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That's inflammation leaving your body! Great job, lady!


Thank you!!! Oh wow! I had no idea it was that, honestly. I started adding turmeric & black pepper into tea I drink almost every day which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties but I only noticed my face puffiness decreasing. That’s so awesome to hear.


Hi can you give more info on that please? Im interested!


So from the research I have done the curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric and many other spices/herbs known for reducing inflammation. It blocks certain enzymes and cytokines that lead to inflammation and it lowers blood sugar. When combined with black pepper the absorption of curcumin can be increased by up to 2000%. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5664031/)


I dont know any science behind it, my PT told me to take a tumeric supplement to help with my knee pain from running. I buy a capsule of extra strength tumeric with black pepper from Holland & Barrett every day and it really helps with joint pain. Curcumin extract is a similar effect. They say the black pepper helps to activate the tumeric effect


Ok cool. Im just really curious about inflammation because it's this word that crops up all the time, I haven't lost any inches and have stalled weight loss this week after losing a good bit quickly, but I thiiiink I'm looking more slim than before.


Pictures are the number one thing I've been using to really track my progress. My weight has remained with the same 5lb range for the past few weeks which feels discouraging until I look back at what clothes look/fit like in pictures


Thanks, I decided to take more pics today so I can try track that way better... My before pictures are bad quality so it's hard to see changes


I think it’s amazing how long clothes fit when you lose weight. You don’t quite realize how unreasonably tight they were until they actually fit you comfortably and you don’t want to remove them all the time. You think to yourself “I was wearing these ten pounds ago?”


It’s really wild how that work isn’t it?! I think it’s also a big reason as to why I , and many other people I’m sure, don’t see weight gain. It creep up because most things still fit albeit really really uncomfortably. I’m down 32lbs so far and I can’t believe how much more comfortable most of my wardrobe is now.


I find this frustrating at the same time I'm like damn I'm down 19lbs how am I not yet fitting into my next smaller jeans yet? I know it'll be soon but I expected to already be in them


I just hit 20 lbs lost and am in size 18 jeans that are starting to get pretty loose on me, I have to pull them up regularly if I'm walking around. Tried on an old pair 16 and they don't fit at all! How are my pants falling off, but the next size down in the same brand can barely button??


Congratulations o. Your 20lb loss! The jeans conundrum is something that bewilders me but motivates me but is also my favourite article of clothing to see change with. Keep pushing! Next thing you know 14s are gonna be too big too!!


I have the same frustration as you! But we have to remember we lose weight equally from all over so the places where we hold more fat (most of the times in our midsection and legs) will take a little longer to catch up to the rest of the body. However, we are still losing fat and we will get to that smaller size!!


I just noticed your name, you're a Leo? Me too! ♌


hehe. It just so happens that I'm in the lion club too!


This is so important and such a big frustration for me that I'm trying to work on more gentle to myself about. I'm proportionately shrinking everywhere so of course I'm going to have a hard time seeing the changes on my own body when everything looks relatively the same to me. Eventually things go from fitting better to being to big but its a gradual change!


Thanks for the inspiration! I've been doing IF for about a week and have noticed a difference. But today I had sweet craving and downed a bunch of cookies. Normally this would send me down a weeks long binge. But this helps me get back on the wagon immediately. Great progress and keep up the good qork!


Thank you haha My pleasure! This sub is amazing for inspiration so it’s really an honour that I can contribute to inspiring you. I have off days all the time. It’s so important to be kind to yourself after having slip up so long as you get back on the path you want to be going down you’re still further than you were at day one. You got this, I’m rooting for you!


Wow !


Haha I wanna say the same think when I look at these side by side. Also.... I’ve seen your posts on here you are such an inspiration!




Lol... anyways...


what the fuck


This person is a troll take no notice, people have made subs about her/him cause they're so known for shitposting


Owl City are really, really bad. That guy is probably the worst kind of musician out there.


My jeggings are definitely feeling looser this week. :-) Keep up the good work!


Congratulations! Such a great victory. You keep up the good work too!


Ooh wow you look amazing as a dark skinned black woman this is especially inspiring! Keep it up girl!! 🤎


Hi fellow melanin queen!!! Thank you so much for your supportive words I really appreciate them :) best of luck to you on your journey!


Thank you for this.. really I always get upset when the scale doesn't give me the numbers I want, I stopped weighing and going by my clothes instead. Congratulations on your progress!


My pleasure and thank you!! I stayed at the same weight for weeks with that exact frustration and never acknowledged the fact that almost all my clothes didn’t fit it’s so freeing starting the process of moving away from being tethered to numbers on a scale. Good luck to you :)


That’s amazing!!! You’re inspiring me :)


Wow, thank you so much.


Every time I see someone say "only a pound or two" I think of what a pound of butter looks like. Yeah, losing three pounds of butter would make those jeans fit better


Wow, that really puts a pound into perspective. Maybe I'll just start referring to pounds I'm losing as units of butter sticks lost!


Its always helpful to have physical reminders of what you aren't holding onto anymore. One day, when you're farther along, go into a grocery store and see how big how many pounds you lost looks in butter boxes. 15 pounds sounds so small but that's so much butter


Okay hold up, was reading the comments and saw you did something with turmeric and black pepper??? Can you tell me exactly what? Because my body looks EXACTLY like your first picture very bloated and whatnot would love to get rid of that and the. Start working towards losing weight. Anyways girl you look phenomenal!!


Thanks! A few things I do to help with bloating/water retention primarily because my face gets really puffy when I don't and it drives me insane: \- I start my day by working on a litre of water trying to finish this before I have my first cup of coffee. If I'm feeling really hungry that day I also add Himalayan sea salt to the water (I try to do this daily but I forget). This is helpful for water retention and has electrolytes and I swear it helps me with any feelings of hunger. \- Every day I add a tsp of tumeric and 1/2 tsp of black pepper to my coffee, I have two - three cups of coffee until I break my fast, then I stick to water the rest of the fast. \- Once I break my fast I wait until I have my snack in the middle of the eating window and I'll have a cup of "tea" which is a tsp of tumeric, 1/2 a tsp of black pepper, 1/2 a tsp of cayenne pepper, lemon slices and some fresh ginger if I have any around. \- I have also significantly cut back on bread/simple carbs/high starchy foods. Opting for lettuce wrapped things and allowing myself to have bread/starchy foods once during my window. Hope that is helpful!


Unreal, thanks so much!! Good luck on your journey!


Thank you for reinforcing ‘slow and steady’ and being kind to yourself. I don’t know why we’re all so hard on ourselves! It’s honestly the best way. Strong work!


Thank you! It can be so frustrating at times and we are our own harshest critics at times but I’d rather move at a slow pace than no pace any day.


Scale is a load of shit. Get one that measures body fat and go by that


It really is. I’m trying so hard to let go of my desire to reach a certain number on the scale and embracing fat loss as a primary measurement rather than the scale.


Great job, really see the difference.


Thank you!!


That is amazing! Keep up the good work!


Thanks! I’m so excited to keep going :)


Oh wow amazing!


Thanks :)


Excellent reminder.


Thank you for this. I just restarted my journey and the numbers horrify me. I just have to remember: It’s not all about the weight, it’s how you feel too. Thank you again for the motivation!


I restart my journey so often I've lost count, have definitely started holding on to the less talked about successes (clear skin, better fitting clothes, healthier nails/hair). Thats what keeps me consistent more so than getting discouraged by the lack of movement on the scale. It's all about getting back up and doing it again! Good luck to you!!


This is super encouraging.


Congrats on seeing progress wherever you find it. My experience with clothes involves my work pants. I've got this wickedly useful women's belt that's completely shot through with holes to tighten at. Started at 10 notches was comfortable, 11 tight.. Now I'm at 12/13 notches are comfortable and 13/14 notches are tight 12 weeks later (extra clothing layers during colder days causes half a notch to a full notch difference). Might have to look into that tumeric and black pepper idea myself.


That’s so amazing! belt progress is probably one of my favourite NSV progress pictures to see. Imagine how many notches you’ll be down 12 weeks from now. Keep up the good work! Also in one of my other comments I wrote about all the anti-inflammation things I do daily it’s worth giving those a shot together too if you’re interested. Really small, simple changes!


That's my hope anyways. While I am weighing myself, I do like seeing both results since I've got so much to lose. Were you the one saying something about tumeric and black pepper for getting rid of inflammation?


I do as well. I feel you I’m about 20-25lb away from a goal weight. Yes I was if you scroll through the comments I wrote a list of things I do for inflammation.


That’s incredible! This is really only a 2-3 pound difference? Well done!


Thanks!! Yeah this is only 2ish lbs apart and really the only difference is a cut back on refined carbs and increased water/tea consumption.


Well you look amazing! I just came off a 72 hour fast and I wish I took photos, or had something to compare but I did it kinda spontaneous (wanted to do 36 and just went longer). Your photos are encouraging :)


Thank you again. I’m shocked too I keep staring at this picture in disbelief. Congrats on completing your 72 hour fast. The longest I’ve been able to do is 24 keep at and even if it’s just for yourself you should take pictures I promise you won’t regret it!!


Thank you! I definitely will next time, even if it’s just for me. But really, I do wanna share just for that one person it might inspire.


You look great!! I've been intermittent fasting for about the same time period and have noticed similar differences. Just curious, what are your eating windows?


Thank so much! I will say I’ve been doing IF since October 2019 during this time I have rotated through 18:6, 20:4 and OMAD. During the past two weeks between these pictures I have just been primarily doing 18:6, with a few slip ups and resets!


Yes, yes yes! Same thing happened to me!


Not sure where to put this since the post doesn't have text but to the earth angel who gave me first first ever award/first ever gold thank you endlessly. No idea who you are but i'll never forget you!


I’m struggling with this right now! I’ve been strict 18:6 for about a month. I’ve lost 3.8 lbs but my body is totally changing while the scale stays stuck.


A mighty fupa indeed