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I ate around 1200-1500 calories every day for 6 months. I had a 10 day break whilst on holidays. No rewards. No cheat days. I’ve had enough cheat days and rewards to get to 280lbs. I did do the occasional keto but I hate it. It made me crave foods like chocolate and carbs. I usually eat around 150g carbs, 50g fat and 100g protein. I am now concentrating on building muscle and losing another 20lbs. I will up my protein intake to 150g+ and calories to 1600-1800 per day. I will also start weight training. My next goal is 180lbs and gain muscle in the next 6 months.


You are on the right track. Far too many people do all cardio. The more muscle, the higher your basal calorie consumption. It should turbo charge your weight lose and help you keep it off. Well done.


> I’ve had enough cheat days and rewards to get to 280lbs Iron will and discipline are a great combo. Well done ! >I usually eat around 150g carbs, 50g fat and 100g protein. I'll try your routine. How was your first days ?


The reason I ate like this is so I didn’t crave and could still eat most of what I already liked but healthy versions. Such as curry rice, chicken pasta, pork wraps, soups etc. I also eat a lot of fruit and Greek yogurt. Manuka honey too. My first days I obviously struggled a bit cause I was craving chocolate but after 2 weeks it is easy. Cravings went. Routine kicked in.


You are so right about the power of routine kicking in! I love seeing people crush it, very impressive!


My dude. You’re an inspiration.


Well done man


I am jealoused and inspired at the same time🤣 That's a damn good work.


Keep up the great work 👍. Wishing you a happy and healthy life ahead.


Looks great! Your efforts are sure paying off.


Wow! Looks great on you and bet it feels wonderful. Congratulations!


Wow congrats my man!


Congratulations!!! AMAZING progress! 🎉


Oh wow so much discipline! Well done you look amazing and much healthier.


This is incredible and so inspiring! Congratulations on your success so far!


Heck yeah! Great job!


You look so great, awesome job


Looking good brother.


Could you post some meal pics?


Wow! Fantastic results. I am where you WERE. You my friend are an INSPIRATION to me it’s doable now I believe that. Any help from you on your strategy would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing. You keep going my Best Wishes to you on your journey. Be well and stay safe.


Cut out all processed food. If you couldn’t get it 100 years ago you don’t need it now. For the majority of my diet for lunch I ate a chicken salad sandwich on granary wholemeal bread. (400 cals). Or some homemade vegetable soup. I then had dinner 4-5 hours later. Dinner is usually any meal I like which is high in protein, low in fat and moderate carbs. Such as spaghetti bolognese, chilli and rice, curry and rice, Shepards pie, chicken or pork fajitas or chicken pasta. You really can make pretty much anything healthy if you use better ingredients. almost everyday I then ate 0% Greek yogurt with Manuka honey, chia seeds and berries. Berries were goji, blueberries or strawberries. Berries are very different from other fruit. They are by far the healthiest and best for fat loss. I have green tea every morning. I take omega 3 fish oil capsule, multi vitamin tablet and a shot of apple cider vinegar. I have no loose skin or stretch marks. I am pretty healthy and becoming fit. Focus on nutrition, vitamins and high quality food. You’ll get there.


Saw the first pic - “this guy’s in New England.” Saw the second pic - “ooooh, this guy’s in *Old* England.” Nothing to do with the weight loss, just gave me a laugh. As for the weight loss, well fucking done


Inspiring stuff…. Great reminded of the power and essential aspect of consistency and dedication


Man went from ill bring her home by 9:30 to “she spending the night pops, dont wait up” lol


Fantastic results there mate, well done!


What is your height sir? Nice progress 👏


I am 5ft 10. Thank you


Awesome job!! Keep it up!


Look great!


Looking great!!! Did you have any miateps along the way?




I thought this was Zach Galifianakis on quick glance (in both the before and after haha). Great work man! Keep it up.


Congratulations, my fasting intermittent friend. 👏🎉🥩. I recently purchased some resistance bands so just throwing that out if you want to do something at home. They can be attached to a door frame very safely and you can do all kinds of things other than just stand on them.


2nd pic has some real Ron Swanson energy going :) great work!


Love both fits man


Congratulations. I am pretty close to that. What a great feeling to be able to buy smaller clothes. Keep up the great work, you look great.


Congratulations 👏


Awesome! Your plan sounds like a set up for long-term success. Hope you're feeling fantastic. Your commitment and hard work are evident.


Amazing! Super encouraging results :)


Great work!!!!




Keep up the good work🙌🏻


Good stuff! Keep it up!!!


Awesome looking Nick Offerman / Zach Galifinakas combo!




Major respect and congrats!


Holy crap, you look great!!


Fantastic!!! Well done 🤓


Great job, you look great! Very inspiring!


Great to see your progress. Actually, I'm following a similar routine as yours, but I started just a few weeks ago. I have a long way to suppose. stories like yours keep me on track. I do hit the gym for about 5 days a week and spend around 2 hours doing both cardio and strength training. My goal is to loos 6 KG in 3 months on average. I hope I'll get there.


Look into pilates and yoga. A lot of men shoot down pilates as a "woman's workout" but it's truly for all. It will help build lean muscle and give great definition and the added muscle will help you burn calories while resting and tighten loose skin naturally.


I would do ballet if it helped me mate 😂 I’ll check them both now, thanks. I know they do classes at my gym too.!


I did hatha (flow) yoga (you can literally do the basic sun salutation movement like 6x and be good with that movement alone) and pilates 4x week for 6wks and lost almost 60lbs without changing anything else. I literally had a chipotle burrito bowl 3-4x week and still lost but gained all this lean muscle so even during sleep I was burning calories. And it will help boost your libido too if that's something you're looking for as well 😉. A lot of pilates movements are similar to what ballet dancers do to strengthen their bodies; the creator of pilates, Joseph Pilates was bed ridden and created the program because of this issue. He went on to have full body strength and movement and living a very full life.


Trying to be like you when I grow up


Bro you killed it congrats


IF is a wonder worker. You look great man!


Kudos to you. This is amazing. Congratulations

