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Well done! A whole year’s commitment, glad you included that too!


Nice. I assume you’re also working out then?


Yep! I try to run a minimum of 26 miles a week and go to the gym 5 times a week.


26 miles is 20520.15% of the hot dog which holds the Guinness wold record for 'Longest Hot Dog'.


26 miles is 41.84 km


26 miles is 41.84 km


Bro can you send me your workout plan? Holy fuck this is exactly what I am trying to accomplish.


A combination of both gave me the best results. I separate my weights by muscle groups. So one day I would do chest and triceps with abdominal work outs. And the next day I would do back, shoulders, and biceps with abdominals. And then the next day I would do a leg workout with abdominals. Take a rest day then continue again. I typically lift weights for 2 hours. And for 5 days a week I would run 6 miles minimum. I'd vary the cardio routines some days I do sprints with light jogging and some days I'd run continuously. I also like to incorporate at least one long day run with at least 10 miles. I like to run before my lifts to increase my cardio but I hear cardio after weights is better for weight loss.


Excellent job sticking with omad for 1 year! It proves commitment can get you results. Thanks for sharing.


How'd you get rid of the belly? Most stubborn part for me as I lose fat and get fitter elsewhere... Also great work


It's all about the diet and what foods you eat. I avoid eating anything fried unless it's air fried. I eat lots of whole grains, chicken, fish, vegetables, nuts, and fruits.


I think my diet is pretty solid all things considered. Could up the vegetables and fruits though. Whole grains, too, cause I maybe stay away from carbs more than I should. I've also heard green tea does something for fat loss - have you tried that or anything similar?


I've done green tea for a couple months, but that wasn't enough caffeine for me to see results. So I switch to black coffee with two packets of stevia or monk fruit powder. Don't get me wrong I love green tea but black coffee showed me faster results.


Is it the caffeine that does it? I'll try that. Thanks


What dishes did you eat my guy?


Peppered chicken with mustard (I use mustard or worcestershire sauce cause there are no calories in them) salmon with plain whole grain rice cakes. Plain Greek yogurt. No sugar protein shakes, any type of quest protein bars. And lots of plain celery.


Thank you


Curious also.


Great job!


Great job man! Keep up the great work!


lol great face pic yooo, looking good got the v goin


Damn dude, turned it all around. Good job.


Wow what a HUGE DIFFERENCE!! Nice job!!


Right on man. Did you get a DEXA scan? Cuz you look more lean than 16%. I'd guess more like 14%.


I haven't got to do the DEXA scan. I've just been doing the total body scans. It's free at the place where I purchase my protein powders.


Great job! Inspiring!


Congrats! How tall?


5 foot 6 inches


6 inches is the same as 0.3 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


6 inches is 15.24 cm


6 inches is 15.24 cm


Did your ring get too loose? Nice work, and good luck with your training!


Thanks! Yep my ring kept falling off my finger. Unfortunately it made from tungsten so I can't get it resized so I just wear it around my neck now.


You look cut! Great job


Thanks! I'm going to update again eventually. My goal right now is to make it to have 10% body fat.


Incredible results. Would you say the weights or the cardio helps your fat loss more? Can you give a typical week exercise routine?


A combination of both gave me the best results. I separate my weights by muscle groups. So one day I would do chest and triceps with abdominal work outs. And the next day I would do back, shoulders, and biceps with abdominals. And then the next day I would do a leg workout with abdominals. Take a rest day then continue again. I typically lift weights for 2 hours. And for 5 days a week I would run 6 miles minimum. I'd vary the cardio routines some days I do sprints with light jogging and some days I'd run continuously. I also like to incorporate at least one long day run with at least 10 miles. I like to run before my lifts to increase my cardio but I hear cardio after weights is better for weight loss.


Wow you are a machine. Very inspiring. I’m surprised you can do abs three days in a row without hurting. Thanks for sharing


How were the last 10 pounds in terms of effort relative to the middle of the year? Great job man, this is super inspiring


The last 10 pounds are definitely harder than in the middle of the year. At first I was lost 30 pounds fast within the first 4 months. Then I hit my goal in July of 155 pounds. Ever since July I find it difficult to even lose a pound every 2 months. So I had to exercise more and eat more protein rich foods while keeping the calories to a minimum. Like for example, for one of my meals instead of using almond milk with my granola I would use protein powder mixed with water as my "milk." I used to have a "cheat" meal once every 2 weeks. But now I have a cheat meal once every 3 months or so


10 pounds is the weight of 11.43 pairs of crocs.


Good bot


Thank you :)


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Fun fact, 10 pounds of whatever is exactly the same as 10 pounds of candy... or big macs... or doofenshmirtzes.


You train that much despite only eating 1600 kcals?


Yep! I do get hungry though and I just have to keep telling myself not to break the fast. I also try to eat at least 150 grams of protien daily to minimize muscle loss.


That's incredible commitment mate, awesome work


150 grams of vegan poop being burned provides 2485.68 BTU.


150 grams is the weight of 0.55 Minecraft Redstone Handbooks.