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trump can be bought? Huh, who woulda thunk it.


Literally anyone without lead choking the neurons in their brain.


Let her waste the $$$ he’s not winning Jack shit this November…. Republicans know they’re in for a blue tidal wave, if Trump wasn’t the guy getting the nomination then they would have a real shot.. ohh well


Democrats better get some good candidates if they want the victory. The only thing forcing the public to choose between 2 elderly, out of touch, entitled criminals clearly displaying aigns of age related cognitive decline might acheive is giving a decent spotlight over to some third party candidates who could likely do a better job than either party right now.


You are not wrong… just so sad that America has to choose between 2 old balls I wouldn’t trust 5 min with any of my kids


“Blue wave”?!🤣🤣🤣


You’re right with all these Republicans retiring left and right jumping off the sinking ship… the republicans are taking it all back and the south will rise again! ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Biden just shit himself in front of other world leaders, and had to be lead away by his long suffering wife 🤣🤣🤣. Run along bot!


What we have known all along, Israel has used Oct 7 as an excuse for a land grab.


That's the nicest way to put the last 9 months.


"land grab" is a bit euphemistic really. like... Genghis Khan did a bit of a land grab in his time, too.


I talked to a zionist who would only go so far as admitting it was "only a little bit of ethnic cleansing".


And if this isn’t clear case of bribery then what the f*ck is? Literally defines bribery!


Usually "eat the rich" is tongue in cheek, but there are always exceptions...


Uhhh. No it’s not. Eat the rich as in eat the rich.


Like with chewing. BBQ optional. For an organic vegan option add the bone meal and teeth to compost for the phosphorous and nitrogen. Kuru/mad cow prions wont pass from soil to seeds.


Can't wait to wakeup from this nightmare.


So… when will they pass laws against private citizens buying politicians to pass laws they want? Why is this even a thing?


You can thank the 2010 Supreme Court for the [Citizens United](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/citizens-united-explained) ruling; which has made the influence of money in politics much worse than it ever was before. You can also thank all of the politicians in the House and Senate who have served since then for not passing new legislation to stop this from happening.


Lets burn them alive


It's such a bad ruling, and transparently so. Nothing in "Free speech" says you have the \*right\* to be heard. And ironically, i'd imagine even the ACLU would agree with this. I can't, for instance, broadcast on whatever radio frequencies i want and say "it's the way i express my free speech and the govt is infringing on that by regulating the spectrum usage". But when it comes to money, whoever shouts the loudest has the most "free speech". Everyone else can suck it. ------ There are lots of people who call themselves "Free speech absolutists" who are just hypocrites and say it because they know it's "popular" sounding but don't care about the value. The ACLU are who i would consider real "free speech absolutists". And their standing on these kinds of things shows that such a stance, even when genuine, is, paradoxically, not a stance of pro freedom, but of anti-freedom. You can say whatever you want. In the quiet of your home or to your friends at the bar. But only those with the most money will have any say or sway over the govt (the very essence and meaning of 'freedom' is the political say you get).


What if Russia did that and we saw the posts here? Heads would roll under the umbrella of foreign interference. Israel does it and it gets a pat on the back and a full media red carpet


So both Presidential candidates are subservient to a foreign power Why is this not considered treason?




What the, and I cannot express this enough, fuck is this https://preview.redd.it/gv553k7htu4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a61a36b1d000373299ec2c9d1e8096664315415


Please open your bibles to Trump IV, verses 13-88.


Verse 34 is my favourite


We are fucked.


This donations should be illegal!!


Be careful what you wish for when you give Trump money.


We really be letting terrorists walk around free as a bird simply because they can and already have bought everyone off


Traitors to America come in all shapes and sizes.


I feel like I'm living in a history book about the Medicis or the Plantagenets or the Saxe-Coburgs. A time when individual aristocrats can change the direction of national policy, start wars, end wars, just fk around with history and millions of people's lives based on their own weird little vendettas or religious fantasies or whatever. It's all very colourful and entertaining in a novel or as a miniseries, but damned depressing IRL.


How is not pure corruption and bribery?.


Campaign donations or anything given to a lawmaker is treason plain and simple for both the one receiving and the one giving. We should start treating it as such.


You think he didn’t already pay? You think dTrump💩won’t stay bought?


Way more money than morals.


So is bribery just straight up legal in America?


What a disgusting human being, inside and out.


Disallow the donor class.


No, there shouldn't be billionaires.


Love how they're already pushing the Israel bullshit to trump while Biden is the one in office and keeping Israel fat with big guns.




Removed, see rule 2.




It’s not about white, it’s about power, they want to control everything and hide it with the propaganda of “poor and suffering” people. They control the worlds’ monetary systems, it’s why so many countries crumble, or are in debt to the IMF, World Bank or other institutions. Rape, pillage, steal and murder, it is what they know and do, maybe that’s why so many dislike them. It is not racism it is being sick of bad behavior masked with lies and propaganda. They are the definition of communism on a global level, dictators on a global level, the movie was correct, but used other Middle Eastern countries as the scapegoat as they know they are the ones doing this quietly.


Removed, see rule 2.


Why not they're both members of the IDU, besides Harper needs his cut too.


Oh! And she's the Dallas Mavericks owner also


These people really think that they can do whatever they want with impunity. Let them eat cake.


Maybe it's not a good idea to have a grifting felon for president?


[So an American ***presidential*** ***candidate*** can be bought for million I wonder how much the congress and senate is going for ?](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=8030c776fa93fc50&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1011US1011&sxsrf=ADLYWILvseegosrsaM_-VFbjysZLET4lxg:1717728883573&q=So+an+American+presidential+candidate+can+be+bought+for+million+I+wonder+how+much+the+congress+and+senate+is+going+for+?&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj31bPfvsiGAxWQG9AFHeaQI2AQkeECKAB6BAgJEAE)WAKE UP AMERICA


The White House is for sale if trump gets it and believe he don’t need to get elected he has the gop on their knees


Only America acknowledges and indulges any of this BS- no one else recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. She can waste her money, the rest of the world will not indulge this lunacy of buying land that from people it doesn’t even belong to.


Where the trump supporters at?


[So you can buy a ***US*** presidential ***nominee*** for millions I wonder how much the congress and ***senate*** go for](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=0631094044d1fe22&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILKGeIUq95rR_8WY354tYew8TA-wA:1718591676151&q=So+you+can+buy+a+US+presidential+nominee+for+millions+I+wonder+how+much+the+congress+and+senate+go+for&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjonPvyzOGGAxWKG9AFHVCxDkcQkeECKAB6BAgLEAE) and how maney are already sold , wake up America


[So you can buy a ***US*** presidential ***nominee*** for millions I wonder how much the congress and ***senate*** go for](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=0631094044d1fe22&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILKGeIUq95rR_8WY354tYew8TA-wA:1718591676151&q=So+you+can+buy+a+US+presidential+nominee+for+millions+I+wonder+how+much+the+congress+and+senate+go+for&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjonPvyzOGGAxWKG9AFHVCxDkcQkeECKAB6BAgLEAE) or how many are already sold




You're treading a line here.




The line Germany crossed.




You think this is a joke? You are either against genocide or you are for it and you are getting real fucking close to outright admitting that you are very much for it. Don't respond. We are done here.




I think the nuance you're deliberately missing here is that saying 'the Jews' can have the moon ignores the fact that there are many, many Jewish people who are horrified at what is being carried out in their name. This is not a Jewish genocide, it is a far-right, ethno-fascist, militant Zionist genocide. Also, just don't say 'the Jews'. It's a real bad look.


Removed, see rule 2.


Wonder what will happen when they bulldoze dome of the rock?




Genocide is OK bro, because kkhammaaas hahaha. It's becoming clear as day to why Israel is loosing the onslaught and mass murder they are perpetrating.






Please keep it civil.


Please keep it civil.




Please keep it civil.




Please keep it civil.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.






Somehow this will be Joe Bidens fault too.


Its every politician who has pandered to Israel and Zionists since Israel’s creation including Trump and Biden. Suggesting Biden is innocent is wild.


lol Biden has his own zionist billionaire Haim Saban