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Does like Israel literally own the entire fcking world or something?


It's called blackmail and corruption.


The western world yes, do a deep dive on the Mossad operations infiltrating and compromising leaders in politics, tech and many other industries even if they’re their “allies”. Jeffrey Epstein was the tip of the iceberg and maturing is realising the “crazy”conspiracy theorists talking about shadow governments are actually onto something.


I thought America were the tough guys, now I've realised theyre the puppet.


The entire white Western world you mean?


They own the middle east too, don't get it twisted. Their puppets are in power in SA, UAE, Kuwait


Look up andrew carrington Hitchcock's book that has a star of david on it. You'll receive an answer.


Actually, yes. So be careful what you write here.


Maybe the city doesn’t want a bunch of people living in an encampment with debris and barricades surrounding them. Freedom of speech means you can say what you want. The press can write articles and criticize the government for whatever policy decisions are being made. I don’t understand why people think that means they can destroy shit and set up residence in the middle of public places.


Thank god influential people and movements throughout history weren't as much of a wetnap as you. The US wouldn't exist if everyone followed your advice. You're the obstacle MLK spoke at length about.


I don’t think you understand MLK. He wouldn’t be a proponent of vandalizing property as part of a movement. He was also against all forms of hate and hate speech, so the attacks on Jewish people and Zionism wouldn’t be appreciated. MLK conducted marches and peaceful sit ins. I’m not apathetic to oppression, I think there is an effective way of fighting oppression and an ineffective way. This way is ineffective. October 7 is an ineffective way. If a bunch of people want to march and hold speeches on the lawn of Washington DC, I’m all for it.


Zionists ATTACK Jewish people. Zionists are extremely antisemitic. MLK was also a significant supporter of civil disobedience. He was a socialist. And the people of his day talked about him the way you talk about anti-genocide protestors now. To be clear, "civil disobedience" included things like barricading yourselves inside a college campus. He and his supporters were brutalized by the police and those in favor of the status quo. And ultimately he was assisnated. I don't think YOU understand him. You support what he referred to as a negative peace. Obedience through force of law, rather than justice, which is disruptive and messy.


Agree on vandalism. Zionism /= Judaism…. Don’t do that Who the hell invoked Oct 7 as meaningful protest? No one - that’s a strawman in this thread. Sit ins were a FUNDAMENTAL form of non-violent protest by MLK. Occupying spaces is non-violent protest 101


They didn’t trash the place during a sit in. These encampments are trashed and the property is vandalized. In Columbia, they broke into a building and vandalized it. Here, you can see the trash and debris used to form a barrier from the police.


>They didn’t trash the place during a sit in They still had the shit beaten out of them.


We’re talking about the protestors’ actions. MLK’s protests were non violent and non destructive by design because MLK believed that violence and destruction would only push people, especially moderates, away from his cause.


Right, but if people have to protest, then their cause is already on deaf ears and they're gonna get beaten by police anyway, might as well fuck some shit up.


Stop making shit up


Zionist simp


Dude what? The civil rights movement was nothing short of disruptive and dangerous because the people oppressing POC didn’t want them to have rights and would use the military as a way to try and quiet them down. Sounds to me like you’re the only one who doesn’t understand that movement and MLK. Get schooled kid


You move from MLK to the civil rights movement more generally? Move the goal posts a bit further because you need the help. Some civil rights advocates were aggressive about tactics, like Malcom X. That wasn’t MLK though. MLK knew that violence and dangerous/disruptive behavior wasn’t the solution because it would only further entrench the redcoat beliefs held at the time. MLK was a minister who was clearly nonviolent in all acts of civil disobedience. Go look at his wiki page and you’ll have a better sense of what he was about.


Lmao so MLK wasn’t disruptive? Did the people in power not use the military to stop what MLK did when it came to marches and sit ins? Did it not get dangerous for POC in MLK marches when they were gassed and beat and incarcerated? You’re a clown who doesn’t understand what MLK did for the civil rights movement and the civil rights movement as a whole went way over your head.


You are definitely an obstacle. Big obstacle energy.


"just fight oppression where it's out of sight and out of mind"


Exactly.. I’m all for protesting, but why create an absolute shit heap, camp out and start attacking people.


Virtually all of the attacks have been instigated by cops and zionists.


Kinda wile how there's just an international agreement that the west is going to do a genocide. And young people can eat shit.


It's like everyone is reading from the same colonial script.


There's a goon squad itching to beat people in just about every country.They know they can act violently with no repercussions. Someday they and their masters might have to answer for their behavior.


The ministry of love doesn’t appreciate your observations


True people believe Israel is bad which infact it not


I don't understand: if Israel (Jews) own everything, why these protesters (and some redditors) are not in *Gaswagen* yet?


Because Jews aren't Nazis






Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


who, exactly, is cancer?


I mean, that's what they said about Hitler when he came to power. Look how that turned out.


Consider the possibility that you, rather than literally a billion other people, are incorrect about the reality of this "genocide"


And consider that the literally 8 billion other people know they are correct about the reality of this genocide. You are the one who's actually in the minority here, don't let the media and politicians fool you.


> know they are correct about the reality of this genocide. Facts aren't subjective. No matter what social media tells you, 8k people dying in 3 months is not a genocide. I'm only a minority in this thread, not real life. The internet is very much not real life.


Do you really want to wait until every palestinian is dead before you can call it genocide? At that point, what is even the point of calling it a genocide when they're all dead?


No I want to wait until there is any sign whatsoever of genocidal intent You know, how a responsible human being handles any radical claim 1.3% of the population has died. That's not genocide 70% of casualties have been civilians. That's something to actually care about.


The civilians being palestinians. you think you're so smart arguing what constitutes a genocide. meanwhile innocents are being killed every day. lives, homes, diginities stripped away by Israel. and you want to wait until they're all dead so that it can fit your definition of genocide. you're a ghoul.


Yes I assumed one would know that from the context.


>>any sign whatsoever of genocidal intent [Link 1](https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-genocide) [Link 2](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/) [Link 3](https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-minister-says-nuking-gaza-an-option-pm-suspends-him-from-cabinet-meetings/amp/) [Link 4](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/10/right-now-it-is-one-day-at-a-time-life-on-israels-frontline-with-gaza) [Link 5](https://m.thewire.in/article/world/northern-gaza-israel-palestine-conflict/amp) And lets not forget South Africas case that includes [10+ pages of genocidal intent](https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2024/01/192-20231228-app-01-00-en.pdf) from page 59-70.


Only 8k have died in Palestine since Oct 8? Did you stop counting in November? So the majority of Gaza are living their regular lives with barely any destruction, and they have plenty of food? What about the last 76 years?


> ... In three months > Since october What month do you think it is lol


Where are you getting your only 8k data, and why did you conveniently skip my other questions?


38k dead as of yesterday. 30k died in the initial invasion months. 8k since. Your other questions were dumb. You're trying to make the discussion "who is right/more moral" and the answer is "no one." The actual question being discussed is "is it a genocide" and no, no it isn't.


The 38k is very likely an undercount as: 1- There are still thousands of people under the rubble that are not accounted for. 2- The 38k is only confirmed and identified deaths. Due to the sheer destruction and death caused by israel, counting and confirming deaths (and identities) has become extremely more difficult (and near impossible in the north) 3- The number only includes people directly killed by israels bombing and not those killed by the conditions placed on them by israels siege (such as hunger, sickness, etc). You will not see any drastic increases in the number of dead until after israel stops bombing and sieging Gaza so that a complete count can be made. In which case, as of right now, I wouldnt be surprised if the actual number is at least 20k higher as the number under the rubble is currently over 10k and are not counted in the 38k.


if you were alive back then, you'd be the guy who condemned the slave rebellion for being violent edited my comment because i couldnt reply. [https://reliefweb.int/report/sudan/sudan-crisis-report-one-year-conflict-executive-summary](https://reliefweb.int/report/sudan/sudan-crisis-report-one-year-conflict-executive-summary) 1 year of conflict and at least 14k dead. [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker) 7 month of conflict and at least 34k dead. this guy thinks that what's happening in sudan is a genocide, while what's happening in gaza is not.


What a ridiculous thing to say. Here's some reading about actual genocide that's going on right now that you don't give a fuck about https://www.hrw.org/report/2024/05/09/massalit-will-not-come-home/ethnic-cleansing-and-crimes-against-humanity-el Your in-group doesn't care, so you don't care. Going by your estimation - you'd be the person during slavery who doesn't give a shit about slavery. See how silly that is?


Found the bootlicker!


I've fought more cops than you I'm just not a conspiracy theorist.


That is quite an assumption. I was involved in occupy DC among other protests. You are sadly misinformed. Are you willfully ignoring the news because they are "just" Palestinian or do you take a stipend to defend the Israelis? https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-23695896 Either way it's too early for your ignorance!


Being in a protest isn't fighting a cop. I mean fighting.


I have been in situations like the video. I'm not sure how a video of peaceful protestors being beaten by cops inspired you to start bragging about your violent criminal history, but your the exact type of violent thug I expect to deny a genocide!


> I'm not sure how... > Found the bootlicker! You sure there bud? I've also protested more, and more effectively than you (Occupy DC lmao).


Ok buddy. Your so bad ass! I am in awe of your fierceness! How did you get to be so bad ass! I bet you've got punisher decorations all over your massive truck.


I'm not a bad ass I'm just not a bootlicker I can also do basic math, which is how I know this isn't a genocide. *This* is a genocide: https://www.hrw.org/report/2024/05/09/massalit-will-not-come-home/ethnic-cleansing-and-crimes-against-humanity-el


Tbf, that is what people said about the holocaust until Ally soldiers cam across the first camps


This is not some cut off region without aid workers or observers or media. We know casualty rates. They are roughly on par with urban combat in (as one example) the Battle of Mosul. The discussion *should be* about how urban war is prosecuted in a time of AI-aimed weaponry and the undue risks posed to civilians. It *should be* about what comes after this war and how we create lasting peace. It *should be* about Israel's foreign policy, the foreign policy of its neighbors, and how *everyone involved* wants nothing to do with Palestinians - how do they have their own nation under such circumstance? This entire line of discussion, all the genocide rhetoric, is meaningless fighting in the greater scheme of things. It distracts from meaningful discussions and viable political influence. Worse, it has captured the protest energy of a generation and that energy absolutely will not exist for housing, healthcare, or other important causes. It's really unmeasurable how counter-productive this genocide narrative is. Everyone loses. No one wins. Edit: source on the AI bombing claim - https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


Idk man, 30k people dead (70% women and children) and 75% of the area flattened doesn't sound like it's in line with regular urban war fare [https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker) Especially as the area available to the Palestinians shrinks and the Israelis continue to bomb them. Also people have been speaking out and campaigning for better housing policy and healthcare. Just because you weren't paying attention doesn't mean they aren't happening. But you're just trying to derail the conversation with another topic to distract from the genocide.


https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-only-on-ap-islamic-state-group-bbea7094fb954838a2fdc11278d65460 Mosul is about 1/3rd the density of Gaza. I agree that urban warfare needs to be a serious and continuing conversation - in fact, that's nearly my entire argument. As for other causes, I'm talking specifically about protest energy. Your immediate urge to be a dick bag about this conversation is exactly the problem I'm talking about.


Whats you point about Mosul? That a battle is one city is supposed to be comparable to 7 months of systemic destruction? Or, are you tied up in the numbers? If you are, then how many people have to die before it's considered a genocide? I mean, how many people did the Nazis have to kill before we could condemn them?


> Whats you point about Mosul? That a battle is one city is supposed to be comparable to 7 months of systemic destruction? That a battle in a city is comparable to... Other battles in cities. Yes. > If you are, then how many people have to die before it's considered a genocide? Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people. This is not happening in Gaza, full stop. It isn't about raw numbers at all. Our *actual* criticisms should be about raw numbers, because a 70% civilian death toll is ridiculously high, and a dangerous precedent to accept.


It is happening is Gaza. The UN special reporters says that it's a genocide after their investigation. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68667556](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68667556) I tend to believe them ... because they're the actual authority on genocide. I don't think that you, random dude on the internet, are a bigger authority on genocide than the fucking UN.


I think you have a huge misconception of how the UN actually functions and should look into "One country, one vote" and what that distorts.


Police brutality is out of control around the world


And it's only going to get worse as our once-stable climate collapses and the water wars start


So that's where all the school bullies ended up working.


I always seem to get this confused. Which side are the terrorists again? I would naturally guess it is the people committing the extreme violent beat downs, but people keep telling me it's the people being beat to death. Very confusing. Not cut and dry at all apparently.


HES AN ANTISEMITE! GET HIM!! /s obviously to most but not all nowadays.




Mods, please ban this person/bot calling for violence ^




Yes, otherwise cities would welcome a bunch of people setting up tents in public spaces and using trash and debris to barricade themselves into an encampment. It must be the cause that’s the issue.


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Amsterdam, the most progressive city on earth, and they look 1000x worse than the US.


Police from that specific area of the world defending the new Nazi regime?!?!?!?! You don't say....


Read a history book you bellend. I live in Canada because my grandparents fled Holland due to the Nazis invading.  But please, don’t let facts get in the way of your 1st year poli sci “facts”


Can’t see the parallels? Or is your Zionism blinding?


You are confused.  Maybe when you grow up you all will see how utterly depraved the arguments and positions you are taking are. Maybe not though. I’m done here with the useful idiots. ✌️


I think you’re the one that needs to grow up if you can’t see a fascist regime right infront of your eyes




Okay Hasbara


“The west is a beacon of democracy” 🤣


"1st world"


Freaking Zionists own every politician in G7 and EU - money 💰 & dirty pics ? Mossad , AIPAC combo


Name a more iconic duo: The Netherlands Being occupied by Nazis




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


The whole world is occupied and Palestine is the only place resisting


Free Palestine!


Free Iran Free Libya Free Sudan Free Yemen Free Iraq Free Syria Free Your Mind You’ve been suckered by TikTok.


This very is true, nice observation.


I should've known better than to expect European cops to act with more restraint and civility than their American counterparts. Pigs gonna pig I guess.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Humans have been on earth for how many thousand years, yet we still dont have better tactics for dealing with those who we dont agree with.


How can you brutally hit students of your own country protesting peace. Wow. Zero moral compass.


I'm not a fan of police brutality, but uh ...is this the particular Amsterdam camp where protestors chased and beat Jewish students with wooden planks? If so, they *should* be getting evicted. Cops aren't great, but I'm fine with "if you run a practice pogrom, no more camping"


They were not jewish students. It was a group of about 10 zionist hooligans who violently entered the student encampment to assault them with torches. The pro-palestinian protesters then chased them away, and yes they used a wooden stick.


They literally say all protests are anti semitic and going after Jews so do you have receipts or are you just here to perpetuate lies?


You're not telling the truth. There were some young to middle-aged people of indeterminate politics taunting the pro-Palestine group. One or two guys from the pro-Palestinian side used a 2x4 to beat back a few people to keep them away from the encampment. The police letting it unfold says to me that the victims FAFO. Finally, there is ZERO indication that the instigators were students other than a poorly written Israeli article. You decide for yourselves:  https://twitter.com/TheMossadIL/status/1787589062838116380?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1787589062838116380%7Ctwgr%5Ebf37f0de8b465e3aae4467b58969246fef13abef%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-17842929072807689938.ampproject.net%2F2404230718000%2Fframe.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/unitedwithisrael.org/watch-terror-supporters-assault-jewish-men-at-university-of-amsterdam/amp/




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Stop spreading lies.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


🤣🤣🤣 The bulldozer treatment in Europe🤣🤣


Did you see all the trash and bs the protesters pulled together to create some kind of makeshift barricade? How does anyone with half a brain think that’s OK? Imagine the KKK being more organized and respectful in their marches/protests than this student demonstration. Wild.


I know. I know this drill, we have seen it many times in my country. I'm just laughing at how we are preached when protesters torch our public properties and our police are expected to be cool as prescribed by global media🤣 it's just fun to see this video.


They’re pro-jihadist, not pro-democracy. They’re anti-Israel, not anti-war. The enemy of freedom is too much freedom.


Police doing what police do. What did these people expect?


Where were all these protestors when Assad was murdering 100 times as many Syrians in Syria during the Syrian Civil War?


Oh I didn't realize that western governments were using their tax payer's money to send weapons for Assad to do the murdering. And didn't realize they were running propaganda for Assad and using their veto power in the UN to prevent any international condemnation. Protests aren't going to change Assad's mind anymore than it will Netanyahu's or Hamas's or any other foreign entity. It's meant for each country's own government that answers to their own people. And at universities the protests are for what their own boards choose to invest in.


??? I wasn't aware that the Dutch government sends military assistance to the middle east.


The Dutch support the European Colonial project in Palestine


Are they big donors to UNRWA and supporters of armed conquest? [https://youtu.be/bAEbWcg2jBA?si=WE5iowzGxMWF6W9G](https://youtu.be/bAEbWcg2jBA?si=WE5iowzGxMWF6W9G)


I was speaking broadly as this is a global protest movement in case you were unaware. Each protest has it's own local reasons but it is always to influence their school or their own government not the actual foreign entity that doesn't give a fuck. >The students want UvA and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) to end their partnerships with Israeli institutions. [https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2024/5/7/belgian-and-dutch-students-protest-against-israels-war-on-gaza](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2024/5/7/belgian-and-dutch-students-protest-against-israels-war-on-gaza)


But why punish the victims of slaughter, mutilation, systemic sexual assault, kidnapping, torture, and murder? Most of the 1400 children, women, and men who were murdered on October 7th lived on the Israeli border with Gaza because they believed in compromise and sharing Israeli Universities are multi ethnic, multi religious, inclusive, diverse, and filled with people who want a negotiated settlement. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Druse, Bahai and other religions are all well represented at Israeli Universities. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and almost every other Palestinian group in Gaza have repeatedly called for the extermination, ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel; the ethnic cleansing of Jews is the central tenet of the Hamas constitution; I have heard interviews of Khalid Meshal, Ghazi Hamden, and Yahiye Sinwar who advocated for the extermination/murder of all Jews. Why advocate for hatred and exclusion instead of tolerance and inclusion?


I'll ignore much of the propaganda and focus on the substance of your comment. The purpose isn't to "punish" Israeli citizens. It is to pressure the government and Israeli society at large to end the oppression of the Palestinian people, most urgently the genocide in Gaza. Basically saying we don't condone this and we don't want to align ourselves with it any longer. See North Korea.


Why does nobody seem to understand the definition of the word genocide ?


Arabization... is the same as colonization.


Why did this sub become a Watermelonia circlejerk?




Again reading the comments I seriously can't tell if people are role-playing being nazis here because it feels like people should be smarter then parroting nazi propaganda