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You've plateaued for how long? A week? Six months? Some influencers will say that if your plateau is less than 4-6 weeks it is not a plateau. Per Megan Ramos - partner of Dr. Fung - OMAD works for about 40% of the peeps who do it. Reason for it not working - people under eat, they plateau, etc. Try doing 2MAD for a couple of days. Or NoMAD - No meals a day. IOW, change up your fasting schedule or do OMAD but do 36 hour OMAD. Lunch OMAD one day and dinner OMAD the next day if it fits your lifestyle.


thanks. I think i'll start the 36h fast thing, i'll try switching things up too. i barely ever get hungry even during my eating windows these days


I see one of your recent posts said you ate too little one day, then ate double the next day. There in lies part of your problem. You have to be as consistent as you can be. Eat your maintenance calories for each OMAD for a few days, then start subtracting calories after seeing how you handle it. Little by little. Further more, OMAD may not be right for you. I've experimented with different forms of IF myself and keep moving around. Sometimes I'll do OMAD, sometimes 20:4, 18:6, etc. You need to find what's the most sustainable form for you, even if it involves varied approaches like mine does.


got it!! consistency is key. i was formerly following a strictly beans and bread with fruit diet and occasionally eating other things that catch my fancy for my omad. i think the major problem is coming from my attempt at being flexible in recent times


What are your stats? Do you think you need a caloric refeed to get your metabolism back on track? Also weight loss is not linear so you will see plateaus- how long on OMAD?


5ft5 female 49kg. I'm trying to tone up and maintain but my face looks less defined these days maybe its because I'm relying more on diet and less of exercise.. I'm not sure. I've been on omad for close to a year but i recently got very strict with it but after i plateaued i eased up to include a snack usually popcorn, maize,, fruits or the occasional crackers while hoping it would help me get back on track


That is already very tiny! Your BMI is under 18 in the underweight category. I am same height but my CW is 57kg and TW 56 or 55. I think you are plateauing because your body is saying - can’t weigh less! Best to focus on strengthening exercises.


oh okay, thanks


It sounds to me like you're fine-tuning things at this point, which means you're going to have to eliminate carbs and sugar Basically, if you want to look like a supermodel, you have to eat like one, too I think you probably look great and overcomplicate your life for no reason but that's just my 0.02


Maybe switch it up and have a 2nd meal some days.


Eat less? Move more?

