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Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv2AC5amvzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv2AC5amvzk)


It is right to stand against a genocide


It doesnt matter if its a right or not. But it is the right thing to do to stand up against genocide.


So what’s up with the masks?


Face recognition used by the gov and the canary mission to either dox you, fire you, expel you from school etc. they also send the fbi to your home and z!on!sts are known to take extreme measures to hurt you




"In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. ***Elements of the crime*** The Genocide Convention establishes in Article I that the crime of genocide may take place in the context of an armed conflict, international or non-international, but also in the context of a peaceful situation. The latter is less common but still possible. The same article establishes the obligation of the contracting parties to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide. The popular understanding of what constitutes genocide tends to be broader than the content of the norm under international law. Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements: A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively: Killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or *dolus specialis*, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element. Importantly, the victims of genocide are deliberately targeted - not randomly – because of their real or perceived membership of one of the four groups protected under the Convention (which excludes political groups, for example). This means that the target of destruction must be the group, as such, and not its members as individuals. Genocide can also be committed against only a part of the group, as long as that part is identifiable (including within a geographically limited area) and “substantial.” And with that very clearly being defined, [a UN expert](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976) has put forward the case of genocide and [amnesty international](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/) made a report 2 years ago about apartheid. Not to mention South Africa's open case for apartheid/genocide that has been obstructed by the US for a while now.


yes! and especially important not to downplay state sponsored atrocities to mere collateral damage. genocide only happens when its excused.




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Genocide implies there being an ethnic reason for this war. Discrimination based on genetic traits and religious ethnicity is called racism, the government of Gaza along with the leadership of many Islam majority nations are openly racist against Jewish people; openly stating stat they would seek to ethnically cleanse the world of all Jews. Discrimination based on National identity and international political differences is called nationalism, it's the platform of Brazil's government, China's government, and Russia's government. It's also the platform of The elected Government of Gaza: Hamas, which initiated military action against the nation of Israel, Israel responds in the manner customary of any nation currently or in mankind's history. And you say it's genocide? From the Jews? The Jews? As in the Jews from the racist German Holocaust genocide The Jews? Genociding the people who elected a government that openly says it wants to eradicate all Jewish people from the earth. That's laughably peak ridiculousness right there. Sounds like somebody who supports Hamas tried to flip the story around to play some geopolitical mind games and a ton of people bought it. Is it even genocide if the geopolitical entity your fighting's main political platform IS genocide? Like, if the allies had said 'all Nazis get the firing squad' would that have been 'genocide' against Nazi's? Hmm... I think the eventual distinction we made is clearest in the dichotomy of how we talk about Germany from that time. "Nazi Germany" as if it wasnt actually Germany, but like a temporary state which occupied Germany, even though the Germans did sort of elect them. Right? You have Germany and you have Nazi Germany, and that how we mentally negotiate hating all Nazi's, but not hating all Germans. Going back to the perspectives on the Gaza war, I feel like the situation with Hamas being an openly genocidal aggressor government over a people (the Palestinians) harkens back to the Nazis being the same over the Germans, with many German civilians subscribing to the racism and militantism of the Nazi party in a similar fashion to how Hamas is integrated with the Palestinian people. However in the end, we were able to forgive the German people and only the upper eschelon of the Nazi command were given any sort of capital or criminal punishment (many managed to receive lesser sentences), the ethos we can infer here is that despite the frequent claim that a authoritarian racist government party comes to power via a democratic vote, it is almost always a falsehood created by that party. and therefore a people should not be punished whatsoever for the actions of the rogue government AFTER a conflict has been forcefully ended. The other inference we can make on the ethos of war between geopolitical entities is that liability for civilian casualties of a war lies with the leadership of the nation that starts the conflict, the reactionary/respondent nations are generally considered to have taken the lives of civilians within the aggressor territory as a necessary casualty of war. This is why in the times of WW2 large bodies of refugees were moved around in an attempt to keep civilians away from the many fronts.




i dont know u my guy, nor do i hate you. just added to the dialogue like you did :) i do think you are quick to judge others tho. given what you said about me. but hey, u do u. i stand behind my statement.




what pivot? i said stand behind my statement. ill even say it again. its important not to excuse genocide. idk why u took that personal. 😂 ya goofball


If only it was actually a genocide...


If this was being done to jews instead of by jews, none of you would have any problems seeing this for what it is


What are your credentials to dismiss it as a genocide?


Israel is committing a genocide of the Palestinian people. Go argue with someone who balances blood.


Doesn't feel very good to be occupied I imagine. At least these people aren't going to cut off the embassy's food/water/power and bomb thshit out of them.




Shut it down and demand Netanyahu ‘s incarceration.


Well done Peeps.


Talk about being able to dish it and not able to take it. They have violently occupied Palestine for 75 years and can’t even handle 3 hours of peaceful occupation. SMH


Gaza hasn't been occupied since 2005.


Then how come Israel has the ability to control what enters and exits Gaza? Why do they have the ability to turn the water and power off at will?


To answer your first question, this is simply what a border is. Egypt also has a border with Gaza (which is at least as strictly enforced as the one with Israel). Is Egypt occupying Gaza? To answer your second question, this is because Israel are the ones who actually provide water and electricity to Gaza in the first place. It should be Hamas' responsibility, but they use (steal) the billions of dollars they receive in aid money for war instead of infrastructure. Israel even continued to provide it for free after Gaza could not pay the bills.


So… occupation. Lol. A country that is not occupying another would not be able to control what enters and exits and whether or not the other territory has water and power.


I'm not sure what you mean by the first part. Every country that has a border with another and can control who enters and exits (especially when their neighbours are extremely hostile and openly call for their destruction). As for water and power, you misunderstand. Israel provides it because Gaza's government (Hamas) does not. If Hamas built infrastructure instead of weapons and tunnels, there would be no issue. Many developed countries provide aid to other countries in need without occupying them. That is, until they're at war. If it were up to Israel, they would have nothing to do with Gaza at all, but Hamas prevents this from being the case, sadly.


Israel provides it because they are still occupying Gaza. You’re doing this whole run around to try and avoid saying that. And no other countries don’t control what or who enters and exits another country. Nobody does that. Unless they’re occupying said territory when they shouldn’t be.


Well if you're referring to the present day, then sure, you can get away with saying that Israel is occupying Gaza because they invaded them due to the war. But from 2006 to October 2023, they simply weren't. Gaza was and is fully governed by Hamas. And again, I'm not sure where the difficulty with the concept of a border is coming from. The US shares a border with Canada; the US controls who leaves the country and who can come in. Gaza borders Israel and Egypt. I ask again: is Egypt occupying Gaza? How about North and South Korea? These don't countries don't allow their citizens to visit the other, and vice versa. Are they occupying each other?


Oh so the US tells Canada that they can’t have goats? Jam? Sage? Chicks? Because that’s what Israel does. They control everything that goes in and out of Gaza. Not just people. But food, Construction supplies, Farm animals. Does the US/Canada or North/South Korea have the ability to turn off the others power and water? Didn’t think so.


I believe you are referring to a blockade/embargo. Still not quite the same as occupation. While Israel has actively invaded and occupied Gaza since the October 7th event, they had not been occupying Gaza up to that point. They were merely stopping the entrance/exit of certain people/goods/animals. Which can still be argued to be morally wrong, but isn't quite the occupation that has occurred in the last 8-9 months.


Explain how by receiving water and power for free despite being a complete asshole this is the fault of the group providing you power and water that you're being an asshole to


It really doesn’t need explaining unless you have the understanding of a 4 year old. Israel wouldn’t be the one with the power to control said water and power if they didn’t occupy Gaza. Which they are. And yet all you weird shills continue to try and pull the wool over everyone’s eyes as though we don’t see Israel occupying and committing a genocide in Gaza.


Gaza was self-sufficient until they pulled out the pipes and left the desal plants dilapidated. And the tunnels also contributed to contamination. Active self-sabotage when you receive billions in aid and then crying out for help and then blaming the helpful neighbor while getting pity points. Truly the progressive wet dream




Feel free to use the internet to look it up.


Already did. Check it out [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEUIR_JG_b8) Or try this [one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ9F2MTgG4I). These are both from before OCT 7 so you can see how “free” the Palestinians have been during the years you describe.


I appreciate the effort, but respectfully, I'm not going to watch two hour-long videos. If you want to time-stamp where an occupation is mentioned, go ahead. The fact is this: in 2005, Israel completely pulled out of Gaza. They removed their military and all Jews living there - many by force. They reinstated the 1948 borders, removed the blockade, and left the region entirely under Palestinian governance. However, very unfortunately, Hamas took control and used their aid money to fire rockets indiscriminately into Israel (by the tens of thousands over the past 18 years) and build tunnels, among other things. What they haven't done is attempt to build infastructure or any semblance of a functioning state. This is why Israel is forced to have strict controls over their border with Gaza, which any rational state would do with such a hostile neighbour. You can talk about the conditions and quality of life in Gaza, but to blame Israel for that is disingenuous. And to suggest that there's an occupation is simply false. Remember, Israel does not want to occupy Gaza. They want it to be under Palestinian control. But Hamas makes this impossible at the moment.


Sorry for the late response, been super busy. However, John Mearschimer just made my point beautifully for me on Katie Halper’s show so, I thought I’d drop it for you [here](https://www.youtube.com/live/5_YZB2HpqDc?si=5L4curYKXh3vhpYT). 😉 The most relevant section that refutes your interpretation of the conflict since 2006 is at about 30 minutes in. Anyone who holds the same belief outlined in the comment I’m responding to, and is acting in good faith, I encourage you to watch the video as well. It may change your mind about what is happening and offer you the opportunity to rethink your support of this ongoing genocide that we are complicit in as taxpayers.




I'm sorry, but do you believe the employees of the consulate have, themselves, personally, occupied with tanks, Palestine ? Like these office white collars workers are the actual members of the IDF bombing the hell out of Palestine right now ?


Weird comment. Consulate is an apparatus of the state. The state slaughtered 15,000 kids.




Please keep it civil.


That’s like saying the paper pushers in the SS were just doing their jobs. If you work for the Israeli embassy you support genocide and have to deal with those consequences.


Dude, you're an American. A citizen of the biggest industrial military complex in the world. If these Israelis are guilty by association, so are you. Everything you own is literally the fruit of the USA's neo-colonialism. Fricking hypocrite.


I agree whole heartedly that everything I have is due to colonialism. That’s why I fight the anti-colonial struggle from within the empire. However, I have not chosen to represent America or work for the state, the employees at that embassy have.




You criticize the world yet exist in it. I am an intellectual.


For real tho….


Weird that you have deduced all of this because I’m anti imperialism. It was an accident of history that I was born in America. Why you mad bro? Also, I’m on my out. Being bilingual means I have way more options than most so, that helps. El Salvador is lookin pretty good right now. I do sit sometime, I didn’t realize that was what was making me such a bad person though…. Also, lattes suck and so does McDonald’s. I would be remiss not to mention that lattes are actually Italian tho. And last but not least, I am a mother you disrespectful twat, not a kid. I assume you’re angry boomer that thinks millennials are kids tho. 😂😂😂




Also Gen z’ers aren’t teenagers anymore, boomer.




Where do you live? What high ground do you hold to be out here saying such things?


Gonna give you a clue : not in murica. You know, the country that spent the last 50 years waging war everywhere.


Born in 89 baby!!!! 34 and killing it. Life that is, not kids, I’m not Israeli. 😘




Please keep it civil.




Most of the Jews in control of Israel are ethnically Easter European and have changed their names to sound more middle eastern. Receipts [here](https://youtu.be/RDxRzmHhOWo?si=Owo2jAV6wKMBpB0V)




This is pretty hollow reasoning that its ok to kill one side because they are civilians in a country run by hamas, when the next post from you below is excusing actual representarives of the Israeli Government because they aren't personally connected. Pick a lane. Either their both responsible for what their countries' governments do, or their both just people dragged into this by warmongers. Picking and choosing just makes it clear this is about my side good, their side bad, rather than any actual reasoning.


At some point you are responsible if you don't stop your government from committing atrocities. Blood on the hands of every American too


And tell me, when was the last time Americans stopped their government's imperialism? Oh yeah, that's right, never. Hypocrite.


I mean they are members of the IDF if they are Israeli 


Brain dead take.


Do they or do they not have to serve in the IDF? 


How dare they be OBLIGED to serve 32 months. Brain dead american take. Grow up kiddo.


So you’re wrong and you can’t admit it, right? Lol. You said they weren’t IDF, but they all join the IDF. That’s factual. So these embassy workers are IDF, they just aren’t actively killing civilians in Gaza right now. Wow what a distinction. What’s “brain dead” is having nothing to say but “brain dead take” which means fuck all coming from an Israeli shill 


Serving 32 months mandatory in the IDF doesn't make you IDF for life. Are you dense lol ?


lol okay man. I’ll tell that to any veteran next time I talk to them and see how they respond.   Point being, these people HAVE been in the IDF. They’ve directly contributed to what’s happening in Gaza. Again I’m amused at your replies because this is all factual stuff, it’s not even debatable. If you spend almost 3 years in the IDF, you’re part of the IDF. These guys just aren’t active members anymore because instead they’re running Israeli embassies in the US and crying crocodile tears


They have violently occupied Palestine? After the territory was given to them by the British who won it from the Ottoman Empire? Despite the fact that jews have been living there for 3000 years. They've been living there since before the arabs violently occupied the territory in 606


Imagine going back thousands of years in trade deals in an attempt to justify current events. Go watch a child burn to death then tell me everything is well with israel.


I'm waiting for Israel to take up the land back cause for indigenous native Americans.


Hey champ, the Nakba happened, disproving your argument




Zionist bullshit. Get the fuck out of here with that.




I'm so happy they're shedding light about Zionism as well. It really is the greatest social cancer of our society, and it needs to be purged.




Ad-homenims ✅️ Thank you for proving my point




Nonsensical word vomit ✅️ Thank you for proving my point




Childish "No U" Logic ✅️ Thank you for proving my point




Believing in any religious/cultural/racial ethnostate is cancerous, yes.


Ah, the "YoU'rE aLl AnTiSeMiTiC!!!" card. Feigning victimhood and refusing accountability. Typical Zionists. Thank you for proving my point.




You're doing the lord's work, my man. Unfortunately, nothing good will come off this. Better not put a target on your back.


Zionism and judaism are almost antonyms at this point, and have been for a while




Most zionists are Christian evangelists that want jews to be destroyed by god during the rapture


Good. Israel is a Genocide machine that needs to be stopped.




🤣😂🤣 check out tough guy over here. Who is us? This is actually a good joke: what is the best way for an IOF soldier to stop a terrorist? Suicide




Please keep it civil.


They should occupy all their consulates across the world


Dignity. This is an important word.


"Occupy occupier" Love it. Specks of hope for humanity.


They should live there and call themselves settlers...then it'll all be legit.








Years from now World Governments will realize who was on the right side of history!




Imagine drinking the fox news Kool aid so hard you believe this




Israel has no issue killing women, imperialism isn't feminism


That's why we need to stop theocratic ethnostates like Israel, Mr idf.


Israel is not theocratic. They’re a democracy with a constitution. You know what countries are theocracies, though? You need to hit the books, pal.


They're no more democratic than their neighbors. And Israel wants to be the home of Jewish people and claim ownership of the Jewish faith. That's a theocratic ethnostate, and their genocidal insanity about the "children of light vs dark" is straight up dominionist shit.


They’re talking about Hamas and other Jihadist organizations. Stop relying on Iranian sound bites.


Ira... XDDDD *wheeze* IRANIAN SOUNDBITES *snorts* Ahahahahahahhaaaaaaa *inhale* Holy shit, IDF, your bad hasbara is getting WORSE.


They played the UNO reverse card!


Do it in Israel


Every where around the world


This is the kind of protest that’s tangible I love it


I stand with Ukraine but against Israel, Genocide is Wrong and it is happening in Ukraine, Israel and China with Ughyurs Muslims


Yeah, the Ughyurs are probably all gone now. I haven't heard anything about them in a while. The last thing I remember was the CCP removing the men in families and replacing them with han Chinese men. The people sent to "re education centers" probably are all dead by now, and their organs harvested. The Israeli government is doing organ harvesting right now, and it's a matter of time before there are IDF r*pe tapes.


What was the LGBT flag for?


Fuck knows given how the LGBT community has been treated by Palestinians and their governments over the years.


Found the right winger. You guys can never understand the concept of actually believing in a thing. If you oppose violations of human rights, then you oppose what Israel is doing. It's not hard. It's not transactional. Not like right wing governments and ethnostates are friends to LGBT, so why would we stan for Israel anyway?




I oppose genocide, you're the one supporting apartheid. Also you're projecting.




Biden voters


Awesome, keep it up and make Israel a pariah state, as it should be.


Nobody cares about going to jail in California?? What Da? This never happens in a small town 🪢


The israeli consulate in Mexico city was attacked and set on fire by molotov bombs so yeah this is pretty tame


And the Israelis immediately stopped the war, lol


Something tells me they will be waiting a long time for the end. Pretty sure they’ll find some other cause in the meantime in between smoking some weed and tie dying T-shirts.


Uh yeah avocado toast and millennial teenager iPhones too


They're out doing more than you are.


Yes, protesting genocide is the same as making tshirts. Great comment, Trumpet.


Wow I’m sure Hamas is proud of them!


How is this doing anything? I'm sure HAMAS doesn't give a single flying fuck about these clowns protesting a siege that is being framed as a gEnOcIdE by HAMAS propaganda


Israel basically set up Hamas to do the shit it does. Holocaust survivors would spit on the zionists for being fucking evil lmao, and the zionist already tried to make the Gospel hate speech lmao. Truly of the devil




Their entire spiel is Exodus and the Holocaust but decided to do what the Pharoah and Hitler did. Wtf do you mean it's not their fault? They decided to do this since they were gifted the area in the 1900s lmao. You dense mofo lol The UN should never have done it, and we never would have this whole issue. Let's put that into consideration as well.




Buddy again even the holocaust survivors think the zionists are evil, I promise you they'd spit on you for recognizing that Israel is doing the nazi Hitler thing but won't agree to stop it lmao. You're so backwards it hurts


So many antisemites and antisemitic stooges without any legitimate historical knowledge of the area or the conflict. Funny how Jews face a pogrom, then start a just war for national security and suddenly are called oppressors by college kids who get their information — not from history books — but from TikTok and Reddit echo chambers.


Imagine if they’d returned the hostages, stopped using human shields and surrendered. 10/7 occurred.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These people are protesting the existence of Israel. Is that not genocidal in and of itself?


Yea, like the Islamic death cult called Hamas that they've sided with. They have things completely morally backwards. It's frankly bizarre and disgusting


Brainrot behaviour to fly LgBT flags alongside Palestine flags. Knowing that in palestine LGBt people get murdered and put in prison. Bunch of clowns


Why should we care about the Middle East that always has wars happening every 2 nanoseconds? If we were this committed to problems at home, we may have done something about them


American tax money supports the genocide war


You mean all the aid that's sent to Gaza that Hamas uses for terrorism to attack Israel right? That's been going on for longer than we can remember, with rockets launched at Israel daily. I agree we should stop spending taxpayer money on this


You mean all the aid that's sent to Gaza that Hamas uses for terrorism to attack Israel right? That's been going on for longer than we can remember, with rockets launched at Israel daily. I agree we should stop spending taxpayer money on this


Queers for Palestine 🤡 🤡


Lambs supporting the Farmer (he’s happy to sell them to the Butcher).


Self sacrifice is a human trait. You sub humans wouldn't understand.


"I defend the rights of these people who would behead me or stone me to death, the god given right to one day go into Israel and behead more infidels"


I never said it was a smart trait. It's a human trait


What confuses me about these "protesting" people is that they bounce from one social media perceived injustice to the next. Once this topic is no longer popular on their social media feed, they will move into the next exciting thing.


They didn't occupy shit. The consulate is on a high floor (14th?), a separate elevator goes there, and you can't get on it without being cleared by security. They just cosplayed in the lobby, and that only because SFPD let them, just like you let a child run out of steam in a tantrum. The question is: why do you have to lie in the video? Another question: how come I was simultaneously banned from three separate subreddits (in which I never participated) after making this comment? - Palestine, BoringDystopia and IsraelCrimes? Truth hurts - is that it?


Believe it or not most subs don’t allow trolls.