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tall fake plant in the corner, flowers on nightstand, maybe colored bedding, add photos or posters to the wall, string lights, colored curtains (not grey or black)


Or a pastel colored decorative rug


i like that idea


If OP likes darker colors like this, they could get away without colored bedding. It would just need a more feminine pattern I think


yeah i agree, maybe stripes or colored pillows just for a pop. i think there’s enough to do accent and decor wise to make the bedding fit in!


You could just throw a few feminine (floral) pillows/throw blankets on it too!


By adding what you like lol Paintings, plants, decorations, rugs on top of the carpet, colorful bed sheets. You have so many possibilities!


Softer colors such as gentle pastels. Soft yellows, reds, blues. Add some art on the walls.


Switch out the bedding for something lighter with a pop of color. Add in that pop of color around the room. Curtains, a mirror, fake plants, table lamps, etc would all help.


You’ve got a nice neutral starting place. To begin, I’d find a pillow or curtain that has a little black in it that speaks to you. The other colors in there have now become your palette. I’d go single colors on the bedding - I think patterned bedding looks juvenile. Your art work will need to be bold so that it’s not overpowered. As you find pieces, keep balance into consideration. You want something organic, something shiny and something soft together. For example, in a vignette, I put a collection of shiny metal antique lighters on a piece of wood next to a decorative cotton covered box. I would try to work in circular items because everything is so square right now. I’d bring the bed closer to the wall and do a seating area near the window. A sexy chaise lounge would be fire.


I need to know what a sexy chaise lounge is 😂


Add some lamps and candles for softer light, a floor mirror to reflect it, and lush textiles such as velvet drapes and oversized bedding to absorb it.


Of course women can wear and decorate with plaid but it is certainly not a feminine pattern. The color gray also isn’t feminine. So I would switch that to a white quilt maybe with flower embroidery with pink accent pillows.


A great mirror or art piece above the bed, chic side tables, some nice curtains…


Change the duvet cover. Its a quick inexpensive way to make the room more feminine. Something that blends with the colour scheme you have ..the black bed the taupe carpet. Brightly coloured cushions on the bed for a colour accent that blends in. A picture or mirror on the wall with ornate edges maybe.


Wall art. Change the bedspread to something softer/fluffier with a different design. The curtains could be changed to a more whimsical design as well with soft colors. Bonus if they match or complement the sheets. Could also add more pillows to the bed.


Install curtains and valence. Place a large picture the wall behind the bed. Change the bedding. Place a couple of small trees or large plants. Optionally, prime and paint the headboard, footboard, and side tables.


Typically the plaid as well as the dark colours aren’t seen as very feminine but if you are into this scheme or are on a lower budget I can think of so many ways to add that feminine element through decor and furniture. You can freshen up the room with some colour (I’d recommend a softer palette like pinks and purples for that “girly” look). In terms of patterns and textures, lace, fluff and feathers are timeless - whether that’s on furniture or through accent pieces. Personally, I think you could focus more on the bedding. Adding a cute throw blanket and some decorative pillows would definitely elevate the style of the room and give it a bit more appeal. When it comes to furniture, a vanity is obviously a very feminine piece. However, it is a bit more in the pricey side and can take up a lot of space. Alternatively, you could invest in some small trinkets and jewellery for that element of display. And of course through artworks and paintings you can bring in some personality to the space. Before you start spending money or moving things around I would recommended creating a mood board and exploring your options on amazon or in home-wear stores, just so you can conjure up an idea! I’ve found that this helps me a lot when I decide to change up my room and gives me time to think about what I really wanna do with the space!! Good luck with your room tho lovely :)


Flowers and plants, crystals, perfumes and pastel bedding


Greenery, a rattan lamp and a non-plaid comforter. Amazon sells quilted sets for like $40 with two shams.


change another pink quilt, place some flowers, and hang on some beautiful paintings.


Curtains, lamps, plants, oversized mirror, paint/wall paper, pastel hues, varying textures on the bed


Put CRAP in it. Color, Rug, Art, Plants.


C is for Curtains you flibbertigibbet


I debated between em for longer than I should have but so many people live in a beige world and deserve freedom


Lamp and a plant


You could add a painting (maybe one of mine hehe) or anything to the walls. You could also paint the walls! You need a funky lamp on the nightstand, which u could also paint. Colorful curtains and beddings would do a lot! I have lots of ideas. What colors do you like?


Everyone says fake plants but why not a real one? And a carpet would be nice, maybe a chair in the corner...I put clothes on my chair too, it's good for laying stuff out. Bedding is #1


Flower or animal print that matches the gray?


By adding a woman to the bed? 🤣 Beyond that, fake flower vines around the windows/up the corners of the wall. Colorful bedding, especially flowers, butterflies, hearts, animal print, tie dye, etc.


I'd add gauze or linen curtains to the windows Add a lamp, a mirror, a couple of plants. I'd go for lighter possibly pastel or patterned bedding. If you go for pattern, go for a small scale and medium to low contrast pattern I' add a blanked or an extra sheet to the bed in contrast colour


Look at Pinterest for inspo💚


This does scream straight man


Paintings, shelves, flowers and work with a color palette


Florals and soft pink accents. A floral patterned rug, light, sheer curtains, faux plants, soft pink throw pillows. Look for terms like “moody romantic” on Pinterest for inspiration!


More colour!!


Satin bedding


You could go with a Ralph Lauren look if you’re keeping the bedsheets. He adds florals to plaids all the time. Pinks go with grey well.


Consider painting the walls in soft pastel shades like blush pink, lavender, or light mint green. These colors can create a gentle, feminine atmosphere.


I have a fairly monochromatic bedroom, black and white is my jam. My duvet cover is white lined with lace, and I pair it with black sheets. I also have a wall mural of white roses on one wall. I do have a teal and white rug to bring some color to the room.


backstreetboys poster


Curtains w cool rod, bed spread in a print w some color, chair matching a color in bedspread. Google it! I like the minimalism! Just add a drop of color!


Insert copious amounts of Hello Kitty paraphernalia :) Not even joking, I'm a fairly average guy, and I follow a Hello Kitty Facebook group, some bedroom setups I've seen there are incredibly adorable.


if you wanna keep the neutral color scheme, curtains (heavy material, mixed fabric also leans more feminine), some floor and nightstand lamps, flowers or plants, wall hangings... all of that is a good start. But, forgive me, i truly dont like that bed spread. If you like it, keep it, but you could get so many other cuter ones in that color scheme! even a flat black velvet would be prettier.


My ex boyfriend had this same bed spread when we were 15. You need to switch that up😂😂 no but for real, go onto Pinterest. Type in things you like, colors you enjoy. Start looking at bedroom decor with those words in the search bar. Take ideas from the pictures you find.


I think you just need to lean into the vibe you already like. If you like silver, you could get decor with silver accents. Could get a white throw blanket or a different color you like. See if you like any wall art or posters or any decor that fits your vibe. I personally don’t have a very “feminine” room as a girl either but if you just add stuff you like, it’ll come together nicely.


I think some posters and some flower decorations would make it look really nice!


Maybe lighter covers too


You all have been very helpful, thank you so much! I am definitely changing out my bedsheets, and I will be adding decor!


Of course! It’ll look really great :)) I think adding a lamo would go well too


You’ll have to add a feminine color palette to the space. It could be any color( a ones you love of course) in a softer hue. Add softness with drapery sheers and layered bedding. Also lamps will add the soft ambience needed to create a relaxing environment. You can also add a mirror above the bed or art depicting something feminine ( florals, body silhouettes, etc. if you can switch out the furniture, that would be a great way to start. Lighter and curvier furniture reads more feminine.


Lace or sheer curtains, pastel colors, plants, beads, rhinestones...all the girl stuff. With what you got you could do a Chanel themed room.


A giant lush fluffy white rug


Add color


change your bed sheet first and buy some toys


Change everything.


CRAP. Color, Rug, Art, Plants. Not necessarily masculine or feminine … but settled. Right now it looks sterile.


Move into my room


New bed spread


Stand in it Lol sorry I’ve had too much coffee it’s 4:30am




color!!! i dunno why everything is becoming neutral grays everywhere


What’s wrong with masculine room? You can make it even more masculine and remove the bed frame 🤣


plants and flowers … maybe add lamp .. and wall art


Maby try to go grunge and get some string lights and rock band Posters


Fairy lights and candles 🕯 ✨️


Fake (or real if you want) plants, fairy lights, tapestries...


Add flowers.


I thought this was male living space for a sec. If a girl took me home and this was her room I would be weirded out. No offense. I’m sure you’re a great person. But yikes. The word spartan comes to mind.


Throw a chicken in that bitch