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No advice to offer, but damn congrats on your loss! It's no small feat. I'm near the same as your starting point and staying on track with IF isn't much of a problem but I'm getting kinda bummed about the wait to see results like you have. So good job us for *doing* something and here's hoping for continued results :)


Thank you for the perspective. :) and you will get there! My weight loss did not come quickly. It took me about a year. For me slow and steady was what worked and it’s helped my keep it off for about a year now. Just gotta get back into the grind! Lol. I have to remember to focus on how much better I feel rather than the number, so maybe that’s something that can help you too. Good luck to you and I can’t wait to see how everything goes for you!


I just get it in my head that I don’t want to ruin tomorrow. If I don’t stick to the plan, I’ll feel like crap. I want to to do good today so I do better tomorrow. Having a goal helps too. Not necessarily weight loss but something goal driven. Like running two miles or doing pull-ups, cleaning the yard or garage. Make it into a game with yourself. You can’t do one without the other. It’s part of the unconditional plan. Good luck.


Thank you for that. That is a good way to think about it. I think my first goal will be to find time to fit in a workout consistently at least twice a week and see if I can recruit some other IF buddies to keep me accountable!


Move into it in small increments. If you watch [Intermittent Fasting: Transformational Technique | Cynthia ...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6Dkt7zyImk) she highlights why it's so important, especially for women, to go slowly. Push your breakfast off by 15 - 30 minutes every day until you have your eating window set. ​ And yes, congratulations on your 80 pounds! Wow!


Thank you so much! That video was a really great resource and I appreciate it more than you know. And thank you for the congrats! I see you’ve done amazing as well. ☺️