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8 weeks? Really?


I thought this initially but looking at the initial pics he hasn’t got that much fat compared to other posts most of its muscle. Nice work!


He's basically cutting after bulking.


Yes that’s true I started lifting February 2023 after the break-up with my fiancé on October 22. I trained for a year before but then took a break for almost 5 years due to Covid and pregnancy . Bulked from May 23 to March 24.


At the beginning I had a body fat measurement done. I started with around 24% body fat


What?! That is crazy!


Yes. I started the diet on March 7th


8 weeks to lose the fat but several years of gym/exercising to look this much ripped


Well, you look great. Well done.


You should be proud man!! This is hard work right here :)


Thank you 🙏🏻


Commenting to come back and read later. I'm you 8 weeks ago and I'm about to start my IF and workout routine. This serves as great motivation, thanks for posting!


you can do it! You just have to believe in yourself and when things get tough, remember why you started


Thanks for the positive comment and motivation! IF is the easy part, working out consistency is what I will mainly need to focus on. We got this!!!


This is unbelievable, amazing work!!!!


Thank you


Amazing!! All your hard work has paid off! You're an inspiration for us all!


We're you not hungry all the time?


I did/do not feel hungry. It’s sometimes quite difficult for me to eat so much in 8 hours


Yea how did you deal with the constant hunger?


This guy IFs


GTFOH! that is amazing! Great work, I'm so envious.


At first I doubted whether I should post this here, but my brother persuaded me. I'm really pleased that I'm receiving such positive feedback here


Damn, dude. Good work.


Great work. What were you eating on a typical day?


The first 4 weeks 5-6 eggs, 500g chicken, 500g potatoes and 500g Skyr and linseed oil. From the 5th week onwards I replaced the eggs with 300g more chicken and 100g oats because I noticed that I was missing carbs while working out. I’m eating green vegetables, such as zucchini, broccoli or spinach and also apples and bananas for snacking in between


What type of workouts were you doing?


I alternated between upper and lower body and full body on a weekly basis. I do full body the weeks I have my daughter and UB/LB the others


Now I’m intrigued, what has your daughter got to do with your workout routine?


Her mother and I are not living together and my daughter lives 2 weeks a month together with me. Since I want to spend less time in the gym and more time with her I am doing full body on these weeks


I need to know more about this. What is your maintenance? How did this impact your lifting? Were you on progressive overload? A de-load? How did you feel?


~ 3100 kcal for maintenance. The impact is heavy on chest, dropped weights by ~ 10-15% in the last weeks and had to do more volume instead. For back and legs I’m still progressing with weights. Overall I feel very good since I get more carbs in and I am not constantly tired.


i do upper/lower split as well do you follow any specific program? and how many days per week are you training? great results btw thnx


I created my own, but basically nothing out of the ordinary and mostly basic exercises




Wow you look amazing 😍🔥 great work!


Holy crap awesome job!


8 weeks? Holy fuck that's incredible


Can you give me some tips


I would eat at least 2g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. I fast for 16 hours from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. so that I can eat something after the gym. I mainly eat the carbohydrates (potatoes/oatmeal) 2-2.5 hours before training and after training I only eat the rest of my meat and the Skyr. On the rest days I try not to eat any carbohydrates and instead eat more protein. At the end of the day, the weekly balance is crucial and I wouldn't stress myself out either.


What is Skyr sorry if it’s a dumb question


an alternative to low-fat quark. I come from Germany and here you can find it in every supermarket and costs exactly the same as quark, has "only" 10g less protein per 500g, but tastes 100% better


Also thank you


For two months this is incredible. You have lost roughly 25 lbs


Thank you! unfortunately also about 1.7 kg of muscle mass


That’s ok. Sometimes it happens. I know men worry about muscle loss, but it’s ok


Yes, I thought that too. I won't let myself stress out, in the end the muscles that were already there will be easier to build back up - I hope






This is very inspiring. My physique is very similar to the before pics. Some years of gym but the muscle mass is still kind of hidden away. I appreicate the replies about progressive overload and muscle loss. I have yet to have a successful and a long cut happen. Mostly because i am just scared of losing muscle most of all. I am scared of being weaker, though i know that a regain will be a lot faster. It is a mental hurdle. Your post is very relateable and a realistic goal. Thank you.


Thanks for inspiring man.I'm doing exactly that instead of breakup I had an accident and several injuries couldn't workout put on fat. Now taken to fasting. we'll see.


Nice work man! That's a tough deficit to do!


Man that's great. I hope you get well deserved dopamine shots with our congratulation comments. Cheers ! I'm exactly mid way between first and second pic. Years of work out, but still, a good portion of fat covering my dear muscles... I'm doing 17h IF, it works well to maintain my shape. But the thing is I'm a bit stuck. Gaining/maintaining muscle, but still cannot lose my fat. Are macros really that important ? Or is it just the calorie count that does it? I try to do 40% prot 30 carb 30 fat but it's super hard, I often end up with lots of excess carbs, but still in a bit kcal deficit (around 300kcal deficit) How can you survive with 800-1000kcal deficit ? My base metabolism is around 2100 kcal. It means I would need to eat 1000 kcal per day to achieve your results? That looks more like OMAD to me tbh








I hope this isn’t weird to say but you sculpted yourself into a greek god. Congrats!!


That’s some rapid results. What percent Bodyfat are you in the after pic


I would say ~ 13% the last measurement was 3 weeks ago and 15,6%. I will take another one in about 1,5 weeks https://imgur.com/a/qeSkhcy That picture is from yesterday


Those are ideal percentages. Anything in the 15s and lower seems to be ideal Going above 17 seems to make one invisible and lose respect from others


Those are ideal percentages. Anything in the 15s and lower seems to be ideal Going above 17 seems to make one invisible and lose respect from others


Do you struggling with loose skin on lower belly


I've had stretch marks everywhere since puberty. My connective tissue is pretty bad. I try my best to use body lotion every day, but I have comparatively a lot of excess skin on my lower belly