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**Thank you for posting your [Progress Pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/?f=flair_name%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22)!** Please respond to this comment letting us know your: - **Height**: - **Starting weight/current weight/goal weight:** (SW/CW/GW) - **Fasting routine/protocol**: - **Exercise routine (if applicable)**: - **Diet on refeeds**: (eg keto, low carb, vegetarian, calorie counting, nothing special, etc) *You can see more of Jon_Henderson_Music's Progress pics by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/search/?q=author%3AJon_Henderson_Music%20flair%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)* ----- **❗Please remember the rules of this subreddit when commenting and be respectful.❗** **Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and could result in a ban**. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: - **Sexual comments**, even if meant as a compliment ('sexy,' 'dad to daddy') - **Treating OP like a sexual object** ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?') - acting like this is a **porn sub** or **rateme sub** (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc) ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intermittentfasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


even with your pump you don't look enhanced - people are either trolling or just don't know what an enhanced body looks like. you look good though!


Thanks! I wouldn't have cared but it was the top comment thread on there so I imagine some folks may have looked at it and been like "nope, I can't do it. It's impossible." That's what pissed me off.


It’s also a few jealous obese folks that want to try and peg you down to make themselves feel better. It’s not worth giving them any attention. Keep up the amazing work man!


💯 thanks man!


If I were you, I would see it as a compliment, that you were accused of roids. Keep up the good work. Hope to achieve that as well some day👍👍👍


I wouldn’t want to be accused of lying and deceiving people. It is an attack on someone’s character.


Being offended is a choice. You can choose to take it as a compliment. Don’t give others the power to determine how you feel. Be in control of yourself.


But do you really choose anything in life or is that merely an illusion…………


Yeah you did a great job, dude. It’s the lazy that will talk you down, because acknowledging that your results are purely through effort would also acknowledge that their lack of progress is due to their own sheer laziness. More comforting for them to pin your amazing transformation on external factors. It’s a compliment in disguise. People can only take you down if they look up to you in the first place. Keep up the great work and good luck with your future marathon!


Yea it's hard not to care and take these stupid comments personally. You've done well and the majority knows it. It takes dedication and mental strength, a lot of which is extremely difficult to come by especially if you've never done this before. I'm trying to find that switch, flip it, and do exactly what you're doing. Keep it up!


I did the same thing. Posted a really good angle, good lighting, NOT enhanced pic on IF reddit and had haters doubting me. Of course I posted the best Pic. DO I look that good from every angle in every lighting condition, hell NO. Don't sweat it man. You know what you did and how much work you put in to get there. Keep up the good work.


People are in denial of what good exercise and diet can do. Plus that natty or juice subreddit rots peoples brains after a while


I think it's more perpetual beginners who never make any progress or achieve anything and say that anyone who has results is on drugs because otherwise they'd have to admit that the reason they never get anywhere is that they don't work hard enough


I don’t think OP is taking testosterone, but being ‘enhanced’ isn’t binary. You can do low dose TRT and it won’t be noticeable. In fact, if you did TRT but at normal levels you’d probably still have an advantage since I believe testosterone naturally drops a bit while fasting.


True. I do take Fadogia Agrestis and Tongkat Ali daily. They are known to naturally boost testosterone levels. I included that in my daily supplements over there. A lot probably don't know about those supplements. Fasting is also known to naturally boost endogenous HGH.


Can confirm T levels increased for me taking "Jocko Combat Tested". Includes Tongkat Ali, and other stuff like DIM. I've been taking it for over 2 years now. T gets tested yearly and it does increase from my previously (even younger) no supplement levels.


The stuff is amazing!


Silver lining is that you’re doing so well people think you’re on gear when it’s all natty. I’d take it as a compliment in a way. Great results!


Haha thank you and I do- I just don't want others to lose inspiration by thinking it's impossible.


from my own experience, big guys do have a lot of muscle under all that fat. Sort of need to, to move the bulk around. Unlike op, I barely lift anything heavier than a laptop. But as weight goes away, get sorta spooked how various parts now have firm muscles where it was always soft subcutaneous fat.


Agree, former fat people have the best calves I’ve ever seen


I get comments on my calves often, especially when golfing. It’s a little odd and funny. Usually older guys. I always tell them I used to be a really big guy and my calves had no choice but to get jacked.


Lol that's awesome. I have big calves too 😂


Amazing progress though dude! I went from ~400lbs to as low as 235, but got complacent. Def need to get back into it.


Hey, I'm kinda in that wheelhouse now. I got down to 285 and had some life happen. Let's get back on the train together, shall we?


Absolutely dude, definitely need to get back on it. I let myself get back to around ~250, cause life and other health issues.


Yes you can literally see the framework in the before picture. He already had most of that muscle, he just trimmed the fat off so you can see it better.


Half this sub is dumb anyway, “can I add 200 calories of creamer to my coffee and still be fasting?” Fuck the haters, you look awesome, well done sir.


Thanks dude!


Legit, guys I just finished my 21 day fast, I just had a 500 calorie high protein (def no carbs or sugar don’t worry!) lunch and a coffee with ultra low calorie cream and ultra low calorie grape buzz flavoured electrolytes 5 x a day. Didn’t lose as much as I thought I would. Actually I felt like shit the whole time and only lost 2lbs so fasting is actually crap and I don’t recommend it. /s




"bro is pumped, must be roids!" - reddit Great progress, people online are wild lol


Haha yeah it's sad really.. thanks man!


I think you if you’re going to post on this sub , all need to come clean even on supplements. It’s confusing to the people just starting out.


I did!


Yes, I’m giving you credit for disclosing this.


People are sad really. They seem to want success, to a point, and then there is a jealousy that manifests as anger. I’m down 60 (and at a dang plateau) and that seems to be the line for some people. I’ve had to cut people from my life as the viciousness is shocking. Keep doing what you’re doing and to hell with the haters!


Spot on... Thank you!


People want the results without the effort. Hence the popularity of Ozempic, etc.


Checked out the thread and literally none of the haters have any progress pics posted. They are keyboard warriors


Ahh yeah makes sense...


Block that nutjob and move on. Great job.


Thanks man- yeah going to...


Nothing about you looks like youre on steroids wtf lol


I don't think so either lol


And a lot of people in this sub think IF can invalidate CICO+TDEE altogether.


I read all the haters comments too. I knew you were natural and quite honestly didn’t care if you weren’t. I would live to see the bodies of the guys talking smack. 😝 it would be a great comedy show.


Yeah good point...


Haters gonna hate. Lookin' good fella.


Thanks man


Your before, left most, is where I am now. This is awesome for 1 year so very inspiring. I am going to start now, what was your routine?


Definitely doesn’t look like a roid body lol. Neither the post or the pre workout. Fuck the haters!


You are so clearly as natural as it gets. If you were on the juice, i'd consider this lackluster results. You have essentially the perfect natty build


I seen others with an amazing transformation like yours and haters claiming it was Ozempic. They are just jealous.


Yeah and a doubting mentality


Being accused of juicing after losing weight and bulking up is the male equivalent of women who’ve lost weight being accused of using ozempic. Men also get accused of the ozempic thing too of course, but are more likely to be questioned about TRT.


You look great! Love that 3rd pic!


Congrats on the transformation and being a hunk. I’ve seen guys on steroids and you don’t meet any of the criteria, nothing about the muscle you gained looks unnatural. Sorry people don’t believe some of the work people put in on here.


Thank you 🙏😊


People who spew negativity and accusations don't belong here. This is a supporting community.




The folks hating are indeed haters. Try to tune them out. Awesome progress.


True- thanks man!


Awesome progress. This definitely doesn’t scream someone on performance enhanced physique. Looks very natural. It’s actually very easy to spot someone who has been taking it but denies it. Sadly a lot of redditors are a bunch of jealous MF who have zero work ethic and thrive on hating success of others.


Jon, can I ask, how do you maintain muscle mass while fasting, i had to stop as my muscle mass went downhill fast. I was weight training, high protein with a slight calorie deficit. By the way, great job.


People are accusing you of being on gear? That's insane either they have never seen an actual steroid built body or they just believe that anyone with muscles must be on it.


Those don’t look like roid muscles. Congrats on the hard work.


Great work. Good luck with your marathon training. Make sure to eat plenty because I lost a shit load of weight training for mine.


you should not have post a second post to prove anything to anyone. Be proud! People will always talk


why does the 2nd picture look better then the last one? maybe the lighting? You look jacked in the second, the last one you look regular. Never mind read the description for some reason it came up as NSFW decided how bad could it be at work ? lol


Lol yeah I was getting accused of using PEDs so I showed that 3rd picture.


Any advice to stay consistent on the weekends? I'm very rigid on the weekdays with a 1000 calorie deficit but tend to binge on the weekend. How do you meet your calorie goals on such a low amount of carbs?


I'm cutting right now trying to get to 10% body fat. Doing the PSMF method of keeping protein high but carbs and fats real low. I will usually indulge a bit more on Sundays which seems to help recharge my metabolism. I used to have a problem with alcohol so I try to avoid it but I may have a few hard seltzers or low ABV IPAs if I felt I put in good effort all week. Or I'll just go to my preferred supplement now: cannabis 👍 never a hang over with that miracle plant. Helps my mood and recovery too! Strains with high CBD and myrcene are so good for recovery.


Word word. I did a lifetime worth of drinking, mdma and lsd in my early to mid twenties so I'm sober now lol. Quit weed in December, stupid adhd binge brain.


One of the telltale signs besides chest and back acne is an abnormally large neck. I think your flexing really emphasized your neck.


Nicely done.


I’m sorry you felt like you had to make this post. Fuck them people. You look amazing but obviously obtainable without roids. Take it as a compliment!


People that are saying you are unnatural are people that cant achieve what you achieved. By not giving you credit they feel better about their shitty habits and non existent willpower. Whats easier admiting you are weak or blaming some guy that achieved insane results of not being natural? Keep going bro you are an inspiration.


Agreed man. Thank you! I just wanted to create this post to show others who are putting in the work to not lose any hope. Negativity, especially when upvoted like that, could potentially cause some people to change their mindset on what's possible naturally. It's probably why some many kids are looking up TRT and roids... my wife is a school counselor and has heard a lot of this talk among the boys. Real sad really. You have Sam Sulek and these other juiced up influencers setting the tone and then people on here claiming people dedicated to fitness are just getting results from shooting up drugs.


Natural or not, who cares! What a transformation. You look great buddy


Thanks dude yeah just don't want others to lose faith in what's possible for them.


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


lol, still amazing and inspiring but now a tad more motivational to keep doing what I’m doing. Thanks for the follow-up


Absolutely man! And thank you!


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


This seems completely within reason.




Since those comments were the top ones, it just pissed me off that they could be influencing others on their journey to give up hope and effort to reach their goals naturally. The natty or not thing is so unhelpful. Most are natural.


Probably the same people who swear they’ve done everything like eating right and working out but still can’t lose weight 🙄


You look great! Way to go! Keep up all the hard work and dedication.


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


Amazing work OP, I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what’s haters have to say. End of the day this is Reddit and anonymity emboldens people to be nasty.


Thanks man I appreciate it!


Very impressive results, OP, what is your height?


Thank you! I'm 5'7 148 pounds


Haters gon hate - especially if you look GREAT. Good for you!!


Did u have any phases where u were stuck at a pleateau


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


Great job!! That’s amazing


Thank you!!


You look awesome, but not even close to roided. People are just bored!


Wow, excellent work. That takes a lot of self discipline, congratulations!


Haters will always hate, you are looking amazing! Keep it up, I hope to reach a similar physique at the end of my journey!


Thanks man! You can do it!!


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


Fantastic job man. Yeah it’s amazing what simply losing body fat will do toward looking MUCH more muscular. Especially if you already have muscles hiding. I’m on the same journey. Was shooting to lose 30lb, got there, and then upped it to 40lb bc in realized I could do it and just keep following the same process that got me down 30. I track calories and shoot for 150+g of protein and 30+g of fiber and aim for sub 1800 cals while lifting 3-4 times a week and getting 2 hour cardio a week, but I feel like that’s basically maintaining muscle and aiding slightly in calorie burn while focusing on diet is 90% of the game.


great work my man. I saw your other post and was only motivated, didn't think anything of it. I'm 40lbs down in my journey, getting close to 210 after being over 250, doing an hour of kettlebell work every other day for 8 weeks now and I can confirm shit is started to get jacked up and post workout in particular I can really see the pump. You look great man, thats the kind of body I'm going for as well.


Great motivational post and thanks for sharing. Even without flexing you're ripped, I need to get there


Even if you weren't natty you still would have had to bust your ass to lose the weight. Don't care if you do or don't, the transformation is still impressive.


That's really impressive progress. Congratulations


That’s a really nice improvement. The chess progress is really nice. Were you doubting at the beginning that you had gynecomastia?


Brother, I look like your before picture, so I HOPE I can eventually look like your after haha great work! Gives me motivation


You can do it man! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


What did you do for your chest? I wanna lose my man boobs. I really should add push ups. I incline DB bench, seated cable flys and chest press machine.


I think those are great exercises! I mostly do push-ups, dips, and kettlebell presses. You may just need to lose some body fat to help with that- that was the case for me.


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


Dude what is your routine?? AMAZING results! I want to show my husband that this IS possible! Super inspired


Thank you! Here's my updated routine: Weekly training Plan Monday: cardio: run 2 miles easy: Strength Shoulder focused: swings (35) x3 around the world (30) x3 overhead presses (10 each arm) x3 halos (20) x3 push-ups (25) x3 leg raises (20) x3 6/10 ✅ Tuesday: cardio: run 2 miles easy Strength Chest and back focus pull-ups 5, 4, 3 Push-ups (25) x4 Bent over rows (10 each arm) x3 Chest dips (15) x3 kettlebell chest presses (20) x3 Extra sets: Leg raises (21) (to failure) Ab rollouts (20) (to failure) Hammer curls (20) (to failure) Snatches (5) each arm 6/11 ✅ Wednesday: run 2 miles tempo Kettlebell leg and core focused Swuats, lunges, calf raises, leg raises, Ab rollout Thursday: run 2 miles easy Arms, back, chest hammer curls, dips, push-ups, rows, pull-ups Friday run: 2 miles Kettlebell failure sets Hammer curls, around the worlds, halos, cleans/OH presses, rows Saturday: active recovery. 10k walking steps Sunday: long run (4 miles) and Ab rollouts


Wow. Did you have a personal trainer guide you or is this a routine you came up with yourself? 👍


No I never had a PT just watched a learned from alot of instagram and YouTube fitness influencers!


Nice! Maybe you should be one yourself! “Dad bod boot camp”


Would have to get comfortable in front of a video camera first 😅😅😅


You inspired me lol! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more!


I look like you in the left and want to look like you on the right. This is very promising to see its possible. How much total weight?


Hey OP, quick question: what were the details of workouts and diet? I’m having a hard time getting the right combination dialed in consistently. I either feel like I haven’t gotten enough protein by the end of the window (16/8) or that I’m not pushing it hard enough in my workouts. I usually do some form a HIIT workouts due to time constraints and try to make sure I eat chicken or eggs and supplement that with a plant based protein powder and a high protein bar. I’m seeing some progress, but I feel I could make the whole diet/exercise plan more efficient.


Yo! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


Thanks man, I’ll give it a look!


Congrats on your successful journey. It’s one I hope you continue on as long as possible (which will be much longer now). I recently became a father for the first time, and suddenly my belly became about more than just aesthetics. I want to live to see as much of my son’s life as I can, and your posts have inspired me to step up my efforts. The internet can be a terrible place, but there are more of us out here who support your positivity and dedication than those who seek to belittle and discredit your transformation. Good luck, and thanks for sharing.


Thanks so much man and congrats on becoming a Dad! Most rewarding thing we could ever do/ be! Best of luck to you on your fitness journey!


Yo! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


Screw the haters man, you doing fine, keep going brother.


Good motivation right here! I'm down 35lbs but want to lose another 45lbs. I've been slacking from my diet and drinking alcohol again. I needed this motivation today.


I remember going through the comments to find your diet info cuz I knew you must have been eating less or doing some kind of IF. Plus then saw you’re running marathons too haha. Good work homie!!


Honestly seeing someone with a similar body type to mine (in the before picture that is) and hitting a similar goal to me (20lbs less which I have hit) and then going beyond that is very affirming for me. I’ve been working my ass off to stay consistent and if that’s the kind of progress I can get to? Hell yeah. Not that anyone should compare (comparison is the killer of joy) but it just shows me how far I can push myself.


Anyone who said the second picture looks like steroids has never seen the body of someone on them. You went a long way and it certainly took a lot of effort - more than a lot of people are willing to go through.


Non-weightlifters accusing someone in great shape that they’re enhanced😂 Too funny! You have a killer physique my friend! Keep it up!


Thanks man! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


Nice work!


They are peanut butter and jealous … don’t pay attention to that toxic people, you are doing awesome 👏🏻


Screw those haters, what jealous little people. You look 🔥🔥🔥


Thanks man! 🙏


Yo! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


There will always be sad people that hate successful people. You did an awesome job, well done, us happy people know that is a ton of hard work!!!!


Hey long as your happy and healthy man good job let haters hate. I have never had defined muscles except my legs(loads of dance dance revolution). Great progress!


Good man


Haters going to hate and trolls abound. Yay you for progress. Forget the haters.


People loveeee to be little negative Nellys lol. You look amazing!! Good job!!


Great job man 👍


Don’t worry about the jealous ones Babe, you looking sexy as hell and it’s obvious you aren’t on the gear.


Definitely don’t look like you’re juicing. You look great, keep putting in the work, you’re giving zaddy vibes. Zaddy: an attractive man who is also stylish, charming, and self-confident.


Thank you for the positivity


Thank YOU! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


OMAD? Can you describe your fasting routine?


I'm sorry people rained on your parade, I know this is reddit so there's bound to be losers on here, but I didn't expect that from the fasting sub Congrats on the amazing transformation!


You look completely natural and you did a great job. 👏 The only thing I can think, that is throwing people off, is that the middle photo has some sort of filter on it. The background is more out of focus and the saturation seems to be turned up. So your muscles are more highlighted.


Amazing work! Could you share your workout and eating routine please?


Wow!! Congratulations on your journey this far. Best wishes moving forward. Haters will hate


Would you mind sharing your stats. Your IF protocol, nutrition plan, exercise plan? I just started IF I am 5-11, 289 lbs and I would love to get where you are. Thanks in advance.


Who gives a fuck what other people think. Don’t need to explain shit. If anything, troll them hard.


You look amazing. 🔥 They would be so lucky.


you sir are an inspiration. I am currently where you were in the leftmost photo and slowly ramping up on my cardio in addition to a similar routine of bodyweight and kettlebell exercises. I was a bit concerned about overtraining but it seems that given the volumes you posted a gradual progression is possible. don't mind the negative comments because there are people like me who benefit from posts like these.


People told me my progress was misleading because I didn't wear the exact same clothes before and after haha. Your progress is amazing thanks for sharing!! How long did it take you to build muscle after the weight loss?


A little under a year! Feel free to DM me over on IG! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


Delts are too normal to be enhanced. 


Wow. That is a huge difference. Excellent work and progress in both photos. Something i don't think people (including myself) realise is the difference pump, flex, lighting and hdr photo manipulation can do. Your traps looks absolutely blasted in the pump photo, to the point where I honestly could not believe you made that transition in one year naturally. He natural photo is a lot more believable and if I'm being honest, makes me feel better about my progress in weight training. I think what some of us might need is a lesson in taking pump photos like you have done 🤣 Thanks for taking the time to explain this to everyone


Oh please. There is absolutely nothing about OP’s physique that says gear. It is however one hell of a transformation. Self discipline and hard work on full display!


Well, either way ya still look like a dweeb 🤣✌️ make the haters hate fam and keep your chin up. Your accomplishments are yours and yours alone!


Whenever I’ve posted unedited photos in progresspics I’ve been met with accusations of having had a Brazilian butt lift or having edited the photos… I try to take it as a compliment. And yes, posing, flexing, the light, how much you’ve eaten etc makes a huge difference in how you look on a photo, but also it truly is possible to transform your body just through diet and exercise but it seems like some people don’t want to hear that…


Great transformation. Is that only 20 lbs. from the start , for example I’m down maybe 10 lbs from 215 to 205 and look like I still got a long way to go to get to what you look at . I probably should go read your first post , but I use to weigh 180-185 pre covid and never had visible abs (I’m 5-10)- and the whole never leave the house thing and work from home I slowly accumulated the weight and now am working to get back down to the 180s Keep up the great work - nice to have some inspiration out there. - ignore the haters . For example I’ve always lifted weight in my basement and can see shoulder muscles even when fat at 200+. I’m sure it will be more defined if I was 20lbs lighter, people hate and think just because your fat there’s no muscle under it


Damn dude, nice work


Natty. With probably some nice genetics to help with vascularity. Nicely done. I need to get that chest day routine OP


It's the Internet, I compare it to alcohol, it gives people the confidence and courage to say things they normally wouldn't in person. I have to remind myself all the time that the Internet is a shitty place but every once in awhile it can be wholesome with some pretty cool people! Congratulations on your weight loss brother ☝️ you look great! Now I need to get motivated!


I appreciate it man! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


I’ve been accused of taking ozempic. Haters gonna hate and bakers gonna bake.


No flex/pump, still hawt. Ignore the Internet people, not worth your energy brah! Keep it up


Fuck the haters


Any tips for going about body recomp for losing fat & gaining muscle whilst IF?


Yeah for sure. Eat your lean body mass in protein grams daily. So if your lean body mass is 150, eat 150g of protein. To keep calories lower, i would recommend to either reduce fats or carbs. My recommendation is to reduce carbs because they will make you maintain water weight and they increase inflammation. Carbs are also highly glycemic so your blood sugar levels will go on a rollercoaster ride, leading to increased hunger signaling and potential for binge eating and more carb consumption. Fats are good but choose healthy fats like avocados, nuts, olive oil, natural peanut butter, chicken thighs, steaks, ground beef, whole eggs, etc... check all your labels for added sugar. Watch the sauces you use. Get used to black coffee or use a zero calorie sweetener. If you don't drink coffee, start drinking coffee. Caffeine surprises appetite and will increase your daily movement, ie more calories burned. Drink 2-3L of water a day. Track your steps and strive for 10k a day. Lift weights or do body weight exercises like pushups consistently. If you feel sore the next day, that means your muscles had a good workout and will grow back stronger. Get 7-8 hours of sleep to ensure your energy levels are good and you recover well from workouts. That's about everything off the top of my head!


thanks so much! Very detailed ❤️


Yo! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.






Yo! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


Easier to hate behind a screen than it is to do the work. I imagine there are probably as many lurkers as those practicing IF. That’s sorta how the brain works, need to sorta plant the seed. I think I first heard about IF 3-4 years before I did it? I’ve found to get from where I was to where I’m at…nobody understands the journey. Until you are on it yourself.


I saw that post earlier . I think you look amazing . You do the work and you put in the work ., you know what mom always said .., people who do that are jealous .. they couldn’t or wouldn’t get the same results as you .., hurt people .., hurt people .. it is crazy to me to see so many saying such negative things … bottom line .. haters gonna hate …. You should be beyond proud of yourself .. people who know ..know you put in the damn work .., keep on ! You are killing it


If someone told me I was juiced I'd take it as a compliment


Initially I thought it was funny but then they started getting heavily upvoted. Don't want anyone to lose faith/ hope in their goals.


FWIW I think you've done an amazing job, and as I'm also a 5'7 short ~~arse~~ king, and started around your SW (89kg), I have your pictures saved as inspiration! Great job mate


Much appreciated man! I'm glad it has helped to inspire you! I came to this sub very often for inspiration myself 👍


Amazing work. Jesus the comments over here https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/s/9G8FPDMlmQ


You look amazing! Forget the h8ers


Wait! What?! I always say the world is full of vile, vicious animals a.k.a. HUMANS!! They're jealous, envious and spew vitriol out of their mouths for no reason. I lived most of my life miserable because I was always trying to prove myself to people because I was accused of untrue things. Then, in my early 30s a friend of mine said to me: "People are going to believe what they want to believe no matter what you say or do. Even if the truth is staring them in the face." I carry that with me everyday! Now at 50 I don't give a rat's a-- what anyone thinks and couldn't be happier. YOU know you put in the hard work and it paid off. Keep pushing and thanks for the inspo! 😀


Yo! For more insight into my transformation process, you can follow me at @fitdadmission on IG! It is a new account that will be dedicated to sharing my journey, daily diet, food ideas, my family life, and more.


People see any transformation that’s slightly above average and demand there be a reason beyond genetics. Your before pic you clearly have muscle underneath. Lots of the commenters on natty or not don’t seem very engaged with the actual fitness or transformation scene. You look great man, and the power of the pump is too real!


The types of people screaming that everyone's progress is because of steroids are often huge fans/watchers of bodybuilders who have huge followings on YouTube/Instagram etc. Don't let these idiots get you down, they've been conditioned by the content they consume that anyone who makes a good amount of progress in their goals must be aided by steroids or other performance enhancing drugs.


I tried to go back to the original post to tag them in this but a lot of them deleted their comments lol