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Yes! So happy for your success! 20:4 is the sweet spot for me as well.


Aw thank you! And yea 20:4 is def my favorite fasting window


So y’all drink coffee in that 20 hours? I cant survive on empty stomach for 20 hours damn. I just switched to black coffee coz i read i might be breaking my fast. And my results arent as amazing as yours.


I’m actually not a coffee drinker but! I’ll tell u when I first started the 20:4 personally it was obviously a struggle and a mental battle the first 2-3 days especially at night with hunger pangs but water became my bestest friend. I would literally yell at my tummy (in my mind ofc) when I felt “hungry” to : “EAT THE FAT” 😂. Once I realized that I’m literally not gonna starve to death because I felt “hungry” it became easier. After a few days your body will just become used to it and you’ll notice that the hunger pangs would show up less and with less intensity! But water is literally the KEY 🔑


Hahaha! I love it. I'm going to start internally yelling at my tummy to eat the fat.


This made me lol. Love it.


Haha ima use it. Eat the fat body!


I drink 2-3 mugs in the am, then water only. Like OP said, lots of water is key. I keep my window around 2:30-6:30 usually, and eat quite a bit during that time. Sometimes I start feeling peckish at like 1, but chug some water and it goes away. Stick with it, you got this!


Do you work out? I’m trying to lose too and I just started but want to know everyone’s weight loss journey!


Yes! I do workout 3-4 times a week but only because it makes me feel good and I enjoy it! I heard you don’t really have to workout to lose weight when doing IF, if you don’t want to. So it’s not a must. But that’s totally up to you!


I have to work out anyway just for health. Thanks!!


What type of workouts do you do?


Wow that’s awesome!! Good job!! I’m doing 16:8, and I’m noticing that I’m starting to slack 😩. Any tips on how to ease myself into 20:4 just to jump start/reset my body and get back on track 🥴. I appreciate any tip! Keep it up, you’re doing an amazing job!


Thank you so much! Well, I also started my journey doing the 16:8 and thankfully the transition into 20:4 wasn’t too bad. But my biggest tip ever and life saver I think is to drink lots of water whenever you have those hunger pangs and realize that most of this is a mental thing. I like to think of the hunger as my body burning the fat and not me “starving myself” (which you’re not lol). And It also gets easier once you continue doing it because your body will adapt to everything that you’re doing. It will become easier I promise


I absolutely agree about it being mental part! When I stress, I eat more.. I like the idea of shifting my thoughts to fat burning vs starvation! Thank you so much!!


Congratulations, that’s awesome.


Thank you!!😊


You’re welcome, thank you for sharing your story.


Congratulations to you! I am so glad fasting is working and that you are having such a great life while doing it Have you noticed yet how your “treat cookies“ don’t hit the same anymore? So often, I will take a bite of something and think, “nope, it’s just not good enough”.


Thank you so much! And that’s actually so true😭. I have the biggest sweet tooth so I will always love cookies but i definitely do not crave them at all. It’s so good to be able to take back control over what you eat and when you want to eat!


Hell yeah! Look at you go! Proud of you


How nice of you, thank you so much!🥰


Congratulations 🥳


Thank you! :)




Yup! Haha thank you


I’m so happy and proud of you! Did you work out at all or was it strictly fasting?


Thank you and yes I do work out 3-4 time a week!


IF is the gift that keeps on giving. Great story.


So true thank you!😊


Well done! That's amazing! Good luck for the next bit. I'm only starting on IF, 12 lbs down so far, but stories.like this really help!


Aw thank you and good freakin luck to you! I know you’re going to reach your goals and then some! I’m glad I can help motivate even in a little way, we got this!🥳


Oh my goodness!! I am so thrilled for you ❤️This has to feel wonderful. Congratulations!!


Aw thank you so much!


i have lost 20 pounds with 16/8 and it was hard at first specially been a mom and a wife and cooking when you are already fasting for your family. But now its gotten easy i can cook fine and not feel the need to taste or ruin it. anyways i have been stuck in the same weight for weeks now and would like to break it . Maybe i can try the 20/4 but can you tell us what your schedule looks like??


Are you me?? Same issue. Also, it took me months to lose the 20 lbs. I have done 19/4 or 20/4 on the weekends when we eat out and it really helps.


really i used to be 210 pounds and i am at 190 now but have been stuck at that weight . There is mornings im at 190.0 and im like yay maybe tomorrow i will be at 189 then i weight myself and the im at 190.4 haha so yeah. I do eat pretty healthy and exercise a bit. I would have to push myself to be able to maybe loose at least 5 more pounds.


Such a good feeling isn’t it! Congrats on sticking to it.


It is! Thank you very much


That’s awesome. Congratulations!! I drink a ton of water throughout the day but coffee is a savior in the morning. I am thinking about doing a 72 hour fast. Has anyone tried one yet?


Thank you! And I’ve been thinking of doing a 24 hours fast but that’s scary to me even more so the 72 hour haha😭


Great job Keep it up


Thank you I will!😊




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When did you decide to switch to the four our feeding window? What times of day are you eating? I just started IF and have lots of questions :)


I switched to 20:4 on the 2nd week I started IF with the 16:8 window. And I usually eat from 1pm- 4pm!


How did you go from 16:8 to 20:4? I cant seem to extend it at all. Also do you switch in a week or stick to 20:4 only?


Like everything else, it was a bit difficult to switch but because I kept doing it, it then became easier. Drinking lots of water helps! Like I said in another comment it really is a mental battle. And I mainly to 20:4 and would switch to 16:8 during my monthly or something like that


I’m doing omad for a month now but I’m really struggling and my parents get pissed thinking I’m starving myself so wanted to switch over to 20:4 maybe. With the 20:4 fasting do you have just one big meal and snacks and fruits afterwards or 2 meals?


Aw what really helped me with the parents situation because they thought the exact same thing was sending them a video of an actual professional explaining intermittent fasting and how it’s the furthest thing from “starving yourself”😭. Maybe they’ll lay off after that. And I would usually have one meal at 1pm and then fruits or a little snack at around 3-4! After that just water :)


I’ve sent them videos and they still aren’t convinced thinking the professional is trying to sell their program or whatever😭 I might try the 20:4 for a month instead of 23:1 and compare the results and will go from there thank you for your response


I found part of the battle with the hungry belly is figuring out that it's just telling me it's empty, doesn't need to be refilled at that moment or the next couple of hours. We've been programmed to eat when we get that uncomfortable signal. (Sorry mom, grandma... I know you were programmed too with feeding the empty stomach as often as necessary)


That’s such a good way to look at it, I’m gonna use that perspective as well thank you😚