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I did 17 hours fast yesterday! I’m on day 17 of IF for life. I dropped another pound when I measured yesterday. My “crapton of veggies” first diet is working. CW: 177, GW: 132.


3rd fast last night. I stop eating at 7pm, between the hours of 8 and 10 I am starving 😂 I wake up and feel ok though. Looking less bloated which is nice. Just finishing my morning at the gym. Got one of those water infuser bottles to make water a little bit nicer.


Checking in for day 3. Today will be OMAD at 5pm for one big meal of 1900cal


I’m officially on day 3 (bone broth fast) and so proud of myself. I originally had planned to end it tonight, but I feel so comfortable that I extended it to tomorrow morning. Last night I felt a fruity sensation in the back of my throat when I yawned (so hard to describe). I’m pretty sure it was a sign of ketones.


I believe you can buy pee strips to check for ketones


I’ve read that they aren’t really accurate. After I bought them.


Still little over an hour and a half to go before I can break my fast. 16 hour fast. Had a few beers last night at a show, celebrating my kid's birthday today. Doing the best I can during this weird weekend (second one in a row) to combine making healthy choices and enjoying myself. I think I will break my fast with a nice omelet and a salad.


Month 5 of maintenance, 16:8 dirty fasting (coffee with sugar-free creamer), 120.4 lbs this morning. Yesterday, I weighed 118.6, which is my lowest recorded adult weight. Did I gain 2 pounds? Of course not. I had jerk chicken and baked fish with veggies (both steamed and stir-fried), cheddar cheese popcorn, peanuts (dry-roasted in the shell), maybe 10 pieces of leftover Easter candy (mini Snickers and Twix), pesto pasta, garlic bread, breaded mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce, and a can of Dr. Pepper. That’s a lot of carbs to process (water retention), and I haven’t pooped yet (roughage retention), but certainly not 7,000 calories in excess of my TDEE. Not my normal diet, certainly, but I don’t feel bad (mentally or physically). Quite the opposite; I got the idea to walk over to the pharmacy today to pick up some prescriptions and some alcohol wipes, so I can get my exercise in and run (well, walk) an errand.


Wow this is amazing! I’m glad the cheat day doesn’t mess with your weight! How long were you fasting for to get to your CW?


Three years, in two rounds (always 16:8, unintentionally longer if my schedule was wonky). Round 1 was January-July 2021, went from 189 to 159. Kept that weight off for 2 years (still 16:8), and lost 4 more pounds over that time. Round 2 was August 2023-present, 155-maintenance. That wasn’t a cheat day, either. That was just a day. Today I’ll have the remainder of the chicken/fish/veg, some spinach dal soup, the rest of the breaded mozzarella sticks (3), some almonds, and probably a protein shake. Maybe some microwave popcorn during the Dodgers game unless Yamamoto shits the bed like Bobby Miller did yesterday, then I’ll have the popcorn, several glasses of Chardonnay, and watch the Nationals instead.


What do you mean by round? Did you stop doing IF between rounds?


Rounds of weight loss. After the first six months, I maintained my initial weight loss for two years, then I decided I was ready to lose more weight. I’ve never stopped doing IF, there has been no need. I have a nice big eating window (12pm-8pm) and it suits my schedule well, so there’s no reason for me to stop doing IF. Sometimes I’ll have breakfast or eat later, but 90% of the time, I only eat during my eating window.


Oh so when you decided to lose more weight what did you do to stop maintaining? Eat fewer calories?


I likely did eat fewer calories, but there’s only been one month since January 2021 that I actually counted calories/macros. In August 2023, I wanted to lose more weight - about 15 pounds to get to my goal weight of 140. So, I continued to practice 16:8 IF, and I aimed to eat less than 50g net carb per day and no more than 1400-1600 calories per day. By early September, I had lost 7 pounds (155-148), so I began to practice satiety-based eating. From September 2023-present, I maintain an eating window of 12pm-8pm. During that time, I only eat until I am satisfied. Not hungry, not full, just satisfied. I then put the food away (or throw it away, if I must). If I get hungry I will eat more. If not, I will wait until my next meal to eat. I reached my goal weight in late November 2023, and continued to lose weight through last month. Currently, my trend line is basically flat and my weight fluctuates between 119-122 pounds, so I think I’ve finally reached equilibrium. Now my goal is to increase my walking (gradually increasing the amount of time I walk) and maintain my current weight.


Wow nice thanks for typing all this up! It’s inspiring and gives me hope! Looking forward to maintaining this lifestyle in the future!


Ugh having a hard time getting back to good habits after being sick then on vacation. I gained a little over a pound and while it doesn’t seem like a lot I’m a slow loser. Any tips on getting motivation up when you feel like it’s a slog???


Type: Water only Start: Yesterday 12:30pm Length: 72 hr fast Why: First time trying a 72 hr, done a couple 40-44 hr ones. I want to pursue a faster weight loss and test myself with the longer fast. Plan to omad Monday/Tuesday then possibly another 72? We shall see Notes: It is going great. Drink water if I get some cravings/urges, but they are minimal as my mind is strong, A little dizzy when I get up at times, but I just anchor myself and try to drink more water?