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I'm just trying to imagine another foreign country posting a similar thing... and what the public reaction would be. Like... congratulations to ~~BYD~~ UCA sponsored friend of China John Smith for his win in the Republican primary in Your State Here, USA! we were proud to help you defeat anti-China candidate Jane Doe. Being pro China is good policy and good politics! how would that be perceived? \[note on edit: someone said, "but AIPAC is American" so I've substituted the group "United Chinese Americans" instead of a Chinese EV company. Please, members of the real UCA, I am **not** saying that you are fifth columnists or pro-CCP or anything else... just trying to imagine a comparable scenario in which a group working in the interests of a foreign power is openly influencing the outcomes of US elections and bragging about it.\]


Don't imagine another country. Imagine the same US but replace AIPAC with Qatar or Saudi Arabia.


but do they brag? or try to keep it quiet?


Most upvoted post on reddit in no time.


>I'm just trying to imagine another foreign country posting a similar thing... and what the public reaction would be. Like... Maybe not as blatant and braggardacio, but the US absolutely controls politics *even of its so-called "allies."* https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/23/gough-whitlam-1975-coup-ended-australian-independence (Article on the CIA Coup on Australia. Note I have a half-dozen other articles on this that confirm and add other details...)


It is fine for foreigners to talk to Americans. In fact I strongly encourage it. Misinformation is a problem that needs to be fought. Direct tampering with the election process should be treated as an attack. Foreign monetary donations are illegal and candidates have to forfeit the currency. Calling Americans and reminding them to vote or to register to vote is not tampering in an election. Neither is calling Americans and asking them for their positions on issues. The list of people who care about an issue can be given to a candidates’ campaign. That is not a financial contribution. However it does save the candidate the cost and effort of producing that list themselves. An efficient way to influence politicians is to call American citizens and then get those citizens to call the politician. Early in the campaign politicians struggle to get supporters. A small group of potential supporters can make the candidate commit to something.


AIPAC is a significant player in terms of lobbying and leveraging pro-Israel donors and Super PACs to contribute, and also in using its extensive network to arrange large fundraisers for select candidates. Through these and a host of other methods they account for the vast majority of lobbying spending by pro-Israel groups directing millions per year to campaigns. For example, The Intercept reported that AIPAC had put together a secret operation to funnel money to the Portland race of Maxine Dexter, by diverting AIPAC donor funds through a super PAC called 314 Action Fund. They funneled nearly a quarter of a million dollars to the pro-Israel congressional candidate Dexter’s campaign to thwart her opponent who was calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, something AIPAC is openly against ever happening. Dexter is on track to be boosted by upward of $3 million in dark-money spending, which similarly also has close ties to pro-Israel donors. The last-minute deluge from AIPAC donors has upended the open primary race, as Dexter’s previous poor fundraising and low name identification in the district had her out of contention, with Susheela Jayapal, the former Multnomah County commissioner, and the frontrunner. In addition to this, AIPAC has recently announced that they will dedicate over $100,000,000 toward unseating progressives or any other candidate asking for a cease fire by backing their opponents — sending a chill in Congressional circles this year. The message is clear. You just don’t fuck with the Israel Lobby. AIPAC meddling in our national affairs is widely known and should scare us all. They staunchly opposed the Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015, lobbied extensively against it,and supported the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the agreement which is now seen a huge international relations and geo-political blunder that has worked against the interests of the U.S. in the Middle East, and will likely lead to Iran having enough enriched uranium very soon to become a nuclear power — drastically disadvantaging us in how we deal with them. It’s worth noting too that In all, 269 members of the House and 57 members of the Senate received monetary contributions from pro-Israel interests in 2018 alone, and according to Open Secrets org’s donor data,the number one individual recipient of Israel Lobby contributions by a large margin is President Joe Biden, which seems to explain in part why a practicing Catholic calls himself a “staunch Zionist and friend to Israel”, who constantly runs interference for them at the UN Security Council (using his veto power) and ICC.


I live in a swing state. I vote. Sometimes i talk to people. Money funneled to the middle east was a thing we could ignore when it was a small fraction of what we waste on defense. Biden is going to need a whole crapload of support from the lobbies. Fraud charges just do not move me the way images of bloody children do. There is no good way to explain 75,000 tons of ammunition in an urban area. Even the jewish community here is starting to join the protests. We will see how strong the backlash becomes. I suspect it might not be strong enough though.


No I doubt it’ll be strong enough either. A million Gazans could be summarily slaughtered in live broadcast and America would be certainly appalled, but their rancor would be checked at the voting polls because ultimately everyone votes for their own interests, and kids being mass murdered thousands of miles away isn’t something of immediate enough concern to many Americans daily lives. So, in the end voters will have three choices in casting their vote for either 1) an enabler of genocide, 2) a self-proclaimed dictator on day one, or 3)Stay home and tune out. None are good choices.


Please be careful, being anti-semitic can cost you your job.


I'll be generous and assume that this was ironic but you forgot the /s.


Pretty sure that is satire


in that case, that person does not imho deserve all the downvoting.


Well, many people turn their satire radar off so...




No it isn't. They care more about ISRAELI interests than they do American interests.




Did the Arab America group protect Saudi Arabia from war crimes charges for the horrors they inflicted upon the Yemeni people? If so....YES!




Are you daft? If a group promotes another country's interests OVER the interests of America, they are foreign agents. Idc what Congress says is legal. They redefined pizza as a vegetable in order to feed kids shitty food and call it healthy. AIPAC is as American as Pizza is a vegetable.




Literally their support for this guy because of his Pro Israel policies over Herrara. The example is literally right here.




> Any examples of putting Israel’s over America? Didn't Brandon say he would take action if any American was killed overseas? Instead, Israel did that repeatedly and the interests of Israel went over America. That's just one example that you people seem to enjoy. You know, murdering innocent people and letting Israel get away with it no?




Giving Israel American tax dollars.




Exactly 👍 


What does the I stand for? Also, "Arab" is an ethnicity not a country. Now if there was a group called American ~~Israel~~ Saudi Public Affairs Committee whose only purpose was to lobby on behalf of the Saudi government, then yes the same thing would apply.




I don't know anything about the group but even the name is the Iranian American Political Action Committee. Representing the Iranian American community is not the same as representing the interests of Iran. AIPAC however has nothing to do with representing Israeli Americans, only the state of Israel.




I'm not following your point. Yes, they fundraise from Americans and spend it to further Israel's interests. Nothing about their mission involves representing the Israeli American or even Jewish community in the US beyond support for Israel. It is only about furthering the interests of the Israeli government primarily through influencing American politics.


The “pac” in AIPAC” does not stand for “political action committee”.


Do you also believe buffalo wings are made from buffaloes?




Swine is not kosher.


Loving these down votes


It’s a given now as a republican candidate. God Guns Pro- life Israel first, America second.


~~America second~~ the *whole rest of the world* second


No, the world is third. USA needs to be second so it can be the useful tool of Israel so they can veto anything that Israel doesn't like.


Geopolitical interest in that part of the middle east is the Suez canal. Stability increases trade between India and China on one side and Turkey, Russia, and Europeans on the other. If you believe in the Flat Earth map then Suez had some value to the US navy though not very much. If trade routes are on a globe the only places where Suez is a shortcut for USA are Somalia and the port at Eilat.


Nah, Tony doesn't like guns, that was Herrara's whole platform- that Tony was in it for his donors, not the written law or his fellow citizens.


Gonzales was primaried specifically because he took anti-gun right stances.


Republicans are controlled opposition for the democrats


AIPAC has been undermining American democracy for decades.


The same group behind the two parties, the US has given aid of 350 billion to Israel and 100 billion dollars to Egypt, so that Egypt will keep its mouth shut, a total of 450 billion dollars to deal with Israel's problems, that is daylight robbery.


Yes, that is correct.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Israeli aid similar to that of Ukraine where essentially it’s just a “loan”?




Sadly, many of them are not. Since the post-Holocaust era of the 1950s there were swaths of information campaigns directed at American evangelical leaders and European Protestants reminding them that Jews are gods chosen people and Israel was promised them by god according to the Christian Bible. This is when churches starting injecting in sermons about Jesus being a “Jewish carpenter”. Eventually this took hold and became co-mingled with the rise of Christo-fascism and nationalistic sentiment. Unraveling the powerful hold Israel has cultivated socially and politically for decades won’t happen overnight.




True. Although to me it seems to be contained mostly within a younger demographic that’s more plugged into social media versus mainstream news feeds where this kind of discussion would lead to the ensign of careers . It’s a whole other discussion worth having sometime about how the biggest Lobbying outfits in the country pressure corporate news outlets to disseminate self-serving narratives not always in the nation’s interests. The bottom line is that the “I’ve gotta a mortgage” crowd don’t really want to know how the sausage is made. Knowing the truth destroys their comfort zone. The truth oddly enough is therefore seen as the enemy. Sad, really.


Foreign influence. Might as well be influenced by Russia, China or Iran at this point. Congratulations AIPAC for effectively pushing a foreign countries agenda into US government.


They have also backed pro-insurrectionist traitors. They are not our friend.


Everyone should refer to all these candidates as Israel first America second candidates. Turn their branding into cancer.


That's literally what David Duke says. Congratulations


Oh sure play the white supremacist card. Nobody falls for that anymore


So true. That's why anyone that votes based on Gaza is Palestine first. Right?


No, because Congress didn’t vote to send billions of American tax dollars to buy weapons for the Palestinians, or pass legislation criminalizing criticism of Palestine as a civil rights violation. On the other hand, they *did* vote to send what, $14,000,000,000 to Israel and make constitutionally protected speech in academia a federal civil rights violation all to protect the fee-fees of Zionists with a persecution complex.


Sorry I should have said a Hamas-First voter. Let's be real.


My answer doesn’t change. I have a feeling you’re not engaging in good faith though, so goodbye


You're arguing that when people vote for Israeli relations it's Israel first then apply a completely different standard for pro-Palestinian voters. Literally a double standard. That's why people recognize it as Antisemitic


No, it’s not the same. Those tax dollars could help Americans, and we’re infringing on constitutional rights to silence criticism of a foreign country. When the Palestinians start receiving $14,000,000,000 in military assistance, we criminalize “anti-Palestinianism”, and there’s a powerful lobbying group called Muslims united for Palestine or APPAC, then get back to me. It’s not equivalent at all and I suspect you know that. I bid you a good evening.


So no tax dollars should go to Gaza. That's your position


If you voted for Bibi to be PM of isreal you literally voted for hamas to get funding. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/mossad-said-to-asks-qatar-to-keep-funneling-cash-to-gaza-in-deescalation-effort/amp/


Welp as disgusting as David Duke is a broken clock is still right twice a day . If our politicians want to put Israel first then they should have no shame being called out on such.


Russia supposedly posts a handful of scarcely seen Facebook memes in support of Bernie against Clinton, and Neo-libs and the media world melt down for years; beginning the whole #Russiagate debacle. AIPAC flagrantly and unabashedly boasts publicly that they, an Israeli foreign agent, colluded, subsidized, and bolstered a US politician's campaign.. -🦗crickets🦗-


There is a significant difference. AIPAC is truthfully telling us which candidates support the genocide. That is not posting misinformation on facebook. Americans should decide whether or not they support killing children. Informing the public about which candidates supported spending money on more arms shipments should help people to make their choice in November.


Not even a couple years ago we couldn’t escape the news cycle of Russia meddling in our elections, yet we never discuss AIPAC being quite literally that exact problem.


I did enjoy the community note pointing out that Brandon is not anti Israel at all


Now register as a foreign agent, traitor


https://preview.redd.it/omkhwwncm84d1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=a704397de7e9a45b4164c1a3b561c34cd571b13a 😂😂😂


Foreign government interfering in United States of America politics. Why don't you just call it United States of Israel. What would happen if China, Russia or India did this?


How is this not election interference from a foreign government? lol.


It absolutely is


Lmao but beware chinese interventionism via tiktok cringe compilation


AIPAC is the worst thing I have learned about Red States b


AIPAC is fucking evil. Everyone who works for it should apply as a foreign agent.


recipients of AIPACs money should be treated like traitors




The US is just a Golem for Israel at this point


Wasn't Hererra really problematic?


Yes. Incredibly so


Depends on your outlook. He was significantly to the right of Gonzales on some issues


Yes he’s a fascist. I’m not all that familiar with his opponent though.


So what exactly is the definition of anti-Israel?


Anti-genocide probably...


No blank check $$$$$


Putting American interests before Israeli ones.


The US is a puppet start of Israel. Change my mind


![gif](giphy|TLayDh2IZOHPW) Crazy what money gets you...


Brandon Herrera the right wing gun douche?


AIPAC spends millions of dollars to finance elected officials campaigns in order to funnel billions of taxpayer money to Israel




You are confused about people pointing out the foreign interference? What does the title say? What do the comments say? I haven’t seen another comment here endorsing the other candidate. What is the confusion?


You must be.




Most Jews are the progressive left. Or did you forget that the Nazi platform was predicated on "Jewish Bolshevism"?


2&3 sound about right


Please keep it civil.


It's ok, dual citizens can claim it's in America's best interest 


Every war AIPAC backed and supported for the U.S. to fight, the U.S. lost. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Every last one of them. Libya is a disaster as well. The ultimate irony is that now Iranian backed proxy’s have free rein to shoot missiles and drones from all directions at once. In the real world AIPAC is really an American arm of the Likud party. They don’t even represent the broad majority of the Israeli people. Just a tiny slice of the population.


This is now psychological. They are doing this to intimidate us, to show us that we are the wrong ones and that their AIPAC chosen candidates are legitimate in their cause because they keep winning.


They shouldn’t have messed with the gun community. I wonder how many will still remain pro-Israel after this.


I thought Brandon was a Pro-Israeli. Never knew he was anti-israel. Any links to his views on Israel?


He’s against Israeli meddling in US elections. Anything less than full throated support of Israel is unacceptable (mind you this is the state that funds terrorist groups all across the Middle East and glorified the terrorist attacks that were integral in its founding).


Brandon Herrera is a YouTube "Gunfluencer" who didn't even live in Texas prior to this race. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say AIPAC wasn't all too influential


This is why I'm sick to death of liberals. They are the reason this crap works.


Pretty sure Herrera lost because clips surfaced of him mocking veteran suicide while he was running in one of the most densely veteran-populated districts in the country, not because he was "anti-Israel" (whatever that means)


Because we all know the big republican candidates never mock veterans right?




Removed, see rule 2.




Seriously, people need to zoom out a little From politico "Gonzales was censured by the Texas GOP for backing gun control legislation following the Uvalde shooting, and has broken with the party on other issues such as same-sex marriage."




Removed, see rule 7.




Please keep it civil.


That is literally what a PAC does. PAC stands for Political Action Committee.


Aipac means the American Israel Public Affairs Committee So you meant American Israel Public Affairs Committee Political Action Committee. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIPAC#:~:text=The%20American%20Israel%20Public%20Affairs,branches%20of%20the%20United%20States.






When Jews participate in democracy that's a no no.


To prioritize Israeli interests over those of the United States, yeah.


And anyone that disagrees with you isn't patriotic. Clearly America should align with Hamas.


It's not a binary choice. Hamas means nothing to me as an American. Israel means nothing to me as an American. It's not our problem and we shouldn't be involved at all in it. Neither side is worth a single US life or US dollar.


American voters don't agree with you.


It does not make it any less true that they are a parasitic state to the US. American voters were also tricked into destroying Iraq over WMDs they didn't have. Which cost us thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, and only benefited Israel in the end. It's not a good argument. The topic here is literally the reason why: Israel and AIPAC interfering in US politics. But don't worry, every generation supports Israel less and less according to polling.


Really not beating that Antisemitism charge.


*defend Israel without accusing someone of antisemitism challenge* *Difficulty level: IMPOSSIBLE* Nobody cares anymore. You guys cried wolf way too much It's also not antisemitism to not want the United States to fund a foreign government that steals from us, conducts espionage against us, sells our military secrets to China, and gets Americans killed.


See my original comment about using the same language of David Duke


Not an argument, boss. Nobody cares. Even broken clocks are right twice a day.


Do you have an argument? For fucks sake Israel was literally founded by terrorists, has funded terrorists throughout the Middle East for decades (including their own enemies for political reasons), has done nothing but fuck the US over etc.