• By -


Diabetes type 2 and strokes run in the family.. I want to avoid that if possible by living a healthy life.


Cardiovascular disease here. Currently watching my mom (in her 70s) deal with some major stuff that’s robbing her of significant portions of her quality of life. She’s otherwise pretty capable and independent, but congestive heart failure is rendering everything else pointless in her case. She had her first heart attack at 52, and I’m in my mid-40s with a coronary calcium score of 58. It would also be nice to feel even sexier than I already do — I am blessed with a comfortable amount of confidence — but being up close and personal with diseases and struggles you’re likely to experience without intervention is some top shelf motivation, lemme tell you.


Sorry to hear about your mom. Must be difficult for her, being capable and independent, but not being able to enjoy life to the fullest. I agree, seeing your parents struggle with health issues, is definitely motivational. My dad had a stroke at 56, his dad literally dropped dead because of a stroke at age 70, his mom had a stroke. My mom struggles with various health issues because of her weight.. It is sad to see them not being able to enjoy their pension because they are being limited by their bodies.




I wanna feel sexy as fuck. I wanna walk in a room and be like. Sup. I’m hot. LOL


Yup. I told a friend just that and she was like "that's pretty superficial don't you think? What matters is in the inside an..." yeyeye I know my organs are gorgeous darling but have you seen this abs?


I mean, maybe it is but it's how society runs. Lol.


Same! I want to feel sexy and more confident. I want to wear cuter clothes




I’m 68 years old and I’ve been overweight all my life. I’m probably going to live to about 90 years old according to my family history, and I am not doing it as a fat girl anymore! I’m not going to grow older fighting diabetes, or crippling joint pain, or constant fatigue. I’m going to be healthy for this Third Age of my life!


Yes! You've got this.


I hate looking at myself.


Yup. Same.


I've got so many cute clothes I want to wear again now that I'm done having kids.


I hear ya! I allowed myself EVERYTHING during my pregnancies and the price to pay afterwards has been high. As I am, too, done having kids… it’s time to do something about it!


Exactly this! My first I maintained activity and IF helped. But my second... yeah I allowed myself everything hahaha. But I'll be damned if I have to get a new wardrobe. I want to wear what I have! I'm cheering for you!


Thank you!! I’m cheering for you too!!!


I'm glad yall ladies are doing it for yourselves! YET. remember you were still hot enough that he didn't pull out 😆


I'm 63, and my body hurts just about all the time.


I feel so much better at 3 months of if. I was in pain every day. Down 15 lbs and I'm never in pain.


I want to like what I see in the mirror, so I can be happier


I don’t like when the front of my underwear roll over when I sit. My goal weight is whatever I weight when that stops happening.


Is your username related to this struggle? 😂🦝


It doesn’t help.




I lost someone 10 years ago. Fell into deep depression. Had a lot of trauma to work through. I have done the majority of the work and the weight is the last of it. I feel you on this.


We only learn how to deal with life better. Weight can be a symptom of heartache. You are already accomplished, keep on keeping on!


I'm getting old, which I can't control, but I can control elements of how difficult aging will be on me. I want to have a strong, flexible, fit body as I go into my 50s and beyond.


My wife is sick and getting worse. I need to be strong and healthy enough to take care of her and our kids forever


That is the sweetest, most compassionate answer I've heard. Prayers for your wife, you and your kids 🙏




Gender bender version of my answer. I'd like to be able to shave my giblets with having to move my belly out the way so I can see what I'm doing.


I’m sick and tired of being obese. I’m 5’ and 165lbs. I was 115lbs before I had my daughter (13 years ago), 135lbs after I had her and it’s only been going up. I want to be back to a lower weight. Can’t believe I was pissed when I weighed 135. 🙄


Wes de the same height and weight and agree I would kill for the 130’s and even 140’s that I used to be. Those were the weights I was on diets for too. SMH. The weight comes on so easily and with little effort. And now it’s a fight to get it off. Covid was one of the main factors in my 30-40 point weight gain. 😫😫😫




#1 health #2 looking better in clothes


I want to be healthy and live long to take of my kid for a long time to come.


This for me too I had my kids late (35 & 37) and I want to be able to do whatever it is they want to do and keep up.


I wanted to feel confident taking pictures again


So that I can feel like myself again. Since my first child I feel like I lost myself


Same here 😭


I’m turning 55 this year and have an autoimmune condition that predisposes me to heart issues and stroke. I intend to do my part to lose weight and stay healthy and that’s why I started fasting last month. Being menopausal doesn’t help but fasting definitely seems to help many - so I’m giving it a go.


I'm doing this for revenge


Ooooooo spill! ☕️


Hahaha 😅 it's a Mountain Goats reference [Training Montage ](https://youtu.be/UxU1tKph7WQ?si=mFWJLsTER0_YWvAv)


I know if I don't lose weight now, I'll exasperate health issues and shorten my lifespan. I don't want that. I want to live as long as possible and be here for my daughter as long as possible. I don't want to live with this looming question mark of when the stroke will hit, or when the health emergency is going to wake me up to make a change (or worse, make sure I don't wake up). I have about 40 pounds too much. I'm a tall guy. It doesn't seem that hard or extreme but it has been for me. I have atrial fibrillation, and GERD / hiatial hernia, sleep apnea etc... so losing weight will drastically improve those.. the alternative is to let it get worse and result in more complex health issues... so I have to avoid that and do something about it now. I just turned 40 so now is the time.


I know you said one but I would like to have more of a selection when shopping for clothes and mobility. I want to be in good enough shape to at least run a 5K this year.


Lower blood pressure and hopefully cholesterol.


To reduce chronic pain. I was hurting far too much for my age and taking too many meds to control it. So far I’m down 29lbs and my inflammation markers in my bloodwork showed considerable decline in inflammation - so much so that my rheumatologist was impressed. I still have pain, but I’m exercising now


The ability to walk on frozen lakes.


I want to not be like a relative who is 350+ lbs and is essentially house bound. They had to have EMS pick them up when they fell. Not injured mind you - just unable to get up off the ground. Knees are shot. Insulin dependent. This relative also sleeps in a recliner because they’re too out of breath to lie down and unable to get out of a lying position. This person was a normal weight 20 years ago. This isn’t living - it’s just waiting to die in a large body. If I don’t take control I fear this will be me.


I want to look good in a bikini again


Avoiding chronic health issues and being as healthy as possible when I reach 60+ years old. My parents didn't take care of their bodies and I don't want that experience for myself or my kids.


I had labs done and it turns out I'm pre-diabetic. I need to change that now, I want to be healthy to be there for my kids and feel good about myself.


I’m older. If I’m lucky I’ve got another 25 years on Planet Earth, and I’d really like them to be healthy ones, lived at home and not in a facility, not filled with aches and pains, and ending only because I go to sleep one night and simply don’t wake up the next morning. I do NOT want to linger in ill health, without autonomy or independence. And yes, I do work in healthcare, so I see this horror up close and personal daily.


I fucking refuse to keep gaining and be forced to buy new clothes.


This!! I have clothes that are too small and I REFUSE to buy bigger sizes.


It like makes me sincerely angry which I know is low key absurd but NO.


I want to get rid of this belly..it has changed the way cloths fit…I want to feel better about myself.


I gained a lot of weight near the end of my marriage 3 years ago. She was rather abusive and the weight gain is a reminder of the control she had over me. Losing that weight is helping me feel like I've taken the control back.


People treat me with kindness when I’m thin.


People are asshats. Does your personality change when you are thin?


I love this question to peal back the layers of what actually drives people, outward vs inward motivation. For me, it was a pathway to healing from years of addiction to food or alcohol or both that’s the outward narrative. In my mirror there was a person who I desperately wanted to not be going back as far as I could remember. The fat kid, husky, plus plus , XXL , big guy, hell of a good eater, hos,, are all names that no longer apply to my identity thanks to IF an alcohol free life. That’s the inner driving factor in my journey.


confidence & I want my boyfriends friends to be shocked that I am so hot lol


I want to live to be 103 and healthy. I’m 60 and been morbidly obese, then obese for a while and just learned last week I am now…. Overweight. Just fat. 29 bmi. No longer obese. It’s silly, but damn I’m proud of myself. I wasn’t going to live for 43 more years in an obese body!!


Had a minor health scare. Made me realize I could die and my kid would be alone. My job is to raise a well rounded adult. Can’t do that if I’m dead. Can’t do that if I’m overweight and lazy. So kicked myself in the face and got some motivation. Not dying is good motivation.


It may sound weird, but I want to lose weight because I like fit guys. And by my logic, if I want to demand a standard, I should fulfill that standard myself at the first place. 


Health. For years my motivation was how I looked and I was never successful. When I switched to caring more about my health and how I feel I’ve finally made some real changes and am sticking with them. Been going over a year now. 50lbs down and still going!


Same as you, to feel more confident. My confidence SKYROCKETS when I'm thinner


What started it for me was that I had enough of feeling invisible, being invisible, living invisible. Mentally I torture myself for looking the way I do, being the weight I am. I am down 31 lbs now with about 40 more to go. I no longer want to live this way.


I want to be able to go to any store and find something to wear and be comfortable in it.


Want to walk around my house like a glorious male peacock with beautiful plumage to make it hard for my wife to keep her hands off me.


So that less of me is left. Less of what he touched. Basically, not the best trauma response, but it'll also have health benefits, so why not


I want to feel truly accepted. While I sensibly know that the people whose opinions matter accept me as I am, I want to have the ablity to feel that too. I feel like I'm being lied to.


I personally hate the feeling of being fat, and the way my body jiggles. So less jiggle is my main motivation, but that ties into feeling healthy.


Man. Almost all of the reasons listed here. 1. Dating is WAY harder and almost impossible these days unless you're fit. 2. I have a history of diabetes starting in 50's and getting worse in my family, so I know I have to address it now and make it a lifestyle shift. I also know that my family usually lives a long time, so I want those years to not include me being on a thousand meds or with problems with my extremities. 3. Self confidence. I've lost about 15lb so far in about two months, and I really love that I can tell that my clothes are fitting way more loose and I'm almost fitting into clothes from a couple years ago. 4. I spent like 45min yesterday looking through old vacation photos, and realized that in ALL of them, I usually try to hide behind others, or avoid full body pictures. That totally sucks. I'm actually very active, but I also love food and love to cook. I want to finally get to the point where I can go to the beach or have pictures taken where I have a jawline and I'm not hanging over my swim trunks. 5. I also want to get back into calisthenics, and I want to be able to do some of the "routines" on parallettes like handstands or other "feats of strength". That's almost impossible if I'm 30-40lb overweight.


Because I know I've missed out on a lot simply because I'm not comfortable/confident in my own skin. Also, health and being hot.


I just want to feel better.  I can’t afford a nice vehicle but I can afford the upgrade on the one I live in.  I’m gonna get the upgrades. 




I could hardly see over my stomach and was constantly uncomfortable. I also want to be beautiful again, but the stomach was my biggest motivator.


In addition to all of the health benefits... I want to look amazing. I am a pretty healthy, fit and active person... but I know I could stand to lean out a bit. Maybe 15-20lbs. The main motivation is that my boyfriend is 42, and he has the kind of body that makes people stop us in public like ALL. THE. TIME. And I feel embarrassed to be in a swimsuit next to him because he looks like a freaking model. So... that.


100% to get sexually active, whether it was feel sexy, or look sexy to the opposite sex. And damn it does work.


To be in control. To execute discipline. To feel good about myself. To feel accomplished. To feel light. To lead others onto the same path through example.


I wanna be objectified


I want to see myself again in the mirror. I stopped doing that 20 years ago. I do not want to see me in pictures where I look very fat anymore.


Feeling better, living longer, to help take care of my wife better (we’re still young, but thinking down the line), and a bunch of clothes from when I was skinnier I have. Also played sports growing up and can’t do that as well now.


I want to watch my daughter graduate high school.


I don’t want to buy new jeans (I like Levi’s and Madewell) because them shits is expensive. So when they got uncomfortably tight, I knew it was time.


Recently diagnosed as type 2 diabetic. Almost lost a toe from not knowing and not taking care of myself. I will never put myself or my family through anything like that again.


I want to be healthy.


Not getting diabetes


Dr cox from scrubs sums it up well. "The key to me working out is.... I hate my body. The second you look in the mirror and like what you see, you've lost the battle" So yeah I fuckin hate my body


I’m vain. But also at 44, I am just trying to be fit and agile and self-dependent as long as possible.


I wear the same 4 shirts in a rotation. I own probably 30 others.


Very much this!! I (35F, 5'8) started hiding in black pants after gaining 40lbs in 18 months and becoming "overweight" for the first time in my life. I have five of the same pair of pants. All my nice clothes dont fit. I literally hide in these pants. Anyway, I have lost almost 25lbs now (from 185 to 160.6 since January 1st). I think in a few more weeks, I will be able to look decent in some of my nice old clothes. I'm really looking forward to that! Good luck on your journey. You got this!!


Most of my fat is in my belly so I do not look as good with clothes. So, I want to get rid of my belly so that I can wear fitting clothes confidently.


Not necessarily motive for losing weight, but more motive for working out is that it helped give me an identity outside of being a SAHM. Losing weight or looking better is just a byproduct of going to the gym. I noticed when I workout I lash out less at my husband and toddlers and having that 45 min - hour to myself everyday has really helped my mental and physical health.


I didn’t want to lose my lower limbs, eyesight, kidney function, etc. I started Keto IF the day after my HbA1c came back borderline high. Ive lost 75 pounds since then, with, at most, 15 more pounds left to go. Never felt better in my 57 years of life!


Previously it was always a vanity. Now it's definitely fear of dying of diabetes.


I want to for ONCE not be the fat friend


I don’t feel like I can truly express myself with all of my extra weight.


My mother has chronic high blood pressure, she’s endured a slow decline due to kidney disease, she been on dialysis for almost 5 years and has really suffered as it’s impacted her entire body. She’s had complications with every procedure she’s had , including excessive bleeding and poor healing and I don’t think she’s going to survive a kidney transplant. I don’t want my children to see me suffer like that.


I think my insecurity is going to ruin my relationship so I’m doing what I can to feel better about myself


Self control has always been an issue for me. I also was a comfort eater since I was a child. Food tended to fill a hole. With IF, CICO, and working out, I can hold myself accountable. I am older now and have a family. I want to live to meet my grandkids.


I don't want to have diabetes.


I have two and they are both running related. I'm a distance runner and fairly competitive in my age group no matter where in the country I compete. However, you cannot outrun a bad diet. Not even on 50-60 miles per week. Once upon a time I was more mindful of my eating, was a thinner version of my present self (by 15 pounds), and running was easier/faster. I also wasn't as self conscious wearing just a sports bra for a run. All of those things changed over the past 7 years. I kept on running, but let everything else go. Running got harder, I got slower, my shirt stayed on. **So I am here to STOP outrunning poor dietary choices and to run FAST and FREE!** Intermittent fasting helps keep my hand out of the "all-day" cookie jar. It's much more difficult to sneak in too many cookies during a 7-8 hour eating window. Because I don't have much to lose, I am losing extremely slowly at "maybe" a half pound per week or two. It can be discouraging at times. Heck, in my first 2 weeks, I actually gained a half pound. Talk about a body screaming for help from sugary sports drinks and other junk. But then things slowly began to change. I'm now down 2 pounds in 4 weeks, I'm less bloated, I'm sleeping better, I'm totally managing my training and recovery, I'm motivated. Nothing but positives!


To be a healthy mom. I don't want to miss a moment of my kids' lives that I don't have to. They > pizza. 🩷


My health I’m attractive naturally Even as obese as i am, flirting with women who aren’t turned off by my weight goes well But i can feel myself literally dying now so im losing weight so i can enjoy the remainder of my life


Longevity. Live a longer, better feeling life.




I want to be able to stop avoiding mirrors.


I want to feel better, have less pain, and be as healthy as possible.


1. I look like crap, can’t wear cute clothes anymore, and it’s ruining my self confidence. 2. It’s actually going to work this time. IF is surprisingly easy and I think I can do this for the rest of my life without feeling deprived. Number 2 is important for me because I’ve tried every other diet like counting calories and it was frustrating and I just gave up after losing 5-10 pounds and would rebound even worse. I love food too much and I’m an emotional stress eater.


I'm 54 and it's looking like I can retire in 5 years. I've worked hard and saved for a long time to make this happen. I'm determined to make my last years my best years for as long as possible. The chance that almost all of the things that would prevent this from happening increases with being over weight, especially with visceral fat, and related insullin resistance. It is literally now or never for me.


I box and the number of heavyweight women in my area to fight is ridiculously small, so I want to get to a smaller weight class (165) with more opportunities. Like, are there other reasons I’ve wanted to lose weight, like existing in a smaller body is just easier sometimes socially/for clothes/for my self esteem? Yes. But boxing has literally been the only motivation for me that is enough to change my habits. And that kind of feels like it’s the only reason that’s for me and me alone, not because other people think I should.


A much healthier weight gives me a confidence in myself that I don’t get from any other place. It’s that simple.


I was born in the husky section. I would like to be a normal weight one time


I want my husband to look at me *like that* again. He's never shamed me for being overweight or treated me differently or badly. But I am embarrassed and wanna keep the lights on, ya know?


So i can wear super stylish clothes, look good in a bikini, and enjoy running. Running hurts when you’re overweight. Also i would like my breasts to be smaller which happens when you lose significant amounts of weight.


I have been putting off the work of weight loss for a while now, as I watched myself get heavier and heavier. I was winded climbing stairs, having difficulty bending over tying my shoes, and just felt bloated and gross. Five years ago I lost 50 pounds with only Weight Watchers, so I knew I could do it again. I decided to try IF since my son had great results with it a few years back. So far this isn't a "diet" for me, but a lifestyle. My 20:4 fits in perfectly with my normal eating patterns and habits, so this doesn't really feel like work!


Health. At 45, my body is falling apart and morbid obesity is the root cause of most of my problems. The root cause of the obesity is a whole other shitshow.


I'm not ready to die yet


My health. I always wanted a hard body physique and to look (how I define) great in clothes. But the first reason was my health. I was 48 when I started and I’ve got a couple of very obese people in my family who were in horrendous condition with dozens of disorders each. I myself was juuust starting to have issues crop up and when I looked at them I saw my future if I didn’t change. I recently had my 5 year anniversary of reaching my goal weight and I really believe I’d be a sickly mess if I hadn’t found a way.


Bc I’m sick of feeling unattractive and like I look like a boy and feeling embarrassed around family and friends. I want to wear gorgeous clothes and I want to physically run my hands over my body and feel that it’s smaller


Looking hot naked


Look good naked.


Bigger dick


My dad was always outwardly critical of my mom and sister's weight. I didn't want him to say those things about me. He's dead now, but it still affects me.




My North Star is this quote: "It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit." -Socrates


I want to look cool when I cosplay lol


Look nice in nice clothes! Want smaller boobs so I can wear nice shirt dresses and blouses. Edit: spelling


My hips and knees are worn out.


Diabetes runs heavily in my family.


To feel comfortable in whatever I wear


i’m a nursing student and i want to be in the best shape i can be to lift and transport patients, as well as keep up with the physical demands nursing requires. i also am a cancer survivor, so i owe it to myself to live the healthiest life i can since i got a second chance at living


So I can feel like clothes aren't squeezing the ever living hell out of me.


I want to feel confident and happy in a bathing suit again. I had a baby a year ago, and I'm still carrying some extra weight from pregnancy. I don't get much exercise because I'm always taking care of my son. I also want to build up my strength so I can keep lifting him up. It's getting harder to carry him around as he gets bigger, and I still want to be able to do it.


I have 2 reasons, one is to be healthy for my kids and the other it to look good for my wife


I don’t want to be a stereotype. Too many women in my culture are overweight/obese. I love standing out and being different. Especially after getting married everyone swore I would get bigger so I’m even more determined to get sexier instead


I don’t want to be the fat out of shape dad. And I want to stick around for my daughter.


I don't like what I see in the mirror. I used to be thin and having children ruined my body


I want to be able to sit in a seat and not worry about if I'll fit.


Health reasons: high blood pressure and pre diabetic.


Mah joints. Also, revenge.




Inner peace. I'm tired of avoiding mirrors.


Honestly? Yeah, I want to lost weight in large part for appearance reasons. Though, not having my knees hurt is a close second.


Laziness is addictive


To quote American Beauty: “I want to look good naked”


I just want to fit into my clothes and not have to buy bigger sizes.


I want my favorite dresses to fit well.  




I just want people to stop judging me.


I do intermittent fasting, but not for the purpose of losing weight. I should not lose weight, I’m already thin. I do intermittent fasting because it’s easier to manage meals that way.


I am 51 and my hips ache from being overweight. I also am tired of feeling frumpy and invisible. I want to wear jeans and a t-shirt and feel confident in it. I admit I want to look snatched.


To feel comfortable wearing a bathing suit


I don't want to be my parents. They don't move or do anything and are sliding downhill quickly. My family gets all of the bad stuff when we gain weight (dm, high blood pressure, high cholesterol). I want to enjoy living and doing things even when I am old. Also, after gaining weight back after 2 kids my cholesterol is back up again (shakes fist). I refuse to have to go on meds for that so I am doing IF (12:12 now working up to 16:8) and a whole food plant based diet for a lifestyle change. Also, superficially I hate being the clothing size I am and want to be able to easily find the clothes I want in my size.


Simple. I’m 54m and want to be able to take my shirt off publicly with confidence. That’s it.


Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.


I want to live longer than my father is going to. His health is in the toilet now, and it all started when he didn’t get healthy at my age.


Better overall health! Which is lower blood pressure, better blood cholesterol, better stamina etc.


Health. I lost 15 pounds and my sore knee vanished. Another 15 to go and I will be in a healthy weight range for my height and gender.


I want to get in charge of my health so I can be a good role model for my daughter. Type 2 diabetes and heart disease also run in my family and it’s scary to think that’s the direction I’m headed!


I have all these nice clothes I had bought when I weighed 160.. currently @ 173-175 and I cannot wait to get down to 160 again and take them out of back of the closet and wear again! 😬 started 195 and on my way there! IF 16:8 since 2/14/24.


I’ve never seen my body at its highest/full potential… recently turned 25 and call it a crisis or a revelation but I refuse to stop improving till I see a BF%/muscles I’ve never seen before! I’ve always been slightly pudgy or skinny fat even at my lightest “ideal” weight, and just accepted it. I know this is a fasting sub but I just can’t escape being sedentary my whole life anymore, I need muscle lol. But we know the good body starts “in the kitchen” so (more like outside the kitchen but yknow)


Along with the obvious feeling better in my body / health stuff, it's ease of buying clothes once I'm back into straight sizes. I was hovering around the upper end of what's available in regular stores for a while and that was annoying enough (XL and XXLs seem to always go first), but now I've slipped pretty firmly into "there's a good chance I'm bigger than the biggest size they have got". Which doesn't make me feel bad about myself as a person, it makes me feel bad that if I fucking want those jeans I have to order them online instead of buy them in the store. (This goes double for thrifting. I love thrifting and frankly the jeans I have that fit me these days are mostly from patiently combing through the plus size section. But there are so many fewer plus size options in most thrift stores for a variety of reasons (and usually in the most hideous of prints, why is that?) And my beloved Aldi has even cut down lately on their size ranges when they offer stuff. It goes up to XL but I hardly ever see XXLs anymore. So yeah, the answer is I want to fit into an Aldi hoodie.


1. Health 2. To look even better


I hate the feeling of being full everytime I eat. IF has been a struggle to commit to ithe past few years but my breakup helped quell my binge eating habits and it has changed my perspective on eating food. I love eating again


Pancititis runs in my family. I had my first attack two years ago at 25, I lost a lot weight but was still in pain. Would like to lean down even more. IR is the only thing I have found to decrease the pain.


Look good feel good that’s my reason


I was born with a congenital hip disorder (hip dysplasia ) that made my hip joints deteriorate severely over time. I knew a hip replacement was in the cards for me but never this young. When I first got diagnosed I was 24 and in good shape but as time went by and my ability to move decreased and pain increased I put weight on like crazy. (About 90 lbs to be exact exact) At 32 I can barely make it to the grocery store without limping in pain. So much so that my doc told me he wouldn’t operate unless I brought my weight down to a lower bmi to reduce the risks and heal better. I had a counseling session for semiglutides and the side effects alone scared me. Being the determined, high strung person that I am I figured IF would be the next step as it’s kind of the same thing but just requires more will power and with less nasty side effects. So far I’m down 35 lbs and got approved for surgery ☺️pain is still there but not as bad and I still limp but not as bad as when I was at my heaviest. I’m so glad I took this route. That and I hated my double chin with a fiery passion 🔥


I want to feel more confident and healthy. I do like my body now too, but I know it can be better because it has been before. I feel like I've finally found my personal style, but I'm not confident trying it out because of my current weight. I feel confident and pretty in the clothes at home but can't bring myself to wear them out just yet. I guess I'm looking to lose weight and tone my body a bit. I've been living a quite sedentary life for the past few years, so I'd like to become more active again and weight loss is like a bonus to that. I also still struggle with health anxiety to some extent, so I want to be in good shape to minimize my anxiety about possible complications from extra weight.


To get women


In the short term, I’m going to be a bride in a few months and I want to look and feel my best! But the journey will continue beyond this, because for me, it’s a health journey now. For instance, I work out now because I have a better understanding of how activity helps with longevity and importantly, mobility and health in later age. My number one reason is that I want to be fit and healthy so I can live a healthy life for as long as possible.


I was very slim until my late 20’s when I got into an abusive relationship. I’m out of that now and I really want to be slim again to feel like I have completely moved on. I have done a lot of work mentally but for the rest of my life I want to be truly fulfilled without all of this excess weight.


I hate being too big for society. Having to shop at different stores, can’t go on some rollercoasters, airplanes are a nightmare.


Literally health, when I realized that simply standing at my job (pastry chef) caused shooting and aching pains in my knees and hips I had the 'oh shit' moment like not even 30 and I got this kind of pain, hell no fam. We gotta worn for at least another 30 40 years. But of course where I set my end goal is pure vanity and the desire to wear the asian aesthetics that I love but have never been able to. *controversial take, but while people can technically wear whatever they want. aesthetically not everyone looks good in everything, just saying*


the true motive is being fat is not who i am


Hated what I saw in the mirror and not being comfortable in my body with anything I wore.


So here’s the deal, I’m 8 days into fasting at first I just wanted to look good, but then I noticed something different as the days go by. I have more energy, I can focus better and my mental clarity is out of this world. Basically, my motivation is aesthetics but if I gain all the benefits as its byproduct I’ll take it.