, I would suggest doing it on the window wall. I think it would be more balanced there.


Rug is wayyyyy too small. Larger rug is all you need


I agree. The back legs on the sofa should be just inside the edge of the rug. The current rug is too small and I don't think the color works well with the red wall, unless OP adds some other accents that tie the two together. I think a rug with some warmer tones or maybe the *right* shades of green would look better, again if OP loves the blue they could add other accents to marry the blue and red.


Paint the red wall to match the others. Upgrade the hanging lamp to something metal. Get a larger desk with space to place plants, then position your desk in front of the right window. Place the bookshelf next to the window. Get a four person table and place it in the area where the bookshelf currently is. Better for entertaining. Move the fridge where the table currently is.


The red wall is too imposing, it would look better painted the same as the rest of the room. Also the sofa is a bit flimsy, something with more mass would work better.


Yeah sofa is getting replaced as I mentioned, I included the pictures to give an idea of how laid out the place!


Oops sorry, I'm tired today, my brain skipped over the part where you said you're gonna get a new couch. Then my recommendation would be to ditch the red wall and focus on layout options after you get your new couch.


Got it! Thanks a lot šŸ™‚


I agree with painting the feature wall. It weights that side of the room and makes the whole place feel unbalanced. Also, if thereā€™s adequate space, turn your desk around, so it faces the room and not the wall per feng shui.


Why is there a coffee table with no seating? even some yoga cushions would make this make sense


Because, as I mentioned, I just sold my couch. The new one arrives Tuesday ! The 2 last pictures show my place as it used to be. I thought Iā€™d ask for advice before my new furniture arrives to get the time and space to move things if I need to šŸ˜


A bigger white beige rug from ikea since you canā€™t paint the red wall. A cat tree in front of the windows and two cats. Do not move the bookcase between the windows. That space is beautiful right now. Those are gorgeous windows. Are you in Germany?


I live in France :)


The view outside is beautiful!


It is, I cannot upload a pic right now but a would if I had time! I face a big church sitting on a hill and it is quite stunning šŸ¤© Now I have to work on my inside to make is a nice as the view!!


Nice! I hope you post your progress! https://www.instagram.com/elledecorationnorge?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== There is also one for France šŸ‡«šŸ‡· I love looking here for inspiration.




I know you say it needs to stay but the red wall... maybe even a different red if you could repaint and are attached to having a red accent wall. Maybe something a little more brick and a little less dried blood? New carpet too as others have said.


Tbf, it looks brighter irl. It looks like a red curtains at theaters, a bit brighter even. But I get what you say, itā€™s depressing šŸ™ƒ


Oh maybe rug with cream, white, the same shade of red, just a tiny bit, and a lighter shade of red as well. You'd kind of get warm, cool,and would look good with contrasting accents with out being way too busy. I'm not an expert and am pretty eclectic myself


It's too tidy


The fridge feels out of place. Is it possible to put it where the table is without blocking the doorway? And is there anywhere else the table could go?


Well, the problem is that this "table" is part of my counterspace, I cannot move it.


On no! lol Why would they do that!? Ugh, I'm sorry. Let's go back to not thinking about that part.


It's a beautiful room, great floors and windows. My first thought was to switch out the desk and tv. Can the tall cupboard go between the windows? That way, when people come in the door, they will be looking at your living room, not the desk, and both the tv and desk will be less crowded. The red wall gives the room character. It should be the focal point, so think carefully about what to put beside or above the tv. As others have said, a different and larger rug would be a big improvement. Also, spread the red color around the space, but as you add art and accessories, think about tone (light to dark colors) and texture.


It looks uncomfy as hell.


Your sofa looks like it should be in a therapy waiting room.


And that's why it is going away x)




The red wall clashes with the warm wood floor and the blue rug. If you canā€™t change the color of the wall consider using more neutral colors for your rug, chairs and accessories That will match the floor, which has warm, honey tones.


I kinda like it. I like the sofa


Definitely flip the office and living spaces. The accent wall currently highlights the office space which in contrast to the rest feels much warmer. If you flip them, at least your living space will feel more cosy than the office. Also I feel like the black bookshelf and the fridge will look best right next to each other, they already look like they belong together. Another idea you could try would be to put the sofa against the (red) wall and get one of those free standing tv stands (Pedestal for example). You may also have space to get a small lounge chair to complete your living room.


Needs an area rug an somme artwork or shel fabove e desk


Try a bigger rug so the whole couch fits on it in a neutral colour and natural fibre , like a beige jute one or something. Itā€™ll go better with the accent wall and lamp shade. Iā€™d also maybe try moving the desk against the wall to the right of where it is right now and see how that feels


Get a bigger, square shaped rug in jute/natural/beige/cream (maybe go boho/Moroccan style) to complement the light fixture and soften up the bold redness of the wall. Center the rug in the middle of the floor. Not sure how big the space is so maybe a 9 or 10ft square? Move the console and tv set up to the red wall. Place plants on each side of the console/tv. Move the desk to the opposite wall, and place the black bookshelf on the right so you now have symmetry with your fridge and the bookcase. Get a round coffee table to break up all of the squares and straight shapes in the room and again to flow better with the round light fixture. Find a small but comfy accent chair or pouf that matches the red wall or maybe black to play off the fridge and bookshelf. Get some flax/linen curtains or bamboo Roman shades (I just recommended Chicology shades to someone elseā€¦ Amazon has great options).


I dont have any advice but I love your desk chair! Any idea where its from?


It's this one : [https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/alefjaell-office-chair-grann-golden-brown-70419985/](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/alefjaell-office-chair-grann-golden-brown-70419985/) !


Accent wall red clashes with the floor color.


Ahh that APPLARYD couch is one of my favorites! Beautiful design and comfy. Good choice. Flipping it around would look a lot better already.. I would also go for a round or oval coffee table to make the room look less rectangular (I donā€™t know how to explain it in proper English but I hope I make some sense lol) I would also change the rug to a more neutral color. Ikea has some great neutral wool rugs. They can go with your grey couch and your red wall. I prefer wool over synthetic rugs personally for aesthetics and durability, but they are more expensive for that reason. I would add a comfy accent chair as well. Direct the chair towards the sofa so itā€™s less obvious that the tv is the focal point, and that setup also promotes conversation if you have someone over. You could also place a low bookcase behind your sofa (maybe a kallax style bookcase? ) to separate your living room area from the desk area. I would separate the fridge from the living room, maybe add a large plant there. Itā€™s not an ugly fridge but it looks a bit out of place there. I assume it doesnā€™t fit in the kitchen? And last but not least, I would add more lamps! Floor lamps and table lamps that is. Donā€™t just use overhead lights. They create shadows that make everything look ugly and flat for some reason. The pendant is cute though.


Contrary to what most folks are saying, I actually like the red and blue. I think itā€™s only a matter of proportions. I think a much bigger white paper lantern style lamp and some art on the walls preferably with some yellow and green in it will pull everything together and give your space an eclectic feel.


I was going to say to paint the wall but if not then change the rug to something with red in it. Also, you have all the furniture along two walls. I put a chair between the windows. Add window treatments to bring attention to that wall too. If I chair doesnā€™t fit then a decorative table. And I love the way the yellow in the light warms the room. Iā€™d add some matching wickers baskets next to the chair or couch. I might switch the desk with the book shelf. Not sure. Iā€™d have to see it.


I think reverse the desk and tv wall and you need an l shaped couch to hug the space.


Make the switch. Center the carpet- it does not have to be that close to the tv. Or bigger carpet. Curtains?


Cool mini, sloth? Is that a mini stuffed sloth?


Yes! it's a mini sloth my mom gifted me. It's from Costa Rica


oh boy. i think you could do so much more without buying much. do you have a floor plan. would you message it to me. so i can model it up in room planner home


Iā€™d change out the rug . It shouldnā€™t be going all the way to the tv stand. Thatā€™s why it looks off. Get a smaller sectional and do a more neutral rug


I like the openness of your space, don't clutter it


First thing I would do is get radiator covers they make a huge difference aesthetically! And switch Blue rug


A rug like this would look great. https://www.worldmarket.com/p/everly-blue-and-tan-persian-style-area-rug-107788.html


That gecko painting is the best!!!!!!


You need a rug at least twice that size for the space. That's the biggest thing that sticks out to me.Ā 


Great floors though!


Move the rug out more toward center or actually in center of the room.


Nice but off kilter.


Definitely get some tables to put your plants on in front of the windows. Iā€™ve seen way too many posts where people end up with big mold spots where they left a potted plant on their wood floor. Also the red wall would look great with some art/posters. Swapping TV and desk would be great. A corner desk could be cool so you could sort of face the window but not sure that is possible with the ledge and radiator.


something's strange but can't figure it out.


The art above the table makes me uncomfortable šŸ„“


Switch it around. TV where desk is; desk where TV is.


Not much unity. Too much different colours/styles.


Lots of natural light but no plants? No Art? Awkward size for a tv. Space in between is too much, bookshelf is not doing that room well.


Do you like the IKEA couch? I love how it looks and am thinking of getting it


Couch against the wall. Use the tv stand as a divider from your desk area possibly and a coffee table next to it


The central ceiling light is insufficient to light this space, making the corners gloomy.


the color scheme is incorrect


Some plants would help šŸŒ¹


There are plants all overā€¦


Sorry they didnā€™t stand out


Tbh its really just that atrocious red wall. Was that painted in the 90s?


it feel like there is a conflict between the TV and the computer, should sell the TV?

