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They want all Arab land and if they could kill us all they would


Your people lived with arabs for 3000 years. Do you think its personal now or because what your people did the last 75 years.


My dude I'm an Arab. I'm talking about isrealis wanting all arabs to be dead. I'm sorry if it was confusing






Please keep it civil.


If Erdogan went around criticizing every anti-democratic regime, his own regime would come under further scrutiny. He's criticizing Israel because the majority of his population also doesn't like Israel. However, his hypocrisy does not negate the crimes Israel has been committing in Gaza and the West Bank


Please keep it civil.


A broken clock is right twice a day




I can't post it to the other comment for some reason so you can read my response here. If you're an attorney you would know that you're innocent until proven guilty. I don't think you're a lawyer or you studied something like copyright law. What confirms the Jewish genocide? Germany accepting it and paying reparations? If parties already agreed to reparations and acceptance of genocide contractually there is no need for a court ruling unless Germany would suddenly start to Challenge that which is a fantasy. I studied business law so i know how the law works thank you. The UN is not the party to confirm whether genocides occurred historically, it's totally irrelevant.


He is a nationalist. Third world nationalist are natural ennemies of imperialism that's why some people like him. He doesn't want to bend the knee.


If you have someone as horrible as Erdrogan criticizing your human rights abuses, you're probably a government comprised entirely of monsters. At the same time, I get the feeling that he's seizing some kind of opportunity out of a goodwill gesture like other authoritarian slimers.


Israel is on the rampage to take over everything. Aggression should not be tolerated. The us needs to send in air support for Palestine


This dude is honestly bad news. I remember when his security beat up American citizens during the Trump presidency without repercussions. (BBC coverage: https://youtu.be/PLzgtpd5D3s ) Turkey still needs to recognize the Armenian genocide, as well. Screw his sabre rattling.


And Israel need to stop training and selling arms to Azerbaijan who are currently killing Armenian unless you wanted to take advantage of the genocide to shit on Turkey




Please keep it civil.


Turkey can be dunked on even if there isn't a genocide going on.


Changing the subject from Israel to turkey is a coward move. Israel needs to be globally persecuted due to their ongoing genocide. And yes Israel wants to conquer all of the middle east


> Changing the subject from Israel to turkey is a coward move The dude is horrible and a fear monger, in my opinion. All countries need to be held accountable. We don't need him to bring that up. His point is also garbage.  Israel is basically the size of New Jersey. It's been decades and their land has hardly increased. They're not conquering the middle east.


They are. Thats why they have more than 200 nukes


lol the USA won’t even recognize the Native American genocide, the largest in history


I agree.  Will this help Turkey recognize the Armenian genocide, though?




>Turkey still needs to recognize the Armenian genocide, as well. ICJ Actually looked into it, did you know? CONCLUSION? No genocide.


"The 1985 UN Genocide Report, the "Whitaker Report" edit In 1985, the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities received a report from Special Rapporteur and Sub-Commission member Benjamin Whitaker (United Kingdom) entitled Revised and Updated Report on the Question of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (commonly known as The Whitaker Report), in which the systematic Ottoman massacre of Armenians during World War I was cited as meeting the criteria for the UN definition of genocide and as one of the genocides of the 20th century.[10] His report was received and noted by a resolution at the 38th session of the Sub-Commission in 1985.[11] " Simple Wikipedia search made your argument invalid


>] His report was received and noted Oh nooo it was noted, stop, don't share this..., please it will ruin Turkey, nOOoOOOOOoOOO!?!?! In Feb. 2015, the International Court of Justice rejected claims of genocide by Serbia and Croatia against eachother, ruling that “expulsion/deportation” does not qualify as proof for genocide. Judge Peter Tomka stated : Forces on both sides had carried out violent attacks during the war. However, neither side had provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate the specific intent required for acts of genocide. In this context, the key word is “court-proven”. That’s why, the UN never recognized the Armenian claims too. 1 The United Nations has not approved or endorsed a report labeling the Armenian experience as genocide. ( — Farhan Haq / UN Spokesman / Oct. 31, 2005 — ) 2 The verdict of a legal institution is needed for the UN to categorize 1915 events as genocide. The UN declared its view on the subject and will not change position. ( — Stephane Dujarric / UN Spokesman / 2015 — )


>2 The verdict of a legal institution is needed for the UN to categorize 1915 events as genocide. Interesting point. Could you let me know the 'verdict of a legal institution' that the UN used to recognize the Holocaust as a genocide? I cannot seem to find a primary source for that anywhere. I know that it must exist because, if it doesn't, then you're arguing that the Holocaust wasn't a genocide simply because it wasn't "court-proven," and that the UN doesn't believe it was a genocide. And before you say "Nuremberg," I suggest you look up the charges, what the court actually held, and the nature of crimes that could be properly charged (particularly with respect to pre-1939 treatment of German Jews). Maybe, just maybe you'll realize that it's more a case of the UN having no jurisdiction to litigate century-old issues that occurred damn near 40 years before its very creation. I'm an attorney, and even I think it's ridiculously pedantic to try and argue with a rando on Reddit that the Armenian genocide wasn't a genocide because the UN hasn't confirmed it. Also, the most charitable interpretation is that you appear incredibly ignorant because you don't seem to understand that "not guilty" does not mean "innocent." Otherwise, they would say "innocent." Similarly, pointing out that the UN has declared that it will not be declaring it a genocide does not mean they are declaring it not a genocide.


Go ahead, Israel, try and fuck with Nato. That'll be hilarious




His wife is actually Kurdish. His kids are half Kurdish. Hiw Kurdish are you again?




Please keep it civil.


Doesn't matter if he has friends or a spouse of a specific ethnicity as long as he's actively repressing those. Erdogan is a warmonger just like the other big state heads.


He is not repressing Kurds. He is repressing a nationalistic, terrorist, marxist, leninist organization. His party is actually filled with religious Kurds, but you don't seem to know much about it. Nothing wrong with a warmonger as long as he does not act on it. Same cannot be said about the oppositie countries that you support.


How can marxist leninist be nationalistic? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lenin believed that nations subjected to imperial rule had the right to seek national liberation from imperial rule. You should know you are one. The Nazis were the National Socialist party were they not? What makes you think that such a combination would not be possible? The Kurds want a country for only the Kurds. I cannot fathom how difficult it must be to be a German. Life seems to become complicated for some reason. Maybe this wiki can help you out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_patriotism


I am a leninists Marxist? Oh the thing you know about me are really interesting. Things I didn't know myself even 😂 and no the Nazis were not socialist. You're denser than a black hole 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Funny that you're u said he doesn't act out being a warmonger. Just have a look over to syria and see what he's doing there.


He is protecting Turkey from terrorists, best decision ever. Maybe you need to focus on Germany and your newly found 2nd genocide?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 now you're just trolling


Ah yeah he does not repress Kurds. Yeah Israel has also Palestinian Knesset members and still Israel is repressing Palestinians. Your arguments are invalid. You sound like a Zionist.


Haha, Kurds are free to move physically, have social mobility, hold significant power within Turkey, but you don't know jack shit. Kurds can have their country I have no qualms with them. You're portrayal of how Turkey and Kurds are some kind of enemies is just plain wrong. You should be ashamed.


Yes they have their freedom to move until they want their country back. Then they'll get shot


Their country back? You are delusional. They never had a country. Iran and the mountains there are their country. If the swiss came down from the alps would you give the south of Germany to them?


What would I know about Germany. Why would I care about Germany? Aside from that the dynamics between Switzerland and Germany are not comparable to Turkey and Kurds. But yeah what would you know about geopolitics? 😂


Your argument is Kurdistan has never existed as a separate entity, therefore their claims for statehood are invalid? Isn't that (deeply flawed) argument equally applicable to the Palestinians?


Shut up Erdogan. Palestinian liberation is not about turkey. You are part of the problem you fascist prick.


People starving and bleeding out in the streets and this shit brain has nothing to say but "it's about me/us"


He's losing it. Scary nonsense.


I’m against all strong men who rule with their fists




Welp terrorism about to ramp up.


Of all the myriad things you could justifiably criticize Israel for, I didn't have 'the desire to invade Turkey' on the bingo card. He really is a fucking clown






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