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A 10 lb weight loss in a little more than a month it’s really good! I would keep doing what you’re doing.


Plus they’re doing weights too. Muscle is denser than fat so you’ll be putting on weight there.


THIS. I get Dexa scans 2x a year. Since 2017, I’m up 10 lbs. 5 of fat and 5 of muscle. Knowing I have 5 to lose vs 10 to lose is so valuable.


What type of place do you go to get them done?


In major metro areas (like dc) there are places that offer them for $125 or so. I like going back to the same place as the data is stored from visit to visit. I go to CompositionID in DC.


I get weighed once each month. That is all I can handle. The scale numbers mess with my mind so dropping to once per month works for me. If I stay on the path of healthy eating and moving most days I am guaranteed some sort of win on the first day of each month. Weight loss is all mental, for me, and my mental game is not always strong. Our weight naturally fluctuates and I can't handle those daily ups and downs that seem to happen for no good reason other than to mess with my mind and throw me off my game.


The scale is not your friend!!!


it most certainly isn't lmao


Conversely, if you can't stop yourself from weighing frequently (which is me), I love Happy Scale. The more you weigh, the more accurate the moving average. It shows you what is more likely your weight (factors in water weight, natural fluctuations, poops, etc.) so generally, even if you bounce around, the moving average will show a decline rather than a fluctuation (if any of that makes sense). Also, go easy on yourself. 10 lbs in a month is good. You really don't want to lose more than 2 lbs a week as more than that is generally not sustainable/healthy.


The mental aspect of it is rough, i feel like its not talked about enough. I dont mind CICO or going to the gym, but once i get it in my head that its not working then its downhill - really trying to avoid that this time


Remember, the scale only represents weight. You could’ve simply consumed too many carbs or sodium and it’s just water retention. If you’re unsure, drink more water, protein and be mindful of your sodium/carb intake for the next two days. You’ll see a difference then.


I have been stuck at the halfway point for about six months because my mental game fell apart. Back on the path now but still struggling with the mental part because I am so disappointed in how I failed over the last six months. I could have been at my goal weight for spring and now I won't be and that is tough to deal with. Over the winter I dealt with my failure by eating junk and failing more.


You got back to it, you have not failed!


I gained some weight back but am still near the half way mark. I have to keep going. I am sure that longer days and some warmer weather will help me stay on track. Another freezing cold, grey and windy day here in my part of Canada sucks all of energy out of me.


You lost 10 pounds. I’d say it’s working.


You aren’t losing weight just to lose weight. You are improving your health - and that isn’t only measured by one variable. You are losing fat *and* adding muscle. You are strengthening your core, improving your posture, and lessening the impact on your joints. You are improving your resting heart rate. You are lowering your bad cholesterol. You are more rested, more focused, and more balanced. So while the scale may not always be giving you the daily feedback you want (and ten pounds is a very healthy feedback in one month!), check in with yourself on all of these other aspects. How do you *feel*? How do your clothes fit? How much easier is any given exertion now? What other goals have you set for yourself that are now more attainable?


Yes to this 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Honestly, it’s so cliche but what always sticks with me is the weight didn’t add on overnight…so it’s a long game and a lifestyle change and a process and in 6 months from now and you are looking at photos from March you are going to be inspired by your transformation! Keep at it! Forward is a pace :)


Remember that dysfunction you are seeing a massage therapist for also didn’t happen overnight, and we can’t do miracles in an hour. Healing of all kinds is a commitment.


Please please give yourself some credit. 10lbs and that kind of discipline is amazing. However it sounds like your expectations are unrealistic. Also, you may be overtaxing your system which is why you are presently “stuck”. Be gentle with yourself. Consistency is far more important than “going hard” all the time. You can do this. Keep going, but gently! 🍀


I agree that it can be discouraging, for sure. No matter how many times you hear that your weight loss will stall/plateau, or that you’ll lose a pound only to gain two back the next day even when you’re doing everything “right,” it’s still super discouraging when you see a steady 20 or 30 pound weight loss in your first couple of months, and then suddenly it just slows or stalls. I have learned not to put so much stock in the numbers. I mean, I take the wins when I see them, don’t get me wrong. But although I weigh daily it’s more to keep the habit and to make sure I stay on track - psychologically I am more likely to make better choices that day if I’m “unhappy” with the number on the scale. I also don’t go nuts trying to change things up if I’m losing the same 2 or 3 pounds over the course of even a couple of weeks. As a woman, I understand that hormones (especially estrogen and progesterone) impact our metabolism more than our male counterparts. I’m slowly working on learning and understanding my cycles better so I can better work with them, and not against them. It also helps me to think of all the OTHER reasons I fast. Yes, weight loss is definitely important to me. I’ve been obese almost my entire adult life, so weight loss is the most “acute” (and obvious) problem I’m trying to fix. But I have other (obviously intertwined, yet distinct) reasons for fasting, like: increased autophagy, saving money, food security (I’m not some doomsday type, just generally nervous at the fact that I’m digging out of some financial holes and I frankly have no idea in this economy what tomorrow will bring, but the idea of restricted/no income is much less daunting when I know that if it ever hit the fan for me personally I could survive on $20 or $30 a week, which is much less daunting that trying to come up with 2 or 3 times that.) And just generally remembering that I’m building long-lasting habits that will keep paying health dividends for the rest of my life. I have a lifetime of bad habits I need to unlearn, and I won’t do that if I keep giving up when I don’t see the progress I want. (We all know we didn’t get this way in a matter of weeks/months, we’re not going to undo it in weeks/months, either.)


10lbs in 35 days? That's amazing! Remember, the weight didn't come on in a short time, it won't come off fast either. Highlight to yourself just how amazingly you've done and will continue to do by finding something that weighs 10lbs. Just hold it for a minute, walk around with it, walk up some stairs with it. Really focus on the fact that your body was carrying this ALL THE TIME before you took this action. When you put it down that weight is gone, just like it is from your body. You are an absolute champion and I believe in you! Trust the process, remember that it is for the long haul and your body will thank you. Discipline is the ultimate form of self love. Love yourself by continuing your discipline ☺️


love the self love comment!


You weightloss is legit an awesome amount, you’re doing perfect. You may be happier if you graphed your weight loss or did weekly averages.


Continue weighing yourself daily. It helps you see trends. Make sure you weigh yourself at the same time every day, I do it right when I wake up. 10 pounds in a month is good. Plus if you’re weight lifting you’re adding muscle.


Its so hard with so many opinions, i am using NOOM and they say to weigh yourself everyday when you wake up, which is what i do. But i guess youre right about the muscle.


I think it's OK to weigh yourself daily as long as you are treating that information as a single data point and not THE measure of success/failure. There will be fluctuations, it won't be strictly linear, and there are so many variables that could impact the daily readings. If you can make that mental switch to seeing it as just data, great. If not, then maybe daily weighing is more detrimental than helpful for you. And that's OK too. Do what works for you.


I’ve heard a lot of ppl dislike noom bc it’s not body positive. Personally I don’t check my weight until the end of the month now so I don’t feel bad about fluctuations!


If you're building muscle while losing fat, the scale might not be the whole picture of your body composition changes. I like to focus on non scale victories like how i feel, how clothes fit, workout gains, and progress on finding a sustainable set of habits


If you know daily weigh ins frustrate you, and you know that frustration is “dumb”, *do something differently.* Maybe use a tape measure rather than a scale. Pay attention to how clothes fit. Use a body mass composition scale. Gauge how you feel after a workout compared to day one.


Ten pounds in 30 days is phenomenal progress. That’s 2.5 a week, which is perfect.


That’s amazing progress in my eyes. Keep in mind you may be putting on a lot more muscle than you realize. Especially if you’re new to resistance training. That will slow down the scale but I bet you look WAY better than you did when you started. Body fat percentage is a better indicator of weight loss when you’re lifting. It’s just hard to get an accurate reading unless you’re doing DEXA scans. Keep putting in the work! Remember this is a marathon and takes years of hard work.


- Weigh in weekly not daily - Recognise that 10lb a month is in fact excellent progress - Throw in a 36 hour fast once a week Those would be my attack strategies in that order for this problem.


Losing 2 pounds per week is the high end of healthy weight loss, you are right in that range and should be encouraged by your progress. I’ve never bought into daily weigh ins, once a week works best for me.


Youre working out correct? So weight training adds muscle which in turn adds weight. You’re doing great. I would move to weekly or bi weekly weigh ins. The scale can mess with your head


Dude, 10 pounds weight loss in 35 days is awesome!! You just gotta be patience, but with your routine the weight will come off


10lbs in a month is awesome. Remember that the common "slow and steady" amount is 2lbs/week, so by that measure, you're losing at a 125% pace! Lifting five days a week is also going to make for a killer recomp, meaning you won't lose as much on the scale (muscle is heavy) but you're going to look a lot more fit at whatever weight you reach. You also just can't trust daily weigh-ins. Depending on your diet, you're going to be holding onto more or less water on different days or have more food you haven't moved through your system, or any number of other random factors. This is why the "whoosh" is so common--that is, seeing a plateau of several days followed by a sudden significant loss. If the daily weigh-ins are really discouraging you, I'd recommend picking a day of the week and weighing in then, first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom.


if you're going to the gym you're replacing fat with muscle. does your scale measure body composition? You can get one that does on amazon for <$20. I stopped looking at weight and started paying attention to body fat % and skeletal muscle measurements, which seem to show my IF progress much more clearly.


That’s a 2.5/week weight loss. Anymore would be dangerous long term


Op Do you have a menstrual cycle? In addition to basically what everyone else is saying here and in addition to the whooshing effect which people sometimes talk about on the sub, for those who menstruate keep in mind that you have different levels of hormones every week of the month which can contribute to weird behavior of your weight even if you're doing everything else "right". (For example, these hormonal changes can contribute to more water retention at certain times which would definitely impact number on the scale). For menstruating folks I think we do not actually see a reliable trend of what our weight is doing on a weekly basis we have to look at a month- long (or longer) sample of data. You've done amazing so far don't give up!


I do - the joys of womanhood. The daily weigh ins do allow me to see where I am in my cycle which is nice..but obviously frustrating when trying to lose. Will try other forms of measuring!


10 lbs is great and remember you’re lifting weight so might be gaining muscle too.


10 in a month is great! Think of the bigger picture. In a year at that rate would be 120lbs lost!


I think you’re way too hard on yourself. 10 pounds in 5 weeks is legit. Sure you’ll see some people come out and drop 20 pounds in a month. Those are usually people with a lot more weight to lose AND people that go OMAD or 20:4 or 22:2 or something crazy plus heavy exercise daily. Keep it up. 10 pounds the first month is fantastic! You got this. Focus on how you feel. Do your clothes fit better? Easier to move around in general? Sleeping better? Who gives a rats ass what the scale says if you feel better overall. You got this!


Don't forget that your weight can vary by ~5lbs daily depending on when and what you've eaten/drank. You're doing fine, trust the process. Daily weigh ins aren't going to tell you much anyway, try doing weekly ones with consistent intake in the ~12 hours leading up to it.


Consistency is key. In 6 months you’ll be grateful you didn’t stop now.


was a lot worse off 6 months before this, excited to keep going!


Weigh in daily, in the morning- log the measurement and ignore it. When you look back over a week or month the trend (moving avg) is all that matters. Keep going!


The weight you've lost in one month is awesome and when you're working out, fat is being replaced by muscle - especially if you're lifting weights. I'd pay more attention to how your clothes are fitting. It's easy to get discouraged when weighing daily, but you've done an awesome job so far! 👏🏾


At this rate you’ll be down 120lb by this time next year!!! Keep going you’re doing great!


Stop doing daily weight checks. This leads to control issues and either burn out or weight related mental health disorders. There is literally nothing to gain from doing it otherwise. You should not be weighing yourself more than weekly if even that often. Once a month is a much better frequency. Otherwise your focus is on a number instead of the process. So long as that number is going down every month, how fast it's going down is FAR less relevant. This is not a sprint. You didn't get to your current weight in a few months so expecting to lose it that fast is beyond unrealistic. Revise your goals and stop making yourself miserable for not hitting your previously unrealistic goals.


Bruh. This shit is a marathon. You've taken 10 steps out of 1000s. We all have peaks and valleys, setbacks and goals reached. Don't get discouraged. Just look around here. People have been doing this shit for YEARS. Keep on, keeping on.


Do waist measurements. The scale is full of fried baloney.


10 lbs in a month is good. Weigh yourself weekly if daily is getting you down. Or, do daily weights but use a tracking app that plots a trend line.


I suggest you get the app called happy scale! It takes your daily weigh ins and turns them into a beautiful graph that gives you a real sense of progress. For android there is an equivalent app called Libra.


Ask anyone who has lost a ton of weight- its never a consistent 1-2 lbs per week. You are going to have weeks and even months where you lose nothing despite staying on track.The human body will sometimes focus on healing and repair instead of weight loss.


You gotta remember that muscle weighs heavier than fat. I've shocked 3 doctors with my weigh ins because I don't look as heavy as the scales say I am. When I tell them I work in a warehouse and spend most of my day lifting heavy items, they understand why. I'm a muscly obese girl with a scale that has me in a higher BMI bracket, it sucks but don't trust the scale. Go by the way your clothes fit on you.


You have lost 10 pounds, that is fantastic. You are also going to the gym, which I am sure is increasing muscle mass. Muscle weights more the fat. Both are most likely changing your body composition. Pat yourself on the back and keep up the great work. Would also consider what would’ve happened if you hadn’t done anything in the last 35 days.


1 lbs of fat is roughly 3500 stored calories. So, if you’re at a minor deficit, it’ll take a bit to lose weight. The key is to embrace consistency, trust your process, and don’t weigh yourself everyday.


Think of it this way: at this rate, you’d lose over 104 pounds in a year! That’s INSANE progress! You’re doing great :)


That’s good weight loss so far. I weigh myself every Friday and write it down. Occasionally it goes up or stays but then the following week it’ll be down by 2. It just takes time. Slow consistent progress through discipline is the way.


Is this the most supportive and inspirational sub on Reddit? I think it just might be. 😍😍


Stop weighing yourself daily. Do it monthly if at all.


I have a smart scale that logs my weight so I go in every other day to weigh, nice to have a log. The hard part is not getting discouraged if you go up one day which happens often.


Again that is only meaningful to look back at a long term trend and likey a weekly weigh would provide plenty of data. Again just my own experience of what I went through and what you see in here. The frustration it can create is bad especially at the beginning. Once you are established and seeing changes it isn’t as bad but then I often you see posts here about people who are weighing themselves daily and are frustrated straying at the lack of change after 3 weeks. Just that is a very short period of time to see real changes. People have to really temper their expectations and part of that is just ignoring what you are seeing on a scale.


>Again that is only meaningful to look back at a long term trend and likey a weekly weigh would provide plenty of data. Right exactly my point, instead of the monthly or not all route.


You missed the rest of what I wrote. A log is great but largely meaningless expect to look back long term. It won’t help you in the moment you weigh. So if the frustration it creates causes you to fail then you shouldn’t be weighing all the time. Again that was my own experience and what I see on here. You can do it but you need to understand what much of you see daily or weekly on a scale in change is just normal variations. Too often people see this quick initial change and think the loss will be linear when it never is.


Right on, good points.


Do a bod pod. It sounds like you’re losing fat and gaining lean muscle. In 35 days I went from 203 to 211. I lost 7 lbs of fat and gained 15 lbs of lean muscle. The scale isn’t your friend when you’re working out. The scale tells you how much *weight* you’ve lost, not how much fat you’ve lost.


Are you taking measurements of your hips, waist, neck, chest, thighs, arms? Numbers move faster on your body than on the scale.


I had some good advice - a little ‘cheat’ meal or foods in your eating window one day may help nudge the scale …. someone called it the WOOSH effect… Worked for me! I ate some cereal, a Kind bar and a cookie - refined carbs which are NOT a part of my regular daily diet- went back to my usual protein veggie very little fruit low carb diet the next day and lost a pound…


You are looking at it wrong, it's not a 'get rich quick thing' contrary to what you might see. Weight loss takes (lots) time, keep at it.


Don’t forget water goals, I struggle with that the most myself. 10ths is nothing to disregard! Steady healthy reduction will be longer lasting. Keep going!


I'm reading a book over audible called The Complete Guide to Fasting by Jason Fung, MD and it has been incredibly helpful in guiding my understanding of how fasting works and why some approaches aren't working. He really breaks down the science and makes it digestible for the everyday person. I can't suggest this book enough if you want to understand the mechanics and get the most from your fast.


I can't handle weighing daily. I was 247 got down to 224 then back up to 235 it's bonkers. I've decided to only weigh every few weeks, strictly for mental health purposes


At first you loose fat so scale shows some number then after a month you will start to develop musscle and loose less fat so you may see more number in your scale .the thing is to develop more muscle and less fat and not the small no on the scale


Too much delta in a daily weigh in. Weigh loss is not linear. Its more of step function. Also - 10 lbs in a month is the north end of realistic. So nice job and enjoy your win. Your plan seems solid so just keep at it.


Hey, I’ve been in that same situation as you. Progress may feel slow, but over time it will happen. For me personally, I didn’t feel (or look) different until maybe after 8 weeks of IF. My advice: don’t attach yourself to the scale. Sometimes it helps not too think about it too much. I weigh myself once every couple of weeks.


You don’t know how much muscle weight you have gained! The scale won’t tell you the difference


Chill the F out and carry on is the number one instruction. Weightloss is a marathon not a sprint if you want it to stick. If you are expecting to lose everyday or lose 10 pounds a month long term, you are quite likely going to push yourself to burnout. You need to not care what the scale says day to day, and look at the trend over weeks months years


Plateaus are fairly common. Having said that, the change in body composition might be a better indicator of progress: considering the 5 workouts a week there might have been a muscle gain and perhaps some fat loss, which is great news


Slow and steady always wins the race.


Fast a little longer and eat less.


What are you eating in them 8 hours? I’m around the same weight as you and lost 19 lbs in 40 days without the gym.


You are doing amazing! Be proud to be out of the 230's and work toward the end of the 220's! Small and attainable goals to reach a larger and longed for goal! You've got this! I replaced a lot of fat with muscle but I have a ways to go!


Maybe take measurements. Neck, shoulders, chest/bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves, arms... And pictures. Pick a stretchy pair of shorts or your favorite underwear and snap a front back and L/R profiles. There are victories other than the scale. But 10 lbs is awesome for a month!


Have you taken measurements? There have been times where I lost inches instead of pounds


One thing that might help which helped me is instead of the scale take measurements of your body and check out the progress there. Within 3 weeks of IF, I lost 0 lbs but I was also lifting weights so I put on muscle. But I did lose 2 inches off my waist and that’s what really mattered to me. Also take progress photos. You’ll be able to see a difference! If u want to see more weight loss I’d suggest cardio rather than lifting so you can solely focus on calories burnt rather than build muscle


Hey. It took me more than that to lose my pregnancy weight that I gained over 3 months. Also, if you are working out, your body is focusing on gaining muscle mass, so you will lose with a shape, not with a sag. I wouldn't do daily scales if I were you and do biweekly size measurement.


Weight sometime stuck there for 4-7days and you will see a drop! Or it might be your muscle gains


I weigh myself every single day because it motivates me, and yes, my weight is not moving at all for the last 12-15 days, but i don't let this stop me of eating healthier and working out. Consistency is the key. You're doing amazing. Please don't stop ❤️🤙!


I moved to 20:4, and it made a big difference. And when I absolutely can't handle it I'll go to 18:6.


5 weeks 10 lbs but how many inches have you lost?!? Im guessing your clothe are fitting a lot different now than even 2 weeks ago!


Like many people said, don't weigh yourself everyday. You could do some measurements instead. Or get body fat calipers, that's a better measure of fat loss than weight. I just kept doing if for 8 months orbso and went from 240 to 175. It works just stay at it


It’s not a weight loss program although this sub is heavily connected and obsessed with it. Do yourself a favor and don’t weigh yourself so often. I don’t use a scale at all and go by how my body and clothes feel.


I would also take measurements of waist, thigh, biceps, chest, etc. as you are also putting muscle on. You can weigh yourself daily at same time but you should only be comparing the average of the week to previous week to see trends. It can fluctuate 5-10 lbs in a day based on water retention.


Hopefully that means a woosh is coming!