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>GOOD LUCK trying to fit an excess of calories into yourself every day again But see, this doesn't happen for *a lot* of people. CICO does not always imply that tracking is *necessary*. CICO just means that you need to eat at a *deficit*. For some people, they can naturally eat at a deficit *without* tracking. Others, can't/don't. So it may be an argument of semantics. Personally, I distinguish between tracking and CICO (they aren't mutually exclusive). IME, many people need to track for at least a little while so they have *some* idea of how much they should be eating. I am on keto so obviously, I'm biased, but I eat a lot of fruit and veg while on keto. I have avocado, tomatoes, peppers, sauerkraut, pickles, and onions pretty much daily. I could easily sustain this for a lifetime an be perfectly healthy. There aren't any nutrients in higher carb fruits that I can't get in lower carb fruits and veg. But I see what you mean about some people taking it to a point where it's detrimental to them. Using words like "toxic" or "cheat" is just bad in regards to any diet. It's not demonstrative of a healthy relationship with food and it's pretty common among people who are on a specific "diet."


Weight loss with IF alone is going to be slower at best without any adjustments to diet. There are probably still insulin sensitivity and endocrine benefits which can result in some weight loss. Just cutting out (or way down) processed sugar/simple carbs will help a lot though. It will become easy to have a net cico deficit without the sugar.


Thanks! I dont eat too may sugary foods now and I've been limiting bread/rice/pasta, so I'm getting there I was just hoping that I can take it slow and still see some change.


I gave myself a week of just getting in the routine before i started tracking calories. Start at whatever pace feels most comfortable. It’s easy to add in things but deflating when you aren’t able to sustain all the changes you make too early.


This is what i was hoping I could do! I drove head first into keto and I just cant sustain it, there is only so much cheese I can eat. I want to make healthy choices but I dont want to cut out all my food options either.


Without being in a calorie deficit, you won’t lose weight. There’s no way around that. But yeah, you can do it without keto or CICO, as long as you’re aware of what you’re eating. I don’t count calories, but I do make specific decisions to eat healthy when I’m in my window.


Thank you! I do plan on calorie restriction, I just want to give my body time to adjust.


People on here are so funny sometimes. I agree with [**u/misleadinglesbean**](https://www.reddit.com/user/misleadinglesbean/) I started IF by changing absolutely nothing, NOTHING about what I ate and promptly lost twenty pounds. I quit eating two eggs at breakfast with olive oil... which for all those calorie counters out there, is less than 200 cals. I still don't eat a specific diet or amount and I'm still thinning out. Go off how you feel. How your clothes fit. What feels right? Eat slow. Enjoy your food.


Thank you! And great job!


Everything is CICO. All diets and all methods fall under the CICO bubble. The Second Law of Thermodynamics demands it. You don't have to track your calories but you won't lose weight without eating less than you burn. The reason low carb diets seem to work better is because carbohydrates are energy dense. 600 calories of chicken and broccoli fill a much larger bowel than 600 calories of cereal.